my friends today I want to talk to you about something that is stirring in my heart something that I know will bring hope to those who are weary strength to those who are weak and joy to those who have been walking through the valley I want to tell you about the signs that God is about to bless you so many times we go through seasons of difficulty of waiting of wondering if God has forgotten us we pray we seek we knock and yet the door seems closed the night seems long the burden seems heavy and
we wonder if the breakthrough will ever come but my friends I have good news for you our God is a faithful God and when he promises he fulfills when he speaks his word does not return void when he begins a work in you he is faithful to complete it and I believe that for many of you listening today God is preparing to pour out a blessing that is beyond what you can ask think or imagine but before the blessing comes there are signs clear signs that God is about to move in your life the first
sign that God is about to bless you is that you face unusual opposition the enemy does not attack those who are going nowhere the thief does not break into an empty house if you find yourself facing trials struggles and resistance it could be a sign that the devil sees what God is about to do in your life think of job he was a righteous man faithful and upright yet he faced immense suffering but in the end God restored him with double what he had lost some of you are in the middle of the fire right
now and you think that God has abandoned you but I tell you God has not abandoned you he is refining you the enemy knows that a blessing is coming your way and he is doing everything he can to stop it but he will not succeed because no weapon formed against you shall prosper the second sign that God is about to bless you is that he begins to remove people from your life now this is a hard one for many of us there are times when God starts to separate you from people you thought would always
be there friends relationships even family members May begin to drift away and you wonder why you ask Lord why am I losing the people I love but hear me today when God is preparing you for something greater he will prune the branches that are not bearing fruit in your life not everyone can go where God is taking you some relationships are only for a season if people are walking away do not chase after them trust that God is positioning you for something better sometimes subtraction is the first step to multiplication the third sign that God
is about to bless you is that he places a deep restlessness in your spirit you feel it in your soul you know that you were made for more you begin to Lo interest in things that once excited you your heart begins to long for something greater something Eternal my friends when God is preparing to bless you he will make you uncomfortable with where you are he will stir your spirit so that you no longer settle for less than his best some of you are feeling this right now you can't explain it but you know that
God is calling you higher he is calling you to step out of the boat and walk on the water do not ignore that restlessness it is God's way of preparing you for what is coming the fourth sign that God is about to bless you is that he tests your faith oh how God loves to test the faith of those he is about to bless look at Abraham God promised him a son and then when Isaac was finally born God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son what a test but Abraham obeyed and
because of his faith God blessed him beyond measure some of you are going through a season where your faith is being tested you don't understand why things are happening the way they are but let me tell you God is watching your response will you trust him when you can't see the Promise will you hold on when everything around you says to let go if you pass the test the blessing is right around the corner the fifth sign that God is about to bless you is that he gives you sudden opportunities one day Joseph was in
prison and the next day he was standing before Pharaoh one moment David was tending sheep and the next he was anointed as king when your time comes God will open doors that no man can shut he will connect you with the right people at the right time some of you have been waiting for years and it seems like nothing is happening but I tell you when God moves he moves suddenly stay faithful keep doing what he has called you to do when the moment comes it will happen quickly and you must be ready to step
into the blessing the sixth sign that God is about to bless you is that you begin to see glimpses of what he has promised before the Israelites entered the promised land the spies went in and saw the land flowing with milk and honey God will often give you a preview before the blessing comes you will start to see little breakthroughs little confirmations little signs that he is moving maybe someone speaks a word over your life maybe a door opens just a little do not dismiss these moments these are signs that God is working behind the
scenes setting things up for your blessing hold on to those glimpses because they are the evidence of what is coming the seventh and final sign that God is about to bless you is that he fills FS you with an unshakable peace even when things don't make sense even when the storm is Raging around you you feel a peace that surpasses all understanding you know in your heart that God is in control this piece is a sign that the battle is already won that the Breakthrough is already on the way some of you have been worried
anxious afraid but God is saying to you today be still and know that I am God when he gives you that peace it is because he has already made a way where there seems to be no way my friends do you see these signs in your life do you feel the opposition the separation the restlessness the testing of your faith do you see sudden opportunities glimpses of the promise and the peace of God filling your heart if you do then get ready because God is about to pour out a blessing that you will not have
