How To Attract Money In 2023

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
Bob Proctor Explains How To Attract More Money In 2023 With This Review Of Useful Tips For Personal ...
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and I'm all ready to rock and roll listen if you can bring the slides up there Scott taking my full screen I'm going to take it back a couple of slides to right here this is where school gave us valuable knowledge however school never taught us how to alter the old paradigm therefore we do not do what we already know how to do I want all the managers the supervisors or anyone that is managing people where they go and they explain the person exactly how to do it and they go back and they didn't do it and they said well I showed you how to do it and they said I know why didn't you do it I don't know but I showed you how I know but why didn't you do I don't know they don't know why see they know but they don't know on the conscious level bring it back up Scott on a conscious level they're getting it but on the subconscious they're not so here you got a person graduating maybe from University big degrees Superior knowledge but they're getting inferior results that causes a lot of confusion and frustration in the mind now let's take a look at the graphic illustration here's a person with all the knowledge they learned in school they got the degrees and yet they're not cutting it they're not earning the money they're not getting the jobs they're not doing the job the result they're getting are not in sync with all the knowledge they've got all the degrees they've got where's the problem well the problem lies right here baby the results are caused by the Paradigm not the reason not all the knowledge see the knowledge is in your conscious mind it's in your intellect we spend all this time raising a person's level of intellect very important very important get the degrees and we forgot to raise their level of awareness conscious awareness now look here for a moment if you want to change your results it's absolutely essential you change the paradigm and to change the Paradigm you got to know what you're doing and that's what we're teaching so let's keep going here remember we said here yesterday this is like magic if you do the math repetitiously you program you reprogram your Paradigm you have no idea how many times I divide multiply subtract I'm playing with the numbers I mentioned yesterday I have gone from all the way from Toronto to Kuala Lumpur I was going over there once a month every month it's 25 hours near one way another 25 coming back I would spend that entire trip playing with calculator at the time I didn't understand what I was doing I was really reprogramming my subconscious mind it trained me to look at a million totally different and that's when one day I was on the plane and I wrote down a million I said what the hell is the difference in people who earned a million United earned a million and I'm trying to figure the difference the difference is in their own consciousness it's in their own Consciousness and I'm going to tell you something so I don't know any millionaires that have got one income millionaires have multiple sources of income That's essential that's you know I think um like I'm always asked what do you think of network marketing I think if it didn't exist we should invent it I think it's a great idea it accepts anyone anyone can go in and you know something it's multiple sources of income it's a beautiful concept now look at I mentioned this yesterday here's a young lady here we used as an example you might have to quit what you're doing if you really don't like what you're doing get out of it for God's sake fall in love with something do what you absolutely love doing if you really don't like what you're doing you're not in harmony with it you're not in harmony find something else to do look it a lot of people are afraid to quit their job because then what would they do I was teaching I was thinking of this last night after I taught this I was teaching the vacuum law prosperity in a seminar at the Hyatt Hotel in Downtown Toronto and we had in our kitchen a sofa a little coffee table and a couple of chairs and they were wicker they were really I sort of liked them well anyway we were teaching the vacuum of prosperity I said if you don't like something you should get rid of it I went home one day and this was all gone from the kitchen I said where'd he go they said we threw it out why we didn't like it you said to create a space for the good you desire we created the space that's that's the way it works you've got to create a space for the good that you desire well sometimes when you're in the job you don't like and you say well stay there till I find something they'll quit quit get the hell out of it and sit and think what do I really love doing that's what you want to do remember nature abhorse a vacuum there's a vacuum of prosperity you've got to make room for the good that you desire this isn't just an idea of mine this is an absolute law nature absolutely abhors a vacuum what do you really want you see there's the trick that is the Hummer right there what do you really want okay now look at you can we mentioned this yesterday create the life you really want think of that you can create the life you really want blow this up look at it look at it yes you can you really can you really can create the life you want this may sound like fantasy it's not fantasy this is real it's real create the life you want now this is where we left off yesterday this is generally where paradigms take over well let's stop and think of what a paradigm is a paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and get this almost all of our behavior is Habitual the paradigm's controlling us I changed my Paradigm and I didn't understand what I had done I changed my Paradigm through the repetition of listening to records I was listening