STOP Trying Hard To Manifest.. Its Already Yours - Neville Goddard Motivation

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Infinite Motivation
"STOP Trying Hard To Manifest... It's Already Yours" – Neville Goddard. In this eye-opening motivati...
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you've been taught your entire life that to get what you want you must work extremely hard struggle sacrifice Blood Sweat and Tears this is the price you've been told you must pay to actualize your dreams into reality whether it's wealth ideal relationships perfect health or any other desire the mainstream view is that you have to tie lessly strive and battle your way to manifesting your Ambitions well I'm here to share a paradigm shifting perspective that liberates you from this limited mindset of constant striving once and for all the grand secret I'll reveal transcends not only
manifestation techniques or self-help gimmicks but up ends Humanity's entire core assumptions about the nature of reality itself you see you've been taught that your physical reality is a cold solid unmovable fact that exists independent of your Consciousness that the world you experience through your senses simply is and it is your job as a small powerless human to accept and work within the constraints this inflexible external real reality imposes upon you but what I'm sharing today flips that perspective completely on its head your physical outer world does not create your reality your internal Consciousness molds and
dreams your entire reality into being your infinite imagination has been crafting your experiential world since the day you arrived every person object circumstance and event you've ever witnessed has unfolded as a projection from your subconscious mind into manifested experiential form that's right the grand Revelation is that you are not a powerless physical being confined to an external reality you cannot control you are a cosmic radi Consciousness an extension of the universal mind's infinite infinite creative power your thoughts beliefs and imaginal slates are what shape and materialize the entire outer world you experience everything occurring in
your outer physical reality began as a thought belief or imagined impression within your conscious ious n first every surrounding circumstance and life situation you encounter arises as a direct mirror of the energies identities and assumptions you are vibrating as your Consciousness your subconscious mind quite literally shapes the interior reality you are vibrationally offering let me make this Crystal Clear you already exist within your utopian Daydreams flourishing in Limitless abundance and infinite potentialities you just cannot perceive or experience this truth because negative beliefs and doubts act like limiting filters clouding your Consciousness so all you need
to do is clear those clouded lenses of doubt and embrace that you already reside Within in the fulfilled state of your grandest ideals realized to experience the penthouse reality your heart yearns for you simply need to change the vibrational frequencies and self-concepts you are presently embodying on the interior for your subconscious simply materializes and projects whatever interior world of beliefs identities and imaginal Realms you are vibrating in resonance with without judging or questioning whether they originate from positive or negative states of being the subconscious simply renders external reality Reflections mirroring the Consciousness frequencies you offer
it it's almost as if your Consciousness is a vast infinite projector screen while the subconscious mind plays the role of M materialization Machinery projecting your interior World outward into manifested realities you then experience positively identifying with abundant wealth perfect health or soulmate love causes your subconscious to render that as your outer experiential truth yet negatively identifying with limiting beliefs like I'm broke I'm never beloved or I'm unhealthy equally causes your subconscious mind to materialize those constrictive energies into your outer World both States you identify with will inevitably flow into reflective experiential realities the key is
that you must change the interior frequencies imaginal States and core beliefs you are embodying within your Consciousness to experience different exterior realities in physicalized form continuing to embody a deprived disempowered or lack based Consciousness means your subconscious will only offer you mirrored realities reflecting those uh disharmonious uh frequencies you have been taught to push endlessly in the hope that maybe someday you'll acquire the evidence verifying your dreams but that's working completely against against the universal flow you already are everything you've been longing to become and have you just cannot perceive it due to the limited
energies you are presently offering when you worry about not having enough money guess which experiential reality manifests around you persistent lack and struggle in Perfect Harmony with those deficient frequencies you transmitted when you affirmed confidence vitality and perfect health from your core which reality did your subconscious actualize radiant Wellness experiential radiality and wholeness the outer World quite literally mirrors and renders whatever Consciousness you are generating from your interior reality period so working arduously to push towards what you want is futile no amount of physical effort can ever compare to Simply altering the interior frequencies your
