welcome to yet another episode in buddhist meditation series now in today's video we're gonna be discussing about a special quality that we all need to practice and develop as a meditator now this quality is one of the most fundamental qualities that a meditator should possess and that quality is the patience supreme buddha said [Music] patience is the highest virtue now the nature of our mind is the nature of undisciplined mind is it is impatient right it needs everything instantly isn't that true now we all have get used to this instantness we are living in a
world that everything comes to our hand instantly for an example you have your mobile phone on your hand on your palm if you need to look up for something you just type it and instantly it will pop up right so many things like technology they are becoming instant day by day right and also we have so many there are so many things which comes instantly we have instant noodles we have instant rice you have instant articles so we we are we have got used to this instant world the more we get used to this instantness
we are losing our patience we are losing our ability to just wait now for an example if you take your mobile phone and if you log on to the internet if the connection is bad if the connection is low what is your response you become panicked you become impatient you become frustrated why because you have get used to that you are trapped in that illusion so that is the problem in our mind so when you get when you get used to this instant world you need everything in life to be instant that is the problem
but in life in the spiritual world in the spiritual life and most of the life things inside this is slow we have to be patient we have to stay until it happen for an example can you force yourself to sleep you cannot do that right you go to bed you ca but you cannot force yourself to sleep you should wait until you fall asleep all right for another example when you're doing meditation you cannot force your mind to be relaxed when you force your mind it will become more distracted so one of the most important
and valuable so crucial quality that we should possess as meditators is the patience right so you need to learn the art of just being without any expectations without being panicked without expecting quick results just put yourself in the way in the program in the process right now a lot of us sit for the meditation expecting on the first day my mind will be so peaceful so serene and so tranquilized it will not happen instantly it is a life process right so it is very slow it is meandering so you have to just wait right so
i need to share a special thing that you should do before doing any kind of meditation right so most of the time you sit for the meditation and you close your eyes sometimes you sit cross-legged sometimes you sit on a chair and some people may do walking meditation whatever the meditation is first of all if you are closing your eyes right or if you are opening your eyes it doesn't matter just let yourself to be in that posture or in that in that way for a little time right don't just directly jump to the meditation
just sit close your eyes and just wait and observe what is happening inside right don't rush your mind because if we force our mind sometimes our mind is not ready to do meditation right when we use our mind when it is not ready to do the meditation when you use that mind to do the meditation when we force that it will not work properly so best thing to do is before when you sit down to the meditation just close your eyes and just be for a while just be relaxed right just let the all the
tiredness fatigue and exhaustedness to just flow away take a deep breath and exhale out and just be right first of all you need to have that quality so that is one part of patience right not being panicked not being so fast you need to slow down right when you're doing meditation first of all let yourself to be relaxed now when you when you first in the in the beginning when you when you become relaxed your mind is getting ready and it is knowing that ah now this person is going to meditate it's like warm-up exercise
right when you hit the gym first of all you just you don't go just and do the cardios right you just warm up and you just give the idea and give the news to your body that now this body is going to work out same goes with the meditation first of all sit relax just don't do the meditation directly you can do that when you get when you become pro at meditation but as a beginner we all need to practice this to be patient to stay you need to learn the art of being right not
out of going that is why we call we are called human beings right if you are a human being then you should know how to be right so practice to be patient practice to be relaxed before doing meditation if you practice this you will gain good results through the meditations arena [Music]