Friedrich Nietzsche - How To Live A Good Life (Existentialism)

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Philosophies for Life
In this video we will talk about how to live a good life from the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche....
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Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher who lived in the second half of the 19th century. He was physically sick most of his life and spent his last years almost unconscious due to a mental breakdown. In spite of this, he gave great insights into the world of human psychology, including what it means to live a ‘good life’.
For him, a good life does not mean comfort and pleasure, it means mainly a life in which you live authentically and freely, following your own values and aspirations. His most famous books are “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”, “Beyond Good and Evil”, “The Birth of Tragedy”, and “The Twilight of the Idols”. Nietzsche is considered a precursor of existentialism, a philosophical school of thought which highlights the importance of freedom and finding meaning in a meaningless world.
According to existentialism, life has no meaning by itself, it has only the meaning we give to it. Also, it is in our power to make the best out of this life and perhaps there is no other more famous philosopher than Nietzsche who emphasized on the importance of putting our will in the actions we take in life and how to make the best out of it. To help you understand how to live a good life, here are 9 lessons we can learn from the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche: Focus on real life Nietzsche said: “There is not enough love and goodness in the world to permit giving any of it away to imaginary beings.
” Nietzsche was one of the strongest advocates against Christianity and against believing in metaphysical realities, in something that cannot be perceived with our senses and in something that doesn't have a physical presence. He was the one who famously declared “God is dead”, pointing out that from now on, it is our responsibility to give life a meaning. In “The Twilight of the Idols”, Nietzsche described how previous philosophers who considered the physical reality an illusion or the shadow of another reality were wrong.
He pointed out that any other reality besides what we can perceive through our senses cannot be proven. Moreover, to fabricate another world is considered by Nietzsche to be an act of defamation of this life, a sign we don’t appreciate our reality and that we don’t have enough willpower to make it as good as we want it to be. To really have a positive impact in this world, to make this world a little better, we need to focus on solving real-life problems and not to take refuge in imaginary worlds.
And this is not possible without facing reality. For example, imagine you have a serious problem in your life, a significant amount of debt and you cannot find any way to pay it. Instead of taking your refuge in alcohol, trying to forget about your problems, or praying that some angels will come to save you, you should find the courage to face reality and focus on how to solve your problems.
Life is difficult enough; by escaping reality, you will just amplify your problems and suffering, and those of the ones you care about. We need to focus on real life as it is the only way you will be able to solve your life’s problems and build a good life. Live a meaningful life Nietzsche tells us: “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.
” For Nietzsche, life was particularly hard. As a young man, he got seriously ill shortly after he joined the Franco-Prussian war; then later, he lost his job at university due to his disappointment with the institutionalized education and also due to serious pain caused by his blindness, migraine, stomach pain, and so on; then, he was rejected by the woman he loved, the Russian writer Lou Andreas-Salomé who then went to Berlin with one of Nietzsche’s best friends, Paul Ree; then, finally, at 44 years old, he suffered a mental collapse, spending his last years of life almost unconscious. In spite of his tragic life, he lived a life of meaning, being remembered as one of the most famous philosophers who praised life for what it is.
He was a big advocate of the Greek concept “Amor Fati”, a Latin phrase that may be translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". If Nietzsche, who as we just mentioned, led a particularly difficult life, could do that, it is in the power of almost anyone to do it. No matter your situation, if you are able to find meaning in your suffering, you will be able to live a good life, a life of purpose.
For example, imagine one of the worst situations you can be in, like losing your child due to a disease like cancer. You might think your life is already over, but if you are able to find a meaning, a purpose for your suffering, then you will in time feel more able to get up in the morning and face the day ahead. You might contribute to the fight against cancer, through money or by volunteering campaigns to help those in need.
Even though your personal suffering will always be a part of you, your outlook on life would improve knowing you’ve helped to prevent other people from suffering as you have. Follow your own life goals According to Nietzsche: “To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity. ” For Nietzsche, no price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself.
One of the main priorities you should have in life is to be careful not to be absorbed by your tribe, that is to not follow what everybody else is doing. Try to find your own path in life, formulate your own values and judge every situation through the filters of your own life experience and knowledge. Nietzsche was famous for his concept of the Ubermensch, or Superhuman.
For Nietzsche, the Superhuman is the goal of humanity itself, he represents the creation of new values of humanity after the death of God. The general qualities that such Superhumans have is that they live independently of any tribe, they are self-sufficient and strong, creating and following their own code of values. For Nietzsche, human beings are a bridge towards the Superhuman.
Thus, the Superhuman is an ideal we should always strive for. In order to become closer to this ideal, we can all work on becoming a bit more independent, a bit more goal-driven in life. For example, we should not let our parents dictate the career we want to take in life; or get stuck in a job which might not be related with our goals at all, forgetting our main dreams in exchange for stability and an easy life.
