dad cat is having fun teaching his kittens how to play [Music] basketball wow it's great D come on boys let me [Music] down what a play dad [Music] ha I will not let you go like [Music] this oh God black cat rans the [Music] pistol oh my God black cat's firing to Dad cat and ran [Music] away please go save my dad [Music] oh no father cat not survived in Black Cat's attack and passed [Music] away I will take your revenge [Music] Dad after 5 years oh wow cute kittens join the police officer job [Music]
everyone hands up and give me the keys to the lockup the police cat's calling the conference to prevent robberies in [Music] City wow God now I will be rich [Music] soon stop criminal black cat oh no where did this police come from oh while police tat complete his father Revenge I have complete your revenge Dad I am very happy with you dear [Music] son today little kitten is very happy because his dad took him to the [Music] park wow [Music] [Music] oh no suddenly a King Kong has come to the [Music] [Music] park oh God
my kitten oh no wake up dear [Music] kitten Poor Dad cat called the ambulance [Music] so sad the doctor breaks the tragic news of the kitten's death to the dad [Music] cat some days later I miss you my kitten oh God the bloodthirsty Kong will destroy the city stop bloodthirsty King [Music] Kong this pair of cats have grown up together but they cannot stop arguing from when they were babies until they became adults the couple cat even argued during their own marriage [Music] ceremony even when the cat's white is pregnant the couple continues to argue
non-stop while walking on the road me meow meow meow meow [Music] the doctors are trying to treat the injured wife cat the husband cat is outside crying and praying for her God please save my wife so sad although the cat's wife successful gave birth but her injures were too Sever and she did not [Music] survive please take good care of the kittens husband cat [Music] thanks for [Music] watching two kittens playing and enjoying the day happily and their mother busy in housework kittens mother busy in housework but did not notice the two kittens playing with
fire wowow let's go to play bro oh God the two kittens so busy in playing basketball that they forgot to turn off the fire the kitten's mother is in the kitchen and started find the kittens where are you my [Music] children oh oh my God the mother cat kept looking for the kitten so they could not Escape The firle Burning Kitchen in time the two kittens returned home and saw that the house was on fire so they quickly ran to call someone to save Dear Mother [Music] [Music] the fire brigade quickly extinguished the fire and
took out mother cats from fire but so sad she not survived and [Music] died we miss you dear Mom