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What I want to share with you right now is  concerning why God removes people from your life. In fact, when God removes people from your life.  I think that every person goes through a season in their life where one of the most greatest  joys that come into your life and the greatest heartbreaks that comes into your life is during  transition.
Transition is very painful. It's when you move from one realm into another one. It's  when you move from one season into another one.
Like what's going to be happen to my baby boy  Samuel is he's going to go from a womb, to the earth and it's going to be painful. Tears, pain is  involved in that but it's also a lot of joy. A lot of new things are going to happen for him, for us. 
I mean for everybody. Same thing happens if you go from earth to heaven. A lot of tears, heartbreak  and because there's a shift of seasons that takes place.
One of the marks that the season has  shifted in your life is when God removes people from your life. Come on somebody, drop this in  the chat. When people are removed from your life, it's because season has changed, because your  season has changed.
Just put that in the chat. Your season has changed when people get removed  from your life. That is one of the indications that your season has changed.
And many of us, we  ask God to shift our season, we ask God to bring the new breakthrough in our life. But the way  that that happens many times involves two things, sift of people or shift of resources. Meaning,  God changes our finances and God changes some of the people around us or some of the people we  are around.
People come in our lives sometimes like scaffolding. They serve a purpose and an  assignment and then when that assignment has come to an end, the scaffolding comes down. Now  there are some people for a reason in your life, some people for the season in your life and  some people for the lifetime.
But think about Joshua and Moses. You know Joshua could not  enter the promised land until Moses died, and the Bible says when Moses died, God came to  Joshua and said, now it's your time to enter the promised land. Now Joshua's over there grieving. 
He's like, that's not fair you know. I lost this, this great man of God who's been such a great  blessing in my life and I'm not ready to go anywhere. But God says, no, now it's the season  has shifted in your life.
Think about disciples and Jesus. Jesus was with them for three  and a half years and Jesus leaves them, and Jesus says because I go, the Holy Spirit will  come and He will take you to the new season. And this new season is for the first time in Jewish  history, the message, this Abrahamic blessing will touch the nations of the world.
It's always been  stuck in, limited to one nation. Now it's going to go to the nations. They couldn't go into that  season until Jesus left to heaven and then the Holy Spirit came.
And so as painful as a shift of  seasons can be, part of that pain is connected to people that either move on or sometimes that you  move on from certain people. And it's painful, but that pain is different because that pain  propels your purpose. Never be afraid of pain that makes your purpose clear.
Come on somebody, drop  this in the chat. Don't fear pain that clarifies your purpose. Don't fear pain that advances your  purpose.
Some of us are so attached to pleasure and attached to joy and peace that we experience  in an environment that we are in. We really love comfort, all of us. Myself included.
I'll be the  first one to say, I love comfort. But God is not interested in your comfort. He's interested in  your calling.
He's interested in your formation. He's interested in fashioning you in being who  He created you to be. He didn't place you on this earth for your comfort.
He placed you on this  earth for your purpose. He expects out of you to fulfill your purpose, and sometimes what He  will do is it He will cause certain things and allow certain things for you to fall, step into  your future, into your purpose, that will involve little bit of discomfort. So if you're addicted  to a life without suffering, pain.
A life of comfort. This will come very difficult because  the transitions of seasons will get you sick. You know like when seasons change in the natural  weather, some people get sick.
When seasons change in our lives, we get sick. Sometimes we get kind  of like disoriented. What's happening?
Why is this happening to me? Oh man, is God punishing me? Is  there some kind of a curse and everything?
But sometimes it's not a curse. Sometimes it's not a  demon. Sometimes it's not a punishment.
Sometimes it's God propelling you toward your purpose and  certain level of pain is healthy, certain level of kind of being disconnected from that comfort  for a season and step into something new, is healthy. And so if somebody exited your life, I'm  here to just prophesy into your future, that maybe a season has shifted and you didn't even realize  it. Maybe the things you've been praying form, things have been prophesied over your life, you're  actually stepping into that right now and you're not even realizing it.
The second reason or the  second thing to do when God removes people out of your life and that is to allow God to prune things  in your heart. You're being pruned for more fruit. Drp this in the chat.
I'm being pruned for more  fruit. John 15:2, Jesus says that a branch that bears fruit, God begins to prune that branch  so that that branch bears more fruit. Pruning is painful.
Come on somebody. Drp this in the  chat. Pruning is painful but pruning is pain on purpose.