The main idea is to not get overwhelmed by others and try to find your calling in life, formulate your life goals and follow them always. It is common to want to fit in and want other people to like you, but if those people cannot like you for who you really are, you will live a life full of lies as you will need to perpetually pretend that you are someone you are not. It is much better to live an authentic life, a life in which you can be yourself and live the life you want to live.
Say if you want to be a musician, don’t enroll in medical school just because being a doctor is more praised in your parent’s eyes; if you wish to have a lot of free time and to travel the world, don’t take a 9 to 5 job, but rather pick a career you can do as a freelancer, for example creating philosophy videos on YouTube, which gives you freedom, time and enough money to travel. To live a good life you need to live the life you want to live, a life in line with your personality and with your dreams. Keep your mind open In the words of Nietzsche: “Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
” At some point in time, nearly everyone was convinced that the Earth was the center of the Universe, or that man would never be able to fly. Some scientists even gave their life in the fight to prove that Earth is not the center of the Universe - like Giordano Bruno. And who knows what convictions the majority of people have today that will be proven false in the future.
What is true today might not be true tomorrow, even in the scientific world. Nietzsche was very much against religious dogmas and against systems of beliefs in general. But equally, he was not very pro-science, either.
Nietzsche said that there are no facts, there are only their interpretations, meaning that we should not take pride in knowing anything with certainty; therefore, we should not forget that what we see and think is just our limited interpretation of life and that it is at best incomplete. To be open minded is an essential quality we should have if we want to seek the truth about anything. If you have strong convictions, this will prevent you from seeking the truth about the world, about other people, to learn more, and to develop yourself.
Although this can make you feel more sure of yourself in some situations, in the long run it will affect your life significantly. Imagine that you are a middle aged person running a business and you have the conviction that your type of business is too serious or industry-focused for being present on social media, that social media is too informal and frivolous for your business. Besides, you are not a fan of social media and it is convenient for you to have such a belief.
It can be easily proven that you are wrong and that you will lose in front of a competitor whose presence is significant on many media channels. Being open minded is not beneficial only for your personal and social life, but on many levels, including your career and finances. To live a good life, you need to develop yourself, your knowledge and skills and this cannot be achieved without having an open mind.
Take care of your body Nietzsche teaches us that: “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy. ” Nietzsche considered that philosophers don’t pay enough attention to the human body, that their philosophical theories are disconnected from reality and that what is real is what we directly experience through our body. For Nietzsche, everything changes, everything transforms without following a given logic.
Nietzsche considered that there is no true unity and order in this universe, praising Heraclitus highly, who said that everything changes and that eternity is a child at play. Nietzsche considered that the only thing we have is our direct experience with this world, through our body. Your body always sends you messages regarding what it needs, what it fears or when something is wrong.
When your body is hungry, you feel the urge to eat and you need to provide your body the food and drink it needs; the same with resting and sleeping, etc. : you need to follow the optimal cycle to keep your body healthy, you need to rest and sleep when your body demands it, as much as you find possible. Don’t follow the popular prescription to sleep 8 hours per night or eat 3 meals per day.
We are all different, your body might need more or less sleep than someone else’s, your body might need to eat less because you live a sedentary life or might need to eat more because you have a very active life, and this will change over the course of your life. Then there’s the case of regular overeating, to the point where we damage our health. In this case, Nietzsche would say that the solution is not to follow a diet, a prescribed regimen given by a nutritionist, he would say that getting unhealthy is not because we eat too much, the cause is our lack of will to live.
The solution could be for people to increase their will to live, which will improve their vitality, get rid of depression, and learn to love their body and themselves more. In Nietzche’s view, once you understand this will, you will automatically start making right decisions for your body, and thus stick to healthy eating habits. He felt that the body is not only the instrument that carries us through the world, it is us and we should take maximum care of it if we want to live a good life.
Embrace your “evil” qualities To quote Nietzsche: “The great epochs of our life are the occasions when we gain the courage to rebaptize our evil qualities as our best qualities. ” Nietzsche was against moral systems whose aim is to decide what is good and bad, what is a proper behavior or not. And he was especially against Christian morality, which he called the revolt of slaves in the domain of morality.
He considered that such religious morality is man-made and it was made by the low classes of society who did not know how to better defeat their rulers. Such morality preaches humility, turning the other cheek when someone hurts you, while a more healthy way of living is to encourage self love and defend yourself against your oppressors. In Nietzsche’s view, we should not follow any system which tries to make us the same, which tries to shape our personality, tells us who we should be.
We cannot have a good life if we don’t allow ourselves to be ourselves, to behave as we want to behave. When we examine our lives, we can understand that the happiest times of our lives were when we were the most ourselves, when we could express what was inside us without self-criticism. Due to the education we received in our lives, due to the way society trained us regarding how we should behave, what we should think, we all have a dark side, a part of ourselves which would not be accepted by such society.
