How To Sell A Product - Sell Anything To Anyone With This Unusual Method

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Dan Lok
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Video Transcript:
- Go ahead. Sell me this (vacuum whirs) vacuum cleaner. What would you say to me?
How would you explain the features and benefits? What do you have to do to cause me to want to buy from you? Go ahead, comment below.
(explosion) There's an ancient Chinese proverb that said, "Hearing something 1,000 times is not as convincing "as seeing it once. " You see, most entrepreneurs and salespeople, when they want to sell a product, when they want to sell something to someone, they always focus on, "What do I need to say? " They want to focus on using smarter words, fancier words, or better scripts.
That's good. That's Closing 101. But today, I'm gonna teach you an advanced strategy so you can sell anything to anyone, anytime.
And it is not what you think. Today I'm gonna teach you a very unusual strategy on how to do that. One of the most profound questions that you can ask when you want to sell anything to anyone is, "What is the one dramatic demonstration "that I could do to create trust and certainty "in the mind of my prospect?
"How could I show and not just tell? " You see, it doesn't matter what business you're in, what industry you're in, what products or services that you are selling, right? There's a saying.
There's no business like the show business. Well, guess what. We're all in a show business in one way, shape, or form or another, because there's so much noise in the marketplace.
There's so much competition in the marketplace. So how do you stand out? Imagine this.
Imagine you are a magician, and you are going out there in the street. Now, here's what most salespeople and entrepreneurs do. They go yell from the top of their lungs and say, "Hey, I'm the best magician in the world.
"Look at me. "I can do card tricks, I can do coin tricks, "I can do all kinds of tricks. "Look at me.
"Trust me, I am the best. "I can do all kinds of tricks. "You will be dazzled, and you will be amazed.
"Come on, come on, let me show you. " You could do that all day long, and that's what most marketers/entrepreneurs do all day long. Or what could you simply do is simply, "Hey, let me show you something.
" You just perform a trick. "Hey, hold onto this. " Or, "Hey, choose a card.
" Right there, that's what I call a dramatic demonstration. I call that the WTF effect. What the Fuck just happened?
WTF effect. So how can you use that in your business? Let me give you a perfect example.
Vacuum cleaner. If you are pushing the features and benefits, how durable the vacuum cleaner is, or how good the vacuum cleaner is, or how good the company is, or how many vacuum cleaners that we've sold, that's all good but if you watch this particular infomercial, the closer, the pitchman, he's not doing that. He is talking about the vacuum cleaner, but he also does that through a dramatic demonstration.
He uses the vacuum cleaner to lift up a bowling ball. And you're like, "What the heck is that? "That is so crazy.
" Not just that. He even demonstrates not lifting just one bowling ball but two bowling balls. That's a WTF effect.
You're like, "What is this? " Now, he's doing that to demonstrate how powerful the suction is. So in your mind, when you see that, you and I both know you're not going to use that vacuum cleaner to, you know, suck up a bowling ball.
That's not what you're gonna do. You're gonna use it to mop the floor, right? And clean up some dust.
But in your mind, what happens? Wow, if the suction is powerful enough for the bowling ball, of course, a little bit of, like, dirt, maybe dust, that is easy. Bingo.
See, right there? Sold. That's the power of dramatic demonstration.
So you need to ask yourself the question. How could you show, not just tell? Tony Robbins.
Now, Tony Robbins, when he was just getting started, he was using dramatic demonstration to launch Personal Power his program on TV. What did he do? At a time as a young Tony Robbins, he would go on TV, and he would challenge different types of therapists, and he would say, "You know what?
"Give me your toughest patients, "patients that you've worked for years, "you've worked with for years, and you couldn't help them, "you couldn't cure them. "Give me your worst case phobia. "Let me handle that, and I will cure that person, "eliminate their phobia, on national TV.
" That's a dramatic demonstration, right? Right there, the snake phobia, and Tony would cure that lady, that person, in a very short period of time, be able to wrap that snake over her neck even though she's had a snake phobia her whole life. Powerful.
Later on, that not only launched Personal Power, Unleash the Power Within. Now, if you know anything about Unleash the Power Within, comment below. Take a guess.