A pruning is not punishment. Pruning  is removing the sucker branches so that you can now have more energy toward the branches that  actually make you fruitful. And sometimes there is a pruning that happens in your life when  the Lord begins to pull you away from people or pull people away from you, so that you can be  more focused on the fruitfulness that He has for you.
And so that God can set you up for greater  effectiveness in His kingdom. You're being pruned, not punished. I remember when earlier days of  our ministry, you know I would experience these things where sometimes people would leave, and  you know I just kind of felt like, man, why is God punishing me?
But and I remember hearing it  in my spirit, "You're not punished. You're being pruned. " You know when God reduced the army of  Gideon and that wasn't a punishment and he was left with 300.
That was pruning, and this was a  time to advance instead of retreat. And so when an arrow is being pulled back by an archer, the  arrow is not going back. It's being pulled back so that it could be released forward.
Be a person  who has a different perspective about some of the setbacks that the Lord allows maybe, and when He  removes certain people, He does that because He wants to expose certain things in your heart and  prune those things in your heart. Deal with that maybe ugliness, deal with that fear, deal with  that underlying father wound. Deal with that you know maybe that control, that you're like, man  but I need to control every single thing and now I lose control.
The Holy Spirit is exposing that so  He can bring pruning, why? Because the next season requires healthier you, not sicker you and that  cannot happen without pruning. What does God do to prune us?
He uses His Word. He doesn't use people  to prune us, He uses His Word to prune us. When people leave, the Word of God begins to come into  your life and He brings pruning into your heart, says hey, I got you.
I'm with you. I am going to  take you to the new season, to the new stage of your life. Number three.
What happens when God  removes people out of my life, why God removes people out of my life is sometimes God is trying  to clear our vision. This happened with Abraham. When Lot left Abraham, the Bible says God said  to Abraham, I want you to lift up your eyes and to look from where you are at Northward, Southward  Eastward, Westward.
And the word "Lot" means veil. Which means that Abraham could not see past into  his future. He heard about the promise of God, he couldn't see the promise of God because he had Lot  in his life.
And Lot was a blessing, until he was not. And so when Lot leaves, God says lift up your  eyes because up to this point you couldn't see the promise, You could only receive the promise and  I want you to walk in that promise now. There are places and people that we are surrounded  with that cause the vision that God has given us not to be seen.
There are environments that we  are in that cause us to have the prophetic words, we're just not able to see it. We know we have it.  We know it's God's will for our life but we are not seeing it.
Our vision is blurry. Some of you  are dating somebody and because of that you're no longer able to see clearly into your future. Maybe  you are in a covenant relationship with people that are kind of already you outgrew some of  those places and now you're no longer seeing the future.
You're kind of stuck in this monotone, the  sameness. There's no clarity, there's no passion, there's no vision and so I'm not saying go and  start cutting people off. What I'm saying is that when somebody wants to leave you, let them and  you go back to the secret place and you say, Lord, why did you place me on this earth?
Lord, what is  your vision for my life? Not what is my reality of right now because the problem that happens with  many of us, when you stay in the comfortable, complacent place, you become a slave to your  comfort, you become a slave to your reality, you become a slave to your paycheck, you become  a slave to the connections you've built. And most of our friends, our best friends are really  the people we work with.
So you develop these, these things and then maybe something  is shifting in your work environment, something is shifting even within your ministry  or within your church. You feel a sense of a call toward a college or university. Your family is may  be moving to a different town and so you're like, man I'm just not sure.
I kind of all of my life  is linked there and now I feel like I'm being uprooted. But ask yourself a question. Not what  is my reality, but what is my vision?
Because people of vision cannot be addicted, enslaved  or imprisoned by their reality. Your reality is comfortable. It's what you know.
It's predictable.  But I would rather have the freedom and the vision of God that carries a sense of responsibility, a  lot of responsibility than to have predictability of my current circumstances. You know when my  family immigrated to the United States, I was 13 and I came into the world I was not familiar  with.
I came to the culture that shocked me at first. You know I lost my friends, I lost, it was  like, it was a very painful season of my life. It was a new season.
Looking back at it right now 22  years ago, you know I'm so glad that I was here, that God brought me here. Not only because I  get a chance to live in the best country in the world. God bless you, all of you people in other  countries but I love America.
Not only that but in here is where God opened my vision to what He had  for me. This did not mean that God couldn't use me there. But He had to bring me to this place and  my vision that He had for my life had to be open.
My reality sucked. My reality was painful, at  first. But see God wasn't interested in me having a comfortable reality.