to records I got to show you hold on I'm just going to show you this this is a portable record player these are little seven inch discs of Earl nightgale I listen to these things over and over again hello this is Earl Nightingale and it's recording the magic word is the first of 12 you'll receive in this series titled how you can lead the field in the modern world before we start I'd like you to know that I'm not going to try to tell you how to live that's your business nor is this lead to field program a collection of pleasantries Pollyanna it is a summation of more than 20 years of years why do some people do so well in life while so many more the first thing let's talk about is the magic word the experts call it the most important word as far as the results we get from Life are concerned in this or any other language that word is it is our attitude toward life which will determine life's attitude toward us you have no idea how often I've listened to this literally thousands of times and I got listening to it because I was absolutely fascinated with it I had never heard anybody talk like this when I started to listen to this that was in 1961-62. I've listened to these records more times these are absolute gold to me I just kept listening kept listening kept listening that's how I changed paradigm is created through repetition of ideas and I'm going to tell you it's going to be changed the same way look here for a moment this is you this is you you are a mass of pure energy like everything you function on frequencies this is really you you're a massive energy that's really what you are I want you to think your spiritual DNA is perfect it requires no modification and no improvement I want you to think of what I'm saying your spiritual DNA that's the essence of who you are is perfect it requires no modification no improvement it's all-knowing it's all-powerful and I'm going to tell you something gets every present doesn't matter where you are this is you this is the essence of who you are this is the real you are you truly who you pretend to be some pretending to be this is me I'm Bob Proctor this isn't me at all this is the body I live in I am a soul I don't have a soul I have a soul I live in a physical body but my spiritual DNA is perfect there's Perfection Within Me absolute perfection within you within every one of us it doesn't require any modification or Improvement you know what we're doing we're learning how to let this come out Madame Montessori put it very well she said we send children to school like they're a cup all right and we send them to get the cup filled with knowledge the truth is the Cup's already full we send them to school to teach them how to draw what they've got Within the Perfection is within us now stay with me you are a spiritual being you just live in a physical body you're not a physical person at all you're spiritual nobody will ever see the real side of you they only see expressions of it okay you have been blessed with an intellect you're the only form of life on the planet that has all the other little creatures operate by instinct which is perfect not you you have an intellect and it's these intellects that change your emotional state when we really get this when we really understand this our life starts to change you see our intellect is what stirs our emotions we have these higher faculties we're going to talk about in a few minutes now think just I want you to think really think of spirit because that's what you are spirit it's a hundred percent evenly present in all places at the same time doesn't matter where you are it's there look it Spirit operates by law stay up there see these lines that represent levels of vibration that's what those lines represent spiritual side of you is the highest side the physical is the lowest but get this spirit always manifests through its polar opposite it always manifests through its polar opposite okay now you have been gifted with an intellect that's what makes you different than any other form of life you are in the animal kingdom but so superior to the other animals they operate by instinct which is perfect with an instinct removed and intellect put in its place and these intellectual factors give us the ability to tap into spirit and change everything in the physical plane you see every frequency is hooked up to the one above and the one below they're all connected everything in this universe is connected everything because everything's made of the same thing everything's made from exactly the same form of substance now stay with me this is so important look here for a moment let's suppose you have a glass here I've got a bottle with water in it okay well here I've graphically I've got a glass with water in it now if we add heat to the water what happens it stops becoming water and starts becoming steam okay but when it's there it's the same energy here as it is here it's moving on a different frequency you see when we say it's steam it's not moving on the same frequency it's moving at a different speed and if we keep adding heat then it moves on a higher frequency and we call it air ether gas now look here for a moment that is the same energy on all three planes it is exactly the same energy and it's all they're all hooked together they're all hooked together this is such an important subject now you may say well what's this got to do with me it's got everything to do with you stay with me you are a spiritual being you are you have been gifted with an intellect and you live in a physical body now as you interact as you actuate your intellectual factors you can tap into Spirit that's where the thought world is where thoughts on the present touch everywhere evenly present and when you think you build ideas and you have the ability to think so far as we know you're the only creature on the planet that can we can think we can actually think what we do is we tap in on a spiritual level we tap