At my mother's funeral, I encountered my former best friend who stole my fiancé 'He is a lawye

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the sky on the day of my mother's funeral was calm and clear just when I thought I could send my mother off peacefully I ran into the predatory woman but my new partner will be fine I've learned my lesson it won't go down like last time well just watch it I'm Abigail 30 years old my father passed away when I was young so it's just been my mother and me all this time I've always tried to act cheerfully so as not to worry my mother however being a single parent household has its struggles there have
been tough times but my best friend has been my emotional support that's Natalie Natalie is the same age as me and was raised by a single parent like I was the differ is that Natalie's mom left but because we had similar situations we've been close friends since middle school supporting each other Natalie is truly a good person if only she didn't have that one bad habit Natalie was a woman who loved to steal if I happen to say that senior is handsome isn't he Natalie would immediately respond with Abigail do you like him so do
I maybe I should ask him on a date you're not dating yet so it's fine right it's still okay at this level I suppose by the way Natalie has always had a very girly Vibe and she's been popular with guys since forever whenever Natalie goes after someone I can't help but back off since middle school the guy I liked and the guys Natalie liked always overlapped and it was always Natalie who ended up dating them even someone like me had been in a relationship during High School I was asked on a date by a senior
who was a year older than me I kept this a secret from Natalie it wasn't because there was any deep meaning behind not telling my best friend I just felt shy about it but even though I tried to hide it she found out right away oh really wow Abigail I thought you didn't have a crush on anyone because you haven't been talking about it lately well I felt shy but from now on we can both walk home with our boyfriends right yeah right Natalie said with a smile but I would soon find out the reason
behind my best friend's smile whenever my boyfriend and I were leaving school Natalie started coming home with us too huh where's your boyfriend aren't you going home together he said he had something to do so I thought I'd join you guys I'm not trying to get in the way or anything I just want to be friends with with your boyfriend she said and she started following us wherever we went one day my senior boyfriend called me out Abigail I'm sorry I've decided to date Natalie what I'm really sorry I thought of her as just a
friend but my feelings for her grew beyond that and then Natalie told me too Abigail I'm sorry I just can't help but love him if you could forgive me we could be happy together she pleaded with a tearful face it was a shock but if the other two were in love with each other then I'd just be in the way so reluctantly I said okay and forgave them both after that Natalie continued to treat me as as usual and I made an effort to do the same then after graduating from high school Natalie started working
and I went to a distant University for further studies so we naturally drifted apart it was quite unexpected when I bumped into Natalie again 2 years after graduating from University and starting my job at that time I had a fiance my fiance was a senior from my college days and currently works for a trading company I decided to introduce him to my mother so I took him to my hometown after finishing the greetings at home we decided to take a break at a nearby cafe where I unexpectedly ran into Natalie at first I didn't notice
her but she approached me hey Abigail long time no see you haven't changed at all huh Natalie it's been a while how have you been you haven't contacted me at all since you went to University I've been so lonely sorry sorry I've been busy with one thing and another since University I see well I guess that's how it goes so who's who's this oh let me introduce you this is my fiance we came to visit my mother today huh you're getting married that's kind of fast considering you just started working right yeah but we've been
together since University plus I can continue working even after getting married so I thought why not do it now oh I see while saying that she stared at my fiance as if she was evaluating him she created a much more feminine Aura than she did in high school it seemed like she knew how to present herself to look beautiful she asked my fiance looking up at him what kind of work do you do since you're getting married I assume you have a stable job with a decent income right my fiance responded I'm just a salesperson
but the company itself is listed on the first section of the stock exchange and is quite well known he then handed his business card to her oh don't be so modest I could tell from the moment I saw you that you had an elite Vibe and you look handsome too she said to my fiance with a rather exaggerated reaction as I listened to the conversation as if I weren't there I was hit with a sense of deja vu yes this was how Natalie always took away the person I liked this might not end well if
