THE PENGUIN Episode 1 Breakdown, Review & Ending Explained!

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THE PENGUIN Episode 1 Breakdown, Review & Ending Explained! - I review and breakdown The Penguin Epi...
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ladies Gentlemen of the bat family the time has finally come the penguin episode 1 is out and here is my review recap and breakdown of the first episode titled after hours now I've got so many notes here I'm recording this a couple of days before it releases I don't know how much I've cut it down but if you know me we do kind of talk a lot on the channel so I recommend to strap yourselves in we're going to nerd out about entering the bat verse again in a new way not through Batman's perspective but
through that of Oz cobs yes not Oz cobblepot that still seems to be stirring a little bit online but yeah Oz cob and his Adventure his Adventure or should I say his claing for power to rise to the Kingpin status in Gotham and this first episode I really hope you're all pleased with it because I was really blown away just to remind everyone I've seen four episodes I stopped there for my no spoiler impression review because I wanted to after episode 4 speculate and theor about what happens each episode after the Midway season Mark so
right at the beginning as many of you already knew here going in the penguin picks up with his first scene literally right at the end of the Batman with Oz looking out over Gotham City as we hear all of these news reports this is kind of like a little mini recap if you will but obviously as a fan I I found this really really cool to see as well because I appreciated even getting these New Perspectives on seeing the the seaw wall explosions across the city at the ending or towards the ending of the Batman
movie with just people recording it on their phones it just makes you think of all of the crazy Batman law that we all know from the comics and the crucibles that Batman has got ahead in his career do you know what I mean it's just it's just wild seeing that and yeah they also say that looting and writing has become the norm I mean just imagine how busy Batman is when you're seeing all of these reports going on they also bring up in how the murder of the longtime mob boss Carmine Falcone incites a power
struggle so uh you know let's just say that that isn't John tuturo on the news report there which is when we cut to one week later and we see that Oz arrives at the Iceberg Lounge and you can tell that Tri Corner which is where you know the Iceberg Lounge is is cleared up a bit more in terms of the flooding but the damage is still pretty extensive with have cars everywhere Rubble everywhere and this is where we see osbr Sledgehammer into the Iceberg Lounge and break into Carmine Falcone's safe and in the safe as
per what Carmine is kind of like he has quite a bit of dirt on people one of them being a councilman Sebastian Haiti this could come in handy later with penguin's Ambitions if you kind of yeah and we'll talk about this a little bit later because there was a reference to him again in the episode and also Johnny vti but I I suspect Carmine had dirt on Johnny vti just in case he ever needed to use it even though Michael Kelly Le Johnny V is in the Falcone crime syndicate I I think as the Kingpin
you still have to be aware that there might be other people vying for power even within that of your own family so he has things like this just in case and it looks like he's sleeping with a certain someone and uh let's just say that that certain someone could cause a little bit of trouble if that was to get out there's also some very expensive Jewels but this is when none other than Alberto Falcone arrives holding a gun to Oz and you know Oz was just pretending that he was getting them for Alberto anyway but
notice how Alberto is this is something I've been breaking down for a while like past couple of years ever since we heard casting calls that Alberto would be kind of weighing over his head he's like a socialite a drug addict and and all of this stuff and even when he's pointing the gun at penguin he's shaking I think he's feeling obviously so much pressure and he does communicate a little bit of that in their conversation but not before he actually reveals that he has a new deal going on and so penguin tries to get some
information out of him about that deal through offering him a drink cuz he's trying to stay away from drops but one thing leads to another and he is already doing drops and Alberto talks about how the plan for his new Kingpin position is to get a new kind of high separate from that of the drops on the streets that we saw in the first movie and he wants to revolutionize the drug game and as we learn as we go through throughout this episode it's actually a plan that he had in place with sfia it shows
that they really wanted to go their own way especially with sfia being in Arkham the past 10 years we've had Alberto visit her each and every week showing just how closely are which is why sopia this episode is so driven to find out what the heck has happened to her brother but yeah it really shows that Al while he might not be capable both brother and sister there felt like they had a plan together to really do something and not be beholden to that of the others in the crime family who even Carmine Falone himself
