repent for the kingdom of God is at hand repent your wickedness is too great The Flood is coming [Music] but know this that in the last days perilous times will come all who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution [Music] but evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of knowing from whom you have learned them repent Christ is coming soon the wrath of God is coming to judge the earth I have seen it
turn to God before it's too late the Bible comes with warnings warnings about how not to live your life warnings about the type of company you should keep warnings about how to go about selecting a husband or wife there are warnings in the Bible for near enough every area of life now let me tell you about two occasions where warnings were not heated the first was Mount fuus Pompei was an ancient Roman city located in Italy and it was home to about 15,000 people but you see the people of this city lived in the shadow
of a sleeping giant Mount Vesuvius some historians report that the people of Pompeii they thought the volcano was extinct now before the volcano erupted it's reported that there were warning signs warning signs that no one paid attention to the day of the eruption is thought to be the 24th of August 79 ad but in the weeks before the eruption the surrounding populations began to feel small earthquakes and these small earthquakes increased in frequency but no one noticed one other report St stated that as the day of the eruption Drew closer the mountain which had been
dormant began to make groaning sounds and the Sea around the Bay of Naples became so hot that it boiled and produced bubbles animals including rats left the town and droves while Wells and streams especially those close to the mountain mysteriously dried up so overall there is a general belief among histor Ian that there were certainly warning signs before the devastating eruption when this monster volcano did erupt a column of volcanic pmus hot gases and Ash pushed upwards of 9 miles into the atmosphere and spread across the skyline to darken the sky now the second occasion
was the Titanic which was dubbed the unsinkable ship on April 15th 1912 the unthinkable happened when the Titanic collided with an iceberg and you know the thing about icebergs is that there is more than what meets the eye up to 9/10 of a Berg is hidden below the surface and for the Titanic that's where the damage happened below the surface now it's widely reported that the Titanic received multiple warnings before it collided with the iceberg some historians have even reported that the Titanic received as many as five warnings about it from nearby ships telling them
that icebergs lay ahead warnings were not heated on this occasion and somewhere in the world someone is being warned about their health if they continue eating what they're eating if they continue being inactive and not exercising then there will be Health consequences in every Walk of Life there are warnings in the workplace someone in the world is being warned about their behavior their productivity or their punctuality and Society someone is being warned not to speed while driving we have warnings everywhere but you see today I want to talk to you about five warnings in the
Bible that most of us don't take seriously enough but we should now this first warning is hard-hitting it's uncomfortable for the majority of people but nonetheless it is necessary because it is real this is the unmissable appointment Hebrews 9: 27 says say and as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the Judgment the Bible warns us that everyone has two appointments that they must attend their death and then their judgment we will be judged by the Lord one day Matthew 12:36 is very direct regarding this the Bible reads I tell you
on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak we will stand in front of God one day when this life is over we don't like to think about it but the Bible talks about it so we should take heed One Pastor said everyone thinks eternity is a long way away but all you need to do is Miss a few heartbeats and you're there and that's true the Bible says where whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow for what is your life it is even a vapor that appears
for a little time and then vanishes away David said teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom and so in light of this warning my message to you today is a reminder that time is precious time is fleeting you only live today yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised and so what better time is there than right now to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior the second warning is what I call the Gateway every individual has one area that they must guard closely and ferociously as though
their life depends on it because it does proverbs 4:23 says above all else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it so why is it so important to guard your heart the plan of the enemy is to attack your heart it's to infiltrate your heart so that you would be consumed with everything but God David in Psalm 141:4 prayed and said do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil so that I take part in Wicked Deeds along with those who are evildoers do not let me eat their Delicacies you see
the heart is an arena it's the center of everything that a Believer needs to guard concerning their lives it's a Battleground where all the fights in your life take place the fight between good and evil takes place in your heart the fight between between God and Earthly Idols that takes place in your heart the fight to wake up early and pray stay up late to pray spend time in the word all of these are issues dealt with in the heart the third warning is about humility 1 Corinthians 10: 12 says if you think you are
standing strong be careful not not to fall the Amplified translation puts it this way therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm immune to Temptation being overconfident and self-righteous take care that he does not fall into sin and condemnation so the minute that you think you are strong or you're something or you've achieved greatness that's actually your most vulnerable moment and I would even argue that for a Christian when you reach a place like this where you are in awe of your own accomplishments and your own Talent OR achievements this is dangerous because consciously
or subconsciously you will think you don't need God but the Bible says pride comes before a downfall the enemy is an opportunist the minute you're on a high and you're distracted he'll throw a punch or trip you up so when the Bible is saying if you think you are standing firm be careful that you don't fall it's really saying always be alert always be on guard don't be led by emotions because emotions are deceitful the fourth warning is what I call the small Destroyer the tongue words are a powerful force Proverbs 6:2 says you are
snared by the words of your mouth you are taken by the words of your mouth and if you read the book of James he Compares our tongues to a forest fire and the fire of Hell Fire causes damage our words can cause damage as well the words you say can destroy relationship sh you have built your whole life think of all the Great accomplishments Humanity has made over the past 2,000 years since James wrote this book we have flown to the Moon that's one small step for man one created phones that can call people on