into that level that's omnipresent it's your thoughts and we pull those thoughts together and we build an idea now by holding the idea in our mind that idea must move into form it absolutely must move into form now think of this for a moment John Kennedy asked DrWarner Von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that will carry a person to the Moon he said the will to do it do you know how you hold an idea on the screen of your mind you do it with your will the will is a mental faculty it's one of the higher faculties I mean gives us the ability to hold an idea by holding the idea it must move into form see Von gron knew that he was the father of the Space Program he knew that if we held an idea in our mind it had to move into form the way will be shown now this is so important you're going to make the decision put the screen up for a minute Scott let me show you the other way look at this this is so important here you are here we'll say that's you that's your mind we'll say here's your body okay there's a power that's flowing into your consciousness and it never stops it's a power I call it Spirit you call it what you want now that power Just is it is neither bad nor good except your thinking makes it so and when that power flows in you can build any idea out of it you want the trick is fig Road what it is you want when I sit down with another person I all I'm doing is asking questions I want to find out what they want I want to help them get it now look it when you turn that idea properly over to the subconscious mind you are turning that idea over to Universal intelligence this is very important now look here for a moment see what happens that idea is turned over to Universal intelligence it is on a frequency just the same as this phone is on a frequency I get a phone here that's on a frequency if I have your number on the phone and I touch your number it won't matter where you are there's no limits your phone will ring well you know something when you plant your idea on the subconscious mind that's when that idea starts to happen it turns into a desire and that is floating in Universal intelligence and it sets up an attractive force and it attracts from everywhere in the universe whatever is required for the manifestation of that desire to move into form it changes the physical vibration cause you to move into action and produce results I mean this is like unadulterated Magic really gotta watch this it's so important so very important you're going to make a decision on what you want okay now look at when paradigms stay in control nothing changes your whole objective in life is shift that Paradigm create a greater and a greater awareness see our our real objective in life is to become aware of our Oneness with God become aware of our Oneness with universal intelligence we're one with it and when we start to understand that we get on the frequency of the good that we deserve we start to attract it so basic and yet so simple look at Alfred Adler said I'm grateful to the idea that has used me I guess so I tell you I'm grateful to the idea that is used me one idea has been using me since I was 26 I'm 87 and I am in love with these ideas see Works made for us we're not made for work I just love teaching these I love watching people get it okay you can get it you're going to make a decision decisions must be committed decisions and then and then you've got to discipline yourself this is the ability to give yourself a command and then follow it quit fooling around with your life for God's sake this is our life and it's very short look at this for a moment see this here the sand and the glass represents your life you want to see something really funny the sand in the glass represents your life the glass used to be sand that's right the glass used to be saying we changed the molecular structure of the sand and we turned it into glass we've got the ability to do that but you know something that glass the sand the sink everything and me we're all in the same frequency we're all energy now look at this is the past this is the future you don't know how many Saints you have left in the future all you can look at is what you've got in the past and what's right here right now right in the center that's all you've got to work with so make a decision and make up your mind you're really going to make things happen now look at this this is where most people make an error I want you to watch this very closely when you permit present results to control your thoughts your income cannot improve I want to repeat that when you permit your present results to control your thoughts your income cannot improve hello holy for MrScott let's look if you're having problems what are you focus you're focus on the problem if you're short of money you focus on the money whatever the problem is get your attention that's the result now let me show you what happens when you focus on the result the results take over what you're thinking the thoughts control what you're feeling you're feeling produces actions and the actions produces more of the same result that's why people keep getting the same results year after year after year they're stuck they're absolutely stuck they're letting the outside world control the inside world now what should they do well let's look here for a moment an aware person is thinking injury results regardless of their present results yet in other words well I'll use me as an example look when I was first given this book I was earning four thousand dollars a year and I owed six all I was thinking about was debt I had no idea how I was ever going to get out of debt the guy that gave me the book he said trust me do exactly what I'm telling you he had me decide what I want and he had me write it on a card and carry the card in my pocket and I've been doing that ever since I was 26. now the first thing I wrote in the card I would have my possession by New Year's Day of 1970.
