Bob Proctor's Millionaire Mindset 2023

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
If you want to make a million dollars and you think it’s going to be tough to reach such a BIG numbe...
Video Transcript:
um I wrote a book here in 1984 called you were born rich the truth is everybody is born rich most people are just a little short of money now all the money in the world is available to us all we have to do is earn it and I've I've learned how to earn it I've earned millions of dollars I have worked all over the world and what I do is so simple anybody can do it but not everybody does it's a strange thing we have such phenomenal opportunities staring Us in the face and we don't
act on them a lot of people think you have to be really smart if you're going to earn a lot of money that's not true I'm not really smart I may be a little smarter than I was when I started this but I sure wasn't very smart when I started it I was going backwards I was owed everybody money I couldn't pay him what they owed them not that I was dishonest I just didn't earn enough money to pay the people and my life was going backwards he never entered my mind that I could change
my life now just look here we've been at this for 60 years 60 years now Sandy hasn't what I have she's been out of 15 years in the 15 years she's been at it she made an enormous difference in this see she understands how to how to work with money she was a Securities attorney a very bright gal so let's look at this we're going to take Spain just five days an hour a day causing a million to look small see a lot of people think of millions a lot of millions not very much at
all I mean you go through a million like that um we've got to understand is not a lot first of all nothing's bigger nothing small everything just is we make it big or small so look here for a moment results are the name of the game you've really got to pay attention to the results you're getting however although you pay attention to results you cannot let results control you you've got to control results when you let results control you you're toast you're just gonna lose results must never be in control of you and that's really
one of the big problems that people make and you're going to see how that works see people are focused on their results see I when I when I first picked up this book a man gave me this book he said do exactly what I tell you and you can have anything you want well of course I didn't believe that um you can have anything you want that's preposterous you can't have anyone but the beautiful truth is you can I didn't believe it but I believed he believed it and I think that's what tricked me into
watching and listening to the guy now I was 26 I wasn't a little kid I'm 26 you're still pretty young especially if you're looking at it from where I'm sitting now 26 looks like you're a baby but at any rate I mean I had been around I've been working since I was 15. I um I was earning four thousand dollars a year now it's six thousand dollars I was going backwards and I was letting the results control me now the first thing he had me do is ready to go you got three or four gold
cards here now he said decide what you want write it on the card carry the card in your pocket and read it as often as possible well all I wanted was some money well he says how much money how much I mean I didn't know how much it's twenty five thousand dollars I didn't um I didn't know anybody with twenty five thousand dollars I really did not know anyone the twenty five thousand dollars I mean if I had taken all the money from all the guys I hung out with and put all the money that
we had together we wouldn't have had twenty five thousand I mean it was just a Preposterous number it was like a million and he um he said read it on the card in the top of it you've got it right where you want it so you've got a blank card here it says my goal buy it dates blank and then I am so happy and grateful now that and you write it in the present tense the only thing you don't know is the date you're guessing at the date no one knows how long it takes
for an idea to move into form now listen to this for a moment I had twenty five thousand dollars in there I did not believe it but you know what it did he said now keep reading it and I hadn't I hadn't followed the instructions for anybody's instructions up to that point but I started to read it now you know it got me thinking of earning money you say well weren't you thinking of it before no I wasn't I was thinking of debt I wasn't thinking of earning money at all this got me thinking of
it and I heard somebody say there's good money cleaning floors I said hell I'm not proud of claim floors so I started getting flowers I started to clean one office Canada starts on Comstock Road in Toronto I got 15 time for washing the floor and I watched it twice a month then I got another contract Kirby's construction on brooksteed Avenue I got 65 a month for washing their floors now I'm up to 95 and I was only earning 400 a month so you see I had a 25 raise and I had lots of time so
I did this well do you know it wasn't too long until I was earning twelve thousand five hundred dollars a month now if you annualize that that's 175 000 a year I went from four thousand a year to twelve thousand five hundred dollars a month in less than a year what was happening I was shifting what was going on in my mind everything started to change now look at Mikey that just introduced me she said this the other day I thought it was classic most people don't even look at their results because they don't like
them Mikey Stellar said that she's our chief operating officer now I think that's so true most people don't look at their results because they don't like them and it never enters their mind they're in control they can change the results now look I want you to ask yourself a question this is a really important question what is the most you've ever earned in a year thank you what's the most you've ever earned in a year get real honest with yourself here this deal is strictly between you and yourself no one's else is involved so forget
