just speak to a Jeffrey Jeffrey's had a crush on Jessica for so long but he just can't muster up the courage to speak to her he stares at her in class every single day what do you think happens next she gets a boyfriend Jeffrey's so upset he should have just talked to her Adonis Adonis understands women just like Pakistan I'm tired of you doing the tax one bro just like Pakistani men and know how to avoid taxes donnish understands women just like Jeffrey understands the female characters on League of Legends obsessively his conversations with women
are full of sexual tension excitement and interest I was in Army Cadets when I was a teenager and inside you know you'd go for like training to train to be in the Army when you're 14 years old you'd go and like learn how to like do knots and ties and stuff there was a particular part where it would be sat almost like a classroom and the instructor in front of us would be teaching us like the phonetic alphabets a for Alpha B for beta I couldn't even focus on what he was saying because my eyes
were just glued onto the girl that I had a crush on bro she was so [ __ ] cute bro I had such a big crush on this girl who was in Army Cadets with me and I said nothing to her day in and day out every time like it was time to go to Cadets maybe two three times a week I would literally just kind of like stare at her and I would do this which makes me so [ __ ] cringe now instead of saying anything I would literally be sat there in the
classroom room tilted back on my chair and biting my pen lid I'll be doing this whilst looking at her let's go like this bro and I had no [ __ ] confidence enough to speak to her I thought this was game I thought like I was maybe 14 at the time but I thought this was game bro I thought I looked like smooth and like hot as [ __ ] and everything doing this and eventually there's this big events for Cadets where hundreds of us from different groups different detachments go and like meet up in
like this big city and there's like some big compound that's been reserved for us and it's like this organized thing where there's gonna be like a big dance like a ball at the end that we've all got like suits and dresses for and everything and I remember one of our instructors one of like the sort of female sort of more senior girls who were still like you know quite young she randomly just asked me once like oh Hamza look would you go to the dance with her um yeah yeah of course I would yeah what
happened was that she had the other girl that I like she had like no one else to go with and you know I'm last place but yeah it's fine bro like if she's stuck with me it's fine a day into this sort of big event she just kind of like in front of everyone kind of says that she has a crush on someone else and that she wants to go out with him and even one of like my friends there as well said oh but what about hamster like he said you know you should go
out you should go with Amazon and she's like yeah yeah and I was like oh no don't worry about me like should go you should go with that guy oh man maybe your father or your uncle hasn't told you this just yet but fortune favors the Bold you can't be shy around women you need to grab whatever confidence you have whatever level of Courage that you have and just take action and say something and be honest that you like this girl being shy and being you know taking your time with it it makes you just
seem less attractive and I know what you're thinking and you could probably relate to you know my story but I don't know but you know it doesn't feel right and it's not the right time I'm gonna wait for the right time to say something but the thing is when you're like a certain level of guy when you don't have that much of experience with girls or you're not that confident you're always gonna feel this level of resistance before you're about to like speak to a girl and tell her that you like her courage is when
you feel that feeling of fear but you do the thing anyway you have to understand that you have inside of you this emotion that's telling you like oh no but it's going to be scary if we talk to her but you can do the action even if you feel this emotion you don't need to feel absolutely fine to go speak to her you just need to do the action no matter what you're feeling girls are attracted to like courageous confident guys who even if they're experiencing some kind kind of negative fearful emotion do the hard
work anyway and you might be thinking I'm scared of rejection well yeah of course you are rejection is like a totally scary thing but only really for the first 50 rejections of your life by now you watching this you probably experience rejection maybe 10 times in your entire life maybe 20 times obviously online texting [ __ ] like you know some girl that you've never even met before on Tinder or something stops replying to your message that doesn't count but like a real rejection of you walking up to a girl saying something in the sense
that you like her and then her saying oh no sorry I've got a boyfriend most young guys have only been rejected like three times and it hurts so significantly but the pain of rejection starts up here and it goes down dramatically with every single one that you get and I promise you that any of the guys who are slightly older than you who are quite experienced with women and you know who get like quite a lot of girls have been rejected by 10 times as many as you can think honestly I may have been rejected
by probably close to 300 400 500 somewhere around that range in person in person and that's not even including like the random times like some girl on Instagram or Tinder that like doesn't reply to your message to be good with girls honestly a lot of it's just quantity it's just a lot of practice how is it that girls actually want you to talk to them they just want you to like be honest and upfront with what you actually want from us so many guys especially the younger guys who don't have much confidence like you go
about it in this like just this [ __ ] kind of way where you just kind of act like you don't really like her for what for what reason what gain is there for you to pretend that you don't really like it and that you've got no interest in it you know there's the kind of cool Chad looking guy who doesn't act but just that isn't really that interested in her and that's kind of attractive but when it's inauthentic when you are actually obsessively thinking about this girl and you try and act too cool and
like pretend like oh I'm not gonna speak to her like I'm gonna wait till the right time it's not attractive bro and the reason why we do that the reason why we don't go and speak to these girls is because we're just scared of rejection because we're scared of like the bad thing that could happen because we feel quite fearful you can't be scared of rejection because regret hurts more than rejection not speaking to that girl that you randomly see that one time that you could have called approach hurts more than you just going up
