Prayer For Enemies | Prayers For Your Enemies

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Prayer For Enemies | Prayers For Your Enemies Be sure to SUB...
Video Transcript:
welcome to the prayer for your enemies this is simply a prayer I've put together where I like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice all I ask you to do is to agree with me as I pray and together we will seek our Heavenly Father please continue to meditate on this prayer for yourself speak it daily or listen to this over and over again and allow the Word of God to reach deep into your spirit let us pray Heavenly Father we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful name
of Jesus where two or more are gathered there you'll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon is touching you will surely do the Bible says if there's any unforgiveness that it should be dealt with before praying therefore we release any anger bad feelings resentment or any other wrong attitude before you now we lay it at your feet and we release and forgive those who have wronged us father in Jesus name there's no distance in the spirit and we thank you for the listener who desires a prayer for their enemies father in
the name of Jesus we thank you that the Holy Spirit has poured forth your love into the listeners heart the love of and for you father has been perfected and completed in them and perfect love casts out all fear glory father because the listener is a partaker of your divine nature they desire to walk in your kind of love towards their enemies that is why we're praying here for their enemies as you instructed to do so the listener desires to be an imitator of you father an imitator we declare that the love of God works
in the listeners life in Jesus name we declare that a listener in doors long we declare that they are patient and annan kind father we declare that they are never envious and never boil over with jealousy they are not boastful or vainglorious and do not display themselves haughtily father your love in them allows them to not be rude and unmannerly the listener does not act unbecomingly in Jesus name together we declare that they do not insist on their own rights or their own way they are not self-seeking touchy fretful or resentful we declare that they
take no account of an evil done to them and pay no attention to a suffered wrong hallelujah this is what your love father produces when it works in them they do not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness but they were choice when righteousness prevails they bear up under anything and everything that comes they are ever ready to believe the best of others we declare that they endure everything without weakening because your love Lord never ever fails father your love abounds in the listener more and more we declare that they are sincere and without offence till the
day of Christ and are filled with the fruit of righteousness praise You Lord the listener is founded securely in your love in Jesus name you are strengthening them Lord nothing can separate them from your love which is in Christ Jesus their Lord father you are the listeners high priest and we thank you for loosing the listener from any and all hurt pain and offense anything god that has created animosity within their heart towards their enemy we bind it and command it to leave in Jesus name we would buek any abuse that they may have suffered
that the listener may have suffered that pronounced them guilty and/or condemned you have called them to yourself father and here they are they have come father we thank you for your anointing that binds up and heals the brokenness and emotional wounds of the past for the listener hallelujah Jesus is the truth that makes them free from emotional wounds of the past Jesus is a truth father that makes them free he who the Sun is set free is free indeed Lord we thank you and exalt you for guiding them through the steps to emotional wholeness to
forgiveness father we thank you for the strength to walk and love towards their enemies that ability father's what you have given them you who have begun a good work in the listener will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus father the listener desires to live according to the spirit of life in Christ Jesus yes Lord the spirit of life in Christ has freed the listener from a lifetime of unforgiveness and tyranny at the hands of resentment and offense from their enemies Lord since they are now free it is their desire to forget those things
that lie behind and with your help strain forward to what lies ahead their future the passes the past it's gone in Jesus name we wash it now in the precious blood of Jesus the listener is moving on father and looking to you for your grace and your power by the Holy Spirit to do so there pressing on toward the goal to win the supreme and heavenly prize to which you in Christ are calling them upward you are calling them upward father and we declared that the past will no longer control their thinking patterns or their
behavior glory praise be to you they are a new creature in Christ Jesus old things father have passed away and behold all things have become new hallelujah we declare and decree that henceforth they will walk and live in newness of life a self hatred offence self condemnation father all that negativity father it does not bind and latch itself on to them anymore it can't they are your child in Jesus name they are walking in your love you said through Jesus that they might have life and have it more abundantly we declare that the listener has
an abundantly free life a blessed life through Jesus thank you for the blood of Jesus that makes them whole father we lift up the listeners enemies right now god those that have abused them father those that have hurt them and caused pain as you have instructed in your word by your grace they forgive their enemies now and ask you to bring them to repentance father bring the enemies to repentance we asked Lord lead the lead laborers across the those abusers those that have hurt them across their path to share the good news even with them
father father in Jesus name we thank you that that you're witnessing father to those that have hurt the listener Lord because you do love them even though they're in the wrong father and you know you love them and we thank you the laborers are crossing the paths of their life with the gospel and because Jesus died for them as well and father in Jesus name we thank you that you filled the listeners heart with with your love by the Holy Spirit which has been given to them and yes Lord they keep in they treasure your
word they believe your word they believe that promise that your love is in their heart now and father they are your child and they commit to walk in the god-kind of love they look to you for help but they're making a commitment father that through your power to walk in your kind of love so right now father we bless and pray for those who have hurt or would harm the listener in Jesus name Lord we wish them well and do not curse them as you haven't in your power we say that no more love reigns
in the listeners heart and in the listeners life that means bad thoughts father may come by the listener chooses to walk and love by the power of your spirit in them hallelujah this may be day by day father because of what they're facing but father we believe it and therefore speak it the listeners love overflows more and more in knowledge and understanding father your name is a strong tower now that the listener can run into and be safe when they are persecuted they are safe they're protected by you your word says that Jesus was tempted
just as the listeners but he didn't give in to it please give the listener father your mercy and grace to deal with persecuting situations that arise in their life the listener looks to you for their comfort and their peace and their strength father praise you Lord Lord you are a true friend at all times and Lord you will never ever leave the listener you are with them during this process and you are with them all the days of their life you never reject them your arms are always open to them as you've heard us pray
and say father the listener has made the decision to forgive their enemies who have hurt and offended them in your power now by your power please work this forgiveness in and through their heart in Jesus name Lord the listener submits to you and rejects any disappointment and anger that has attempted to consume them no more we called upon you and you will deliver the listener father they will resist temptation to strike back in anger the listener professes to love their enemy with the love of Jesus that's in them glory we ask father for friends Father
relationships people who will succumb in and support the listener father and stand with them as they walk out this process of love bring them across their path in Jesus name the listener is not alone Lord as the listener goes forth please teach them how to guard their heart with all diligence to keep a watch a lookout we declare that in the midst of all these things the listeners more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus who loves them Lord they live with a pure blameless life until the day of Christ returns we declare that they are
filled with the fruit of righteousness yes Father everywhere they go they commit to plant seeds of love we praise you and thank you for preparing arts ahead of time to receive this love from the listener together we thank you that as they walk in your love father and in wisdom people are being blessed in their life in ministry Lord you make the listener to find favor respect and affection with others their life is strong and built on love in Jesus name the father the listener knows that you are on their side and nothing absolutely nothing
is able to separate them from your love Father which is in Christ Jesus the Lord nothing hallelujah we believe and receive everything we prayed and give you glory in advance for this prayer is answered in the wonderful and precious name of Jesus we pray amen you
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