anybody else listening to you or watching you we're all so damn concerned with what other people think first of all it's none of our business what anybody else thinks Terry Whittaker wrote a book on that that was the title of it what you think of me is none of my business she's right let's let's take this really seriously listen when I got this book I was broke I was 26. I was 87 the other day and I'm still going strong but when I got this I had nothing I wouldn't pay attention if I I wouldn't
been listening to me I didn't pay attention to anybody but for some reason a guy that gave me the book got my attention he always had money I never had any money was an enormous problem this this is very very important this you've got to do this by yourself you've got to get real honest this deals strictly between you and yourself now look at take some time alone become super honest with yourself what is the most you've ever earned and what are you wondering what do you really want to get don't just pick a number
out of the air what do you want to earn what would you really like turn I do earn millions of dollars and you know something I love it and I want to earn more I do a lot of good with money I give a lot of money away I give it away where it's needed my whole life has changed it's the same guy still haven't gone to school too much High School if you really put me through some kind of a an IQ test I'd probably come out about the middle of the road it'd probably
be half the class would be smarter than me and half wouldn't be as smart see I don't think I'm not right I really don't you've got to get real honest and you've got to look after it I didn't do that do you know in less than five years I was cleaning I was Toronto Montreal Boston Cleveland Atlanta London England I was there no for a million dollars a year now here I am over in England I mean I was uh I love London I just wanted to go there so I went there and I started
the business and by that time I knew I could go and do it and I wanted and so I started a business and I was just throwing the money all over the place I've told the story many times on there I've been on the Playboy club on Park Lane it was right beside the London Hilton and I went down play relent and I didn't care if I lost and I usually won one day I come out of there and I thought I'm not being very responsible and I went through this true session with myself and
I think that's what made me aware of just how important it is I was alone I was sitting by myself figuring thinking of this I'm thinking how how did I change what happened to me my life was like night and day it's like night and day and I couldn't figure out how I changed I couldn't even find anybody could tell me look it targets are good for the soul yours and mine you gotta have a real good goal gotta have something you're really going after that you really want I knew that not my goal was
to find out why I changed that was very important because all of a sudden I realized I wasn't being very bright I was doing very well but acting pretty stupid there was nothing responsible about how I was acting do you know it took me nine and a half years to figure out exactly why I changed how I changed because the change was it was enormous it was like a metamorphosis that came taking place I was pretty much of a loner when I was working with that I'd be working with the people but I spent a
lot of time alone I spent a lot of time thinking I really was into reading and listening to recordings when I figured out why I changed all I wanted to do was share with other people it is so simple than most people miss it they don't believe it you've got to have a goal you've got to have a Target you're shooting at targets are good for this Soul yours and mine make no mistake about it million dollars the magic number we've written songs about it you go around what would you do if you won a
million dollars most people don't know what they do and they start telling you what they do they need about 10 million maybe 20 to do some of the things they're going to do a million I understand this is not very much it's not very much you know you seem to think it's a lot does that seemed like a lot of money I want you to understand a million dollars is not very much money very much money you want to reduce it in your mind cause it to look small and if you'll do that you can
start winning now look at I want you to really think if you earn twenty thousand a week for 50 weeks you're in a million dollars a year you're earning forty thousand a week for just 25 weeks you're earning a million a year if you're in Sixty thousand a week for 16.6 weeks you're going to be earning a million dollars a year earn 80 000 a week I'm going to tell you something a lot of people earning 80 000 a week if you just do it for 12 and a half weeks you've earned a million bucks
and then Bingo look at this if you earn a hundred thousand dollars a week you only have to work for 10 weeks and you've got a million dollars now you're sitting and saying well Bob big deal I can do the math you can do them after it you see you don't do the math that's the problem if you did the math this is like magic if you do the mass repetitiously you reprogram your paradigm that's one thing I had done I used to carry a little calculator I've seen me on a plane from Toronto to
Kuala Lumpur it's 25 hours in the air I wouldn't talk to anybody I would just work with the calculator work on the calculator I was playing with numbers I changed my Paradigm completely I don't think of anything as a lot anymore you see you're programmed to think somebody else programmed you you didn't program yourself you didn't build that Paradigm you got a paradigm in your subconscious mind that causes you to think of millions a lot of money it's not it's a little bit of money this is like magic if you'll do the math repetitiously keep
playing with this listen I was on a plane going to KL I had a pad where's my pad here's the pad here I love these pads I'll buy them in England I buy them from Smithson okay I had a pad like this and my pen and my calculator all the way from Toronto to KL I was working with numbers I put one and six zeros after it it was a hundred and I thought what's the difference in people that earn a million I learned a million what did they do what's the difference in people are