I let it continue like this so I intervened all right shall we head back now I prompted my fiance to leave he agreed with a nod and began to prepare to leave oh already that's too bad she said well then make sure to invite me to the wedding she said it which made me think my worries were unfounded a few days later my doorbell rang when I answered it there was Natalie it seems she contacted my mother and asked for my address since we used to be close my mother probably gave it to her without
any suspicion hey I came over I had some business in this area and also I didn't get to properly congratulate you last time she said while looking around my room is this room just for you Abigail will you move when you get married yes will will it be an apartment I guess that's the plan I see I looked up your fiance's company salespeople there make around $80,000 a year right that's amazing ah I envy you I wish I could live in a nice apartment with a high earning husband too feeling uncomfortable I tried to change
the subject so what about you Natalie are you married do you have someone you're dating I am seeing someone but his salary isn't that great the conversation wasn't flowing smoothly I hadn't even asked about salaries but Abigail you're lucky your fiance makes $80,000 a year so you'll have an easy life after marriage huh I wasn't choosing my partner based on their salary at that moment my fiance happened to contact me and since it was a good opportunity we decided to have dinner together with the three of us how did it end up like that looking
back Natalie always knows how to maneuver things in her favor by the time you realize it it's already too late just like before Natalie doesn't let her prey Escape once she's targeted them especially if it's something belonging to her best friend a few months later my fiance suddenly said something like this to me Abigail I'm sorry I can't marry you huh what do you mean I'm really sorry actually I hate to say this but I'm going to marry Natalie what why since when have you two been involved remember when Natalie came over and we had
dinner together she said she wanted to surprise you at the wedding so we exchanged contact information we met several times for planning and one time Natalie got drunk and we ended up at a hotel after that I'm really sorry isn't this just a mistake don't you love me anymore I'm sorry Abigail I do love you but Natalie is pregnant with my child what I felt the blood drain from my face I feel really terrible about this we've been planning the wedding all this time of course I'll cover the cancellation fees I was stupid when I
ran into Natalie by chance I should have just thrown water on her and run away but no she even had the audacity to visit my apartment I didn't want to see her Abigail I'm sorry I just couldn't help falling for him I'm pregnant with his child please forgive me she said tears streaming down her face but I'm the one who wants to cry I don't want to see you anymore don't come here again that's all I managed to say work became my only Solace I had always planned to continue working even after marriage but after
the affair I threw myself even more into my job in the blink of an eye 5 years have passed contrary to thinking that I would distance myself from romance because of working hard that wasn't the case at all I got married 2 years ago my partner is Sam the legal adviser at my workplace as I handle General Affairs I had fre frequent interactions with the legal adviser he always showed concern for me and after several dinners together he confessed his feelings leading us to marriage married life is enjoyable and my career continues to progress smoothly
I no longer dwell on the events of 5 years ago however it's not all sunshine and rainbows even after being alone at home my mother continued to work energetically and enjoy her life however she was diagnosed with terminal cancer treatment was no longer feasible I burst into tears but my mother smiled and said having you in my life has brought me happiness thank you I want to be surrounded by family at the end so I made sure to spend as much time as possible at home and I was there to care for my mother in
her final moments today is my mother's funeral the sky is clear and I believe my mother will peacefully Ascend to Heaven however I couldn't believe my eyes Natalie was among the attendees why are you here well your mother passed away right I used to be taken care of by her so I thought I'd pay my respect SPS she said with a smile then I saw a gleam in her eyes her gaze was fixed on my husband who was standing next to me does she know something and came to the funeral with a clear purpose in
mind oh is this your husband by any chance Abigail you got married yes since then are you getting along well with your husband oh we're splitting up huh but what about the child if you were pregnant back then they'd be about 4 years old right huh um I don't have any children it seems I just convinced myself I was pregnant huh I went through a tough time too you know I truly believed I was pregnant but anyway it's all in the past now that's why I'm single now she said while staring intently at my husband