I gave myself a decade for goodness sake I would have twenty five thousand dollars I did not believe that but you know something I believed he believed it and I got winning because I believed in his belief I didn't believe in me I believed in the person that was helping me I believed he could and I kept thinking of this and I started to think of this 25 000 now what was I doing I started to think of what I wanted and by thinking of what I wanted it controlled how I felt and because it was controlling how I was feeling that was controlling my actions and those actions were producing new results wow then I started to focus on new improved results and that is how you start winning so basic and so misunderstood now I want you to write this out you may think it's silly write it on anyway I want you to write it out on a card and I want you to carry in your pocket I want you to read it as often as possible every day I am so happy and grateful know that I am earning a million dollars a year this is present tense I am so happy and grateful that's all your mind will accept doesn't know any difference put it up I am so happy and grateful never that I am earning a million dollars a year the truth is clearly imagined in my conscious mind that truth is clearly imagined in my conscious mind it is effectively planted through constant spaced repetition in my subconscious emotional mind therefore it is presently moving into physical form now I want you to rate that every day every day every day and I want you to write another card and carry it in your pocket if you'll do that I guarantee you're going to see some magic happen in your life you will you really will you may say Bob you don't understand no I do understand you see that's the thing I really do understand now look at here for a moment if the tendency to dwell on those erroneous beliefs keep reoccurring go where you can be alone repeat your affirmation and Endeavor to lift your mind up to your words much as you would lift your breath from the bottom to the top of your lungs never be impatient with yourself because you do not quite succeed in every endeavor it's your intention that counts not necessarily the absolute fulfillment of the letter the all-knowing power that is understands and rewards according be diligent and patient and you will surely succeed I want you to write all that you can go back and write it later but I don't want you to write it all this is very important it's important you control the flow of thought energy you've got to let it flow freely to and through you this is really important look it there's a power that's flowing into your Consciousness every second you are a channel through which Spirit works you got to let this flow freely through you okay that's very important it's very important here you are here now think of this you are a channel through which this power flows you're a mass of pure energy like everything you function on frequencies you do that's the way you operate this is so important now let's look at this a frequency is a level of vibration it's a level of vibration there is an infinite number of frequencies do you know at one time we didn't know that look I remember the first phone we got we did not have a phone in our house when I was a kid we didn't have a phone and we didn't have a phone because we didn't have enough money wealthy people had funds poor people didn't have funds we didn't have a phone but then one day my mother got a phone now I can remember the phone number it was Oxford 3137. that was their phone number and we got that phone it was a party line God knows how many people were on it 50 100 people so when you picked up the phone and talked to somebody their voice kept getting fatter because everybody else was picked up so and listened to what you were saying and why did why did we have that going on we had that going on because we did not understand there was an infinite number of frequencies and we just thought just a few there weren't a lot of people who had phones look at it today millions of these things running around I got a couple of them sitting here on my desk millions of them okay we're texting we can send pictures we can look at each other have a conversation you can be on the other side of the globe and I can sit and look at you and you'll look at me FaceTiming it's going on all the time well how come we can do that because we're on the same frequency that's what we've got to understand everybody's on the same frequency okay and I'll come back here look here there's an infinite number every frequency is connected to the one above and the one below now we've really got to get that straight in our head every frequency is hooked up to the one above and the one below there isn't any line of demarcation where one stops and the other starts okay let's say that represents where I am that represents where I am take an honest look at where you are in your life and you can see how you got there okay now look at if you take an honest look at where you are each one of those lines represents a level of vibration a frequency it represents a time in your life and you can go back and you can remember all those times they've come to your mind very very free but it just goes to the Top Line you cannot