He wanted me to have His  vision for my life and so His vision became more clear, more clear, and more clear and more clear.  But if I were to say that my reality was amazing, oh no. It was not.
It was painful. It was  heartbreaking sometimes, for the first little moments, until I got adjusted to the reality,  until things changed on the outside. Number four.
One of the reasons why God removes people  from your life is because some people God has a different plan for them. He has a different plan  for them. When God removed Moses from Jethro, it wasn't because Jethro was a bad father-in-law and  it wasn't because Moses was bad.
It was because Moses's assignment was no longer in Jethro's  house. It was in somebody else's house. I just want to encourage those of you who are right now  like maybe you are a pastor and some people are leaving your church.
And they're going to another  church or they're going to plant a church. Let them go because maybe the Lord is wanting to use  them in Egypt and your house is not where He has them permanently. Your house is a place where  they got raised but where they are going to make a difference is going to be in Egypt.
Let them  go. Imagine if Jethro would have not let Moses go and said, no you can't go to Egypt. Why?
You're  going to be in my house for the rest of your life. We wouldn't have Book of Exodus. We would not have  Deuteronomy.
We will not have Joshua. We will not have Israel being a nation. We wouldn't have Ten  Commandments.
We wouldn't have none of that and so we cannot control people. And we as people must  understand is that God leads each and every one of us according to His purpose and according to our  assignment that He has for us. And sometimes that assignment stays in one place and that place is no  longer suitable.
It's no longer a place where God has us and we need to just move to where God is  taking us. I'm not advocating church hopping. I'm not advocating staying in one place until you get  hurt, staying in one place until you get offended.
No, I'm saying to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit  and to follow His leading. Sensitive to the Holy Spirit and follow His leading. Sometimes God  releases people from our team, from our church, from our ministry because He has a different  assignment for them.
And we got to release them and bless them. We can't go and start cursing  them. We can't go and start saying, oh you're rebellious and stuff.
Some people are rebellious,  but some people, they need to be released so they can fulfill God's assignment in their life. And  number five is when God removes somebody from your life, have a hopeful attitude. He's going to bring  something better.
Come on somebody, drop this in the chat. God wants to bring something better.  God wants to bring someone better.
Now this at first may seem a little bit offensive. Wow that's  kind of, you know that's hurtful Vlad, that God is removing this person. He's bringing somebody else  better into my life.
So are these people bad? No, no, no. Not so.
Think of about it. When Jesus  left to heaven, He told His disciples that it is to your advantage that I go away. He said  it's better for you that I go to heaven.
Did this mean that Jesus was bad for the disciples?  Absolutely not. Does this mean the Holy Spirit is better than Jesus?
Of course not. Holy Spirit and  Jesus, they're the two Persons of the Trinity. But for the disciples, it was better to have the Holy  Spirit.
Now how was it better? Because He could be with each one of us, in here. He can be with each  one of us in every nation.
The same way as Jesus was with them physically, the Holy Spirit could be  with each one of us spiritually. And Jesus says, it is better for you. He didn't say, Holy Spirit  is better.
He says it's better for you. Meaning, what God is about to do in your life is going to  be better for you. But of course it didn't feel better.
Disciples are used to Jesus. Three and a  half years with the Messiah, and Jesus is like, yeah, I'm going to leave you guys but whoever's  coming next, way better. Uh no.
We don't want that. We want you Jesus. You know You're going to  rise from the dead.
We're going to go and conquer Rome. We want You to stay with us. Jesus says,  no.
You don't understand. What's coming is better. This is huge.
Become a prisoner of hope. Believe,  that if God removes. It's because He plans to replace.
He plans to replace with something  better, someone better. Something is coming that's going to be better. Something is coming  that's going to be to your advantage.
It's going to help you in a way you don't even realize.  The Helper will come to you, Jesus said to His disciples. He says because if I depart, I'll  send Him to you.
Meaning God doesn't remove, He doesn't bring something better. I remember you  know a transition that happened even at HungryGen about a year and a half ago when we lost our  worship leader. And the day that I knew that he's going to be transitioning out, I went for  a few days to be with the Lord in another city.
And I have it in my notes, felt the Holy Spirit  put on my heart, He says, I'm bringing someone different. And where HungryGen is going to go,  I'm going to bring different people, and that I'm going to remove some people and I'm going to bring  different people. This doesn't mean that some of those people that transitioned will not come back. 