so what does your husband do here we go there seem to be quite a few women with a penchant for stealing Partners out there however trying to steal from the same person twice is something only a woman like her standing right in front of me would do and this time it's not just a fiance it's a spouse but I'm not a fool anymore I will stand up to her he is a lawyer I replied upon hearing that he's a lawyer she couldn't help but take the bait wow a lawyer means a pretty high income right
lucky you as always she seems fixated on income despite there being plenty of lawyers with modest incomes that thought doesn't seem to cross her mind I responded it's not as glamorous as it sounds besides he's often busy with various legal procedures I then prompted Sam for agreement exactly it may sound good but it's not an easy job but isn't being a lawyer pretty secure by the way Abigail are you still working of course I love my job oh I see and what about you Natalie are you working I'm doing temp work but it's all about
the paycheck you know being single is tough I wish there was someone nice around she said while staring at Sam sensing things about to escalate I interjected well I should greet the other attendees I then excused myself from the conversation with Natalie and said to Sam sorry but could you handle this for a bit I continued to greet the neighbors and colleagues who had taken care of my mother one by one at that moment when I glanced over at my husband Natalie was still there by his side truly she was the queen of conquests she
never lets her Target slip away even if it's someone else's husband it bothered me of course but right now I needed to focus on fulfilling my duties as the chief mourner a little while later Natalie approached me done with the greetings I got a business card from your husband earlier and did some research he works at a major Law Firm right his salary must be around $200,000 isn't it impressive so what I intentionally replied bluntly and Natalie chuckled saying oops my bad looks like I'll be getting another one she smirked what get what even though
I knew I couldn't help but ask of course your husband with a salary of $200,000 Abigail you really have strong luck huh I'm impressed you found such a good partner does that include your husband too of course being with you means I can easily get any good man I want once they experience my charm they're hooked she said triumphantly it seems that's exactly why she bothered to come to the funeral I looked her straight in the eye and told her well I don't think Sam will ever fall for that huh then I'll just steal him
away with a triumphant smile she then walked over to Sam again watching closely I saw her immediately initiate physical contact then suddenly she started crying Sam seemed to be somewhat shaken by this according to what I heard later Natalie began to cry expressing sympathy for me as someone left behind saddened by the passing of the mother who had taken care of of her it seems Natalie knew how to use tears to attract men but it's okay it doesn't work on Sam although there was a moment of concern he's truly my husband after all I had
been completely open with Sam about Natalie's story of Seduction when we discussed marriage I shared my not so pleasant experiences and passed with him openly I figured if it didn't work out then so be it Sam was already aware that he was a Target himself still she is quite an enemy despite knowing this some men might fall into Natalie's trap but Sam is different however seeing poor Sam entangled with this Troublesome woman I went to his rescue he noticed me and looked relieved when I asked Natalie if she had enjoyed the conversations she looked frustrated
I supposed she finally realized there was no chance after all you aren't Invincible then Sam tiredly spoke his mind ah since Abigail's here I don't have to deal with you anymore right yeah thanks for your hard work huh not having to deal with me isn't that a bit rude I'm sorry I know it's rude but I just couldn't take it anymore Natalie your scent is just too overpowering I don't know if it's perfume or makeup but you keep touching me without permission and the smell is spreading over here it's making me nauseous ug Sam's voice
unintentionally grew louder due to the overwhelming discomfort and it seemed like others around could hear it too despite being at a funeral Chuckles and laughter could be heard in response to the situation still holding his nose Sam continued do you even know how to apply perfume properly you only need a tiny bit but you it's like you've poured the whole bottle over yourself from head to toe actually Sam being a lawyer seems friendly at first glance but he can be quite sharp tonged I've been putting up with it because you're my wife's friend but I
