I didn't stop using the Law of Attraction a manifestation because I don't think it's real or I don't think it works because I absolutely do I think this along with a lot of other things like witchcraft tarot cards I think they're very real and the evidence of this can be quite tangible if you look for it I stopped because I think there are dangers associated with it so I don't claim to know the truth I'm not telling you what to believe in this video but my perspective might be a value if this is something you're
looking into I'll share a quick story I was at work and I saw my friend and I hadn't seen him for a couple of weeks this was literally a couple of weeks ago and I said oh how you been what you've been up to and his other job is helping hoarders so he goes in and helps them sort out all of the stuff they've got and kind of resolve the compulsion to get more things so I said oh I knew he'd done that that day so I said oh how was work how was the hoing
job and he said because we're both very spiritual minded he's not going down the Christian route but he's very kind of new age manifestation kind of thing and he said oh it's funny I tried to manifest £5,000 and I didn't ask him why cuz he's got enough money it was obviously just something he wanted to do but he said I tried to manifest £5,000 and then at work today as part of The Horde you find all sorts you find newspapers and whatever he found a w of cash which isn't uncommon but it's just funny that
he set the intention to manifest £5,000 and he found a w of cash in this gentleman's house and he said he didn't count it but he said it was probably roughly £10,000 so he's manifest the £5,000 he asked for and just as a little side note and he's not a Christian but he mentioned this I didn't have to like ask him for this he said it was funny because I found the money and the guy was religious and there was a load of leaflets it might have been like Jehovah's Witness leaflets with Bible verses and
Jesus you know related leaflets kind of dotted around the cash so even he because he's spiritual he can connect the dots the money's been manifest and we'll try and figure out who you know created that but it's protected by God that was kind of the conclusion he come to so I believe manifestation real I believe my friend set the intention ask the universe for £5,000 and it was provided to him the problem is for him to get that money he would have had to have steal it off of this old man and it's not his
money so the money's presented itself and the hoarders obvious often don't know they've got this money they don't know what's within the big bulk of items over got so that's manifestation I think you ask and it's provided to you but there's a price to pay the difference is if you're a Christian and you you use prayer so prayer would be the opposite or the equivalent to manifestation with prayer you know who you're asking you know the parameters so you know if you believe in the Christian God Jesus you know in and out the values that
Jesus holds so you know charity don't steal you've got the Ten Commandments to work by so if you pray to God he's not going to give you manifest the money in a form that you have to steal it it will be given to you in the correct way so I hope I'm making this point when you manifest you don't know who you're asking you're asking the universe and I'm of the belief that if you can conceive it in your mind it's probably real we live in an infinite universe so if you can conceive of demons
they're probably real if you can conceive of some entity it's probably real so when you ask the universe to manifest money you don't know who you're asking you could be asking the devil which is often the case and if you look I just think it's it's interesting this is very real if you look at the music industry there's a lot of money and fame and worldly goods and then there's a lot of demonic iconography and S symbolism in music videos just look at it just look at doic cat you know the list goes on and
on there's plenty of examples I saw a genuine interview of Bob Dylan basically saying he sold his soul to the devil and he's upholding his end of the bargain you can find this this is not hidden this is out in the open so this is very real but they've manifest that Fame and Fortune by asking a certain entity you can ask that entity but there will be repercussions from it and I don't know that I mean as far as I know there isn't a book that explains the belief systems of the universe you know when
I ask the universe to provide me with £5,000 it can do so but I've got to steal the money and then that put me at a in a dangerous position because I could get caught go to prison you know there's repercussions when I pray to God this is why I think it's beautiful that the Bible and Jesus exists because even a 5-year-old can understand stories even a 5-year-old can understand people so the fact that God came to Earth in the form of a man two Natures God and man in Jesus I'm not that smart and
I can understand because it's written down there are stories written about this person I can understand his belief system right he's got these rules he follows he doesn't steal so if I ask for money it's not going to come in the form of money that I have to steal from somebody else it's going to come in the form of knowledge on business so that I can create value for the world and receive money that way I man Fess about 5 grand the same at the same time as him but I got it through talking about
God on YouTube and he got it through manifesting this money in the form of the old man's money so and he would have had to steal it to get it I didn't have to steal it to get it because mine was from God his was from the universe or the devil whatever you want to call it so these things are very real but that's the so when you pray to God you've got a whole book and a a human person that you can look at and go right that's the God I'm praying to that they're