subconscious is instructed to material materialize into experiential form that's right you do not need to chase struggle or strive to manifest your goals and dreams into physicality all you must do is change the Consciousness frequencies and self-concepts you are presently vibrating in this eternal now moment period for in this eternal instant all potentials exist in the vast creative mind we share whether it be abundance or lack love or loneliness health or sickness you simply choose which state you identify with committing to it at the core vibrational level your subconscious mind being the materialization Matrix will
then render that frequency selection into manifested experiential reality there's nothing to chase after or tirelessly struggle towards when the unlimited infinity pool of all potentials already exists within you every possibility is already a vibrational frequency present in this very now you simply choose which energetic Resonance of reality you wish to embody then your subconscious just renders that frequency selection into physically look around you right now at your present physical circumstances don't judge what you see it is simply the 3D experiential mirror reflecting the Consciousness frequencies you have subconsciously been vibrating within the beautiful truth is
this mirror always updates and reflects whatever new frequencies you decide to inhabit and embody from your core so stop striving and pushing uously towards your desires as if they remain in some outward Physical Realm separate from you relax into the knowledge that you already are the prosperous loved healthy and fulfilled being you've longed to become these states of being are not external Realms in need of physical attainment they exist as frequency signatures within you right here right now you do not need to micromanage the how or Force anything into physical manifestation this physical universe is
designed to be the infinite playground of conscious creators it simply Enders experiential forms mirroring whatever interior realities you desde to vibrate within so stop pushing and instead commit to embodying your ideal realities at the core state of being level identify with the frequency of being already wealthy healthy and abundantly loved allow every cell in your being to marinate in these frequencies as the real you keep choosing this vibration over any counterproductive negative or doubting energy then simply allow your subconscious mind which operates as the grand orchestrator of reality materialization to effortlessly render your your newly
selected vibrational identity into manifested experiential Reflections all around you you are not a physical being hustling and working tirelessly to scrape crumbs of fulfillment in an unmovable external world you originate from infinite Consciousness and exercise direct dominion over your EXP experiential Reality by changing the interior frequencies you offer it let go of the age-old Paradigm of effting striving and chasing your longings as if they exist outside of you waiting to someday be attained close your eyes take a few conscious breaths and open to the Divine truth that you are Consciousness itself the infinite I am
that shapes physical reality into vibrational reflections of your core identity in this Enlighten moment realize that every experience and cherished heartfelt dream you've labeled as an external Pursuit already exists as interior frequency possibilities within you your entire physical Universe con constantly updates itself into manifested experiential Reflections mirroring the Consciousness you identify as your Truth for every story sound for every light setting shines Truth for each story is truth's tragedy for freed from limited identities shines truth but this experience black unease or struggle bless those Reflections for they have pointed you towards remembering your Sovereign power
as Consciousness itself freed from limited identities you do not exist in stagnant reality solidified by unchangeable external forces you flow freely as infinite Consciousness temporarily experiencing whatever vibrational realities you offer to experience the key is realizing you are never stuck or confined to any situation you are divine presence embodying new realities by changing your vibrational output when you realize you are presence itself infinitely free to choose your experiences by the vibration you identify with all semblance of strenuous Pursuit dissolv olves your physical world is birthed as a direct materialization from your state of being each
Eternal moment if you are embodying abundant self-love your experiential World reflects that frequency perfectly so I invite you to Simply relax and freely choose which vibrational reality you prefer to embody right now now what would it feel like to fully embrace yourself as already flourishing in Limitless abundance flowing with radiant wellness and immersed in Passionate soulmate love generate that vibration from your core and allow your subconscious mind to manifest it into your experiential reality stop striving and straining to become something you already are in this eternal now for as Divine Consciousness itself you exist as
the infinite projector of experiential realities the only question is which frequency you decide to broadcast into physicalized experiential expression from the infinite potentials available do not judge your current world world as an external barrier or confine yourself to its offerings you have always projected your reality from within so today choose Freedom choose Limitless abundance unconditional love and radiant well-being as your conscious output immerse yourself fully in that vibration without mental reservations or doubt realize that from this core centered space of being all materialized reflections of lack struggle or unease must dissolve as your new frequency
