Why Repetition is Necessary When Changing Paradigms - Bob Proctor

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
Bob Proctor teaches the Power of Repetition when changing a Paradigm. Click here to Register!: http:...
Video Transcript:
Hello there, and welcome. I'm Bob Proctor. Over the next few minutes, I'm going to share some ideas with you to give you and overview of something Sandy Gallagher and I, my business partner, are going to do in the very near future.
I want you to pay really close attention to this. We've been doing this for a long time. I've been in this business now for 57 years.
Sandy Gallagher has been in now for the past 10 years. And she spent her commercial career up to that point as a securities attorney. She was buying, selling banks, merging banks.
She has a lot of information when it comes to money. So we formed a partnership about 10 years ago. I'd been in the business for many many years.
And it's working very well. A lot of people are getting helped. Now, for the next few minutes I want to talk about you.
I want you to just think about you for a moment. I want you to think about your life. I want you to think about how you're living versus how you'd really like to live.
To see, pay close attention to what we're doing, and you're going to find out that you can actually create your own economy. Now, I learned that many years ago when a man told me, he said, "Bob if you'll read this book, and do exactly what it tells you, you can have anything you want. " Now, I did not believe that.
But after talking to Veral I believed he believed it. He was happy, he was healthy, he was wealthy. I was unhappy, I was sick, and I was broke.
I had no formal education, I had no business experience. He said, "That doesn't matter Bob. What's happened in the past is the past.
What happens in the future is based on the decisions you make. " He said, "I know how to earn money. I know how to be happy, and I know how to stay healthy.
If you'll do exactly what I tell you, your life will change. " Would you know, it did. Over the next year, I multiplied my income.
In fact, my life changed so much I made a decision on one thing: From that point on I would always have a mentor. I would have some kind of a coach. And I would pick someone that knows how to do what I want to do - And then I'd do exactly what they told me.
And that's what I've done. And I've been doing that now for over half a century. I sat down and took a pen out one day and said, "I am going to build a company that operates all over the world.
" Well, right now I'm broadcasting all over the world. And I'm going to show you how you can really make things happen. Growth is a normal part of life.
If something is not growing, it's dying. Now if we're going to grow there's one thing that we're gonna have to do: We're going to have to change. We cannot stay where we are and get better results.
It just doesn't work. Now this man said to me, "Bob you change your paradigm and you change your life. " I didn't even know what paradigm was.
I certainly didn't know how to spell it, didn't understand it. He says let me show you what a paradigm is. He says, you told me that you wanna turn more money.
That's all I wanted. I figured if I had enough money, my problems would go away. See, I was earning a little bit, and I owed a lot.
I owed everybody money, and I couldn't seem to get outta debt. I just couldn't seem to do it. I'd pay one bill and another one would pop up.
Well he said let me tell you something. There's two things that you must know if you're gonna create wealth. They're not difficult.
Anyone can learn them. You have to know where you are. You have to know where you're going.
And then, you've gotta get moving in that direction. Now, this is so simple, and so obvious, that when you start studying this you're going to ask yourself "Why are so many people stuck? " And I'm going to tell you a lot of people are stuck.
Most people get the same result this year as they got last year. Oh, it may have fluctuated a little bit but not very much. You know, with the potential we've got we should double, triple, quadtriple our potential, our results.
Because we're God's highest form of grace. We've got mental powers that would blow you away as you start to study them. So the obvious answer is then the people mustn't have goals.
And I suppose that's true in a lot of cases. But I think a lot of people have goals, they just don't know how to get them. I don't think that's where the problem is.
The problems over here in understanding where we are. And most people really don't understand where they are. Oh, they know where they are physically.
You know, I'm standing in the middle of a field, in a farm, in so, so. I'm walking down a main street in 5th Avenue, New York. They know where they are physically, but mentally they don't know where they are.
They don't know why they keep getting the same results over and over and over. They keep same reoccurring problem. Well, he says I'm going to tell you why.
It's because of paradigms. Because of paradigms. And then he said, Bob, you've gotta learn to control the flow of the thought energy, and you've got to let it flow freely to and through you, and it'll improve everything that it connects with.
See there's an energy flowing to and through us. I'm not going to take the time to go into it here, but you can actually photograph the energy leaving the body. I think you may have seen that or heard of it.
Its called Kirlian photography. A man named Semyon Kirlian, back in 1934, in Russia, perfected a form of photography where you photograph mass, and you photograph the energy coming from it. This thing we're living in is a mass of energy.
Did you know there's about 11 million Killowatt hours per pound potential energy locked up in the electrons of the atoms of our body. We're just walking dynamos. We don't understand how to direct it.
Well let's take a look. What is a paradigm? A paradigm is a mental program that has almost, I say almost, exclusive control over our habitual behavior.
Now, think of this for a moment. . .
Almost all of our behavior is habitual. So what we're really saying is that paradigms are controlling our life. We're not controlling our life at all.
Now consider this. People go to school. They gather all kinds of information.
They may have degrees come right of the end of their business card. So they're not lacking in the smarts department. In the intellect department.
