in this video we're gonna have a little discussion a little heart to heart about two very powerful concepts these will sound so counter to you getting what you want to you getting the manifestation to you getting in a relationship the body the money you want right but they're really the secret sauce and i've realized this in the past eight months and it completely changed my whole paradigm of how i viewed success and hustling and grinding and obsession let me set this up a little bit before we jump in and really start diving into these two
concepts which i'll tell you about the old way that i used to approach goals and manifestations versus the new way the old way basically said you have to have a burning desire i even read that and think and grow rich right have you ever heard that you have to want it as bad as you want to breathe you have to be obsessed about the person that you want the thing you want the money you want the goal you want you have to revisit your goals 50 000 times a day and you don't have a plan
b because if you have a plan b that means your plan a sucks and you're not committed i literally used to think that and on surface that sounds like decent advice you gotta really want it to build a facebook company like mark zuckerberg right or elon musk with tesla like you gotta be obsessed with it but when you start applying that advice if your goal is success sure that might make sense but if your goal is just happiness not to build the biggest baddest company in the whole entire world and dominate over others right if
your goal is true happiness fulfillment enjoying the process being here now being present what does this do it takes you completely out of the thing you want which is feelings emotions and being here now and this is the new paradigm here those two things i just spoke about you know what those are detachments and letting go and this is the secret sauce over here that if we never talk about we never emphasize it's gonna make getting this i think i believe harder and it's gonna keep you from being happy more importantly along the process the
easiest way to understand attachment and letting go i give this example in my metamorphic coaching program where we spend a whole week on this process because i know it's you know it's bigger than just we can talk about in one video it's thrown it out there no one video no one book is gonna teach you this this is something you gotta incorporate and practice in here over and over again okay so if you have your phone right now and you take it and you give it a little toss like this you can do this no
problem right you do this all day long while you're talking you know people do this when they're sitting there watching a movie and they drop it and it's like oh no big deal just pick it up now what happens if you have the same phone the same tossing but instead of just doing it right here right now you put it over a little balcony at the mall or a building you're on the top of it or your deck and you want to like oh i mean you have a heart attack have you ever tried that
like the anxiety level just shoot up pretty high right why does that happen it's the same act of tossing your phone and catching it like this you can do this all day long oh but all of a sudden when it's over something it becomes really important and you're like i can't drop this phone because all my contacts are in here my bank information's in here everything will break if i if i just mess this up and and it drops and it shatters on the ground oh no my life is over right and so that simple
act becomes very very hard because it has a lot of importance to it are you following me we do the same thing with our goals with our happiness with our success with our manifestations the thing you want you probably know how to do let's just you know not lie to ourselves you want to get fit you probably know how to get fit right you know the basics of information out there you know how to ask for a raise in your job if you want more money you know how to approach people or ask talk to
people in your everyday life if you want to meet someone it's as simple as this but what do we do we make it so hard in our brain we have so much importance around it that we turn that event into us having our phone over the ledge and being like this is it this is the one thing i'm so attached to this thing and if it goes wrong oh my god if i talk to that person they're going to slap me in the face and i'll never find love i'll be alone forever if i ask
for that raised at my job they're going to laugh at me and say you're lucky to even work here fire me on the spot and i have i'll be on the streets selling hand jobs for a living i know it sounds ridiculous but that's how our mind works and operates so i hope you've seen the power of letting go because letting go does not mean you don't care about the result does not mean you don't want the thing letting go just takes it from okay maybe it's not over a balcony it reduces the importance of
it and now you're able to effortlessly do this and again if you want to know more about that exact method and process i'll link down below an application for a metamorphic coaching program we've got a few spots left for this month i do calls with you if you qualify we'll talk about it's not a sales call it's literally just a natural fit call okay i turn a lot of people down so if you know you're worried about fitting or whatever just go down there and apply and if you qualify we'll hop on the phone see
if it's a good fit for you okay so now you're probably thinking okay i kind of understand letting go again it's much more complicated we have a whole video on the book this one right here letting go by david hawkings fantastic book i'll link down our book summary of it below if you want to go deeper after this video but you're probably thinking like okay well how give me something practical like okay that mindset's valuable clark but like how do i actually start letting go there's like three things i really want you to try letting
go of okay and working with hundreds of people and having really in-depth conversations i find that these are the three pitfalls that people fall into when letting go and prevent them from letting go these false beliefs the first one is letting go of how things have to be i'll give you a personal story for this one again these videos aren't about me i do these videos to serve you as well but i feel like this will help set some context behind it so it's not abstractions okay about this time last year maybe 18 months ago