can't stand it anymore I burst out laughing upon hearing this those who were EES dropping around us also burst into laughter Natalie glanced around with a seemingly puzzled expression so I explain to her what was going on I'm sorry but Sam has a rather sensitive sense of smell he doesn't mind perfume if it's subtle but strong scents aren't his cup of tea huh well Natalie you've come to a funeral with a scent and makeup that aren't quite appropriate what are you talking about it's just basic etiquette for a woman to look her best isn't it
huh this is a place to bid farewell to the deceased not to fish for men wearing strong perfume like that here is a breach of etiquette what are you lecturing me you can say that because you've snagged yourself a high earning husband right you know I'm not choosing my partner based on their paycheck and if you think you can win over every man that's just pure narcissism my husband would never fall for you why not because Sam likes the complete opposite of you oh well you seem like the kind of plain type you'd find anywhere
I suppose are you implying that I'm different from you in terms of feminine Allure what a rude woman she is well thank you for that indeed I may look plain but I'm capable when it comes to work I'm a career woman you see oh I shouldn't boast about myself like that huh so my husband prefers ambitious hardworking types like that he's not interested in someone like you who's satisfied with just a temporary job someone who's eager to marry right away but content with a temporary position like you is absolutely not his type right in fact
he'd probably dislike that type Sam listening beside me nods in agreement what did you say Natalie seems to have been attracting men based solely on their appearance but Sam was someone who truly appreciated inner qualities it was because of Sam's character that I Found the courage to step into marriage that's why I had confidence this time that Natalie wouldn't be able to sway him however hey Natalie today is my mother's important funeral if you don't have the intention to respectfully Bid Farewell to her please leave with that Natalie bit her nails and left reluctantly looking
frustrated afterwards my mother's funeral proceeded smoothly and we were able to bid her farewell without any worries despite a few minor troubles it ended well well perhaps today my encounter with Natalie here was thanks to my mother maybe she brought Natalie here so I could reaffirm my current happiness and finally let go of past unpleasant experiences thank you Mom Days Later an unexpected Revelation came to light it turns out Natalie is being sued for a substantial amount of alimony by her ex-husband this ex-husband happens to be my former fiance and this information was shared with
me by a mutual acquaintance the pregnancy that became the deciding factor in our marriage was unbelievably a life fabricated by Natalie while she told me she believed she was pregnant she had actually deceived her partner by showing him ultrasound images and other evidence only to later admit that it was all a fabrication furthermore the Catalyst for this lie being exposed was Natalie's infidelity initially Natalie's ex-husband believing she was pregnant refrained from traveling or going out much out of concern for her well-being well he was a kind-hearted person after all however that turned out to be
unexpected for Natalie feeling bored Natalie reportedly started cheating with someone else moreover she later claimed to have had a miscarriage and used it as an excuse to indulge in buying luxury items using her ex-husband's credit cards to distract herself from the sadness it seems her ex-husband was lenient thinking it was unavoidable if she had a miscarriage however it was all Natalie's lies and she even used her ex-husband's credit cards to buy luxury items for her Affair partner as her extravagant spending habits raised suspicions her ex-husband began to doubt her and reportedly installed cameras to gather
evidence of her infidelity in addition conversations between Natalie and her Affair partner revealed that the pregnancy was a lie leaving her ex-husband deeply hurt he is now seeking compensation for his emotional distress as part of the alimony claim as a result Natalie had been looking for someone who can financially support her enough to offset the compensation she owes and it seems she had her eye on Sam but too bad he loves me who works so hard so he has no interest whatsoever in Natalie who has become obsessed with money ultimately Natalie ended up being demanded
a considerable amount of compensation leading to their divorce now she lives modestly in a small apartment working as a temporary worker during the day and at a club at night struggling with debt it seems that the consequences of her past actions have caught up with her all at once despite her previous Indulgence in luxury items and enjoyable moments with her Affair partner it's a lonely end for the avaricious woman hopefully she can catch a rich one meanwhile I continue to enjoy my work as usual my husband supports me in my Endeavors and sometimes even helps
with household chores or Cooks delicious meals so we're happily spending time together as a couple it seems that the stor has visited us too but even after giving birth I'll continue with my work I'm sure my husband will support me
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