74.6% Sales Increase with this ONE Change! » Russell Brunson

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Russell Brunson
Discover the secret of trial closes that revolutionized my sales presentations, webinars, and video ...
Video Transcript:
today I want to talk about two words you can add to any sales presentation a video sales letter a webinar a one-on-one sales call whatever it might be that for me increased my conversion by 74.6% and it's one of the most simple things in the [Music] world I originally learned this because there were Rumors in the public speaking World about this guy who would get on stage he would do a presentation he was so good at closing that people would literally line up behind him in a row he'd hold his credit card up they'd have
their credit cards and he'd walk them to the back of the room they called them the hi Piper and I heard rumors about this guy for years while I was learning public speaking I was learning to go to seminars and speak at stages and they kept saying have you ever heard Ted Thomas speak he's literally the pi Piper and I was like no this sounds crazy I remember one day going on YouTube and Googling Ted Thomas and I found a video clip of him he was a Robert kosaki event and sure enough he's walking around
with his credit card in hand and there's this line of people following him to the back of the room to buy his products and services I heard also rumors they said Ted Thomas is the king of this really really simple concept called trial closes you may have heard of the word trial clothes before I had heard of them before but I didn't really know exactly what they were or more importantly how to actually use them if you rewind back about 12 years ago I was speaking an event I was on stage I was doing my
presentation there's probably 250 300 people in the room and as I start my presentation I look out and all of a sudden I see him sitting towards the back it was Ted Thomas he walked and sat down and I'd never met him before but I was like oh no this is like the pi Piper himself the king of clothing sitting there in the room watching me and so for minute I get all nervous and like ah like what if I mess up what's he going to think about me and all the fear and all the
anxiety going through my head and I thought you know what I just got to do I do because you know I've got an audience here I need to do my presentation I need to sell something and so I went in and I did my traditional Russell Bruns and sell and it went well the presentation went well when I did the offer stack it converted well we had not really a big table Rush people were running to the back and buying the product and I was kind of proud of myself and when it all said done
you know everyone was buying the product they were going to lunch kind of filtering out of the room and pretty soon there's just a handful of people left in the room one of the guys I see across the way is Ted Thomas he's got a big old smile on his face and I'm like oh man you know I'm curious what he thought he comes over and he's like Russell that was so great it was great to watch you sell you did an awesome job can I take you to lunch I was like sure that'd be
awesome so he takes me to lunch and we're sitting there talking and he's asking me questions we're having a good time I'm getting to know this guy who's like a living legend and as I'm talking unbeknownst to myself my head was nauy like this and I was like paying attention to everything you saying I I was like sucked into every word we're talking we're talking and all sudden he stops he's like Russell look at your head and I'm like what are you talking about I'm like oh he's like do you know what you've been doing
right now I'm like no he's like your head's been nodding the whole time we're talking and I was like okay he's like do you know why you're doing that I'm like I don't know maybe it's a nervous twitch I'm really awkward I don't really know what it is he's like no he's like for the last 15 minutes I've been using what I call trial closes on you he's like have you ever heard of a trial clo I'm like yeah I've heard of that before he's like do you know what it is I'm like not really
and then he told me this thing that like changed my life forever he said when I watched you present today wrestling I was sitting in the back of the room and I was watching do your presentation which was great he's like but I noticed everybody's heads if you look at the entire audience from the back their heads were all sitting there listening paying attention taking notes everyone was very focused on you he's like but if you watch me speak from the back of the room he's like you look at everyone's heads their heads look like
waves of water everyone's heads are going like this the entire time he's like the reason why he's like I'm using this little thing called trial closes he said all trial closes is something very simple I'm trying to get somebody to say yes so he I asking very simple questions like are you getting this does this make sense to you and the person's like yes yes he's like what happens is you're speaking one to many you're speaking on stage you'll see people's heads shaking yes over and over and over again he's like what happens is that
person saying yes to you over and over and over again he's like before I ever asked for the sale he's like traditionally I've had that person say yes to me 5 6 700 times before I ever asked him the big yes which is will you buy my my product he's like that's what trial closes are and I was like that's so fascinating and I was like where do you use them he's like I use them everywhere he's like I was using them on you right now while we're talking he's like I'm dropping the little Trav
clothes the little yeses where you're saying yes you're saying yes your head's nodding he's like if I was ask you to do something he's like I've already committed you've already say yes to me a dozen times before I asked the big yes he's like but this works anywhere he's like it works when you're selling from stage it works on video sales letters it works on webinars works on everything and as soon as he said that in my head I I started thinking because at the time I had a webinar that was doing really really well
on average in fact I have note this is not me guessing this is the actual statistical numbers I haven't written here inside this book I shared the case study in this book 108 split test winners back in the day I was averaging $945 for every single person who registered for my automated webinar when he told me about trial clothes I was like man this webinar is doing well but I don't even know where trial cloth was and so I remember on the flight that day flying home before I left I messaged my brother who had
done all the video editing on the webinar I said hey can you sent me a transcript to the webinar really quick so he grabbed the video he uploaded it my brother sent me the transcripts and on the flight home I started going through the entire transcripts thinking where could I insert trial closes into this webinar presentation and I found there were kind of Three core places to insert number one was after testimonial a lot of people do is they show testimonal and they kind of go on and what Ted Thomas taught me said when you
talk about testimon like stop right there and add some trial closes so for example if I show testimonial I might say isn't that awesome they said yes like can you imagine yourself doing what that person just did they said Yes again like are you kidding this yes again right even saying the word right is like is like yes right I'm saying these little words to get them to say yes he's like if you drop a testimonial he's like instead just moving on he's like ask five or six trial questions in a row to get him
