[Applause] hello how you doing good how are you today pretty well reason I'm pulling yours for 70 and a 55 any reason for going that fast today so I just keeping up of traffic okay okay fair enough you got your license of registration on you can I put in park yeah yeah [Music] yeah where you coming from today uh Church in my mom's Cemetery okay okay I just want to let you know that um I'm a January 6th uh defendant what do you mean I stormed the cap I'm waiting on my pardon really yeah and
I'm I uh I can't really afford to get in any trouble right now okay I understand okay understand I am driving with a license right now okay so why are you doing that then well I have to I've been waiting for my uh hardship license I just moved back from Idaho okay U and I had to move back here because um my my federal case okay so I'm just in the middle of everything right now so with your federal case why would you have to move back to Indiana well I had pending traffic violations I
had to live in Indiana in order to qualify for the hardship license but they didn't tell me that until I got my federal case so I moved back to get my license license okay all right well let me see your license here how many times have you been caught driving without a license um in my life no just recently like how many have you been caught with the suspended driver's license before yeah but it hasn't been for years long long time okay all right Matt hang tight for me okay and I'll get back with you
all right okay actually you know what you have the registration for your vehicle I just bought this I think it's I have side on here okay okay is that a corgi back there uh this a thei okay rescue dog okay all right all right Matt hang hang TI for me okay buddy right [Applause] [Applause] hey Matt you want to go ahead and shut your vehicle off and step back here with me real quick yeah go ahead and shut it off for me please am I under arrest or anything we'll come back here I'll explain everything
to you okay okay all right so I'm going to hold on to this real quick while I explain it to you okay so today you're getting off of the veral warning for the speed however your habitual traffic VI I know which means that you are at a felony status for driving while suspended uhhuh so today you are going to come with me L I can't I can't you're going to have to okay you're going to come with me today all right no I can't go to jail for this you're going to have to come can
I get a ride no are you sure this is I'll violate my just listen to me okay number one it's a felony offense there's no there's no leeway with felonies in the state of Indiana now maybe if it was a misdemeanor offense I could work something out with you but it's not a misdemeanor it's a felony offense okay MH so that's how that's why I can't work with you today with it okay I understand your circumstances but you understand that you can't drive okay so you're driving has resulted into this situation okay now what I'm
going to do all right uhuh is I'm going to put your information right here for a sec I want you to turn around put your hands on don't you do it buddy no no no no no I'm shooting myself no no no no no okay all right so I'm going to hold on to this real quick while I explain it to you okay so today you're getting off of the verbal warning for the speed however your habitual traffic violator I know which means that you are are at a felony status for driving while suspended uhhuh
so today you are going to come with me look I can't I can't you're going to have to okay you're going to come with me today all right no I can't go to jail for this sir you're going to have to come can I get a ride no are you sure I'll violate my just listen to me okay number one it's a felony offense there's no there's no leeway with felonies in the state of Indiana now maybe if it was a misdemeanor offense I could work something out with you but it's not a misdemeanor it's
a felony offense okay M so that's how that's why I can't work with you today with it okay I understand your circumstances but you understand that you can't drive okay so your driving has resulted into this situation okay now what I'm going to do all right uh is I'm going to put your information right here for a sec I want you to turn around put your hands on don't you do it buddy no no no no no I'm shooting no no no no no