Bob can you help me with something sure I'm trying to print a file but the printer won't work push the green button on the printer why to turn it on it won't print unless it's on oh right silly me thank you hey Bob my laptop crash and I can't get it to do anything I I type on the keyboard and nothing happens stick this here why to restart the computer computer you sure okay thanks Bob I could use a hand with something what is it somebody sent me an email but I think it has a
virus in it don't open the attachment click on the no virus icon on the toolbar why to clean the computer and stop the virus thanks Bob can I ask you another question I'm sorry but I can't get any work done with all these questions please I have some very important stuff I need to finish right now game over game over very important stuff game over game over how can I help you [Applause] hey Mr Evans yes you asked me to build a website for the company oh yes how's it coming along well sir I I
think I need some new technology what do you need a new scanner what's that it's a scanner sir but it's not nearly as good as this one this one would give us much better photos Okay and a digital camera would be good what's that it's not a digital camera sir it won't take pictures as easily as this one okay and also a new laptop it's not as fast as this one I see anything else and new DVD drive and I could also use a new joystick a joystick isn't that for computer games well I don't
really need the joystick what's all this going to cost me what well actually we could do without the DVD drive and the laptop and the camera and the scanner great for the next trip oh okay okay that over okay hello everyone you remember Miss Novak hello h M Novak has just opened an art gallery here I've asked her to find some pieces to decorate our office she's brought some things for us to look at today I have a painting a sculpture and a photograph that I think you'll like here's the painting this was painted by
a Russian artist that I really like it's called Sun On The Water the artist was inspire ired by looking at the sea what do you think I think I could do that it's fantastic how interesting it's very blue yes it's gorgeous oh good here's the sculpture was made by a British sculptor it's called City of Gold is it really gold no it's made of wood it was painted gold what do you think it's cool Mr Evans I think it would look good in your office I think I prefer the painting I'm fascinated by it good
and here's the photograph it's called winter it was photographed in Paris there's nothing there it's a photograph of snow in a park maybe I should buy them all what do you think great hey look I'm an artist here's my latest work it's called office wall it was inspired by looking at the walls of the office are you a photographer yes well no I I take a lot of pictures H H well I'm not so crazy about that one but I do like what you've done here oh I'm very moved by it actually it's a fascinating
mixture of eastern and western Traditions you have talent I do I think I could sell this really it's very good I'm crazy about photography well do you have any more of your work here uh no here's my card why don't you bring me some pieces on Friday okay bye-bye bye-bye [Laughter] so where are we going to put this thing hang it by my desk really yeah as an artist I'm really starting to like it as a matter of fact I think it's one of the most interesting works I've ever seen I can't believe I'm eating
this I can believe you're eating it better you know that man looks like someone I know that man just left something at his table that's David ditt the actor he left his hat and his gloves and his cell phone and his keys hold these what are you doing I'm giving him back his hat what about these sir excuse me sir is this hat yours that's mine yes thank you did I leave it here I saw it under your table thanks again you're welcome if you don't give him back the rest of his things I will
just wait sir excuse me sir yes are these gloves yours yes they're mine I'm forgetting everything aren't I aren't you David ditt well I am yes I'm Marie leage I'm a big fan thank you and uh thanks for these my pleasure Mr jul what would I do without you you know I'm missing my mobile have you seen it I don't see it under your table I'm in a hurry if uh you do find it would you be so kind as to call me at my office I'd be happy to thank you bye I have David
Doolittle's phone number and his cell [Music] phone well I still think it's wrong Cheryl what's going on Marie just stole David Doolittle's cell phone David do little was here I didn't steal it he left it and I'm waiting to return it until ton night he asked if it was under the table you said it wasn't it wasn't under the table because it was in my pocket well I think that's wrong it's not wrong he'll get his phone back what do you two think what are you going to do now I'm going to call him tonight
tell him I found his phone and ask him to meet me for dinner you're going to ask him to dinner sure why not women don't ask men to dinner do they oh don't be so oldfashioned Cheryl this is the 21st century women ask men out to dinner all the time don't they well I still think it's wrong you should have given him the phone Cheryl I have to tell you something what do you remember when we met of course I was at the park I'd lost my bag and you helped me find it took us
2 hours we talked and talked and I became more interested in Bob than in finding the bag well actually I found your bag in 2 minutes but I waited 2 hours to tell you I thought you were the most amazing woman I had ever met and if you had found your bag right away you would have left and we wouldn't be here right now that is so romantic that's why I love this man see if it worked for Bob it might work for me oh you and David doitt that would be fantastic call call him
what do you think about this color what is that color it's tomato red how does this color make you feel happy sad tired TI D I don't feel like looking at any more colors quit complaining how about this one happy sad awful I can't stand looking at it do you plan to do this all night this one be sure to look carefully sad happy very very nervous nervous about what I'm nervous you're going to paint the whole wall of that color it's my apartment Bob yeah but we come here a lot can we discuss leaving
the walls just like this I'm tired of looking at yellow walls fine can you at least choose a color we'll all be excited about there is no color you all like Paul is feeling happy about everything Marie's feeling sad about everything and you just seem to hate color don't you Bob I love color just not those colors okay then why don't you find a color that [Music] every what do you think of this color I like it I like it too actually I love it I'm not p painting the walls the same color as my
sofa the whole room would be green you could change the color of the sofa to what the color of the walls would be a nice color Marie you've been so quiet are you okay I'm just a little down in the dumps oh I'm sorry we've been arguing about colors and you're feeling blue H blue what's wrong Marie don't know I can't put my finger on it I've just been feeling out of sour sorts don't worry I can help Dr cheer is here Doctor Who at school people call me Dr cheer because I'm always happy and
I enjoy cheering people up you know that's true you're always cheering me up how do you do that I practice laughing every day laughing at what nothing I just choose to laugh you just decide to laugh I can't do that it's not in my nature how do you know just try let me hear you laugh haha louder haha come on keep laughing [Laughter] you're right it's not your personality what now do cheer chocolate yes works every time [Laughter]