to speak to her and her just saying oh sorry I've got a boyfriend so what should you actually say when you're next to a girl that you probably we already know the advice oh you should ask questions and you should be interested in them that advice is like really basic and the guys who follow it end up feeling that they're in an interview with the girl and you probably felt this too you've probably felt that you've been in this one-sided conversation where you're asking her questions and she's answering and it just feels like an interview
maybe she's asking you the question out of like politeness you say like oh what's your favorite type of music and she says oh yeah like drum and bass what's your favorite type of music yeah well I really like 90s bro and the conversation you know for a fact is not the kind of one that she's having with Chad so what conversation are these girls actually having which sexually excites them and it's definitely not the kind of one that you're having which just feels like an interview this is exactly what you do instead of asking questions
and making your conversation with her kind of like an interview you instead tease her teasing a girl is far far more enjoyable than going through like this dry boring ass interview questions about what kind of music do you like you tease her in almost like a slightly mocking tone with like a slight insult you don't want to just tease her by saying oh yeah you're a fat [ __ ] some [ __ ] but you want to tease her in a way that's quite clear really like not true so it's not going to hurt her
feelings for example with my girl now that I'm dating for our first date we sat in a cafe together and we both had like a hot drink and we were in Thailand right so we met in Thailand she's wearing like this beautiful black dress and this one Cafe was pretty warm so she started to sweat as you know it's normal to do in Thailand and I just started making fun of her for sweating I was oh you did squat in the in the bathroom like to warm up before he comes speaking to me and stuff
and you know she had like a bit of sweat and wiping it off her and said oh you're so sweet you know just teasing around with that that made our conversation flow so well to the point that I was leaving Thailand that same day by the way that was my last day on Thailand I literally just had like a last minute date with this girl it was so good she was meant to stay in Thailand with a brother for like months in the future we had such a good time together on that day that she
literally left her travels early came back to the UK to be with me so I made such a great impression on our first date because I focus entirely on this kind of teasing light-hearted Vibe is Sexual Energy before getting into the more sort of serious conversation oh [ __ ] me holy [ __ ] bro when I was in university I was a [ __ ] boy right I was good at sleeping with girls from like Tinder and clubs and everything and me and my one friend Levi we went out onto this club night inside
the club you know we kissed girls and stuff but none of the girls like were coming out with us but we leave the club we're about to go home we've got an Uber and we see these two like cute looking like bro sexy looking girls like hot looking girls it was very interesting because the two girls we saw were like exactly our type so we go up and start spitting game to these girls and we start telling them oh you're not coming to Aruba come back to our place and everything we all have like music
we got drinks and everything and the girls are weighing it up now yeah go on the girls are vibing us right so we bring both girls back to our apartments and I started kissing my girlfriend with a black haired girl and I bring her into my room and out of nowhere bro the other girl walks in just kind of like not interested she walks in stops me and my girl and kind of tells my girl come on Luke we're going I'm like what the [ __ ] so what you know like why is my friend
not held it down come on bro just take care of your girl for like another five minutes bro all I needed was five minutes bro he sat there on his bed just looking defeated on my bro what the [ __ ] all you have to do was just like keep her busy like if you're not gonna [ __ ] fine but like I was about to bro what the [ __ ] like why is your girl coming to my room and interrupted me and taking her away and they just went home now and he just
looks at me he's like oh bro I've got no [ __ ] game like he usually is kind of a smooth guy but this is literally what happened this guy brings his girl into his room and they sit there with like the bright light on no music playing or anything they just sat there at the edge of his bed and he's just asking her interview questions so like uh what kind of music do you like come around some of his girl just got bored with the conversation literally stood up left him came inside my room
just said oh yeah come on we're leaving you can't be asking girls these boring ass questions I know that sort of conventional advice tells you that you should take an interest in the girl and you should ask her about her Hobbies bro girls don't want to speak about their Hobbies that's boring as [ __ ] they want you to tease them to have like a little bit of playful banter to like play wrestle with each other they want you to speak about like your work which you're extremely passionate and ambitious about do you want to
know one of the single conversations that I've had which has increased a girl's attraction to me to the sky limit is with this girl when I told her about my plans for YouTube with my leadership of this movement and I looked her in the eyes and said that I'm going to the top do you want to join me imagine how [ __ ] interesting how emotional that makes a woman feel when you speak to her in a certain way well you don't just ask these little like you know silly questions like oh did you do
the homework today what's your music typo like just this like little weak ass bait of mail sorry boy kind of like conversations and instead you speak to her like a man and a man either speaks to a woman with like so much ambition and tells her yes like I'm gonna make it I'm gonna I'm gonna be so successful or he speaks to her like he's almost like playing around with her and he's just kind of like laughing around with it he's teasing her and stuff he doesn't take us too seriously honestly most of the conversations
that I have with my girl it's just me just teasing her and that like I see her so bubbly so like goofy so like laughing with me am I pushing her onto the bed and everything and they like that stuff they don't want to be bored sat down next to a guy who's saying oh what kind of music do you like scroll down right now and click on the Subscribe button and you'll see more videos like this also click and watch this video right now do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it