you know some people just they just don't like this belly fat thing they want it gone so today we're going to talk about the 10 foods that can help a person lose belly fat so let's dive right in what is belly fat it's visceral fat okay and here's a book i want to show you right here siba the civil collection frank knitter and this one is on the endocrine system and we have this little chapter right here which talks about cortisol okay you see this picture right here that's belly fat and that's too much cortisol
so first let's talk about the relationship between cortisol and belly fat cortisol turns protein into sugar okay so it causes your liver to make new sugar out of non-carbohydrate things like fat ketones protein so if your cortisol is really high that's a stress hormone you're going to need quick sugar being created so your body's going to be making a lot of sugar so people that have high cortisol a lot of times are not eating sugar it's their bodies making sugar out of other things and that increase in sugar elevates insulin okay people can even become
a diabetic if you have too much cortisol and this is why one of the side effects of prednisone where someone's taking a synthetic cortisol is diabetes so the reason why someone has belly fat or visceral fat from cortisol has to do with that hormone which is making sugar which is then increasing insulin so really what's happening is we're getting the spike of insulin and insulin makes belly fat because there's a fat storing hormone so whether your insulin spike is coming from eating a high carb diet or sugar or increase in cortisol or you're eating too
frequently as in having a lot of snacks you can develop excessive belly fat now the belly fat usually occurs after the liver is fatty because a lot of the visceral fat that's around the organs is occurring because there's a spill over from your liver so if you're belly fat like you're looking down right now and you can't see your feet that means your liver has a lot of fat in it and now it's spilling over into other areas around the body because there's only so much space in the liver so knowing that information the top
foods that will help you with that have to address either lowering insulin lowering cortisol or helping you with a fatty liver and some people as i go through the list are going to be surprised when i talk about eating certain fats because you would think you would need to avoid fat if you want to get rid of a fatty liver or fat around your midsection but that's actually not true so let's start with number one eggs okay what's in eggs that can help you with your mid-section weight well number one they have virtually no carbohydrates
okay and that means we're not going to stimulate insulin and because it's a good source of protein in fact the best source of protein you're not going to get near as much waste as glucose okay because if you're eating too much protein especially the wrong type of protein that can actually turn into sugar too so eggs are right up there as the highest quality protein that you can consume and when a protein is low carb it triggers the opposing hormone to insulin and that's called glucagon and glucagon helps you burn fat two eggs are loaded
with lecithin so lecithin helps break down fat in your liver eggs are also loaded with choline which is also a good fat dissolver for your liver all right number two salmon now what's so special about salmon salmon is very high in omega-3 fatty acids it's one of the foods that has the most omega-3 fatty acids okay and omega-3 fatty acids do two things it helps to reduce insulin by making insulin more sensitive and it also helps you reduce cortisol and it's virtually zero carbohydrate all right number three cob liver or cod liver oil if you've
never consumed cod liver oil you may or may not like it i like the taste you have to try it sometime it comes in can it looks like one of those sardine cans but it has cod liver in it and i think it's actually really good so cod liver is just like like mostly fat and with some protein but it's super high in omega-3 fatty acids which can help you make insulin more sensitive and also reduce cortisol but you can also do the cod liver oil too but some people don't like the cod liver oil
burps so you can get them in capsules okay number four sauerkraut so how can sauerkraut help you well number one it has the ability to increase liver function and there's been some interesting research that it can help reduce fat on your liver it's a really good anti-inflammatory the fiber can help feed the microbiome which then turns into a real interesting type of fat that's very similar to a ketone and be a source of fuel now sauerkraut also has probiotics and so when you consume these great probiotics through the fermentation process that alone can help you
lose weight because we have the microbes now working for us and sauerkraut out of all the foods has the most vitamin c one cup of sauerkraut could contain up to 700 milligrams of vitamin c i mean that's just amazing and your adrenals the gland that makes cortisol needs vitamin c as a real key nutrient to support itself as you go through stress out of all the vitamins that the adrenal needs uh vitamin c is at the top of the list all right number five cruciferous vegetables that would be like kale broccoli brussels sprouts arugula which
i love there are certain phytonutrients in cruciferous to help a fatty liver the minerals specifically potassium and magnesium in those vegetables are really good to help lower stress and help you reduce cortisol and help you sleep and also potassium is one of the most important minerals to help reduce insulin i just did a video on that and of course magnesium is a like a physiological relaxer mineral so it can help you feel calm and actually sleep and then also the fiber from cruciferous vegetables that can help the microbiome because they live on fiber all right
number six is hamburger now you might be thinking like why is hamburger on the list i'm not talking about the bun i'm talking about a high quality fatty burger that doesn't have ketchup that doesn't have fries as a side order hamburger is basically a combination of fat and red meat and it's easier to digest sometimes than red meat that's a little bit leaner and so that means it has even a lesser effect on insulin and it's virtually zero carbohydrate it's nutrient dense it has a lot of vitamins and minerals and i consume a lot of
hamburger in fact i feel really good especially my blood sugars when i consume hamburger but of course make sure it's uh grass-fed grass-finished all right number seven avocado avocados have something called avocatin b it's a certain chemical in avocados that can help your blood sugars it can help insulin be more sensitive it can help reduce insulin resistance and on top of that it's really good for someone with a fatty liver avocado is a really good ketogenic vegetable because of its fat it has a lot of fat and it's extremely low carb and it's a vegetable
so you should combine the avocado with a hamburger with a little sauerkraut on top all right number eight broccoli sprouts now you can use other sprouts but broccoli sprouts have a lot of the sulforaphane that's the phytonutrient that's really good for cancer but it's also really good for reducing visceral fat okay there's one study yes it was on mice but it did show a 20 reduction in fat from the midsection of a mouse as well as reduction of liver fat so if you have some pet mice or gerbils or hamsters definitely start feeding them broccoli
sprouts broccoli sprouts or other any sprouts in general are actually pretty nutrient dense the most nutrition in a plant occurs in the sprouting stage not necessarily when the vegetable becomes an adult plant all right number nine is asparagus okay now asparagus has something in it called asparagus and that is a certain chemical a natural chemical that helps to detoxify ammonia from your liver ammonia is a byproduct from protein and so if the liver is damaged and you're building up ammonia definitely consume asparagus but this phytonutrient also helps with blood sugars it helps with insulin resistance
it makes insulin more sensitive so you're going to have less insulin plus the fiber in the asparagus is really good for the gut it'll feed the microbiome which will then help your blood sugars from another angle not to mention it's very high in fiber and low in actual sugars all right number 10 nutritional yeast now make sure you get the nutritional yeast that's not fortified with synthetic vitamins okay because a lot of times they'll they'll put these synthetic vitamins that are basically from petroleum they're very low quality cheap vitamins but a lot of companies when
they produce the yeast when they ferment it they throw in these synthetics and apparently the yeast eat them and you spike the bee complex but you really don't need to do that you just need to get nutritional yeast that's unfortified you can either get them in tablets or you can get them in a powder and you can put them on your salad which is really tasty because it has a little bit of a parmesan taste to it you know with your olive oil and your vinaigrette and here you are having this nutritional yeast that will
not only give you the b vitamins to help a fatty liver but it will also give you a lot of b1 to help reduce cortisol and stress so if we combine some of these foods in our salad we have the magnesium we have the potassium we have the fiber we have the phytonutrients we have the nutritional yeast in there if we put a little avocado in there and then the side we have our burger with sauerkraut one of the perfect meals to help you lose belly fat all right now that we talked about the foods
to eat let's now talk about the foods to avoid which is just as important i put them right here check it out