very strict parameters I know what that God believes I know what that person believed when they were here on Earth in human form and I align with it I don't align with some of the values that the devil has so I'm not going to pray to the devil I don't know what entities are floating about in the universe so I'm not going to ask the universe to provide me so this is just my perspective so with manifestation there are no rules there are no parameters you ask the universe and it'll be provided for you but
you don't know what anytime you use a quick fix there's always a price to pay with prayer you know there are parameters you know that it's not going to be one of the seven deadly sins it's not going to be outside of the ten commandments so you know that's not for you and the problem with this is When you pray to the when you manifest and you ask the universe the reward is quick it comes quickly and you get exactly what you want but never in the form you want my my friend wanted money he
got it the same day but he would have had to have stole it I've heard you know got multiple different examples you want fame you get it quickly you look at all these young rappers and singers when you follow the path of God the payoff is a lot slower because it's your character that's being built it's you're being prepared for the blessings you won't receive the blessings until you're ready that could be 10 years that could be 10 years of struggle so that's what you sign up for when you manifest you get it quickly and
there's a price to pay when you when you pray to God and you you follow the path of God the light in these parameters it's a lot harder so I'll share a couple of Bible ver verses that I think illustrate this Deuteronomy 18: 10 to2 let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire who practices divination or sorcery interprets Omens engages in witchcraft or cast spells or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead anyone who does these things is is detestable to the Lord so
I didn't know what divination was divination is seeking knowledge about the future or hidden things through Supernatural means that are not from God that could be fortune telling tarot card reading astrology and horoscopes using pendulums or other tools to answer questions so like Ouija boards and I would even put magic mushrooms psychedelics iasa in this category and I've done psychedelics to get answers and it's not from God and I I've realized that Consulting Spirit guides it's trying to control or predict life through ult or mystical practices rather than trusting God's plan so I think that's
beautiful you're trying to you're trying to manipulate the outcome through these practices rather than trusting God's plan so there's a guy I think his name is sh and he's like a medium who proposes that he's channeling like an alien from another planet as far as I can tell and I think he's quite convincing I think it's actually real but I don't think that's good because he doesn't know what the intentions or what the character is of that entity so he's allowing an entity to enter his body the the temple and you don't know what the
repercussions of that are going to be and it just looks like he's possessed when he he does these channeling sessions he looks possessed so I believe we're created in the image of God that we manifest and create our reality with our beliefs with our minds so if you're praying to the universe there could be anything out there there could be demons you know all sorts I'd rather pray to Jesus pray to God because I know who I'm speaking to very human that it was beautiful that God came to Earth as a human and then Isaiah
8 verse 19 When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists who whisper and mutter should not a people inquire to their God why consult the dead on behalf of the living so I believe there are light and dark Forces in this world these things are very real and I kind of use the phrase this stuff's real and I don't mess with it I know where I stand with God I know where I stand with Jesus I don't know and I don't fully understand these other entities and these other powers that are out of my
control so just something to ponder on consider your belief systems hope that helps speak to you soon I just thought of another example of a famous person that has been a proponent of the Law of Attraction and it's Conor McGregor you can see many interviews from early on in his career where he was openly saying I'm manifesting this dream I'm manifesting it and he did he manifest it he become wildly successful and you can see the results the fruits of this manifestation and look at him now he's also crashed and burned and had kind of
like a very degenerate phase in his life because he wasn't praying to God he was manifesting it from the universe and he got what he wanted and he's also not bound by the rules and the the guidance of the Christian faith so he's drinking he's partying and he's letting his legacy go to ruin I saw a video of somebody they had a gym and they had Conor McGregor painted on the wall probably in MMA gym and I saw him painting over it it's a white wall and they're just painting him over white because his legacy
is no longer what they believe in and they might have Christian values and he's not exhibiting in Christian values so this is kind of a pit there's so many example examples Will Smith is another one he his interviews speak about manifestation and then there's a lot of controversy surrounding him so I think it's interesting if you look at these people there are plenty of examples so this stuff's real it works but there's a price to pay so ask yourself when you do tarot card readings you're getting high information from somebody outside of the Physical Realm
who is it you're asking and what is the price that they want from you for giving you this advice so are you do you know what their belief systems are how they operate so it's just worth considering