the other side of the world and even created moving Holograms however we have not found a way to control our tongue the same tongue that we use to praise God we often use to bring down people our words truly matter since they hold such weight in both our life and the life of those around us we should try to control our tongues the final warning is All About Your Inner Circle 1 Corinthians 15:33 says do not be deceived B Bad Company ruins good morals equally Proverbs 16:28 tells us that a perverse person stirs up conflict
and a gossip separates close friends who you keep around will affect you that's the warning we're given here there's no two ways about it bad friends friends who aren't saved friends or people who are not in Christ will ruin you spiritually this is not to say you cannot have any interactions with unbelievers but it is to say be careful who you let in and around you because if you allow them to get close enough bad company will ruin good morals bad company will stir up conflict and Division and the gossip will separate close friends so
you've been warned about how you should deal with those around you you've been warned that regardless of how good you think you are you're at risk of being corrupted should you choose to keep sinful company around the Bible says in Matthew 24: 6 to8 you will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed such things must happen but the end is still to come now Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom there will be famines and earthquakes in various places all these are the beginning of
birth pains pay attention to what the Bible says in verse 8 all these are the beginning of birth pains the beginning of birth pains the Bible says now we're living in a time where there are many conflicts all around the world and there are these loud grumblings of more potential conflicts but this is all in the Bible the Bible tells us that we should not be alarmed such things must happen everything we are living through now we've been foretold in the Bible and if we are Bible believing Saints we should not be surprised by the
headlines but the main thing for us is that we should not be fearful but more so filled with faith we need Faith and Hope in Jes Jesus regardless of whether or not there is a war we need to keep our Faith and Hope in Jesus regardless of whether or not the headlines are filled with Doom and Gloom we need faith and Zeal no matter how evil the days are and no matter how many disaster strike the world and I believe that one thing we need to be aware of is what happens inwardly in these last
days we should really be careful that our hearts aren't swayed or hardened I believe that in the last days the presence of evil will be so real and so tangible that if we're not careful some of us will fall into a false sense of security thinking we are living for Christ when in fact we are living according to our own self-righteous standard I encourage you to pray for a soft heart a heart that is quick to repent a heart that is quick to run to the Lord and quick to run away from Evil the Bible
tells us that in the last days because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold Hearts will grow cold as we Edge closer and closer to the end of the age and the return of Christ so here's my warning to you be careful that your heart is not hardened Jesus Christ is coming back don't be distracted by this world Jesus is coming back don't get too comfortable in this world Jesus is coming back don't sleep on the word of God don't sleep on the Promises of God don't ignore the signs of the times
Jesus is coming back like a thief in the night the Lord is coming and this message is repeated over and over again because the Lord wants us to go on living as if he were coming tomorrow to be on Red Alert be found to always be ready so that if he came tomorrow if he came tonight you and I wouldn't be embarrassed to be saying the name of Jesus but not living for Jesus don't be found to be lukewarm get your house in order so stay prayerful Be watchful other the times the Lord is coming
soon in our world today not only is there evil at every corner not only is there temptation all around us but this world provides you with so many distractions there are many things vying for our attention on a day-to-day basis and to be honest if we're not careful as men and women of God we can easily and sometimes unknowingly lose our focus on what really matters in life and so I encourage you to take a moment and think about whether or not you are truly living for Jesus Christ or are you content living life and
simply putting Jesus Christ alongside everything and everyone else the Bible in Hebrews 3:15 says while it is said today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts as in the rebellion and on this matter of hardening your heart proverbs 28:14 says happy is the man who is always reverent but he who hardens his heart will fall into Calamity now what does it mean to have a hardened heart it means spiritual blindness it means insensitivity towards God's Beauty And Glory it means chasing after our own desires instead of the things of God a hardened
heart rejects God thankfully in his mercy God has offered to change our hearts and I want you to know that God can change our hearts Ezekiel 26:36 and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you and I will remove the Heart of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh since the beginning of time God has been drawing us toward himself even when we stubbornly ignore him he doesn't walk away he never gives up on us in the Book of Matthew Jesus Compares his second
coming to a great wedding Feast a joyful celebration of the perfect union between Jesus Christ and his bride the church and so we are invited to the greatest dinner banquet of all time have you responded to that invitation or are you putting it off until the last minute maybe you've become deafen to the sound of him knocking maybe your attention has been captured by other things like work and finances and romantic love those things seem important till you realize that they are only temporary and when your life is over or Jesus returns they will no
longer be of any value we all think we have more time to get right with God but the truth is that life is short tomorrow is not guaranteed everything we do today matters on an eternal level if Jesus came back today would you be ready would you be able to say that your heart was firmly set on Christ now is the time to place your faith in Jesus and so today if you hear his voice don't Harden your heart instead allow him to come in and change your life forever in Hebrews 12:1 the Bible says
therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us the Bible is calling us to drip off every unnecessary weight in our lives do away with the sin which tries to ins snare you and keep you bound people of God Jesus Christ is all that matters and with the time that you have live with wisdom and make use of today and serve the Lord while you still can our
days are numbered and we must live for God so in everything you do put God first in the midst of everything you go through trust God first [Music] [Music]