in a million bucks and I kept playing with it and all of a sudden it dawned on me Gators don't have one income then I started thinking the people that I knew that was earning a million bucks that ain't got an idea I'm going to get a hold of Mark Victor Hansen a second I land in KL and I got an idea and I thought I woke him up in the middle of the night but I got him excited I said Mark let you and I start a seminar we'll call it the million dollar forum
and we'll teach people turn a million dollars by setting up multiple sources of income well because he I don't think he went to sleep for two days and and so we started and we planned this we brought Jack Canfield into a Bernie Dorman uh lee poulis a number of people and we put on this million dollar Farm okay it was a whole week a week long we did it in the best hotels the Ritz Carlton hotels first one was actually in the laurentians in in Quebec in the mountains the next one was that the Laguna
nagala Ritz Carlton absolutely phenomenal environment this is where Chicken Soup for the Soul books came from multi-million dollar idea and we're working with ideas I wouldn't even want to guess the number of people who murdered a million to come out of that you see what we were doing was playing with numbers it's like magic you've got to play with the numbers a lot I don't care if you're broke get your calculator and start playing with the numbers do you know the beautiful part about a calculator when you're playing with numbers here let me show you
something the hell they do here yeah we're getting there yeah okay you can put eight numbers on your calculator you can put nine numbers you can put a hundred million on here most little calculators can't do that and when I start to do this I realize baby we got something going here with this phone okay now if you play with numbers I guarantee you can blow your mind with what happens now look at this for a moment you've got to change you know perception is a mental faculty we're going to talk about mental evacuation perception
is a mental faculty perceptions everything this illusion is driving me crazy looking at it now look here when you change your perception you change your life think of this how many different ways are there to look at how you can live your life and think of the number of people that are saying I'm so sick of living the way I'm living in ways you can live we've got satisfying of creation all the little creatures out there completely at home in their environment they blend in they operate by Instinct we don't we've been given higher faculties
we're totally disoriented in our environment because we can create our own environment my goodness when it comes to earning money it's a piece of cake now look it man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original Dimension Oliver window home said that a number of people actually said that when you stretch your mind to an eye with an idea you'll never go back to its original shape so let's take a look here for a moment we're going to play with this for just a moment let's say that Circle represents the mind
okay then we'll take them we'll divide the Mind into two parts we'll see there's the educated mind and there's the emotional mind now it's important we understand this I've made this so simple because it was explained to me so simple you see if it hadn't made been plain explained to me simple I would have never got it I would have never got it now look it let's add now a body to this okay so there's a mind and a body and it's the body that moves into action and gets the results what result we want
to earn a million dollars let's let's really get serious about this okay now look at there's a genius doctor lived down in San Antonio down in Texas back in 1934. I think he he smartened up the day I was born I was born in 1934 you'd think my God and you're still alive look at he stated the mind is an activity it's not a thing no one has ever seen the mind in order to gain Clarity and eliminate confusion he's not going to create an image of the mind and there's the image that he created
only just drew okay it's his drawing well taking breaking into two parts now look at I had studied I don't know how many books I had been studying for a number of years five six seven years and I had all this information but I couldn't get it organized that's one of the principles of success that Napoleon will come up with organized information intelligently directed well I didn't have it organized I had information all over the place I had so much information it was making my heart my mind hurt sometimes I mean I had all this
knowledge but I didn't know what to do with it and when Val vanderwaal showed me this everything came together everything I had studied this is the most valuable idea I've ever learned bar none now I'm going to go through this quickly we will spend more time later but let's go through and take a look at how it works here's your mind here that your conscious your subconscious and your body now your conscious mind is your thinking mind that's the part of you that thinks okay that's your educated mind that's where we gather all the information
and start up there that's where the intellect is resident now the subconscious mind is your emotional mind it operates totally different than the conscious mind now the conscious mind can choose it has the ability to choose therefore yet can accept or reject I'd pretty well quit watching the news it's just I think it messes up your mind nothing but bad news they don't put the good news on there so you have the ability to accept to reject you say well God you should watch the news I mean what's happening listen I really figured this out
if anything seriously happened you're going to pick it up here in conversations as you're through the day then last and not least you have the ability to originate you can actually originate in your mind this is phenomenal you can originate an image of you as a multi-millionaire now look here your subconscious mind doesn't have all these abilities it must accept whatever you give to it and it has absolutely no ability to reject now this although you may not understand it at the moment this is the most valuable it's the most mind-boggling idea that you're ever
