The Quantum Law: "once you master this, the shift happens"

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Quazi Johir
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Video Transcript:
quasi here in the year 1920 a theory of quantum physics arose That Shook the world forever this theory was Neil's bour and Warner Heisenberg's Copenhagen interpretation it suggests that a Quantum system remains in a superposition of States I.E existing in all possible States at once until it's observed or measured and upon measurement the wave function collapses and the system settles into one definitive State something interesting happened 37 years later in 1957 Hugh Everett theii proposed a radically different perspective known as the many worlds interpretation now according to the many world's interpretation all possible outcomes of
a Quantum event actually occur in some Branch or World in a vast Multiverse each time a Quantum measurement is made the universe splits into multiple worlds to accommodate each possible outcome in this interpretation the wave function actually never collapses and all potential States continue to to exist in separate non-communicating universes the observer in each Universe only perceives one of these outcomes thus explaining why we don't see superp position in our everyday world I want you to notice one key thing that both of these theories have in common the thing that makes a split in the
worlds or collapse in both of these theories is actually the act of measurement or observation over the last 9 years after deeply studying Quantum phenomena ancient yogis Buddhist sfist monks this one word always kept popping up observation in order to observe something we must give it our attention what I've discovered is that when we can correctly attribute the right kind of attention we're able to manifest the desired Quantum event in our very lives in this video I'm going to share with you how you can use your your attention to create the reality that you want
and while learning how to direct your attention is the most powerful thing you can do as a reality Creator so with that let's get started so now let's get to understanding how our attention actually dictates the version of reality that gets manifested in order to understand that we have to understand how energy flows anytime you're feeling stuck in your life you feel like you've been working towards something and it just hasn't been happening or similar situations keep arising same Revenue roller coasters same relationships you keep attracting what you have to understand is somewhere there is
stuck energy okay if energy cannot flow which is what needs to happen with energy it gets stagnant and when it gets stagnant we experience the same circumstance but what directs the flow of energy attention wherever attention goes energy flows our focus and our attention determines where energy flows what most people don't know is that our nature of the nature of our attention there are two main types of attention that we possess there is what's called polar attention and non-polar attention polar attention has the power to attract and repel reality let's get rid of the repel
part and focus solely on the attract part because they're one and the same okay any problem flipped to its side becomes the solution two different sides of the same coin from a TR ing something and repelling something else that's what polar attention does non-polar attention is completely neutral it has the power to dissolve reality now in terms of quantum events manifesting into our lives let's look at with a diagram what this could mean if we have two types of polar attentions the positive attention and the negative attention when we think positively about something life doesn't
care about the real nature of our attention it cares about the content if I hate bills and I hate losing money I'm going to get more of the event of losing money and bills if I love making money and I love growing then I will get more of the thing that I love growing and making more money okay for us human beings how we've been conditioned is throughout our whole lives we've lived in a fear and survival mode because that's become our biology all around us we've been conditioned to first and foremost survive what's the
most important or most powerful way to survive eliminate and avoid any threat to your survival Okay so we've been conditioned to live in this protection mode this avoid conflict avoid taking risks a lot of us have been conditioned this way and because of that we keep experiencing more and more of the thing that we're worried about so just think about what you see on the news think about what you read on social media and think about why there's more fearmongering than anything else going on that's what others can hook on to the the pendulums the
all of the all the societal conditioning around us that's how they can manipulate us and influence us when they can hook on to our fears in fear anger and pride we can be moved into action the most effectively please take a moment to reflect on that there's so many prideful people who are ready to go to war to protect the thing that they love and they're so proud of it right while that's great it makes them blind to what's really going on and it's very very easy to get someone to do a certain desire type
of action when they're angry and it's very easy to make someone do a certain kind of action when they're fearful so fear anger and pride is what Society Keeps Us stuck in keeps our attention focused on which makes us do things that we don't necessarily want to do so for most people they keep experiencing the same relationships over and over because they keep holding on to the this Trauma from the past their attention is more focused on avoiding the kind of relationships they've had which is why they keep attracting that same kind of relationship the
same kind of partner most people get traumatized by an event and they're afraid they haven't processed that event properly which is where neutral attention or non-polar attention comes in we're going to talk about this in a second but for now you have to understand there's two different types of attention positive and negative life only cares about the content of our attention what we're giving more attention to if we have a reality in which this is our current situation and we're presented with a juncture in our life path let's say it's a business important business decision
