Action Plan What is it and how to make one? The action plan is one of the main tools of success for all types of companies. Because it manages to organize all the tasks necessary to accomplish everything that needs to be done to achieve goals and objectives.
In a well-planned, coherent and assertive way. So, understand now how to put together an action plan in 05 Very Practical and straight to the point steps! Do you want to receive tips and information to set up your own business.
So subscribe to this channel and stay on top of everything you need to know to open your own company. To try to make this matter clear to you, we are going to address the following points: 1. WHAT IS ACTION PLAN 2.
HOW TO BUILD ONE IN 05 VERY PRACTICAL STEPS And if you stay until the end, we will leave you 02 Extra Tips that will definitely do all the difference in your action plan, agreed? So let's go! 1.
WHAT IS ACTION PLAN Basically, it is a tool that uses a methodology that lists, organizes, executes and monitors all the actions necessary to achieve and achieve objectives and goals. In addition, it indicates schedule, deadlines and responsible for each task. That is why it is widely used by all types of businesses.
Regardless of port. Literally, an action plan pinpoints where you or your company wants to go. So, create a well-organized map to achieve what you want.
It even works for both companies and your personal life as well. Mainly because it brings great benefits, such as: ORGANIZING DEADLINES AND PRIORITIES Identify and organize the tasks that need to be carried out in order of priority. In this way, realistic and coherent deadlines are defined to be executed and fulfilled.
This greatly organizes the work process and the progress of all processes. SPLIT LARGER GOALS INTO SMALL STEPS At the same time, you can break tasks that are larger into smaller parts. That is, in smaller tasks.
In this way, small tasks are simpler and faster to perform. Thus, you will have more control over all the difficulties and challenges that may arise. SELECT TEAM In addition, the action plan helps pinpoint the team and people needed to carry out each task and achieve the objectives.
In other words, the action plan breaks down the tasks and delegates them to people to carry out. That is, it points out responsible for each necessary activity. In this way, it is possible to understand the types and profiles of suitable professionals that will be necessary to be able to achieve the proposed objectives.
Also, the action plan makes very clear the responsibilities that each team member has. Thus, everyone's sense of commitment is created, showing the teamwork that needs to be created and respected. ORGANIZE ROUTINE In the same way, the action plan is able to organize the routine of companies.
Because with the identification and listing of all tasks with deadlines and responsible, it is possible to understand what needs to be done each day. PATH DRAWN As a result, the action plan will help you or your company to get where you need to be. Literally, take you from point A to point B.
All in a planned, organized, coherent and assertive way. 2. HOW TO BUILD AN ACTION PLAN IN 05 VERY PRACTICAL STEPS 1.
DEFINE OBJECTIVES AND GOALS The first step is to define the objectives and goals that need to be achieved. They will be the arrival point, where all efforts will be directed. Therefore, it is very important to have a very clear, feasible and coherent definition at this time.
Thus, the action plan will be worked on to take your company to where you want to go. And a very powerful tool that will help you a lot in this step is SMART GOALS. Which in a nutshell, helps you set and choose goals that are really worthwhile.
That will bring profound benefits to you or your business. So, if you want to know more about SMART GOALS, watch our very practical video on this subject. To do this, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description.
2. PLANNING The second step is to put together a coherent plan. At this point, establish all the activities and actions necessary to achieve the objectives defined in the previous step.
And, as we said before, here it is possible to break bigger goals into smaller goals. Thus, the tasks will be more realistic and motivating. At the same time, organize the activities in order of priority.
Likewise, set deadlines and timelines for each task. Whether short, medium or long term. Remember that the dates worked need to be realistic and possible to be carried out.
Have a lot of consistency and sincerity at this time. In addition, here is the time to delegate tasks to the respective responsible. Then, define who will be your team according to the needs of the activities that need to be carried out.
And make it very clear the responsibilities and importance that each team member will have for the action plan to be executed as planned. Also, consider all the structure and tools necessary for the work to be possible to be carried out well. This is very important too.