go beyond there you see you can't go out here that's where you want to go and you can't go there you know you can see you don't know how to get there you see she said because you you don't know how to get there you just Let It Fade but the truth is you're building these beautiful pictures in your mind that's a dream of what you would love to do someday you'd like to have that boat or take this trip or whatever you'd love to have that you guys should be so nice why do you let it fade we Let It Fade because of ignorance we don't know any better this is so simple and so misunderstood but just say I want to go there that's exactly where I want to go so basic and so simple now look it to move to a much higher frequency of thought you must first consent and then you have to adapt to the ideas and the feelings the new frequency represents and that's when it gets scary you see at the suggestion of a move your Paradigm will instantly put up a huge battle and it will continually fight you you must take conscious control over the Paradigm remove and replace it you see if you don't take control of this it's going to take control of you that's exactly the way it works if you don't take control of your Paradigm it's going to take control of you and you want to know something 97 of the population are being controlled by their Paradigm they're not living the way they want to live they're not earning what they're capable of earning they don't take the trips they want to take you see the trick is to live the way you really want that's so important do you know how most people live they live the way they think other people think they should live at the best that's going to be a bad trip that's no way to live that's existing remember Nightingale used to say people tiptoe through life hoping they make it safely to death what a terrible way to do it now look there's your you are and you say there's where I want to go that's where I really want to go well what's stopping you nothing why don't you go well you know I don't know if I can do it well the truth is you can do it you just gotta know there is a place now listen this is so important I want you to pay attention look at me your imagination takes you to another frequency that's a place that is a place how do you think we've improved life to the state we're at we're living in the Golden Age that we've worked toward and died for to get here and we don't even know how to operate our own mind properly we see where we are yet we think this is where I want to go understand this when you see in your mind that other frequency there is a place now bring it back look at me that other frequency is a place when you go there you can see yourself there now look at Einstein he said everything is energy that's all there is to it match the frequency of the reality you want yet you cannot help but get that reality it can be no other way this isn't philosophy this is physics now let's come back come back here look it look it I want you to really pay attention this lower ax represents Where You Are your imagination takes you to another place there is a place it's a real place this is what you want this is your dream you can experience your dream you can have whatever you want you're God's highest form of creation he said everything's energy that's all there is to it match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get it now look it the moment your belief matches with any state you fuse with it you fuse with it this Union results in the activation and projection of its plots plans conditions and circumstances put the screen up for a minute Scott and look it when you think of what you want that's that other X then you get emotionally involved with it most people don't I'll tell you what they do they just think that's what I want and then they let it go that's what I want and then they let it go Don't Let It Go keep thinking of it keep getting emotionally involved and you know what you're doing you're planting that beautiful idea here in the Garden of Your Mind and that's when it turns into a desire now listen to me and listen carefully desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility Within seeking expression without through your action the way will be shown seek ye first this Kingdom in its righteousness by law in the way will be shown you have gone to a place you're on a frequency stay on that frequency you'll attract everything that's on it you're attracted to it how do you think I've got here how do you think I've got to the point I'm at how do you think we built this company we are all over the world literally broadcasting all over the world all these beautiful people that work with me I get Sandy Gallagher who's my business partner and absolute genius for finance I I don't even care about Finance she's so good at it that's why we make a great partnership the people we've got we can Mikey and Tommy Scott we've attracted some phenomenal people I mentioned uh the guy's phenomenal he's in charge of all sales that guy's so good how do we attract them we go on the frequency and stayed on it you see I knew this I didn't know as well as I know it today got a greater awareness today but I sat down in 1973.
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