that you have to make or a challenge comes up in your business uh regarding an employee or whatever it may be if we choose to positively perceive it and the content of our positive attention is hey somehow this will help me grow then the lifeline will shift to a more positive lifeline more of that thing that you feel positively about will manifest on the other hand if we feel negatively about it and we think oh no this is something that's bad well that bad thing will happen so you see what's happening here we feel positively
and our mind perceives the content to be positive we feel negatively and our mind perceives a content to be negative let's say something unfortunate happens to you let's say you get a bill or you know you get like a very big tax bill immediately you're like oh this is bad if this happened that means something worse or terrible will happen how do you know that you're just assuming that because you've become fearful it's make you become fearful when we have a feeling we try to justify the presence of that feeling by thinking about other things
that potentially could make this fear stronger why do we do that we're feeling creatures when we feel something we feel alive therefore we survive that is our biological conditioning when we are in a state of fearfulness we start to spew up all of these things that could potentially happen oh no now that could go wrong and something else could go wrong oh no what if this big tax bill means I can't pay my you know business expenses and I can't pay my rent or I can't pay like my employees what if all these things happen
that's when you go into a spiral because now this negative attention starts to influence the content of your attention I hope this is making sense if you have any questions just let me know below the key thing is it has to have a correspondence of heart and mind when you feel negatively in your heart the mind immediately spews up negative things which then makes it manifest which makes you shift into a corresponding Lifeline where more of that negative thing will happen but here's what's crucial this is non-polar neutral attention if we perceive something that's happened
to us with non-polar and neutral attention it simply comes into our lives and passes it has no power over us so let's say in this unfortunate circumstance where you got hit with a big tax bill you simply looked at it and you accepted it and you had neither positive nor negative about it you would still continue on that same life path that you were before nothing would really change it would dissolve itself for most people they resist their past traumas and their fears by attributing negative attention to it think about how this happens whenever something
has happened to us in the past that we don't like we try to run away from it because the feelings are too strong and we don't know how to handle it so when we run away what are we essentially doing we're resisting it whatever you resist persists you give it force it has a counter Force back onto you so we spend our whole lives resisting all of the things that have happened in the past that we don't like and we live from that place of trauma and because of that situations that affirm that trauma keep
coming up so an example that I can give you was for me was bullying for my whole life I used to tell myself oh I'm this way because I got bullied I'm justifying my shortcomings because I was bullied as a kid but then I realized what was happening and I flipped the script and I said you know what maybe this bullying was good for me immediately shift to positive lifelines I started to go to the gym and work out oh I have all of this grit and determination to be better and improve myself because I
got bullied now my story's become I've become successful at making these videos being on camera because when I was a kid I got bullied for making YouTube videos playing the guitar cuz that's what happened and when I tell myself this story and I really truly believe it because there's always two different sides to the coin always up to you it's your choice on how you perceive it this is 100% in your control how you choose to perceive something is 100% your responsibility what happens of may not be but if you can choose your attention I
can tell you what happens often is going to correspond with that attention now that you hopefully understand this let's talk about how to use this to to effectively create reality I'm going to give you another concrete example to help you fully understand how I've used this in my personal life and why this is actually one of the most powerful things you can do when I got started in this journey my dream was to quit my 9 to-5 my full-time job and get into a business and become an entrepreneur because I wanted time and Financial Freedom
okay that was my main thing I worked at a summer internship in engineering um it was to go into this corporate career every time I went in there I literally saw people wanting to kill them like they wanted to stick their arms in the machines to get Workers Comp so they didn't have to work there anymore and their environment was so horrible it was like a factory um and there were a lot of machines and it was really dark and you had to wake up at 4:00 a.m. to get to work by 6 it was
quite far away from me and I was like I can't spend the four next 40 years of my life doing this this is no way to live this is worse than prison okay maybe not worse than prison but it's kind of like prison I then set a goal that hey I I would bu January 1st uh or like by May 2019 I had to make a certain amount told myself I want to make 5K a month because that that's the income that I was getting from my internship they offered me a full-time role after I