But it just means that next season something's going to be different, and I'm going to take  somebody and I'm going to bring somebody else. And you know that happened, you know this person  was our worship leader for seven year. Great guy and amazing, good person.
And then 6 months  later you know another worship leader that I met, he came in and then other people started to come  alongside. And the worship at HungryGen today, if you come in, it's a total different, a lot of  people will say, man it's, it's so much better. Not necessarily that the other person wasn't  good but God wants to take us from glory to glory.
And sometimes He doesn't take us into  that until He takes us from that. And we got to be mature enough, and we got to understand and  honestly be hopeful because when somebody leaves, we become kind of I don't know broken. When we  lose a job, we're like, ah, you know.
When we lose an opportunity we say, ah. But being hopeful,  meaning we're not oblivious to the reality of our current situation. We're just anchored in God,  that God is in control, that God is leading our life, we are in the center of His will, He knows  what He's doing and we are going to be hopeful for him to take us into the next season.
Let me just  give you final thoughts. When God removes people from your life, let them go. Don't hold on to  them.
When God removes people from your life, shake off the dust. Meaning don't hold on to  unforgiveness, don't stain in your new season with an old grudge. Grieve but don't hold a grudge  toward those people, decisions that they've made toward that season.
Grieve but don't grudge. Don't  hold on and hold on to an offense because the next season that you're about to walk in, you can  ruin that season by holding on to unforgiveness, bitterness, offense, a grudge from the previous  season. Grieving and holding on to a grudge are two different things.
Grieving is you miss  the good but you're looking forward to the best. Holding on to a grudge is you feel that the  best is in your past, you lost your future, you don't have hope anymore. You begin to hold on to a  grudge because somebody just took your whole life, but in reality you put your life in somebody's  hands instead of God's hands and that's dangerous to do.
When Samuel anointed Saul and Saul turned  out to be a bad King, God came to Samuel and said, Samuel, don't weep for him anymore. Fill your horn  with oil. Meaning become hopeful again.
It's okay to grieve but grieving has to come to an end.  Don't hold a grudge, fill your horn with an oil and I want you to go to the new season because the  guy that you're about to anoint, David. He's going to be a man after My heart.
He's going to write  Psalms. He's going to have one day a Son. His name is going to be Jesus, the Son of David and David  is going to be My man.
And so I know that you were disappointed about this, you know grieve but don't  get stuck there. Don't hold on to a grudge. Let it go.
When God removes people from your life, open  your heart to what's coming. Even when it feels like there's no hope, have hope because if you  are breathing, God has a plan for you. Now let me speak to those people who are not the ones  that God removes somebody from your life.
You are the one that God is moving. If God moves you  from somebody else, leave with a blessing, like Moses. He asked his father-in-law to bless him. 
Don't leave silently like Jacob. He kind of ran away from Laban. When God moves you, don't burn a  bridge with people, places that you are leaving.
Lot did not burn a bridge with Abraham because  when Lot got in trouble, Abraham bailed him out because he didn't burn a bridge. Don't burn a  bridge. When God moves you from a relationship or from a place, it's okay to maybe end the  relationship but don't end the person.
Meaning don't hurt those people, don't gossip, destroy  them, hurt them, don't talk bad about them because you are becoming a bad person yourself. Maybe they  were not good but you're becoming as bad as them by now dragging the past into your present and  then spoiling your future. When God moves you, let's say that you're moving from one church to  another.
Don't curse that pastor. Let's say you didn't like the church. I mean obviously that's  why you're probably leaving or the Lord moved you.
Don't go back to that church and take everybody  from the church, and drain that church completely by taking everybody from there into the new church  that you found. Don't do that. Be clean, be pure.
When God moves you, walk in righteousness and walk  in purity. When God moves you and maybe the person you're walking from or a place you're walking from  has pronounced curses on you. Some people are so insecure, so controlling and so manipulative  that if you walk away from their ministry, you walk away from their association, you walk  away from something, and it's almost like they run a cult instead of a kingdom of God.
They want  to hold you on the hook. They have a hook into you and they start threatening you, saying you'll  never succeed if you leave me. You know you you're going to collapse, your children are, I've heard  people say that about the people that leave them, and they say, your children are not going to make  it.
They're going to get sick. That's witchcraft. That's cursing.
Just renounce that and say no, I  don't believe in that. And just move on with God. If God is moving you, move on with God.
If God is  moving you, don't wait for everybody's approval, don't wait for everybody's support. If God is  moving you, have a greater hope for the future than a memory of the past. If God is moving  you, make sure your vision is greater than your memories.