was a bit hesitant about but we also learned some other interesting context which I I found really cool especially if you've read the other canonical material if you will such as the Ridley year one because penguin learns from Alberto that Falone knew that Oz was a good solder but also that he was skimming money off the top and that he never took enough for Carmine to actually mind about it because he knew what it meant to a guy like penguin to get a piece how that made him feel that is something I kind of appreciated
just getting that inside into Carmine Falcone in the past because obviously you know we saw Carmine in the first movie but he's dead now so little nuggets of information like that are just you know nice to learn about and it must have made Oz feel like oh damn like oh God and the reason why I brought up the red the year One is because clearly Carmine wasn't okay with it because in that comic book people have actually been killed when they've been caught or found out to be skimming money off of the top and this
is when you know Oz starts telling him the story of Rex calibrii we we heard this in the trailers because he was explaining how there's different types of power and what penguin was saying here was really emulating what he wants Oz really as Lauren the Frank said just wants to be loved and revered and have respect and this is when Alberto takes it the wrong way and basically realizes it's what Oz wants and uh this is where the do switches up as per what I teased in my no spoilers review for the first 10 minutes
in the episode because he calls O's dream pathetic he mocks him and barely is containing his laughter oswal cop remember him what a guy and he then ends it off by saying what a little [ __ ] and Oz shoots him five or six times and Alberto Falone is dead this is insane if you've been watching me long enough you'll know that I have been calling that Alberto would die in the series I just didn't expect it this early I really didn't so my mouth was hanging open because there it's huge because he's meant to
be the next Kingpin sure it might not have ended out that way for him because yeah sure he was weighing over his head but this leaves oz in such a mess that he has to deal with one of his own making and this is where it kind of finally clicks with Oz and you get that moment where he's like oh [ __ ] and you get the title screen and I love the Little Cello thing that they have going on in this series when that rolls I mean it's not just unique to the title screen
as we do hear it later on what a way to start the episode and so after this he takes Alberto's body and realizes yeah why am I carrying this let's just throw it down the stairway and he goes outside and he notices Victor and his friends stealing the rims off of Oz's car similar to Jason Todd I mean I made this joke myself as well as Lauren the Frank saying that Victor is basically the robin Penguins Batman and most certainly that is the case and Victor here unlike his friends doesn't really manage to get away
so this is what I meant in my no spoiler review when Victor is begging for his life In This Moment Oz obviously instantly notices that he's really struggling to try and get his words out with his stutter and I I just felt like he could relate to him instantly here now I'm not saying it was like an mad deep connection or anything like that but I do think that Oz probably Loki had a bit of a soft spot for him just in terms of relating potentially to how you know Oz has club foot and people
look at him in a certain way you always just a [ __ ] in an empty suit I'll stra your ass because of that and perhaps he thinks that you know people may look at Victor as oh having a weakness or something um so he just sees maybe a bit of a kindred spirit in that instantaneously but this only further gets demonstrated as we go throughout the episode which is why I love the dynamic between both of these characters so much and you're just going to enjoy it more and more if you like Victor uh
played by the fantastic renzy fiz and obviously Colin Farrell who's incredible in this first episode These two you're going to love them more and more and more as they go throughout so Oz uses this as an opportunity to use Victor to help him get rid of berto's body this Series has a very subtle way of humor like Oz has Charisma even though he's a bit of a SLE ball at the same time you know there's that moment where Vic is uh thinking of running away and and we have we have Oz being like this scumbag
disrespected me you got to disrespect me Vic or that moment where they're in the car after that he's like what do you think of this air freshener Aqua Paradise but as we know later on it's I mean sure he's probably proud of the air freshener but he didn't divulge to Victor at that time that it's actually used as a bit of a weapon that he uses to stab one of safia's men's eyes which could be a reference to you know the Penguin's eye injury in the comics but you know I think he actually is proud