Here, keep in mind that the more detailed the planning, the easier it will be to follow all the proposed activities. 3. EXECUTION With the plan worked out and organized, now it's time to execute it.
Follow the schedules worked on in the previous step. According to the priorities of each task. Make sure everyone involved knows exactly what needs to be done.
As well as where to go. That is, the objectives and goals that need to be achieved. 4.
MONITOR CLOSELY As actions and tasks are being carried out, monitor everything closely. This is essential to understand if everything is going according to plan. In this way, it will be possible to follow the evolution of the action plan.
As well as identify possible unforeseen events, errors or failures. Thus, being able to make some adjustment in some area, for example. The better and closer the follow-up, the greater the assurance that the action plan is working.
And that the objectives and goals will be achieved. And a tool that will help you a lot here is KPIs (or Key Performance Indicator). Which means Key Performance Indicator in Portuguese.
Basically, KPIs serve to measure whether an action or a set of actions is meeting or exceeding the goals planned by your company. In other words, measure whether things are going according to plan. Therefore, they are responsible for providing the necessary assistance for the company, team and managers to make better decisions.
So, if you want to understand more about KPIs, we have a very practical video that shows how it works in a very simple way. If you want to watch it, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description. 5.
ANALYZE THE RESULTS Finally, after all actions have been performed and monitored, now evaluate the results obtained. Analyze whether what was initially planned worked as expected. And if, in fact, the objectives and goals were achieved.
At this point, record and document everything that has been accomplished. Literally what went right and what went wrong. In this way, you will have a learning obtained throughout this process.
Thus, make possible adjustments to have improvements in the next action plans to be worked on in the future. And to help you even more, here are 2 action plan templates that are widely used because they are very simple, practical and very powerful. The first model is the 5W2H, which is one of the most famous.
Because it works 7 pillars in an action plan, which are: What (what will be done? ). Why (why will it be done?
). Where (where will it be done? ).
When (when will it be done? ). Who (by whom will it be done?
). How (how will it be done? ).
How Much (how much will it cost? ) For sure, 5W2H is one of the most used action plan templates. So, if you want to know how it works, we have a video that shows you everything you need to know about it.
To watch it, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description. And the second widely used model is the PDCA (or PDCA cycle). Basically, it consists of a quality management tool that aims to bring continuous improvements to the processes, products and services of a company or project.
Or even to identify and solve some kind of problem as well. It is called a cycle because it needs to be cyclic. That is, it must be applied repeatedly and systematically to have an effect even in the short, medium and long term.
Its name comes from the combination of acronyms, which are: P comes from Plan, which is to plan. D comes from Do, which is to execute. C stands for Check, which is verify.
The PDCA Cycle comes from Act, which is Agir Logo, the PDCA Cycle consists of carrying out a plan, executing it to put it into practice, verifying and monitoring the results and acting on any possible correction or improvement. In this way, it will be possible to accelerate and improve the processes of a company. By identifying problems, causes and solutions.
So, if you want to know him better, watch our very practical video about him. To do this, just click on this button above or on the link we leave in the description. Did you see how the action plan will help you a lot to organize and plan to achieve the desired goals and objectives?
This is precisely why it is used by all types of business, literally. For sure: if you work the action plan in your work or even in your personal life in the right way, your objectives and goals will always be achieved. Can believe!
And just to recap what we said here: 1. WHAT IS ACTION PLAN 2. HOW TO BUILD ONE IN 05 VERY PRACTICAL STEPS We hope you enjoyed it!
And if you want to know more about how to set up and manage your own business, visit our Youtube channel, we have several videos on this subject, ok? And if you liked it, share this video with your friends and family to help them too! If you want to prepare even more, download our free e-book now with the 11 key questions to find out if you are ready to open your own business or not.
Let's leave the download link here in the description of this video, okay? And be sure to subscribe to this channel and stay on top of all our news on how to set up and manage your own business. And if you can, leave your like to help this channel.
A hug and see you next!