Although difficult and perhaps counter-intuitively, we need to find ways to bring this dark side to the surface if we want to be truly happy and live a good life. For example, imagine that you enjoy physical fighting and you were greatly punished as a child when you got into a fight with another kid. To bring this evil quality to the surface as an adult doesn't mean to start assaulting people, but to apply and focus that desire; enroll in sports like boxing, martial arts and so on where you can fight, but without the legal ramifications.
When we learn to make the best out of our evil qualities, our life becomes happier and we feel more fulfilled. Consume art As Nietzsche said so succinctly: “Without music, life would be a mistake. ” Nietzsche was not only a philosopher, but he was also an artist, a musician and a poet.
Music played a special place in his life. He enjoyed playing piano and composing music. One of his friends was none other than the famous composer Richard Wagner.
Music is a key to open the doors to all human emotions. For Nietzsche, music is a reflection of a certain set of emotions. One of the saddest moments in Nietzsche’s life was when he split from Wagner: it was after the festival at Bayreuth when Nietzsche saw a decadence in Wagner’s music, it seemed like Wagner was just playing for the common people, for the masses and gave up on composing great music.
Because we all have different sets of emotions, we respond differently to different types of music, and indeed with any artform. Through art, we get in touch with our deepest emotions; it helps us understand ourselves better and it frees us from our inhibitions. Thus, art is an expression of our freedom and we should exercise our freedom as much as possible if we want to live a good life.
No matter your profession - even if it has nothing to do with music or art - you can still make room for it in your life. For example, you can listen to music while you go to work, fill your home with art that inspires and moves you. You can visit art galleries, go to gigs or join a local art, music or theater group, or learn an instrument in your spare time.
Consuming any form of art can make your life more joyful and, if you are able to create art, it can help you express yourself freely, and thus you would understand your emotions and feelings better. Cultivate friendship especially in romantic relationships Nietzsche wrote: “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. ” For Nietzsche, friendship is the highest form of love.
True friends inspire each other, make each other better, pushing towards achieving the ideal of the Superhuman. And Nietzsche had great friends. Of course Composer Richard Wagner as we mentioned earlier, Paul Deussen, a historian of philosophy, Erwin Rohde, a great philologist, and Franz Overbeck, who lived in the same house with Nietzsche for 5 years, becoming one of his closest friends.
Later they would exchange many letters, helping Nietzsche immediately after his mental breakdown in 1889. Another great friend was Paul Rée, but their friendship took a bad turn when he moved to Berlin with Lou von Salomé, Nietzsche’s crush at the time, leaving Nietzsche behind. Lou von Salomé was a great psychoanalyst who later worked with Sigmund Freud as well as writing a great book on Nietzsche.
For a while, Nietzsche, Rée and Salomé formed a strange trio of friendship, spending a lot of time together. For Nietzsche, friendship should be present in every relationship, especially the one that you share with your partner. In fact, it is the foundation of a happy marriage.
Physical attraction does not last long, what is important in the long run is the way we communicate, the quality of our conversations with our partner. Although unlucky in love, Nietzsche gave some insights into what a happy marriage is, emphasizing on the importance of friendship. He strongly advised to not marry for love, but to marry someone you like talking to, marry your best friend, as Nietzsche tried to do with Salomé, who was one of the most brilliant women of that time, someone Nietzsche enjoyed talking to very much.
We can all learn from Nietzsche to put a higher price on the quality of our conversations with the people we find attractive than on the physical attraction we feel towards those people. In order to live a good life, we need to have a happy relationship with our loved ones. In the long term, what matters is not the passion, which fades in time, but the way we connect with each other.
Having a strong friendship with our partner is vital to a long term relationship and to a happy life in general. Be patient with your self-growth In our final quote from Nietzsche for this video, he said: “He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. ” When it comes to self development or self growth, Nietzsche’s thinking can be easily applicable in daily life, helping us better ourselves and live better lives overall.
It can be said that the concept of the Superhuman relates to the concept of self-growth, as the Superhuman is an ideal of a human we should strive towards; an aspiration that we might not reach, but if we develop ourselves every day, making a little bit of progress each time, it gives us a sense of purpose. Nothing happens overnight and we need to be patient in our quest for self-growth. In Nietzsche’s view, it is important to learn to become a master over ourselves.
No one can push us to read more to develop our intellectual skills, no one forces us to go to the gym to strengthen our bodies, it is only oneself that is in charge of these tiny changes that should happen every day. In Nietzsche’s words, "No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. " If we master our habits, there is a high chance we will succeed in reaching our goals in the long run.
If your life situation is far from being perfect, you should not despair that you are not where you want to be. Learn to be patient, practice good habits every day, no matter how small, the most important thing is for you to be better than yesterday. For example, if for you a good life is to have a great career and a happy family, develop your skills every day, enroll in an online course, read books from your field and, at the same time, make time for your family, for spending time with your partner and children.
A good life does not come overnight, you need to work for it every day. If you enjoyed this video, please make sure to check out our full philosophies for life playlist, and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.
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