apple cider vinegar should you take it and one of us is taking it so stick around to the end to find out which one is okay welcome to talking with docs I'm Dr Brad wiing and I'm Dr Paul zel okay apple cider vinegar see it everywhere see it on social media see it in the internet okay so what is apple cider vinegar do you know where the word vinegar comes from okay A little history of vinegar vinegar just means sour wine in French right is yeah Vine vineer there you go yeah German so so what
apple cider vinegar is when you take apples crushed apples and then the fruit from the crushed apples if you had yeast to juice yes the juice you add yeast to it and then that can turn into alcohol then you got an apple cooler yes do you like those I'm not a huge fan like I don't mind apple juice but I'm not a huge fan of apple cider but I know it's business so then if you add bacteria M to uh that vinegar it converts the alcohol to acetic acid acid so then you end up with
the vinegar part yeah so should you be drinking acetic acid well so interesting so we talk about pH that's how acidic something is so a pH of one is like the most acidic and pH of 14 which is a weird scale like 1 to 14 logarithmic scale logarithmic scale you think why would you go to 14 it's kind of like this is spinal tap this one goes to 14 this one goes to 11 this one goes for so apple cider vinegar sits in the 2 to three area of pH so it is mildly acidic but
make no mistake if you have something that's very basic in the 12 13 range it can also do a lot of damage 100% right 100% and our bodies normally live at a pH around s yeah um just that's neutral pH so it depends on what we're talking about but approximately seven so it is acidic in nature and that's where a lot of its benefits come from as a cleaning product I know and actually if you look at the bottle a lot of the instructions are about how to clean your counter with apple cider V my
wife does that so she cleans regular vinegar yes I can't take the smell though after you've cleaned with vinegar I love the smell really cuz I know it's clean cuz it smells like vinegar my wife no I can't take the smell of the vinegar I need harsh harsh chemicals that you can buy at Like Home Depot or something to clean and speaking of w some why always been having apple cider vinegar in our house as supplement and adding to salad dressings and other things Sal for years so it has so it has a lot of
of uses um and the main goal of these uses is to actually dilute the apple cider vinegar cuz it does have some in here at risk if you drink it straight up you actually can cause Burns to your mouth and to your esophagus they actually documented reports in the scientific literature of esophageal Burns and things like that do drinking an acid yeah plus it doesn't taste the best to be honest if you if you dilute it no you got to dilute it in a dressing what's your favorite salad dressing uh my wife makes this vegan
like Caesar dressing that's actually quite good of course she does no I'm talking about the kind in the bottle you buy I don't buy buy Dr too a bottle of course you don't I like the French dressing but that's that's the really orange one yeah but not but the one that you get at farm boy it's more red okay I feel like it's unnaturally colored well now I don't enjoy it since you make all your salad dressings okay so I know what my wife Sayes okay so so now we looked into the literature to say
well is there actually any benefit so one are the claims what are some of the claims of apple cider vinegar as far as health benefits well um aside from the cleaning benefits there is I think one of the main claims to fame is it's redu C of your hemoglobin A1c right so people who are living with diabetes their body can't process sugars appropriately because of insulin resistance and so their hemoglobin A1c Rises and that is a measure over time of how your body has been handling sugar you can have your random glucose tested or your
or your um fasting glucose tested and it can be normal but if you over a period of time have had elevated sugars your hemoglobin A1c will show that measures about 3 months they say was it three months about 3 months of the way that red Bel blood cells turn over and things like that gives you about 3 month average so you can't go try to trick your doctor right like garbage like for a long time like I'm just going to really study hard eat clean and they're like Paul your A1C I did that for a
week yeah and I fasted for 17 hours before my blood work and I got my random glucose or or fasting glucose down to like four way to go but my A1C was still like it was still normal but a little high normal I think that's because of the Statin I'm on that's a whole that's a whole another video and people will be like so hey leave a comment if you have experience with apple CID vinegar positive negative whatever so A1C that's one of the benefits so lower your A1C and the thoughts behind why that happens
is often can reduce the spike of the sugar it can actually delay gastri empting a little bit increase the TIY so maybe you actually eat less so a lot of potential benefits on the A1C side and it's not a ton we're talking about like n a05 or9 start in that range right but if your normal number is like six though you're bringing you back down to a normal range okay okay so A1C for sure um fasting glucose certainly was another one where there seemed to be some evidence we'll talk a little bit about that um
total cholesterol yes total cholesterol total but not your LDL cholesterol right there're actually some rat studies that showed it would lower LDL and raise HDL but unless you're a rat or keep rats as a pet right then feed them feed them out vinegar absolutely if you love your rats and then other uh less well Ed um benefits are are cardiovascular benefits um benefits for your skin so atopic dermatitis and eczema um things like that are you making this stuff up or are you getting this from the scientific literature so yes so let's talk about that
