God Is Saying 'Let Go Of Control and Focus On Me' | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
before we get into today's prayer I want to share a few scriptures with you and as I read the word of God pay attention to how often we're told to watch meaning our physical eyes must be alert and perceptive but also our spiritual eyes as well need to be alert and perceptive to all that's going on Revelation 16:1 15 says behold I am coming as a thief blessed is He Who Watches and keeps his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame take note of that there is a blessing in watching but watching
for what you might ask well I believe the Bible is telling us that there is a blessing to those who live their lives watching for the return of Jesus Christ Mark 13 verse 32-33 says but of that day an hour no one knows not even the angels in Heaven nor the son but only the father take heed watch and pray for you do not know when the time is and then 1 Thessalonians 5:6 says therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober 1 Peter 4:7 says but the end
of of all things is at hand therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers and finally Matthew 26:41 says Watch and Pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak so today dear friends I want to encourage you to meditate on these scriptures and especially on this notion of watching The Bible repeatedly tells us to watch watch and pray Be watchful in your prayers why think about that why does the bible encourage us to Be watchful so often well I believe that when you're watching watch watching for Jesus
Christ to come again watching for God's hand moving and intervening and leading us when you are constantly watching both spiritually and physically it means your mind remains on God your mind remains steadfast on things of God if you're watching and praying you aren't distracted distracted by Temptation by the World by relationships even if you're watching and praying you're not giving room to the devil nor are you entertaining anything that will lead you to destruction one great piece of advice I received was this if you want to be distressed then look within yourself if you want
to be defeated then look back at your past past the devil will remind you of all of your failures all of your mistakes and shortcomings if you want to be distracted then look around you if you want to be dismayed then look ahead because no one knows what the future holds for them but here is the essence of my message to you if you want to be delivered if you need to be delivered then look up look up to Jesus fix your eyes on Jesus focus on Jesus and so let me ask you dear listener
are you watching and praying saints of God we need to guard our Spirits we need to guard our minds and our hearts we are are bombarded with all kinds of influences all kinds of temptations there are all kinds of evil forces vying for our attention vying for an opportunity to enter our lives and wreak havoc we need to guard our hearts our minds eyes and ears because these are all gateways they're gateways into our lives I believe believe we need the Holy Spirit now more so than ever with the help of the Holy Spirit we
can have discernment we can identify that this is something deceptive with the help of the Holy Spirit we can discern if something appears to be of God but it really is glorifying other things other things that aren't of God Like This World Pride and pleasure we need guidance from the Holy Spirit on how to navigate this life while protecting our faith our joy our mind State even I say this because we have to be honest and we have to be real everything on television isn't good for your soul everything you listen to isn't edifying you
everyone you come across is not good for you the deception of the devil is that he wants to lure us into a false sense of security he wants you to see something that is evil but believe that it is harmless entertainment the devil wants you to see something that will plant seeds of lust but he'll want you to compromise and say that's just a movie that's not real well it may be just a movie but it certainly plants seeds in your mind Satan wants you to open the door so that the spirit of fear can
enter your life but he'll never come out in the open about it he'll never call it fear instead he'll call it a haunted house experience at an amusement park for example it seems small it seems insignificant but it is certainly a Gateway so we need the Holy Spirit to help us to help us discern and remain guarded Saints we need to pray for discernment spiritual discernment is a gift provided by the Lord to lead and guide you discernment is a gift a process that allows us to filter the deception of the devil from the truth
of God and so I believe we really need to make it a prayer point that the Lord would give us discernment may he remove the scales from our eyes may he reveal the spirit that lies behind the things we watch the music we hear and the places we visit may the Lord give us the spirit of discernment even when it comes to the people we allow to enter into our lives our prayer should be that God would reveal who is really for us and who has been planted by the enemy now let us pray Lord
Jesus Christ we need you in our lives we need the Holy Spirit In Our Lives we need direction we need counsel and we certainly we certainly need discernment the Bible says in 1 John 4 verse1 beloved do not believe every Spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world Lord teach me not to believe every Spirit but through the guidance of the Holy Ghost help me to test each Spirit may I be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Ghost when it comes to what
I watch what I listen to where I go and who I spend time with I pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal to me the spirit behind the things that I watch the spirit Behind the Music I listen to and especially the spirit behind the person and the people that I interact with may he help me discern whether it's a spirit that's from God or if it is the devil plotting and scheming to destroy me Lord I need discernment I need it concerning the people around me I understand that the devil can use people and
plant people with the objective of discouraging me or leading me into sin I pray that you would reveal these people in my life reveal everyone who is sent by the enemy I pray that you would reveal those individuals who have been sent by the devil to rob me of my peace of mind and so Discord and confusion Within Me Lord Jesus I need your guidance I need discernment I pray that you would expose everyone sent by the enemy to drain me of my strength to distract me from my calling your word says in Ephesians 5
verses 6-10 let no one deceive you with empty words for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of Disobedience therefore do not become partners with them for at one time you were dark Darkness but now you are light in the Lord walk as children of light for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord Lord thank you for bringing me into the light I pray that I would have no Fellowship no friendship with those
in darkness Lord right now I pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit when it comes to the people I should allow in my life I need your guidance Holy Spirit when it comes to who I should allow close to me help me to identify those who genuinely love God and desire to please Him Father help me to identify them from the false prophets and from those who work in sin God give me true discernment from the holy spirit so that I may be able to pick out a false prophet from a true man or
woman of God in this world full of wolves and sheep's clothing Holy Spirit I ask that you help me to see who is really speaking from God's word and who is speaking from a place of Doctrine mixed with deception help me to see who's speaking with a spirit of Pride and selfish gain versus someone who is speaking to glorify God lord I am aware that we wrestle not against flesh and blood I am aware that there are forces of Darkness that are out there seeking to influence my heart right now I rebuke those evil forces
in my life in Jesus name I welcome only your truth King Jesus I welcome your light and I welcome your spirit it is in Jesus name that I pray this prayer amen behold I am coming as a thief blessed is He Who Watches and keeps his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame but of that day an hour no no one knows not even the angels in Heaven nor the son but only the father take heed watch and pray for you do not know when the time is therefore let us not sleep
as others do but let us watch and be sober [Music] but the end of all things is at hand therefore be serious and watchful in your [Music] prayers Watch and Pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is [Music] weak beloved do not believe every Spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world let no one deceive you with empty words for because of these things
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