going to come across blow the subsequence look it your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what's real and what's imagined and it will take anything you give to it now put the screen up for a second scratch because I'm going to show you something this here this year's this here's good stuff okay look it there's the mind okay here's the body so there's power flowing in here and you can power it just pure power pure unadulterated power Spirit energy yet flows in here and you can think anything you want to think you can build a negative
idea or a positive idea the truth is nothing's negative or positive everything just is it just is okay now look at when you plant the idea this is your heart here when you plant the idea in your heart I'm going to tell you baby your life is going to change because this is what happens now I want to watch because this makes sense you see this do you know that you planted your idea in Universal intelligence this idea sets up a vibration in the body okay sets up a vibration in the body the mind and
body is in a vibration it's on a frequency and we'll talk more about this later you begin to attract from everywhere in the world everything that's in harmonious vibration with that frequency look at I'm on a phone right now I could phone you wouldn't matter where you're living we'd be together there isn't any timer's face that's an illusion we're on the same frequency that's how I'm broadcasting right now what we call the subconscious mind is universal intelligence thanks God let's put it away now now keep stay with me here this is so important look at
with all that information except to reject I'll show you what happens here's a person information is coming from the social media from other people from Netflix everywhere it's being dumped into a person's mind now you have the ability to think so what you can do is just say get out of here I don't want any of this stuff that's what you can do you say just get out of here but we don't do that do you know what we do we leave our mind wide open and it goes right into our subconscious what we say
about the subconscious it must accept it has no ability to reject why because you're programmed that way that's how your subconscious mind works how did the Paradigm get that way see you've actually got a program in your subconscious mind that's your biocomputer and the people that wrote the code for this program had no idea what the hell they were doing absolutely none this is bizarre when you think about it how did that happen well let's look over here here you are this is how you arrived on the scene this is you as a baby you
didn't have the conscious ability to reject anything so everything that's going on around you going right into your subconscious mind now on top of that you have got all mum's DNA and all dad's DNA came together that formed you so you've got this genetic conditioning that goes back God knows how many generations and they didn't know very much not bad people they just didn't know much this is pouring into our subconscious that's how the paradigms formed and so that's why we speak the language eat the food that's we're all programmed we're all programmed and so
here we are here now 10 20 50 years later and the program's still controlling us now this is rather sad but it's true look here for a moment here's here's a pretty picture of the mind there's the mind and the body there's your conscious your subconscious and you can see here smell taste touch look at like antennae they're hooked up to our conscious mind our mind is getting inundated with information and it's coming in where if I can what you hear see smell taste touch see a lot of people believe they're thinking they're not thinking
you know it's just mental activity every time some noise or something outside strikes one of those sensory factors they're like a little antennas taken up there that causes mental activity we trick ourselves into think that we're thinking we're thinking at all we're just being programmed by more outside stuff now look at this we're going to change this for a moment the conscious mind is also the intellectual mind okay and you have all these intellectual factors look at all those higher faculties but you know something we were taught absolutely nothing about them those higher faculties will
change what's going on in your subconscious mind but nobody's taught us how to use them do you even remember what they are I just showed them to you I just here I'll show them up again look now do you know what they are probably you don't could you sit down and tell me what they are if you can't that's very very important information that's what that's that's what you create with that's why you're a creative being you know I sat down in 1973 in a house on Maplewood Lane in Glenview Illinois and I took my
pad and I took my pen and I wrote on I didn't build a company operates all over the world do you know Mikey that opened up this meeting shared Chief Operating Officer she phoned me about a month ago I was sitting down I was going to sit down watch television something I rarely ever do and just as I went to sit down and thought I don't want to watch this I and my phone rang and I got and it's Mikey she's I just want you to know Bob the company just went into every country in
the world we had 93 000 people listening to one of these in every country in the world how did that happen it happened because I learned how to use these higher faculties we're going to teach you that how to do that this week now look at here we go now I want you to pay attention do we go to school school gave us valuable knowledge whoever school never taught us how to alter the Paradigm and the Paradigm is in control therefore we frequently don't do what we already know how to do we get Superior knowledge
inferior results that causes confusion and frustration so look here's the model again let's fill the books there's the books that's where the books are all collected the school they give you a book to read then they test you to see if you know it that doesn't mean you know it at all it means you remembered something in the book now look here for a moment there's people with absolutely brilliant results Masters in Business Administration Commerce and finance and they're broke their results are terrible why why is it that just five percent of the population are