of the air fresh now because as he mentions to Sophia outside the Falcone residence you know it's the purple or Plum car but it's got nice leather seats and you know Oz comes from not any money you know so it's just there's something to Oz and the way that Colin Farrell plays it I trust you get what I mean but uh the way that this series does it it's it's not like on the nose comedy it just slides so well in there that it can make you laugh out loud quite a bit despite the tone
of a gang war series now after Oz is talking to Vic about you know slushies and knowing where he you know comes from the East side because he came from there as well he takes a look through Alberto's phone and notices that there is a shipment for his new drug plan but there's also a little bit of an Easter egg there on the 23rd of November uh for Gotham nights but even amongst this car ride another thing that I went on about in my no spoilers review is just uh the visuals of Gotham I I
loved seeing these little locations of the streets of Gotham the streets are borderline disgusting given the state of the city right now and this area reminded me of that drop head stealing from the Good Times Grocery Store at the beginning of the Batman movie it's not the same location but it's just nice seeing more of it or in that car chase scene as penguin is you know getting away from safir's men you see him going down that street with the skyscrapers just towering over Gotham I feel like they've been very faithful to the visuals that
the movie set up it's just that obviously we're seeing a little bit of a different version of it because you know it's not just taking place a lot of the time at night now short we did get some Daytime scenes in the Batman movie but it's going to be a lot more like that in this series so this is where Oz needs to head to Eve Carlo's place in order to get an alibi and after Victor and Oz get a bite to eat this is where we get to the point of where Victor's usefulness uh
is up after they stash Alberto's body and he tells Victor that there's a nice Sunrise behind him and that he should take a look you can tell that Oz is used to doing stuff like this but he's also you know he a little Slither of I don't know if I would say him being uncomfortable but you know you can tell he kind of likes the kid a little bit at the same time and I would say when Vic is pleading his case here and how he could help him with whatever he needs this is where
Oz really does connect to Victor more so than you know when he first heard him stutter as I mentioned a few minutes ago because the lines Victor says is exactly what would strike a cord in oz in my opinion because Oz asks like you know why would I need you and Victor simply replies you know I've got ambition I'm not a waste and that's all Oz has really been told his life in that you know he he people don't see his ambition he's a waste he's nothing but a [ __ ] in a suit and
so I I don't really think in this moment he wants to treat somebody else that way by killing them off so after warning him that if he steps out of line he's going to gut him like a fish he's like shut the hell up you I want to watch the sunrise it's just little moments like this it's just all of a sudden oh okay okay right okay I'll just I'll stand over here so yeah I I do agree that despite everything I just said Victor probably feels kind of being held hostage at this point and
is thinking maybe how how do I get out of this situation but along the way this might be something that Victor discovers that he he might actually want for himself I mean later on when Oz is giving him that task in where he's counting on him he wants to trust him they're talking about how perhaps everything that he had his family and where he lived everything in that area is gone but he's still made it he's still standing here and the world as a result isn't built for guys like us you know that's why we
got to take whatever we decide is ours cuz no one is going to give it to us not without a fight so victory is so new into all of this it might not really be his you know usual ballpark but at the same time Oz is giving him an opportunity to do more than just spend his days thinking small stealing rims and barely getting by you know or does he want more for himself and so since this is the show called The Penguin next up we see O's apartment you know it's fairly snazzy and I
love how his bedroom is a literal safe you can tell that Oz has thought about everything now Victor takes this opportunity to look around and you can see a younger Oz with his brothers in various photos and meanwhile in Oz's safe SL bedroom we get to see Oz's foot and as I said he suffers from club foot and it is pretty messed up and I I think this is something that can be treated early on but this might be symbolic of how uh you know O's mother couldn't maybe afford treatments when he was a kid
