Hello, Édemundos Mari, Have you ever been asked what international relations are? A lot, followed by the question: is it like foreign trade? What are you going to work on?
Are you going to be a diplomat? Does it have anything to do with tourism? Are you going to travel around the world?
Are you going to be a stewardess? How much do you earn? These are the questions that we'll explain for you today.
Have you ever come across this very beautiful name (international relations) in the middle of university course options and did not understand exactly what it is? Is it the same as foreign trade? Are you going to travel the world?
Did you read abstracts about the course on the internet, but was not clear at all? Does the bachelor study the world system, risk of conflict, and the political situation of nations? But then this is just for the diplomat?
Don't know! Don't worry! We'll explain everything you need to know about this course to fall in love.
Come with us! The course of international relations, known as IR, is relatively new and several universities have begun to incorporate the course into their course options only in the last decade. The first degree in international relations (in Brazil) arose in 1974 at the University of Brasília, but the first doctoral program in IR appeared only in 2001.
Unfortunately the profession is not yet regulated, which means that it does not yet have a defined salary for the category. But don't panic. Usually the starting salary is 1500 to 3000 reais The bachelor in international relations, also known as internationalist, is a very dynamic professional, since the course of IR encompasses several topics, which makes the graduate know a little bit of everything that involves the international scope without being a specialist in only one area Do you like history, politics, geography, international law, economics, countries and businesses?
These are some of the subjects we study in the IR courses in Brazil You will probably come across disciplines such as international security, regional integration, foreign policy, and these are just some of the coolest disciplines. The bachelor in international relations need not be frightened. It's not necessary to confine yourself to diplomacy or foreign trade.
In fact, it can be such a comprehensive area that you can work in any area with an international focus, like In academic circles in universities, in research, in multinational companies, in international consulting, regional integrations, or even in the public sector such as ministries, state government or city hall. Or in international organizations such as the UN, and of course in diplomacy too. You can still find more options than these, or else create your own Despite being a very new area and many do not know exactly how the IR professional works, is currently one of the courses that most have candidates in the annual Brazilian tests (vestibulares) Within the universe of international relations, there are several national and regional meetings between students and teachers, which is a great way to create connections with other students.
There are also MUN's, which are simulations created by students and teachers of the course, which simulate UN committees and place students as representatives of countries in the face of conflict. Inside the course, you also come across various philosophical theories of the most diverse authors, explaining international, social and also government policies. And each theory has a different approach to the course.
Some tend the curriculum for the business focus, others for the public area, and others for the organizational area. It depends on where you decide to study. But even with a focus on a specific area, you are not limited to it and can explore the many possibilities We chose this profession very carefully and hope to help you make a good choice as well.
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