winning I'll tell you why it's not the results the books don't give the results it's the Paradigm that causes the results yeah you've got smart people but the paradigm's in control you see your paradigms controlling your results you pay attention to me I'm going to show you how to make a million look small when you make a million look small you're going to knock it off because it isn't even difficult to do now look at closes up look at you change your results you do that by changing your paradigm that's right that's exactly how it
happens now if you use these numbers if you play with the numbers this is like magic when you do this repetitiously your programming gets changed you see that Paradigm you want to change it you change it the same way it was built yet it was built through repetition true repetition when you're a baby before you were even born mom and dad came together at the moment of conception all mom's DNA and all dad's DNA came together big no that is your programming that is your Paradigm baby and then from then on we keep adding to
it it's not your books if you want to change the Paradigm I figured out how I did it this is like magic if you do the math repetitiously you reprogram your Paradigm that's what I did I kept playing with my little computer it was just a little handheld machine that I'm playing with a little calculator and I kept playing with it and I kept seeing all the different ways to get to a million we got before long enough knocking it off why that's all I thought about you become what you think about it that's the
one point all great leaders talked about you just keep playing with this and it happens now look here you might have to quit what you're doing you might have to quit it here's a woman here if you really don't like what you're doing then you're not in harmony with it if you're not in harmony with it ain't going to work that's like trying to phone somebody and you haven't got their number you'll die somebody else's number to get them it doesn't work you can't dial somebody else's number and get the person if you don't have
my number you can't dial my number and get me well if you're not in harmony with the good you desire if you're working on something you're not in harmony with it you should quit understand this people say I'll quit and I get a better job they have never learned one of the laws of nature vacuum law prosperity you must create room for the good that you desire nature abhors a vacuum when you quit you will fill that vacuum you can't put something where I'm looking at a chair you can't put something where the chair sits
until you get rid of the chair so you gotta ask yourself what do you really want what do you really want this is so important you see you can without question create the life you really want you can create the life you really want yes you can you really can this is how it works I've done that look at Bob Proctor if you'd know me when I started you wouldn't even want to hang out with me I wasn't a nice person wasn't that always a bad person I just wasn't a nice person I didn't I
didn't know which end was up if you lent me money I'd never paid back not because I was dishonest I just didn't have enough money to pay you back I would everybody in this brother money I owed six thousand dollars I was only earning four thousand a year but I didn't know it to one person it was 100 here 50 there it was all over the damn place that was a mess I couldn't get a good job I get a job I was I worked in two bars for an hour they fired me listen this
isn't unusual a lot of people live like that just absolutely then there's other people like that woman they're going to jobs they hate God I remember to get out of the Navy my mother said there's an ad in the paper for welders they'll teach you how to weld maybe you could do that Bob and so at the house sit down okay so I went took a welding course they promised they were going to get your job at two dollars and fifty cents an hour now this is in the 50s the instructors were only earning a
dollar and a quarter an hour I should have been at least enough awake I was doing things I hated it never entered my mind that I could literally create the life I want that's amazing this is generally where the Paradigm takes over when you go to change what you're doing all hell breaks loose all hell braces now I don't know if you've liked what I've showed you so far but I'm going to tell you I'm going to show you some stuff tomorrow that is much better than what I've just showed you but an extension of
what I've showed you can you make a million look small absolutely if you'll do exactly what I tell you see that's what Ray said to me people most people won't do exactly what you tell them I remember I was doing a big contract with Prudential um back in 1973 we've raised our salesman hundreds of millions of dollars to teach them some simple stuff because it is simple if it wasn't similar I don't think I'd have ever got it but anyway we had over 500 agents in the room and I found out the number one agent
out of 20 000 agent was in the room his name was Ron sempertrain he lived in Chicago if you're in Chicago you might know him anyway when I found out he's in the room I asked him to stand up and I said Ron how many people this year have contacted you and asked to take you to breakfast or lunch with a half a dozen well-prepared questions asking what you're doing nobody not even one this guy's number one out of 20 000 agents the number one insurance company in the world he was the number one agent
no one asked him what he was doing why don't we do that we don't know I know the paradigm's in control the damn Paradigm is in control now listen Ray said do exactly what I tell you I'm working with the guy damn good friend of mine arashvusagi a Russia is going to tell you Russians few million he does he bought into everything I was teaching 10 11 12 I remember 15 years ago been working with us a long time I love working with the guy when you go to change the Paradigm usually Cuts in in
all hell breaks loose it says that won't work don't listen to him you know he doesn't know he just not it doesn't you know I need to tell you something I do know what I'm talking about I'm really good at this I am really good at this now I am not much good at anything else I don't do anything else I've been doing this for 60 years
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