graduate at 5K a month and I told my parents hey if I can make 5K a month by myself uh after I graduate college you can't give me for pursuing my own path and brown parents are like you know they're in the um the struggle mentality the work hard the 9 to5 mentality so they were like oh like you're going to do that what by making YouTube videos online on your computer no you have to fight and struggle to earn your place under the sun I took it as a challenge and I started on this
journey and in January I went Allin January of 2019 I went all in and you can look back at my YouTube videos and when I tried to go all in at first there was some momentum and I remember signing my first client and uh my first coaching client you know one month I did 3K which is getting pretty close but then may of 2019 came by and up on until then I was in this struggle mindset I was always in this fear my attention was always sucked in by the fear of failing and the fear
of not you know performing and proving to my parents that I could do it and by then by May I'd already made the decision that I wasn't going to go into the job and I told my parents that I'm like you know what I'm doing okay and I can promise you by may I can I can make my first 5k month and then you can't give me that's what I did I formally quit the job I released that safety net from under me the month of May came around and I realized you know I was
really struggling and fighting but that's when the pressure was at an all-time high I wanted to avoid failure like hell okay and um you know there was I remember just just being there being so much pressure and every time I talk to a prospective client I was just so desperate and needy for the sale that month I literally got no clients and I made absolute zero and that's never happened before prior to that and that's when it really hit me like I went into like a completely dip deep spiraling pit and I just completely said
it and I and I had a Dark Night of the Soul almost but that's when I realized my attention up until then was 100% on avoiding failure I was resisting failure so much I was so afraid to fail every single resource I had Within Me internal resource my energy my attention my time was on avoiding failure and resisting that anxiety that I had within me but that month when I actually failed and my worst nightmare had come to life it all dropped this is it like I I failed I'm done what what's next well from
this place I can just keep on trying because I quit the job anyways I just kept going but this time my attention was no longer so absorbed so sucked away by all of the fears and anxieties and the and the failure that I was trying to avoid now I had more attention uh available to focus on what I wanted which is to get to that 5K month literally June of 2019 I had my first ever 8K month I made my first ever $8,000 in one month in June in July I made my first 12K month
in August by August of 2019 I made my first 20K month and I sh you not the year prior I made a goal when I started that by July of 2019 I would make my first 20K month even though I would have been completely happy with 5K a month I just said you know what why don't we just set that goal anyways and then by January of 2020 around 6 months later I had my first $100,000 month okay so that goes to show what happens when you let go of resisting failure so much and just
shift your attention to what you want instead when I focused on what I wanted to move away from I move towards that when I focus on what I wanted to move towards I move towards that life doesn't differentiate positive and negative attention are polar they have attractive qualities they just attract realities okay you have to remember that most people are more afraid of failing than they love to succeed they're more afraid to lose money than they love making money shift your attention towards what is wanted instead now I know this is very very easy to
say so I'm going to share with you a concrete method in which you can do this this method is called accept and redirect a combination of both utilizing polar and non-polar attention so this is crucial I want want you to pay close attention to this there's three main steps to using this but I promise you if you use it all of the energy that you give to this negative attention is going to dissipate and you'll have more energy left over to feed this this positive version of reality that you want to create let's talk about
how that works step number one to the accept and redirect method recall what happened to me during the month of May I went into a deep pit of despair and my worst fear had come to life so this means I had fully accepted failure when we accept something we can't be in resistance you can't be in resistance and acceptance at the same time acceptance is the antidote to resistance please understand this this is like the ancient art of iido the sole method is to take the momentum of the attacker and use it against him we're
not mustering up any sort of energy the only energy that's being exerted is in redire I'm getting out of the way your goals literally want to be manifested you're just in the way you just need to get out of the way for it to come into existence this is how you do that this is the ancient AO iido in the mental form we begin with full acceptance of current situation whatever issues are going on in your life right now whatever you feel stuck with whatever your worst nightmare is imagine that it happens you get fully
on board with it happening and you imagine and you see how life still goes on despite it happening you are no longer worried by your worst nightmare you're no longer haunted this is absolutely critical because most people are like oh if I accept the worst case scenario won't it manifest in my life no it won't quite the contrary if you accept the worst case scenario you're no longer giving it the energy of your resistance if that's the case you're no longer feeding it but if you keep resisting it you keep feeding it it's more likely
to happen in your life because you keep feeding it but if you simply accept it and you get out of the way this is where neutral attention gets used acceptance is neutral attention in order to make a change in any area of Our Lives it has to begin with acceptance full utter complete acceptance of this exact this current moment we cannot change the current moment no matter how hard you try you cannot change right now because the present is continually becoming past by the time you catch it it's already become past there is no way
