so so you're talking about the flooding let me ask the question about Noah's Arc so story comes out Rob if you can play that clip the the one article I sent you that says archaeologists think they might have found the real Noah's Ark did you read this article have you have you looked into this or no probably where it says a mountain in Turkey shows evidence of human activity in the area around the biblical FL is set to be Mount Ararat which that's the Armenian uh uh name Armenian uh Mountain archae they discovered the final
location of Mount AR Mount uh Noah's Ark soil samples from the top to highest peaks in Turkey reveal human activity and Marine materials dating of The Rock and soil from the location match with Biblical timing of Noah's Ark researchers from a trio of University of turkey United States have spent roughly a year analyzing The Rock andas in the famous duranar formation on Mount arat the highest mountain in Turkey they believe that the boat-shaped site May hold the ruins of the legendary Noah's Ark the biblical account of Noah tells God instructed Noah to build a giant
Arc to spish family and pair of animals from an impending flood meant to destroy the evil and wickedness running rampid on Earth no's Arc is said to have come to rest on the mountains of AR following a 150-day flood about five 5,000 years ago yeah dpar right there it is yeah I mean you know the thing is is when you look into the the Biblical Hebrew for the description of the Ark It's usually the ark is built of gopherwood which in the Hebrew was giml pay rash but it had an alter alternate meaning giml pay
rash you can look that up I've done quite a bit of research on that and it actually originally meant Papyrus reads and the earliest known ship building technology techniques were Papyrus reads and but it was further they went you know the the um the the co the uh the uh the pitch that was used on the um on it I think was part of the the whole system that they used this this would be a whole discussion in itself uh Pat that would be very interesting to get into tell me about it I want to
know a little bit about it I'm curious myself I'm Armenian I'm a Syrian so yeah how so what are we looking at right there well we're looking at it s it's about 430 ft long okay which is not the you know the the Hebrew Cubit modern Hebrew Cubit stand cubts up 18 in which is where we get to 300 you know 300 cubits at 18 inches would be what 450 feet this thing is a little bit longer than that which suggests it was not using the modern Hebrew Cubit um or that the Bible is not
referring to the modern Hebrew Cubit but perhaps even the Egyptian Cubit uh which was longer Egyptian Cubit was um oh about 21.6 264 look up Royal Cubit I think it'd be about 20 in. 62 in in length royal Cubit so this thing is uh 300 cubits long yeah there's your common Cubit 18 yeah Royal Cubit 20.6 4 MH so that thing that we were just looking at works out to be about 300 cubits if we're using the Royal Cubit rather than the modern Hebrew Cubit which is a coincidence uh you know the con the controversy
over that thing it's been around for years 30 or 40 years ago David Fel wrote a really interesting book I think came out in the 70s or early 80s uh on that site and uh you know was a lot of controversy whether it was natural or something not natural and so I haven't kept up with the research but this may be yeah there he is right there now that's that's a drog stone that he's standing next to and you see a big Stone like that it's got that hole in it so if you've got an
anchor chain or a rope it goes through that hole and you drag it behind the bo the the the the the boat in order to keep the Keel aligned parallel with the current because if you if you if the Keel gets out of parallel with the current then you're going it's going to swamp you know I've done a lot of canoing and I knew you know on when you're on a fast moving River you know you want to keep your Keel aligned with the current because as soon as it turns you know transverse to the
current you're going to flip so the drog Stone is is towed behind the ship and that keeps the Keel aligned so there are these really big drog stones that have been found now what ships were they I don't know but I think David fold was speculating that that some of the big ones may have even been associated with Ark sized ships and it's bizarre but if you come over to North America and you look at uh Legends of Native Americans um you know there was giant floods and basically how they survived mostly was a couple
of the primary ways they survived these giant floods that swept over the country and and wiped out their ancestors was either a high mountain which now would be a sacred mountain or a Great Canoe that was translated as Great Canoe now that has been um dismissed by historians and archaeologists saying well they must have learned the story of Noah from missionaries and then they grafted that onto their own religious traditions and so on but that can be dispelled because we know that that people like George Caitlyn who was the Indian artist who oh gosh went
he he spent decades and traveled and and lived amongst dozens and dozens of Indian tribes and he recorded all of their traditions and their beliefs uh Rob if you look up George Caitlyn C AI t l n I believe Indian artist he recorded their accounts and and I have a great quote from him at the end of his book called last Rambles and basically he's saying that he went to all of yeah yeah there's some of his artwork George catlyn catlyn not Caitlyn um so at the end of his book The Last ramble is he's
talking about the the the traditions of American Native Americans and he says that there was such a diversity of language and and and symbolism and beliefs and all that but they all had one thing in common and that was their belief that there had been this great flood now what I've done is I've shown absolutely we can prove that there were great floods um certainly in North America but it's showing of the evidence for these gigantic floods is showing up all over the planet um and they're directly related to the the place to seen the
uh extinction of the Aon because when you have a big flood one of the things it does is it rips up party of the Earth in one place and then dumps it somewhere else uh you have erosion and you have deposition well if an animal is caught in a flood and they're not completely ending up getting disarticulated their remains will then wash down and be found in the flood deposits most of the remains the fossilized remains of meapa that we find are in mega flood deposits in gravel pits Pete bogs permafrost um so it looks
to me like there was two factors and if the younger dras impact hypothesis is true which is appearing to be more and more so the case it means you had simultaneous huge fires followed by huge floods so what the fires didn't wipe out the floods finished the job there it is the younger dasas was in a period in Earth geological history that occurred Circa 12,900 to 11,700 years before present and these uncertain times if there's anything we need is we need people to believe the future looks bright so you if you've heard about me saying
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