They've got the knowledge. They're not using it. Why do so many people graduate form university, deep in debt from going to university, and you can't find work?
How can you have all that knowledge, and you can't find work? How could you have all that knowledge and be broke? Well, I'm telling you why.
It's because of paradigms. Now, this is an interesting subject. This is a black and white matter.
This isn't, there's no grey matter here. It doesn't matter how hard you work. It doesn't matter how many hours you put in.
I've been working at this for over 50 years. I'm very familiar with it. If the paradigm does not change, ultimately the results will remain much the same from one year to the next.
And that's really what happens to most people. If you only remember one thing I'm saying I want you to burn this into your mind: When paradigms stay in control nothing changes. You can try as hard as you want to change some area in your life.
If the paradigm remains in control, you're toast. It just will not work. So, we got to ask ourselves some questions: How do we control the flow?
Well, we've got the ability to choose. We've got phenomenal mental faculties. What is a Paradigm Shift?
What is it? Well, it's an interesting thing. When we really cause a paradigm shift everything happens.
Now, we're doing a program. It's called a Paradigm Shift. It's a seminar.
I don't care where you are in the world. I can come right on to your pad, right on to your computer, right onto your phone, anywhere in the world where there's an internet connection, and you can attend a seminar that I'm doing with Sandy Gallagher on Paradigms. It is a powerful program.
And we're coming right into your home. Now what is it? It's a resourceful environment that we create, where people form all over the world collaborate they mastermind, and explore opportunities while developing financial independence by setting up Multiple Sources of Income.
Look at that phrase right at the bottom of the slide. Multiple Sources of Income. Way back, many years ago, I was trying to figure out, what do wealthy people do that's so different?
I've met wealthy people that were absolutely brilliant and you can understand why they're wealthy. But I've met other people, aren't very bright at all. And they're also wealthy.
So its a cross section of people. You'll find men and women. You'll find young and old.
You'll find from every nation. Every culture. You'll find the wealthy and poor.
Well, what is the concept. Wealthy people all almost without exception I say almost because I don't know for certain if everybody does. But I'm inclined to think they do - they have multiple sources, they don't have one source of income, they have many sources of income.
I have sources of income from all over the world, because I've set up a company that operates all over the world. But we show you how to do that too. You can.
You can earn money while you're sleeping. I did last night. And I will tonight.
And you can too. The Paradigm Shift seminar is a beauty. There's only two ways, two known ways, to change a paradigm.
Just two. Go ask any psychologist, any psychiatrist, the paradigm is like a program in our mind that controls our behavior. Doesn't matter how much we know, our behavior is controlled by the paradigm.
Now, the first way is the constant spaced repetition of ideas that are essentially the opposite to the paradigm. That's what our paradigm shift seminar is all about. That's what I'm inviting you to.
Now the other way, it doesn't happen very often, That's the personally experience of an emotional impact. I'll give you an example: Nine-eleven in New York the buildings coming down, that was an emotional impact. Not for me, probably not for you.
It was a terrible thing that everybody would agree, was an absolute catastrophe. It was a paradigm shift for the people that were involved in that area when that happened that (whoosh), their lives changed. The family of people that were killed there.
Paradigm shift. That doesn't happen often. You can count on the other one: A constant spaced repetition, I'm going to show you why.
Now, look at this for a moment: Why repetition is necessary when changing paradigms? Now, you've probably attended a Paradigm Shift seminar. Go back and attend another one, and another one, and another one.
I started to read this book 57 years ago I'm still reading it. I have a book here open on my desk let me get this over here let me grab it. I have it open.
I've been reading this, these two pages, for three months. Because I know that's how paradigms change. It's repetition that actually changes it.
Now, here's why: I want you look at this for a moment: Let the white line that I'm going to put on here, represent the sound of my voice. The red line represents you listening to the sound of my voice. The white line represents my voice.
Now think, so you go along and you're listening. Now there's a difference between listening and hearing. You can hear me and not listen to me.
Kids are like that with there parents. Most people are like that with their spouse. They hear them but they're not listening to them.
And so they're in trouble. You know, that's the way it works. So think of what I'm saying again: The white line represents the sound of me talking.
The red line represents you listening to me talking. Now I'll go on and I'll be explaining something, and bang, an idea will hit, where do you go? You can go off on a thought trip.
You see, those lines are what we call a thought frequency. And you'll be up here and you'll be thinking about that idea that hits your mind. All the while, the white lines still going.
But you don't hear it. You do hear it, you don't listen to it. And then you come back down, and you start listening again.
And you go along, and bang, another idea hits, and away you go on another thought trip. So you see, that is why we can listen to the same thing over and over and you'll say I never heard that on there before. I never heard that before.
You could be reading it in a book and say I don't ever remember seeing that in the book. That is because you would be reading, your eyes are going, but your mind is off somewhere else. Now, think of this: If you see those red dots and they represent at the point in this seminar when you took an idea and you started to think about it.