and that's why it is the way it is right now and this is where when Oz heads to work because you kind of need to treat it like any other day as he says and of course he operates the drops business for the family so this is when he asked one of his men to bring a letter to councilman Haiti in which he shows the dirt he has on him signing it let's be Pals I think this could pop up again later in the show this is something I can speculate about notice how he said
as well that councilman hady is a big fan of Bella real and he likes to think of himself as one of the good ones but he's in a lot of debt with Carmine so maybe the more that Oz climbs into power over the course of this series that he could well I mean think about it if councilman Haiti is in his pocket and he has connections to Bella Ral or is at least in with her this could tie into the second movie with how he has his fingers into even the mayoral system if councilman Haiti
is in bal's good books do you see where I'm going with this I I mean I'm not Mega confident that's just a random thing uh that I haven't seen fully come to fruition just yet in what I've seen but we also learned in this moment that one of their men got jumped by uh the adessa mob which is also known uh in the comics as the bratva uh which is a nice little reference there and they're pretty brutal gang in Gotham and they got the whole stash I don't know if we're going to like see
I mean I I don't want to give too much away here there are little teasers of other gangs that we will get in Gotham but I don't know if we're going to see the bratva themselves but but it's a again a nice little I don't if I'll call that an Easter egg but a reference now this is where the family the Falcone crime syndicate themselves summon oz to their residents now Victor is kind of caking himself I think Oz is a little bit as well but he's trying to play it cool we learned that the
meeting was with Johnny vti and Milos grapper and they've decided to shut down Oz's drops operation the plant that he's operating out of they're consolidating everything that they're doing and moving operations to Robinsville which you know penguin isn't really happy with because it's just it's going to decline sales it's like in in the middle of nowhere like nobody cares about Robinsville and Gotham the business was suffer but they're saying that the heat is on them there's blood in the water the police are circling so they've got a Target on their back and that was just
like another nice reference that I like to hear as well because beforehand think about it you know Carmine owned everyone in the city all of the main players the da the mayor the police commissioner so hearing the very fact that the police are circling it just shows you how yeah sure there's a gang war and they're still going to like rise out on top or like well OES but they're no way near as powerful as they were like they're actually concerned about the gcpd now because as per the ending of the movie we we've got
Bale we're going to get a new commissioner we're going to get a new DA and they're not going to be able to get away with as much as they did before in where Falcone controlled everyone but this could be where as I mentioned a few seconds ago if penguin Rises out on top maybe well as we know he will the fact that he may have something on councilman Haiti that could be his ticket into the new restored institutions of Gotham and where they think okay everything's a nice shiny coat of new paint no corruption but
Oz is already in there right at the Inception of it and so this is where Oz says that maybe he can fix this because you know ultimately this is about money right and now he's got wind of a new shipment coming in potential to revolutionize the drug business but little did he know sfia Falone was overhearing the whole conversation and obviously that's very awkward because uh as we learned throughout the episode she was in on this plan obviously initially there's a bit of tension between the characters and you can definitely tell that they have a
bit of history but you know that's not really the concern right now but what Sophia is concerned about is Alberto o doesn't really answer the question so she literally follows him outside and calls him out on that and you can tell by his answer that she's not really convinced and so she asks him to get a bite to eat as in right now and so they go to a restaurant and you know what I found really interesting here is we we see how safia is eating she's using her hands she's not using the Cutlery at
all and I think this is honestly just somewhat symbolic of how Arkham has turned her a bit more into an animal if you will now I'm not saying she's outright animal but you see what I mean she's literally grabbing it and like you know famish let's just say from being paid to keep your elbows off the table that is not that is not the place she's at anymore you can even see people looking at her wondering if you know it's really her the psycho killer as she put it roaming around free the hangman and you
even get a little bit of a teeny Glimpse at their history in this moment as well and where we have safia saying I'd hate for you to feel nervous with me because despite what you might think I don't blame you if you hadn't gone to my father you know he left you no choice so obviously I can't say too much here but it definitely is implying that penguin had something to do with what ended up happening to Sofia but as for how things exactly go down that remains to be seen and it's only a little