room enough to receive do not give up do not grow weary in well-doing your breakthrough is closer than you think trust in the Lord hold on to his promises and watch as he does exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or imagine I hear the Cry of many hearts today I see the burden you carry the questions you have the struggles that seem endless some of you have been waiting for years wondering when God will answer when he will move when the breakthrough will come you've prayed you've fasted you've wept before the Lord
and yet nothing seems to change but hear me today God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent if he has spoken it he will surely bring it to pass you may not see it you may not feel it but your blessing is already in motion there are some of you who feel forgotten you look around and it seems like everyone else is moving forward while you are stuck in the same place you see others getting promotions relationships open doors and you wonder God have you forgotten
me but I tell you today he has not forgotten you the Lord says I have engraved you on the palms of my hands your walls are ever before me the silence you are experiencing is not God's neglect it is his preparation just because you don't see anything happening does not mean that God is not working the foundation of a great building is laid in secret underground where no one can see but when the time is right the structure Rises and everyone sees what has been built some of you are in the foundation laying season God
is working beneath the surface setting things in place preparing the blessing aligning people situations and circumstances for your breakthrough you cannot Rush God's timing for his ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts but when the time comes nothing and no one will be able able to stop what he has ordained for your life there are others here who feel like their past disqualifies them from the blessing you've made mistakes you've fallen short you've done things that you are ashamed of and the enemy Whispers In Your Ear God will
not bless you you don't deserve it but I am here to tell you that our God is not a god of condemnation he is a god of Grace if he only bless those who were perfect none of us would receive anything look at Peter he denied Jesus three times yet God still used him to build the church look at Paul he persecuted Christians yet God transformed him into one of the greatest Apostles of all time your past does not define your future the blood of Jesus has covered you redeemed you and set you free when
God decides to bless you no mistake no failure no shortcoming can stop it some of you have been facing intense spiritual warfare you wake up tired you feel like there's a constant battle over your life your family your finances your peace every time you take a step forward something seems to pull you two steps back but let me tell you something Warfare is often a sign that that a great breakthrough is coming the enemy does not fight those who have nothing valuable in their future if the battle has been intense it is because the blessing
is great and I declare over you today that every demonic attack every stronghold every weapon formed against you shall not Prosper what the enemy meant for evil God is turning for your good stand firm put on the full armor of God hold up the shield of Faith wield the sword of the spirit and do not back down your Victory is coming some of you are being called to step out in faith but fear is holding you back you feel the tug in your spirit the call to do something greater to launch out into the deep
but the Whata ifs are keeping you stuck what if I fail what if I don't have enough what if people don't support me but hear me today faith is not the absence of fear it is the decision to move forward despite it when Peter stepped out of the boat the waves were still there the wind was still blowing but he walked on water because he kept his eyes on Jesus some of you are waiting for the conditions to be perfect before you move but God is saying step out now now trust me now the blessing
is on the other side of your obedience there are some of you who have been faithful in the little things and you wonder if God even sees your faithfulness you've served behind the scenes you've given when no one was watching you've prayed for others while you yourself were in need but I tell you God sees it all not one tear not one sacrifice not one act of obedience has gone unnoticed the Bible says do not grow weary in doing good for in due season you shall reap if you do not give up your season is
coming your Harvest is coming I feel led to speak to someone who has been struggling with discouragement you have been holding on but you are weary you have been believing but you are tired you have been trusting but your hope is fading the Lord says to you today be strong and courageous do not be afraid or discouraged for I am with you wherever you go the enemy wants you to quit right before the blessing arrives but you must endure the night may be dark but the morning is coming the storm may be fierce but it
will not last forever God is still on the throne and he has not forgotten his promise to you so some of you are about to see Divine restoration you have lost things time relationships finances opportunities but the God we serve is a god of restoration he says I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten what you thought was gone forever God is about to bring back in Greater measure what was stolen from you God is about to return Sevenfold some of you are about to walk into a season where you will