Let's suppose you come back to it again. Let's start, tear all this down for a moment. And we'll just leave the dots on there.
Now, what do you suppose the odds are of you stopping on that idea the next time you hear the same thing? It isn't going to happen. You're going to come down there.
You see, the odds of you stopping at the same point you're not going do it. So, you're only getting emotionally involved in the idea once, And then you're get another idea at another place. Through repetition, everything in your life starts to change.
Now, I never knew that, But I started to read this book. Then I started to listen to a recording of Earl Nightingale's by way back in 1961. I was so fascinated by what Earl was talking about I couldn't stop listening to it.
10 years later, I was living in England. I was earning over a million dollars a year. I had business in seven different cities in Canada, the U.
S. and England. I was earning all kinds of money and started to ask myself, "How did this happen?
" And I could not figure it out. I had been raised to believe if you're going to earn a lot of money, you got to be really smart. I knew I wasn't that smart, but I was earning a lot of money.
I was raised to believe that if you don't go to school you can't get a good job. I didn't have a good job, I owned the whole company. So, then I started to think a lot of the stuff I believe isn't even true.
And then I start to think, "How the heck did I change? " And so, I started to study. It took me about nine and a half years.
And when I figured it out, all I wanted to do was teach it. I reasoned it was because of the repetition. I kept listening to this material.
I was starting with records and then we get into cassettes, and on and on it goes, and then we're online. But, it's the repetition of hearing the same thing over and over and over again. And that's what happens to people.
That's why almost all welfare recipients are third, fourth, fifth generation welfare recipients. That's all they heard when they were a kid. They were programmed with it at a very early age by the people around them.
That's why we learn the language we learn. Can you imagine where you'd be if I said, "Hi, My name is Bob, what's yours? " You wouldn't know your name if your mother or dad just told you once.
They tell you over and over and over and over and pretty soon they'll say, "Bob," and you'll start recognizing, okay. Now listen carefully, all you have to do is make a decision. I want you to make a decision right now, that we're going to deliver a seminar, that you're going to attend it.
You can do it wherever you are. It's very inexpensive. And I'm going to tell you, you're going to gain so much knowledge from this, it's absolutely phenomenal.
Now, the beautiful part about this. It's about two and a half, three days. If you can't stay there for that whole length of time, you stay for part of it you get it all recorded.
You can come back and you can cut in anywhere you want. And you can do that for up to two weeks. So you can spend a couple weeks really studying this.
Gather phenomenal information. It just takes a decision. So you mention here that all people that are successful he spends his whole life, Hill did.
Napoleon Hill studying successful people. He said, "All successful people make decisions very fast and change them very slow if and when they change them at all. " I want you to decide right now that you're going to do this.
You're going to do it. You're going to build a new model. Buckminster Fuller, the man that built the geodesic dome, he said something interesting.
He said, "You never change things by fighting existing reality. To change things, you build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. " Do you know what you'll learn in that two and a half days in the seminar we're streaming right into your home?
First of all, you can get your whole family involved. Get your kids involved. They'll understand it.
You know what you're going to find? You're going to figure out how to build a new model. How to live the life that you want.
We're God's highest form of creation. Do you know that all the other little creatures on the planet are completely at home in their environment? They blend in.
Think about it. Little, birds, squirrels, deer, they blend into their environment. You and I are the only creature on the planet that's totally disoriented in our environment, and that is because we've been given the ability to create our own environment.
We can sit down, we can take a pen and we can decree our own destiny. Now, that's what you're going to learn in this seminar. It's so inexpensive, and you can't say you haven't got time, because we're giving you two weeks to watch it.
You can cut in and out whenever you want. And if you really wise, you're going to cut in and out often. Now, you've probably been struggling with the results trying to change things.
Fuller said you don't do that. You don't change your existing reality. It's the way it is.
It just is that way. But it doesn't have to stay. You change something by building a new model.
that makes the existing model obsolete. How? Attend the paradigm.
A resourceful environment, where people from all around the world collaborate. You can be chatting with people on it from various parts of the world. You can make connections with people.
You could end up making joint ventures with people, setting up MSIs, and it can all be done in the chat while you're in the seminar. You're going to mastermind, you're going to explore opportunities while developing financial independence by establishing multiple sources of income. We're going to show you how to do it.
But understand this: If you've been in it. Don't say you've got it. Because you haven't got it.
It's over and over and over. If you are really wise, you will register for every streaming seminar we put on. And just keep plugged in.
I have never stopped studying it and you know something? My income just keeps going up and up and up. I'll be 84 in a very short period of time, couple weeks, three, four weeks.
I have as much energy as a person 24 or 34. Do you see, age hasn't got anything to do with it. How old would you be if you forgot your age?
Intelligence has nothing to do with it. There's brilliant people who are not making it happen. What is it to do with?
It has to do with paradigms. The Paradigm Shift Seminar. The repetition of it, and bang, bang, bang you start to change your life.
It's worth it. Make a decision right now! Hit the button, get in.
And I'll look forward to seeing you in a live seminar in the very near future. Thank you very much.
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