saying yes yes yes yes in their head both consciously subconsciously and get their head nodding right number two is after features and benefits because a lot of people talk about a feature or a benefit of their product and just kind of move on right so show the feature and then go and ask a couple trial closes about specific like would this work for you like would this increase how fast you could get your work done like would this and start asking trial CL again right another one every time you introduce a new thought or A
New Concept drop some more trial closes in this book actually I literally timestamped it out so I wrote back in here you can kind see it real quickly here 3:22 I was like there's a trial close at 359 there's a trial close I me at 447 a trial close so I went through the entire transcri started writing these trial closes in there right here was the phrase in the in the webinar said everyone's talking about providing internet marketing services to local businesses the first one I wrote is you probably heard them talk about this right
boom trial close it's good because it's working it's a really good thing don't you think boom two more trial closes me 359 I I was talking about this this concept so I dropped two trial closes number one would you like to learn about this loophole yes can you imagine what a shortcut this would be to your success yes and I could went through the entire webinar so I would go and I wrote out all these trial closes and initially my plan was to go back and re-record the webinar inserting these trial closes but I ran
out of time so I told my brother who's editing and I'm like I want to try a test just see if this actually works and so I sat down with the microphone and I just read these trial closes and I gave my brother the time stamp of when he needed to insert them so I'm literally saying does this sound good can you imagine doing this in just one day this type of stuff Isen happening every day isn't that exciting would your family be impressed with those kind of profits are you ready to live the same
dream I'm sure you are have you ever asked yourself that am I right do you realize how much opportunity is waiting for you guys right now do you already have that desire for change so I started taking all these I recorded them my microphone I sent my brother the audio file like can you just go and weave these time stamps in let's just see if this is going to work and so he took these little audio files he weaved them into my presentation just to do a test just to see what would happen so we
put it in there and we started testing the original version of the auto webinar versus this new one and the only difference between the two trial closes that was it very simple very easy I want to see what the results were and what was crazy for me is when all said and done it went from averaging $945 for every single person who registered the webinar to $16.50 for every registering and the only difference were trial closing now after this happened I became mildly obsessed with trial closes and I started figuring out how can I start
adding these in everything I do and so when I was speaking at a webinar or a tel seminar or on a video sales that or on a YouTube video or anywhere I started stopping and every time I would introduce something I would stop and ask a question does that make sense you just getting why I would do that cuz it would get someone to say yes and drop some trial closes right do you think that would help you in your videos or your presentations as you're making them okay I just dropped five trial closes right
there for you boom boom boom boom boom right you just said yes five times those are trial closes getting you into the state of saying yes over and over and over and over again so that's what a trial close is and something you can simply weave into any of the presentations you're currently doing this is something I've been teaching people I've been running these training programs you I teach people one to many selling when you're selling oneon-one it's different than when you're selling one to many right one one I can ask you a question and
figure out where your concerns are and try to resolve them I'm selling one to many inside of group audiences again through a live event like a big seminar on stage or if I'm doing on a webinar or you know on a video like this I don't have the ability to go and like resolve all your concerns one at a time so instead I got to figure out what are the ways to get that person to say yes get that person to take their false beliefs and to break them like what are all the ways I
can do it one of the most powerful most simple things you can do are trial closes this is something that when I first started doing trial closes I didn't know how to do them in fact I asked Ted Thomas like how do you get used to doing this this feel so weird at first he told me what he did he said I would take these note cards and I would write trial closes on the note cards a whole stack of them he said when I speak on stage I lay them out all over the the
ground on the stage and as I'm speaking I walk over I step on I look down I see the trial clothes I would drop the tri clothes I walk over here step on down I would see the trial clothes I remember thinking that like oh such a powerful simple way now for me I was doing webinars I thought how can I do the same thing so what I did is I got a pack of sticky notes and I wrote a whole bunch of trial closes on it and I do is on my monitors as I'm
doing my presentation I start putting these sticky notes all over the monitor all over the walls on the desk around me so I was get my presentation I'd be looking down i' like boom there's a tri clothes oh boom there's a tri clothes and start weaving these trial closes into my actual webinar presentations and I remember I started teaching a lot of my students this in fact one of my favorite people Natasha Hazlet I taught her trial closes and she's like At first I felt really weird but she's like I was doing my presentations I
would ask my audience to trial close I'm like is this making sense to you guys are you guys getting this and she's like I felt kind of cheesy at first but she's like it was crazy it's after my last big event she's like I had three or four people come up to me and they told her said I'm so grateful that you were making sure we understood the information like you weren't just rattling through you were asking us each time like you guys getting this is this making sense to you guys and she's like it
was cool because the hidden benefit wasn't just that we're getting them to say yes the hidden benefit is that people felt like I cared more because I was asking their opinion I was getting their their feedback along the way the whole time so that's what trial closes are it's one of the most simple powerful ways that you guys can increase the way you are converting on everything that you are doing any kind of video audio any kind of message you are putting out there into the world now this is a book again we used to
sell in the past but we no longer actually sell this so you can't get a copy of it but if you want to see all my closes I am giving this away for free to people who are inside of our community it's a new community we have created with people who are trying to learn and understand how to sell online if you want to come hang out with us get off social I have a chance to talk to you and actually get in a spot in a community where we can talk together all I want
you to do is come to hang out with russell.com come hang out over there and when you join the group I will send you a free pdf of this book that way you can go literally to page 136 and get a copy of the article two tiny words increase my conversion by 74.6 1% and you can see all the trial closes I use and you can copy pce those into your presentations to help you increase your conversions as well that so thank you guys so much I hope the trial closes help you to increase your
conversion and change more of the lives of people that you've been called to serve
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