so we actually discovered literature and we found two good metanalyses as good as they can be so a metanalysis is always only as good as the studies that it can find to support or assess its claim so there were two in 2023 we'll provide links actually in the description for these so you can check them out yourselves one of them had I believe nine studies one of them had 15 studies the first one was about 700 people pulled and the second one was, 1300 and the three significant findings were what I didn't read the article
I just read the summary okay so the three findings were that were significant were lowering fast and glucose lowering A1C and lowering total cholesterol but this was primarily in patients who were diabetic people who are living with diabetes yes right yes so that so they couldn't extrapolate to the general population if this is going to be beneficial but this was shown in people who are already living with diabetes right and what I would say is that looking at even the studies that they used to make up the met analyses there still was what's called heterogeneity
so the studies were not exactly the same um there was not a lot of information specifically on the dosing or the scheduling the only thing that was required in these is that apple cider V was the only intervention um so there's a lot of variables obviously when you're doing something like this right so in your opinion bottom line is there enough evidence to suggest that the average person should go out and ingest some form of apple cider vinegar not straighted up diluted or and even careful in a tablet there was a case study of a
person who had esophageal damage yes from just taking the tablets yeah cuz there are like capsules and gummies and things like that so my answer to that would be I think the answer is maybe so I'd say there's not convincing evidence for healthy people to take this I would say if I was living with diabetes particular type two diabetes I think is something that I would seriously consider because the cost is relatively low the risk is relatively low and the benefit is potentially significant so I think I think that's worthwhile um so incorporate it into
your salad dressings or into your day-to-day cooking into your day-to-day life yeah so let's talk about that so a couple things so when you're buying apple cider vinegar they talk about the mother it's interesting how the mother has like negative connotation sometimes in life you know mother-in-law mother you know I mean mother nature mother nature right so good one so in apple cider vinegar it's cloudy often or the good apple cider vinegars they need to be cloudy if you can see through it what's happened is they've removed the mother and the mother is actually the
bacteria that's responsible for uh that process of conversion so sometimes they will remove particularly for the cleaning products right um but you lose that probiotic benefit so one of the other benefits of apple cider vinegar that include the mother is that it has those natural bacteria that can help restore your digestive system which is plays a big role in your immunity and things like that so definitely if you're going to do it for health benefits you should buy one that has the mother okay do you think that if that the same effect would be seen
with regular vinegar or red wine vinegar so they've looked into that and so no there it's not it's apple cider specific because since you pasturize pasteurized vinegar removes that bacteria then you can see through it but what about cloudy regular vinegar like do you think you could just have these benefits from regular vinegars I don't know is there cloudy regular vinegar let let us know if you use cloudy regular vinegar okay and so the other thing about it we use it for cleaning is how much should you take so the studies were mostly or the
health benefits are somewhere in the range of a teaspoon to two tablespoons they probably say that you shouldn't take more than two tablespoons because of the potential risk and if you are drinking it definitely do not drink it straight out cuz a it can burn your throat it also can erode your tooth enamel so a bunch of people that were taking shots of it it eroded the enamel of your teeth so diluted in water or some other some other beverage of some sort definitely not hey congrats you lowered your hemoglobin A1c by 0.5 stop smiling
got no teeth so um and yeah for the record uh who who do you think who do you think it's obvious the guy with no enamel kid he a great enamal thanks you must be watering it down yes so so that's actually how how uh my wife and I take it as we delute it in water but it still has a bit of a bite to it for we have it in salad dressing it's it's an ingredient some of the salad dressings we have not a lot of a lot of cooking requires it for sure
yeah we don't clean with it no but maybe we will now regular vinegar regular vinegar okay so now you know apple cider vinegar a lot of stuff on the internet we would say generally speaking it is relatively low risk if taken properly has some very real potential health benefits for people living with diabetes and maybe for General populations this hasn't been adequately studied but now you know it if you like this video and remember one of us is based on the review of the literature I'm not convinced and I'm not going out ingesting it on
its own but using it in a salad if ingredients call for that there you go if you like this video please like And subscribe to our Channel and remember you are in charge of your own health and your own teeth enamel see you next time