recover everything that was lost and more there are those of you who have been sowing in tears and you are about to reap in Joy the Bible says Those Who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of Joy your tears have not been wasted your prayers have not been in vain God has bottled every tear and he is about to turn your mourning into dancing your sorrow into Joy your pain into purpose I don't know who this is for but some of you are about to experience open doors that no man can shut you have
been knocking and every door seemed to be closed but I declare today that God is about to make a way where there seems to be no way the right connections the right opportunities the right relationships God is orchestrating it all in his perfect timing some of you have been waiting for a sign a confirmation that God has not forgotten you and I tell you today this is your sign this message this moment is God's way of telling you that he sees you he knows your name and he has not abandoned you the Breakthrough is coming
the blessing is coming the promise is coming stay in faith keep your eyes on Jesus keep pressing forward what God has spoken he will do he is not in keeping his promises but he is working all things together for your good get ready because when God moves it will be suddenly powerfully undeniably the wait is almost over the season is Shifting and soon you will testify of the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living my friends I want you to understand something deep in your spirit today when God is about to bless
you the enemy will try everything in his power to distract delay and discourage you but he cannot stop what God has ordained some of you are in the fight of your life right now wondering why things are getting harder instead of easier but listen before a great blessing there is often a great battle before the dawn the night is darkest before the rain the clouds gather thick before the Harvest the ground must be broken what you are going through is not a sign that God has abandoned you it is a sign that he is about
to move in a mighty way think of the children of Israel they stood at the edge of their promised land and what did they see Giants walls impossible obstacles they could have turn back and some wanted to but those who believed those who stood firm those who said God is with us and we are well aable we the ones who walked into the land of blessing some of you are standing at the edge of what God has promised but you see the opposition the struggle the mountain ahead of you and you are wondering if you
should turn back but hear me today don't turn back don't give up the enemy is only fighting you so hard because he knows what's on the other side he sees your destiny he knows that if you step into what God has for you his plans against you will be crushed some of you have been asking God why am I going through this why does it feel like everything is against me but I want to ask you have you ever considered that maybe God is Not Just allowing the difficulty but using it for your good that
maybe the very thing you are crying out to be removed is the thing that is preparing you for the blessing you see we often want the promise without the process we want the reward without the refinement but God loves us too much to give us a blessing we are not ready to handle if Joseph had gone from the dream to the Palace without the pit without the prison without the years of testing he would not have had the wisdom the strength or the humility to handle the responsibility some of you are in a season where
it feels like nothing is happening like the door is not opening like you are stuck but listen the prison was not the end for Joseph it was a stepping stone what looks like a delay is actually preparation what feels like a detour is actually God setting you up for something greater and let me tell you something when God blesses you he does not do it halfway when he restores he restores completely when he elevates he does it beyond what you could imagine and you have been praying for something small but God has been been planning
something much bigger you've been asking for just enough but God is about to give you more than enough because our God is not a god of Barely getting by he is a god of abundance of overflow of exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or think some of you are about to see a shift in your life so sudden so unexpected that you will hardly be able to comprehend it one moment you will be struggling and the next you will be walking in the promise one moment you will be in the valley and the
next you will be on the Mountaintop because when God moves he moves suddenly he does in a moment what would have taken years in human effort there are those here today who have been carrying burdens for far too long you have been carrying the weight of your past the weight of rejection the weight of fear the weight of uncertainty but the Lord says to you lay it down let it go stop trying to figure everything out on your own stop trying to carry what you were never meant to carry Jesus said come to me all
who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest some of you have been striving fighting pushing and you are exhausted but hear me today the blessing of the Lord does not come through striving it comes through surrender the moment you let go the moment you trust him fully the moment you release control and say God have your way is the moment things begin to shift some of you are about to walk into opportunities that you didn't even pray for doors that you didn't knock on will suddenly open People you never expected to help