If God is moving you, don't always  look back like Lot's wife. Good old days. There's nothing wrong with remembering good old days. 
But you got to have an understanding, your God is always moving to better things, greater things.  Keep your eyes open on the future, keep your eyes open on God and move forward with him in Jesus  name. Come on somebody.
Lord, I just pray right now for every person that is in this stream. I  ask You for every person that is in transition right now. If you are in the transition, I want  you to just drop number one in the chat.
Let me pray for you. Lord, I pray for people that are in  the transition who need to be in the transition. I pray for people that are in the transition  in their job, in the transition maybe they're about to move out of their parents house.
Maybe  they're in transition, they're about to finish school and step into a career. Maybe they're in  transition of they're about to go into school. Maybe they're in transition of about to enter  into relationships or maybe they're in transition they just exited relationships.
Maybe they're  in transition, they just joined this ministry and it's new and it's exciting. Or maybe they're  in transition, they're exiting a ministry. Lord, I pray for those people right now.
I thank You  that You are pruning them. I thank You that You're preparing them. Holy Spirit, I thank You that You  are setting them up for a break through.
Lord, I thank You that you don't remove things without  replacing them with something better for us, for us. You're doing things to our advantage. Lord,  Your Word says that things that happen to us, they work out for our good.
And Lord, we believe  in that right now. That it might not be good but it will turn for our good because You're a good  God and You have a great plan for our life. And You're a Father who wants to mature us and develop  us to be like your Son, Jesus Christ.
I pray for my extended family that's watching, that's going  to be re-watching, listening on the podcast. In the name of Jesus, may You strengthen them.  Lord, may You give them wisdom and grace.
Lord, I ask You in the name of Jesus, may they not catch  a sickness because of a season change. Meaning, may they not get lost in this transition. May  their heart not develop grudges, offenses, hurt and pain but instead let their heart develop  an abundance mindset.
My God is a big God. That this is a learning opportunity, and I am growing  in Christ and I'm going forward with God. The best days are not behind me.
The best days are ahead of  me. People don't control my future, God controls my future. People don't make me and they can't  break me.
God made me and God can break me if He chooses to. I submit my life to God. I submit  my life to the Lord, in Jesus name.
Holy Spirit, I ask You that You will enlarge our vision. Holy  Spirit, I ask You that You will begin to take us to a new season, to a new place in our life.  Lord, I pray for those that are stuck in between.
Somebody exited them but nobody came in. I pray  that You will begin to bring people into their life. I pray for people that are grieving.
People  that have dealt with Saul in their life and he proved to be a disappointment, she proved to be a  disappointment, they prove to be a disappointment. I pray that the grieving period will come to  an end, a healing will come into their life. And I pray in Jesus name that You will lead them  to Bethlehem, that You will lead them to David, that You will lead them to the next thing Lord. 
We choose to forget the ex. We're going to go to the next, Lord. We're going to step into the new  thing that You have for us, in Jesus name.
We love You Jesus. We love You Lord. I pray that You would  draw us near to You Lord.
As we take time to pray and fast, would you draw us near to You God. We  want to be near You so we can hear You. We want to be near You so we can fear You.
We want to be  near You Lord, so that we can be like You. Drw us near, Lord. Fill our hearts with desires for  You.
We yield and surrender to You right now. If you have a pain in your body, I want to pray with  you right now. I want to pray that the Lord will bring healing into your body right now.
So I'm  going to ask you just place your hand upon the part of the body where there is sickness. So go  ahead and just place your hand upon the part of the body where there is pain. Let's pray together  right now.
Let's invite the Holy Spirit to come right now. Father in the name of Jesus, I pray  for every person that is watching this right now, on every platform or those who will be listening  to this down the road. In the name of Jesus, Lord I confess Your Word that our body is the  temple of the Holy Spirit.
Our body is for service. It's not for sickness. It's not for sin. 
And whether this sickness is an affliction, part of living in a broken world. Lord, You promised  that we can be healed through You and right now I come in agreement with every brother, every  sister. I come in agreement with every parent.
I come in agreement with every adult that's watching  this right now. That You will bring healing to their body, restoration to their health. I take  authority over every sickness and disease.
I rebuke that sickness right now. I rebuke that pain  right now. Any curses that brought that sickness and pain, I break those curses by the power  of the name of Jesus Christ.