bit of a teaser for some story that is to come in the episodes ahead and this I love this next bit this is where the conversation just takes a complete turn with Sophia saying all of a sudden that Alberto told me that he was going to your club last night to get to my father's Loft and it's all a part of the plan that he cooked up it was our shared secret but then today I hear you talking about rizing revolutionizing rather the drug trade so once again this demonstrates the Penguin's ability to weasle his
way out of anything or should I say waddle his way out of anything he admits that he was um you know a bit stupid by opening his mouth but he saw no reason for the plan to not go forward just because Al is on another bender and this was brilliant not that I think penguin knew that safia wasn't aware of his addiction issues but it turns out that she wasn't that he was addicted to drops and alcohol and stuff like that I'm not saying she fully believed him but it definitely cast some doubt because it's
like oh yeah what if he has kind of gone AOL but yes safia is still definitely on to him regardless and also I I have to say and I said it in my review and this is honestly nothing in in comparison to what is to come but Christen motti is just a Powerhouse obviously things right now are fairly calm she's you know still being a bit intimidating but you're seeing these moments where she just goes from Smiley to completely blank to the point of where it is really really believable for her to be this antagonist
oz in the series despite there also being you know as per what the trailers get into a little bit of an alliance you know only one of them can still end out on top she is very formidable and I love her acting I love the material matal they've given her and um yeah I I think formidable is the word and they've done a great job at getting that across and so Oz rightfully so is a bit spooked by this so we see Oz and Victor heading to one of Oz's other cars a few stops away
in order to be discreet about where they're heading next and now notice the camera focusing on the disabled seats on the subway with Oz refusing to sit on it it just speaks to the larger stuff that we got into early with how he doesn't want to be defined by that because that's how others have defined him so he's refusing to take that seat and we also In This Moment had a little bit of a riddler Fanboy with a riddler pin on his backpack a riddler mask saying to people to scan the QR code to see
Gotham's true face now you can see how the QR code has a little bit of a riddler Insignia in the middle of it now I have tried to scan this myself but it wasn't working for me so I'm not sure if any of you had any luck with that I don't know what it would head to other than the ralada website the marketing website that was used for the Batman and the Penguin series but maybe it's also going to link to the files that we got after the Batman in where you could download the know
what I know folder and in that F folder was all of the evidence that Riddler had his journals the pictures of the Arkham's deaths everything like that so maybe it could just lead to the truth about Gotham or Gotham's true face as he puts it so the citizens of Gotham could have the evidence for themselves now future Boba here it turns out it actually does work and if you scan the code successfully it takes you to Gotham which is really a relink to that of so I was kind of half right with how
I suspected it would take you to ralada anyway so hopefully we actually get to see more cool things like this because if you click on one of the words it hyperlinks you to a little page about Alberto Falone next up you got to love how Oz starts the car up and immediately Dolly Parton's 9 to5 song starts playing playing and Victor could barely contain his laughter and this is where we finally see where Oz brings Victor and that is to none other than his mother's home and notice how careful he was getting there he mentions
that he's never ever taken anyone here before so he clearly doesn't want anyone to be able to get to her and we see tons and tons of photos of Oz and his brothers on the wall at different ages and we see that Oz gives his mother the jewel necklace that Alberto chucked at him earlier on on so I guess better hope that nobody spots Francis with that and it turns out that Oz went to go get Francis so they could get out of town for a while cuz we saw him get the money out and
uh it turns out that the reports from ages and ages ago about his mother suffering with Lou bod's dementia is true because we saw how Oz pointed out how her pills were ruined in the bath and she said that the boys were playing in the bath and they didn't want to get out I would say the biggest takeaway from this scene is just seeing the impact that Oz's mother has had on his life through the way that she speaks to him and it just gives us a glimpse into how she raised him and she asks