to change this present moment what you can do what is in your power is to choose what you would like instead in that next moment this is where it gets interesting step number two after you accept this current moment and all of the problems and you look at you follow that track of thinking to what the worst case scenario would be hey I'm making 2K a month what if the next month I just made absolute zero that's my worst fear that's the worst version of this current setback so think about what the worst version of
the current setback is if it could get worse what's the worst that could possibly happen you'll probably always arrive at death but that's probably the most unlikely thing to happen because we try to trick ourselves into believing if my business dies I die we become attached we become identified with the things that we do get to the worst case scenario and get into complete acceptance of it that way you drop all importance step number two is perceive how this unfortunate or this mishap could potentially be a blessing in disguise any event that happens is a
neutral event we give it positive negative or neutral energy by the nature of our attention instead of looking at it as oh this is bad we look at it as hey how could this potentially be an advantage how could this potentially be good right now in our lives my wife and I were going through a real tough time with real estate so we signed a contract and we're about to close and all of a sudden the buyer's not responding uh sorry the seller's not responding and uh the seller's agent isn't responding we assumed they got
a higher offer and they want to back out but we don't want to take it to litigation take it to court because that's again three more months and that's just causing more problems we could just cut our losses and back out that's what's happening right now you know I look at it as this event that happened we invested so much time and so much energy my wife is so excited to get the house how could this be a blessing in disguise maybe if we got into the house something bad would have happened maybe there's something
bad about the area that God the universe is preventing us from experiencing maybe there's a better house for us maybe there's a reason this happened have you ever considered that like any event that happens in your life maybe this is happening for a reason if you didn't miss that bus that bus could have crashed or something bad would have happened and the universe is trying to protect you from it how do you know it all this is easier to do by the way once you've already gotten to a state of acceptance if you're in that
state where the wound is fresh and something bad literally just happened don't expect yourself to look for blessings in Disguise just get to a point of accepting okay and and getting to terms that this really just happened and once you get to a more neutral point then you can start to look at how could this potentially be positive and then the step is continually redirecting our attention to what is wanted instead if I could be in a place of full equinity and full acceptance now I have my attention freed up to fully choose what's wanted
instead oh this house isn't working out what do we want we want a house that is X Y and Z and has all the qualities that we're looking for once you get really really good at doing this you become Unstoppable nothing can stop you this whole process determines which life path that you follow which Quantum event manifest which Quantum event you experience in your life and this all has to do with your attention there is a great reason why so many cultures so many ancient um religions even they talk about attention they talk about attending
to something they talk about giving something your attention or observing it being in an observation mode and here we're combining both this non-polar attention and then we're getting to Polar with non-polar attention we get into acceptance mode this is neither good nor bad I'm just accepting that this fully happened then we start to go into a little bit of positives how could this be a blessing in disguise and then we build up to to full-blown positive when we're in a state of equanimity what most people do is they're in a resistance mode and they say
oh you know let's let's look for the good in this or they say affirmations in the mirror when they feel about themselves if you feel about yourself today allow yourself accept that you're feeling like crap and once you're in a place of equinity then you can focus on what's wanted instead but if you try to huff and puff your chest and try to suppress or hide or repress what you're feeling it is going to haunt you back in the future at some time then that affirmation that thing that you're doing becomes a form of resistance
you're resisting feeling something by saying the affirmation that's what's happening so this three-step method continually applied has the power to completely change your life if you want to take this deeper I've made a short movie around 29 minutes long on the art of reality Creation The Very things that help me in my journey from nothing to make seven figures consistently and it all had to do with me learning how to properly direct my attention understand the mirror principle and understand how to shift my identity I talk about all of these three main things in that
movie in complete depth so what you can do is if you're an entrepreneur or if you're a business owner if you're a professional and you're seeing that you're stuck at a certain Revenue level you know you're kind of at low six figures or high five figures in your business and you just want to take it to that next level break through that Revenue ceiling this is going to be extremely helpful for you go to the pinned comments to access the link to that movie okay so I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next page
in the movie right now thanks
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