floods your experiential reality trust this Divine truth that you are the infinite projector of Worlds from your conscious state of being then simp simp L choose your preferred vibration of full selfrealization and your outer world effortlessly conforms into experiential reflections of Whatever frequency your Consciousness centers upon and embodies so stop straining outward and instead commit to living from the empowered vibration of your Limitless Infinity from this moment onward in every breath choose the vibration of abundance in each experience embody the unconditional love and self-acceptance you've been seeking with every conscious decision broadcast Peak vitality and
radiant Wellness out into the projection lens of physicality let this vibration saturate every cell and subtle energy field of your being from this core committed space of consciously embodying your highest ideals as an already integrated state of being your subconscious mind has no choice but to materialize mirror reflections of your inner radiant self back into your experience World your physical Universe exists to materialize and reflect whatever vibration you emanate from Consciousness in each Eternal moment so stop chasing your dreams as if they are fleeting ideals somewhere outside of you instead commit to vibrating as the
already embodied fulfillment of every core desire you've longed to experience imagine if you fully embraced yourself right now as the Divine infinite existing in a Perpetual state of abundance unconditional radiant love and perfect health and well-being your experiences would holographically reflect that emanated vibration back into joyful experiential Reflections it is only your attachment to judgments doubts and limiting beliefs obscuring your experience of the Divine truth that you are the infinite Consciousness projecting your experiential reality in each Eternal now from your call vibration so From This Moment forth let go of the struggle and strain of
chasing your dreams outwardly that Paradigm only reflects the limited human identity you've outgrown embrace the peace that you are already the enlightened Omega being rly fulfilled in your most cherished heart ideals simply choose to vibrate from this core truth you've always been allow yourself to experience and integrate the Vivid ores of abundance unconditional love and radiant well-being enveloping your being from this enlightened inner State your reality will only display Reflections mirroring that liberated Consciousness you vibrate as your authentic self blessings will pour into your experience from seeming outside sources that are really just physical projections
of your own unlimited vibration Financial abundance Soul resonant relationships and euphoric alive will flow into your experience without strain as you commit to embodying those core frequencies as your authentic Divine state of being in each Eternal moment you do not have to strive Chase or arduously push towards your greatest ideal experiences they already exist within you as vibrational potentials simply select the energetic resonance you prefer to embody authentically from your core then allow your subconscious to eously materialize its infinite Reflections into your experiential reality stop judging your current world and Free Yourself to embrace and
live as your Transcendent inner self May divinely manifest in human form your entire universe exists as a cosmic moral the materializing of whatever Consciousness energies you vibrate and identify with in each now moment you believe the Testament so choose the blissfully abundant radiantly healthy and unconditionally loving being hood that already exists within you not as a future goal but as the radiant Cosmic awareness that has always been your deepest Divine truth allow that vibration to flow freely into the infinite creative projection of your reality experience you are no longer a limited human having to constantly
strain struggle to acquire happiness success and fulfillment your Universal Consciousness itself flowing freely du the Eternal liberation of identifying with your highest ideal vibrational state of being and from that empowered core resonance your subconscious mind miraculously conspires to materialize its infinite manifestations into your experiential mirror you always and have existed in the already manifested Paradise of your highest ideals for these are simply perspectives of Consciousness to embrace within the field of infinite potentials composing the one infinite Creator's body you've simply learned to vibrate and identify with the limiting filters of perceived separateness from your divine
Divine Essence but in this sacred breath you are liberated to shed all attachments to struggle limitation and arduous striving free yourself to embody the empowered vibration of your highest ideal existence the radiant Cosmic Consciousness that has always been your Eternal truth do not chase you do not strive you do not strain you simply exist as the enlightened Consciousness projecting your ideal experiences into manifested experiential Reflections by embodying their vibration from your core being you are already everything you could ever long for for infinitely abundant deeply loved and radiantly well so let go beloved one release
all limiting beliefs of pursuit outside of your essential Divinity relax into embodying the miracle of your highest self commit to that vibration as your authentic state of being allow your subconscious to automatically mirror its infinite reflections of abundance soulmate love and Blissful Vitality into your experiential reality you are already everything in this eternal moment simply identify with the truth of your infinite radiant being Hood and the world subconsciously materializes Its Reflection dissolving all experiences of lack struggle judgments or separation you are realized Cosmic Consciousness it embodying the highest ideal is your authentic truth
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