him what he did and I love how he's honest with her so like she's clearly okay with the crime life and he says that he killed Alberto Falone and she asked the reason why and he said then you he laughed at me and so she says you know he laughed at you do you hear the words coming out of your mouth how weak they sound like a little [ __ ] boy and she even says is that what you are Oswald a weak little [ __ ] boy don't you see de what you did wasn't
impulsive it was instinctual you shot him because you wanted to just like that and you can almost see that she's proud of him you know calling him you know his her big strong bull of a boy and as a result of that I mean you know I'm not a psychologist or anything but looking at it through the psychoanalytical lens how as a result this made penguin into the man he he came to be you know because a mother who raises her sons do not want to see weakness in them and and just growing up like
that if they were ever to get disrespect you can imagine you wouldn't remotely take it in order to live up to your mother's expectations as you're growing up in life and this is why you know if anybody mockos would even Carmine um who called him a [ __ ] in the suit and he was like I'm going to spray paint your ass with his Uzi in that moment he can't contain himself in the same way as how when Alberto called him a little [ __ ] he he straight up killed him it is clearly such
a trigger from Oz and we can see where it all kind of stems from in how she's viewed this as instilling strength into her children and uh if anything their own way of um instilling um ambition and motivation to be something more it's definitely an interesting relationship for sure but you can tell that they're really close and he just doesn't want to disappoint her now later on in O's apartment we get kind of a little reference as to what the plan will be next with Victor asking about the lyricss of the song on the TV
being put the blame on Mame boys and Oz says that's just the thing you know it doesn't matter kid it's just a scapegoat and that gives Oz the idea of oh how can I get out of this situation with the whole you know Alberto Falone death ah maybe I can use escapegoat so we see uh how Oz is giving Victor a task to do Victor is very hesitant cuz he's never done anything like this before and I I like the whole situation of where you know the audience isn't really aware of the full plan and
we see it unfold right from this point up until the very end when we get that Clarity of what Victor's task was and so the the beginning seeds of that is when Oz goes to Blackgate and we meet Clancy Browns Salvatore [ __ ] of which just to say again I'm over the moon with this casting because he really does fit who would have been the Kingpin 20 years ago in Gotham before Falone ratted him out but you know as you can tell from the conversation Sal [ __ ] really isn't too much of a
with Oz they even have a past with how you know he would do something with the [ __ ] men but ultimately like screw him over you think I forgot about that and whatnot but ultimately it gets to the point in where just before penguin leaves he presents him with his ring and he desperately takes it and he's appealing very cleverly to you can only imagine how triggered and angry s [ __ ] is over what happened to him all those years ago D saying the fal cones they've been flaunting what they've done to you
for years and he asks how is it that he has it and he says maybe I'm more than what you think and so this is where I guess the whole lyrics you know put the blame on Main boys because towards the very end of the episode now after all of this rambling we see Oz driving around Gotham to his apartment he's trying to get a hold of Victor to see how the plan's working out but he's not replying things are getting tense he spots safia and her men outside his apartment so the dial is freaking
going up at this point he's racing throughout Gotham he hides in trunk but he still gets caught anyway he stabs the guy with the air freshener as we went over earlier but yeah that guy also got hit by freaking School Bus which is pretty funny o waves to them but that's when he gets knocked out and he gets taken back to the Falcone residence in where he's being beaten and this is where I'll say you really do get a taste of the the peak safia Falone mode we have Oz completely stripped naked safia is talking
about how the Arkham guards stri them every morning and how it was humiliating being turned into a thing and so she reveals that uh basically she learned yeah of course the club was clean but the thing about driving a plum car is that it's not easy to forget so those kids who were stealing the tires off of his car admitted that it all happened the night that Alberto was missing and it shows you how ruthless safia has got at this point compared to where she would have been 10 years ago I I would just say
there because Oz obviously says you know this teenage is just a liar and as a result she straight up shoots the kid even when obviously she didn't have to do that but you can see how much she's unraveled and I keep talking as if you guys have seen you know what she's unraveled from but you can obviously imagine what Arkham has done to her to be at this point of such conviction and being willing to you know kill uh somebody like that who she knows doesn't really deserve death her acting I know I keep saying