i was so attached to numbers on this channel to views to subscribers and you know they're just numbers on the screen i don't know how you can get attached to it but that's how you measure your self-worth in this industry i i not anymore but you know i fell victim to it just like a lot of people on social media numbers are up you're good numbers are down you suck sounds like a fun business right i had these goals these obsessions that i would write down in my journal i'd revisit them every single day goals
in themselves are not bad that is not what i'm saying here obsession with them is back to the story so this time last year i was like you know what i want to double my youtube channel i had about 250 000 subscribers i'm like if i could double that that'd be awesome and so i became obsessed with it for like the year of 2019 when i had that intention it was dragging at a snail's pace i got so in my head before i filmed every video because i'm like this is my goal and i have
to make every single video this big banger that gets fifty thousand a hundred thousand two hundred thousand views how can i do that it killed my authenticity because i'm like oh i'm speaking to the masses so i gotta be really streamlined with the message and it actually made my results worse not better and so it would get about four thousand subscribers a month four thousand four thousand seven thousand eight thousand whatever and it drove me crazy it drove me to the point of where i was ready to pretty much quit youtube altogether because i didn't
like doing it but then i said last year you know what if i'm going to quit youtube why don't i just do it for fun because i'd be bored not doing anything and i love reading these books sharing these ideas with you having these conversations with you getting your feedback in the comments below so i might as well just do that from that place if i'm gonna quit anyway and so i completely detached from the outcome i said i don't even know how many subscribers i want this year but um it'd be kind of cool
if we hit 500 000 let's just say doubled it for the first couple months nothing really happened and i was okay with it because i was having fun i was riffing but then towards the end of the year stuff happened some videos that we filmed started going kind of viral more and more people came in and i was like oh my god this is kind of cool december of 2020 we had our all-time month where the numbers were insane i'm not going to show you them because it's not about the numbers but just know they
were triple quadruple you know five times what they were when i was so attached and now it's almost like a game when i look at it it's fun it's like oh well numbers are crazy okay well back to videos because you realize you can't measure your worth by that you guys want a really good example of letting go and detachment all right and check this out so for the past hour i've literally had this video outlined i've wanted to film it but there was one problem i don't know if you can hear it at 7
am they decide to do leaf blowing here i'd be screaming at you if i tried to film the video or distracted and not really present so the old me would be like oh my god this was my one chance to film this video i'm in the state i have time you know i have calls later today i gotta film this video once you start to let go more you realize the things you used to stress about and give your energy to don't really matter that much like does it really matter if i film the video
now or in an hour from now no the old me would have cared clark 2.0 was like ah whatever not being so rigid of how things have to go that's being a control freak we don't like control freaks let me tell you from experience you want to avoid them i guess another point too is just loosening the heck up being so stiff and serious and like i have to present this image right is um kind of how i used to be about youtube and whatnot the more you loosen up that's a form of letting go
it really is like the more you realize that there's multiple right ways to create content or create videos or have your energy come across i think it's a much more fun playful light-hearted energy to tap into and make videos from having more fun is definitely a way to let go and that's kind of like a secret little ninja hack method in there is i realize i do the best work when i have the most fun can you relate to that like when you are having the most fun isn't your work better doesn't time go by
faster don't you get better products and better results yeah and at the end of the day that's what it's supposed to be so how can you have the most fun how can you lighten up how can you loosen up always prioritize that and i think you'll start to see that's a form of letting go in and of itself and your results are better and you're happier and having more fun along the way so let's recap a little bit first is identify if you're over attached to something if you're holding your phone out so to speak
and you're worried about it dropping and shattering over a building how can you bring it in closer to you closer from the heart right here and realize that it's just this it's as simple as this right here the second is how can you have more fun around this process when you have more fun you get better results and the third is that if it's not happening right now something better is always coming your way the universe always has your back and when i think about this from a deeper level truth i want to underscore for
you there's a timeline that's bigger than you and when you get the thing that you want it's going to be better than you could have imagined and again we spend a whole week on this in my metamorphic coaching program where we help you create the 2.0 version of yourself and shift at the identity level okay this is the deepest layer this is beyond just actions or beliefs or stories this is your identity of who you are and i feel like it's not talked about a lot on youtube or videos something i've been obsessed about for
over a year now and we had this program where students got amazing results either new relationships more money better jobs if you want to hear a little more about that i'll link down below a free case study of me just kind of walking you through what is identity shifting and all the nuts and bolts of it quick little video that you can watch if you want to learn more then you can also apply to have a conversation with myself or a member of my team down the road but for now i do these calls one
on one really get to know people who you know if we're going to be working together i got to like the people and get along with the people i work with right so we can have the most fun and get you the best results and i hope this video was helpful and helps you let go a little bit of attachments and obsession see you in the next video next week until then stop settling start living