What is the one dramatic demonstration that Tony Robbins uses to create trust and certainty in the mind of the prospect? Can you guess it? That's correct.
Fire walk. Fire walk. Tony built his entire career on one dramatic demonstration that in order to break free, in order to regain the power that you know you have within you, through a demonstration.
If I could walk across hot coals, what does that mean? It means I can break free. I can break through.
That I am unstoppable. It is a metaphor. It is a dramatic demonstration.
If I could do that, what else could I do in my life? Can you see how powerful dramatic demonstration is? Now, when you are creating dramatic demonstrations for your business, there are three questions you have to understand.
This is the question that your prospect is asking. "Can I trust this person? "Can I trust this brand?
"Can I trust this company? " That's the first question. The second question is, "Is this company, "is this person, is this brand competent?
" Competent. Number three, "Is this person special? "Is this person gifted?
"Is this person talented? " That's what's going through their mind, and when you can demonstrate that, it's almost like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. When you can do that, you create that WTF effect.
When Tony does that curing the phobia on national TV, that's jumping off a plane without a parachute. You see, in my career, I've used this multiple times. I'll give you a perfect example.
Example number one, if you have watched my video on closing on sales call, I did a dramatic demonstration. If you have not watched the video, you can click on here and watch that particular video where I did a live demonstration, a sales call. Instead of me telling you, "Okay, I'm a very good closer.
"I train closers, and here's my experience, "and here's my resume," what did I do? I did a dramatic demonstration. It was just during the phone call, right?
I asked my camera man, Matt, and say, "Hey, you know, Matt, turn the camera. " We go, and right there I closed a sale right in front of the camera. That's I don't know what he's gonna say.
I don't know what the prospect is gonna say. I don't know what objection he's gonna give me. It doesn't matter because if I'm confident in what I do, and I know what I'm doing, and I have expertise, it's okay.
Let's go. That's a form of dramatic demonstration, and as you can see, why the video went viral. It's gotten hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of views.
That's one example. I'll give you a second example. When I teach my class how to take a closer certification program that I would have so many students in the class, and I would open up the line, and I would say, "Okay, go ahead, unmute.
"Show me how you usually sell. "What do you do? "Close me.
" And right there, they would do the role play with my other students in the class or with me. No script, no pre-rehearsal, anything like that. Boom, we just go.
And I would teach them and coach them. I would demonstrate how I would close right there in front of virtually a thousand people from over a hundred countries. That's a dramatic demonstration.
I'll give you another example how I've used this in my career. When I was back there doing more consulting, I don't do much consulting anymore, but when I was doing more consulting with entrepreneurs and CEO's, very often, we would start off with what I call a one hour strategy session where they would come to my office. We would have a big, huge whiteboard, if you can imagine, right?
And I'd have my marker, and I would say, "Okay, give me your biggest challenge. "Give me your biggest business problem. " Right there, I would brainstorm on the whiteboard.
I would ask them questions. They would give me different answers. And they've only paid me for that one hour.
And through that one hour, I'm always able to overcome and come up with a plan that they could implement to solve one of the problems that they have. It could be a problem or challenge that they've been experiencing for months or years, and yet I'm able to dramatically demonstrate my expertise. No Power Point, no plan, no proposal.
Just go. Let's go. From there, they say, "Holy, my god.
"Dan could do this in one hour. "What happens if I would hire him to work with our company "for months and years? " That's another form of dramatic demonstration.
David Copperfield, one of the greatest magicians in history. How did he build his career? You got it.
He built his career based on a handful of dramatic demonstrations or tricks or performance, right? Walking through the Great Wall of China, flying over the Grand Canyon, right? Making the Statue of Liberty disappear, vanish.
A few things. That's all you need. So when you are marketing, when you are promoting, be dramatic.
Don't be boring. Be interesting. Show, don't just tell.
When you can combine dramatic demonstration with massive distribution like TV or social media, you can sell something to millions and millions of people. You can get your products out there, and a lot of people will want to buy from you. If you want to learn more about the advanced psychology of closing and selling, I invite you to join me for a two hour free web class.
My team will put a link somewhere here, maybe below. Go ahead and click on that, and join me for this class where I will demonstrate to you the power of my closing model. So go ahead, click on a link, and I'll see you in my web class.
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