it in this moment was imp able if you thought this was good compared to like the restaurant scene earlier it really does just step up more and more and more again I was excited to see Kristen motti in this series but you know I was mainly excited for Colin Farrell but I have to say I do feel like they are like she's matching him almost with how good her performance is and right in the nick of time that's when Vic comes through because we have a car crashing into the Falcone's home and within the car
as safia marches towards is Alberto's body think about it we have the finger chopped off there's payback uh scratched into the the ceiling of the trunk of the car the morones have basically been framed especially with sa wearing the ring around black gate the [ __ ] as penguin says after this have got no choice but to take credit and then it cuts Back to Oz just laughing to himself again with that freaking little Celly score kicking back in and I I love it I love it I feel like when you see moments like that
of Oz's pure kind of laughter it is a glimpse at like the real core hym like the the the taste of him you're going to get permanently when he is elevated into Kingpin status it's like this um you know gratifying self- validating moment for him I think in how yeah people are underestimating me and in these moments when I'm laughing like this I'm doing it I'm I'm I'm ruling the game and so at the very very end of the episode it ends off with Oz and Victor drinking slushies and we get a little again slightly
comedic scene with how it turns out that uh Victor didn't really follow the plan exactly and he's like you know it felt small and we had Victor trying to explain it but I think Oz kind of understood he like no it's fine it's fine room to grow and this is what I mean about their Dynamic you ain't seen nothing yet and I love how Vic was just kind of like wait sa doesn't know he's just kind of only cing on to penguin's larger plan of what he just did with the scapegoat situation and I love
how Oz is just like well you know I don't care like we we just put the [ __ ] back on the map and if he doesn't like that then fck him you know I don't need him I don't need any of them drops a yesterday's game I'm going to get whatever's in that shipment and I'm going to run this goddamn City and I want you in on it I love that because um he's not forgetting how crucial Vic I mean if Vic didn't basically help him out then he would be screwed so you see
what I mean like he's really being like yeah I I want you in on this with me and then it goes back to the you know it's better right you know when you mix the flavors and um I just I thought that was such a good way to end the episode after all of that like there this severe tone the stakes the mess that Oz has to get out of the thinking on his feet the sketchiness of the plan how Vic has to follow through how he's throwing in the dend and yet it kind of
ends off on like okay like it's definitely far from over this is the the beginning but like let's just kick back and have a slush puppy do you know what I mean that's just brilliant and then it ends off in the credits with the working 9 to5 and a nice credit sequence as well that was something that surprised me when I saw the screeners for this I was like okay that's pretty cool not just like a normal credits but a little bit of a animation going on there with some artwork in the background so you
know that is episode one guys and I I don't really know what more to say about it other than I just thought that was a great entry into the the penguin show it introduced everyone right off of the back of the Batman or should I say the situation of things right away with the the the murder of Alberto Falcone sticking penguin into the thick of it and just how it complicates an already complicated crazy situation with the gang war in of itself but now you have safia looking into that I just feel like the seeds
have been sewn so incredibly well into this bat verse series that felt still so very true to the vision that you know and the world of the Batman epic crime Saga that Matt Reeves forged that if you enjoyed this you again haven't seen nothing yet it gets better and better and better and better so with that being said I'm going to end this video here let me know your thoughts about episode one down in the comments below let me know any theories you might have cuz I can't wait to see what you guys have to
say because again I've seen a few episodes so seeing what what what you guys think or where things are going to go will be really interesting for me to read but I'm going to shut up now please like the video If you enjoyed it do consider subscribing for more reviews and uh videos just like this but until next time guys I hope you have a lovely rest of your day and I'll see you back family in the next video goodbye
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