Any generational curses that keep fueling that sickness, if it's  not one thing than another. I come against those generational curses, those bloodline curses  be broken right now. Be healed in Jesus name.
I speak healing right now to every organ that's  not functioning properly. I speak healing right now to the blood. I speak healing to the bones. 
I speak healing to the digestive system. I speak healing right now in the name of Jesus to the  brain, to the joints in Jesus name. I rebuke that cancer.
I rebuke that tumor right now. I rebuke  that growth. Be healed in Jesus mighty name.
Be restored in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  Receive God's healing touch right now. Holy Spirit fire come right now anywhere there is pain,  anywhere where there is sickness, anywhere where there is dysfunction and suffering, be healed in  Jesus name.
Holy Spirit touch them right now. Holy Spirit touch them right now, in Jesus name. Thank  You, Lord.
Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus. Come on somebody, drop this in the chat.
Say, I  receive. Put this in the chat, I receive. If you are praying right now with us and I want you to  test your body.
Do what you could not do without pain, and if you're noticing that the pain has  left, let me know in the comments below or just go to pastorvlad. org/ testimony. In fact I do  want to ask you, if you have received healing or deliverance through our ministry before but  you've never shared your testimony with me, let me know that in the comments below  by going to pastorvlad.
org/testimony. So pastorvlad. org/testimony and let me know.
I would  love to hear your testimony. It brings me joy and it brings me fulfillment when I know that the Lord  is working through our ministry and helping you in Jesus mighty name. I want to give an opportunity  right now to anybody or everybody that's watching this or maybe has been a part of our ministry,  and you've been joining us for the fast, and you've been receiving the blessing through  the books and through the videos.
And I want to invite you to become a partner with our ministry.  To sow your best seed today into our ministry. Few things I wanted to mention to you is that in our  ministry we produce content that reaches millions of people.
We produce content now in Russian.  We produce content in Spanish. The books like "Host The Holy Ghost" is translated into so many  languages.
Like if you would go on my website and you would check the books, it's just a lot of  languages that I think 10 different languages it's being translated. All of that takes resources.  We produce courses.
We offer reading plans and so many things you know get people engaged.  We have a staff that helps us to do that, and so if this ministry has been a blessing to  you, would you prayerfully consider sowing your best seed today or becoming a monthly partner  with our ministry. This is a good soil and your seed will go into that soil to help us reach  more people.
Every week we see people saved, healed and delivered through the means that the  Lord has given to us and that He is using. And you get a chance to be a part of that. And so let  me just pray for those people that are praying, that are giving today and that are considering  giving.
Lord, I pray for every person that You may be speaking to their heart right now and  who are considering becoming a partner. That You will bless them Lord. I pray for their  financial needs.
I pray for their other needs that they have. And I pray for those who cannot  give today because of their situation. Lord, I pray that You will begin to just supply  their needs according to Your riches and Your glory.
I pray that You will open windows and  opportunities God for them to make a living, to take care of their family, to take care of  their needs, God. That You will bless them and make them a blessing to those in need around  them, in Jesus name amen. So thank you for those of you who are giving.
We really appreciate  you and honor your obedience to the Lord. And we will continue to do what the Lord is leading  us to do to reach more people for him, amen.
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I Learned Holy Spirit Secrets to Touch God...
David Diga Hernandez
Old Age in the Golden Age | Dr. David Jeremiah
Old Age in the Golden Age | Dr. David Jere...
David Jeremiah
7 Holy Spirit Habits of Highly Effective Christians
7 Holy Spirit Habits of Highly Effective C...
Vlad Savchuk
10 Steps to Thrive in Your Season Shift
10 Steps to Thrive in Your Season Shift
Vlad Savchuk
How to Listen to God - C.S. Lewis’s Powerful Wisdom
How to Listen to God - C.S. Lewis’s Powerf...
If THESE 5 Things Happened, Your Season Has Changed
If THESE 5 Things Happened, Your Season Ha...
Vlad Savchuk
Goodness of God | Spontaneous Worship | Morning Prayer
Goodness of God | Spontaneous Worship | Mo...
Why God Removes Things From Your Life | Steven Furtick
Why God Removes Things From Your Life | St...
Steven Furtick
Experiencing God’s Divine Provision
Experiencing God’s Divine Provision
Vlad Savchuk
Doors Demons Use You Need to Close Immediately
Doors Demons Use You Need to Close Immedia...
David Diga Hernandez
How ALL Things Work Together for Your Good!
How ALL Things Work Together for Your Good!
Vlad Savchuk
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