you will come alongside you Divine connections will be made and you will know that it was not by your own strength not by your own ability but by the hand of God alone but I need to tell you something when the blessing comes when the Breakthrough arrives when the favor of God begins to manifest do not forget the Lord your God do not let the blessing make you forget the one who gave it to you so many times people cry out to God in the struggle but when they are blessed they drift away they get
comfortable they lose their fire they stop praying like they used to stop seeking like they used to but hear me today if the enemy cannot stop your blessing he will try to use it to pull you away from God God is looking for those who will remain faithful not just in the valley but also on the Mountaintop he is looking looking for those who will say God whether you give or take away I will bless your name whether I have much or little I will serve you whether the answer comes today or years from now
I will remain steadfast that is the kind of faith God Honors that is the kind of faith that moves mountains some of you are about to experience Restoration in your family you have been praying for your loved ones interceding for your children believing for reconciliation in your marriage and the Lord says I am turning Hearts I am softening what has been hardened I am healing what has been broken do not stop praying do not stop believing because what seems impossible for man is possible with God some of you are about to step into a financial
breakthrough you have been faithful with little and God is about to trust you with much but remember the blessing is not just for you God blesses us so that we can be a blessing if you want to see continuous favor in your life be a giver be generous SE into Others When God sees that he can trust you to be a Channel of blessing he will continue to pour into your life some of you have been waiting for years and you are tired you are wondering God when but I tell you today your waiting is
not in vain every tear every prayer every moment of faithfulness has been stored up and when the time is right you will see the Harvest I want to encourage someone today don't quit don't walk away don't let the enemy convince you that it's too late that it's over that you missed your chance our God is the god of second chances of new beginnings of sudden turnarounds he is the god who can bring dead things back to life he is the god who calls things that are not as though they were he is the god who
makes a way where there is no way your story is not over your best days are not behind you what is coming is greater than what has been hold on keep pressing forward keep trusting because the blessing is coming and when it arrives you will look back and say it was only God some of you have been feeling hidden unnoticed like your work your faithfulness your prayers have gone unseen but I want you to know today that God sees you he knows every sacrifice you've made every moment you've chosen to trust him when it would
have been easier to walk away nothing you have done in obedience to God has been wasted he is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him the world may not recognize you people may Overlook you but when God decides it is time to lift you up no one will be able to ignore what he has done some of you have been carrying dreams in your heart for a long time you've seen glimpses of what God wants to do in your life but the journey has been longer and harder than you expected you thought it would
happen by now you thought the doors would have opened already and the enemy has whispered lies trying to convince you that it's too late that you missed your moment that maybe you heard God wrong but listen to me God is not bound by time he is not not limited by human schedules if he put the dream in your heart he will bring it to pass there are those of you who have faced rejection betrayal disappointment people you trusted have walked away promises that were made were broken and you have been carrying the weight of that
pain but I need you to hear me man's rejection is often God's redirection what you thought was a loss was actually god making room for something better when one door closes it is because another greater door is about to open some of you are in a season of pruning God has been cutting things away relationships habits distractions and it has been painful but understand this pruning is not punishment it is preparation when a gardener prunes a tree it is not to harm it but to make it more fruitful God is removing what is not needed
so that you can carry the blessing he has prepared your faith is being tested but you will come out stronger your patience is being stretched but it is producing endurance your trust is being deepened but it is making room for greater glory do not grow weary do not lose heart the blessing is closer than you think and when it comes it will be more than you ever imagined stay faithful stay expectant because the God who promised is faithful and he will surely do it my friends I want you to leave here today with one truth
burning in your heart God is faithful no matter what it looks like no matter how long you've waited no matter how many obstacles stand in your way his promises will come to pass the blessing is on its way and nothing can stop what God has ordained for your life but as you wait stay in faith keep praying keep trusting keep walking in obedience do not let doubt steal your expectation do not let fear keep you from stepping into what God has for you and when the blessing comes when the Breakthrough arrives when the door opens
remember to give God all the glory you are not forgotten you are not overlooked you are not abandoned you are in the hands of a loving all powerful God who is working all things together for your good so stand firm hold on and get ready because your blessing is closer than you think and when it comes it will be greater bigger and more beautiful than anything you ever imagined