so what if I told you that I found an AI that could run your entire online business for you and make you thousands of dollars Without You Ever Lifting a f the system that I've created is going to retrieve all of the latest news on the internet and convert them into money making blog post that's going to generate you income on autopilot a few years ago this exact process that I'm about to show you would a required you to hire a SEO specialist a WordPress expert and a high level writer which should have cost you tens of thousands of dollars but with the power of artificial intelligence you can run this business with less than $20 to your name this is not just another side hustle that's here today and gone tomorrow this is a real sustainable business that you can use to replace your 9 to-5 job so if this is of any interest to you I highly recommend you stick around with me throughout this video as I'm going to take you step by step through this entire process all right so in order for us to get started with this the very first thing that you need to do is to head over to Google news that's over at news. google. com if you're not aware of what Google news is right now is simply a news aggregator that gets news from all over the world and they compile it into this one website this is similar to like CNN Fox News or any other news station out there that keeps everyone up to date on the hottest and the newest news around the world and what's good about Google news is that it literally has news in every single category that you can think of now you may be thinking at this point Dr what does the Google News have to do with us making money with this business we're going to be using this platform as the driver of our business as I said to you guys we're going to taking all of the latest news articles and extracting it into a article so that we can generate money as we go through this tutorial you're going to know exactly what I mean by this the very first step that we need to do here once we come over onto Google news is to actually select a niche now you have a number of different ones that you can choose from like business technology entertainment Sport Science health and the list goes on and on for today's example what I'm going to do is select the health Niche but you can select any category that you want you could go with nutrition you can go with business technology artificial intelligence whatever Niche or category that you select you type it in here and you'll see all of the latest news in that particular category now what I recommend when you're selecting a niche is to make sure that whatever Niche that you're selecting is directly connected to a product for instance I wouldn't select the entertainment niche as there's not many products out there that we can partner with and sell to make money online I would go over Niche like technology or business as there's connections and there's products out there that we can promote in this category now once you found your Niche and you know that this is a profitable Niche that you can promote products in all you want to do is just copy the URL off the page and then once you've done that we can now proceed into the next step of this tutorial okay so carrying on into the Second Step what we need to do from here now that we have our Niche and we know what kind of Articles or what kind of news articles we're going to be using now it's time to head over to this website that you can see on your screen RSS which is over at rssa this website is 100% free all you need to do is just go ahead and create an account then it's going to take you over to this page right here what this tool is going to do is actually get all of the news articles then we're going to connect it directly to the AI which is going to automatically turn out these articles for us so once you're logged in all you want to do is click on new feed and then simply you're just going to paste the Google News link that we got earlier and then you're going to click on generate and as you can see right here straight away you can see all of the news articles have showed up from Google news so all of the latest news is going to show up on this website at this point we're just going to Simply click on Save and just like that we have our RSS feed which you now need to copy so that we can use it on the AI platform so the next website that you need to head over to is make which is over at make.
com this is also another free application that we're going to be using using with this process so once you're on this site just click on create new scenario and guys I really want you to pay very close attention here because at this point of the process is where I see a lot of people fall off and they end up not making any money so the very first thing you want to do right here is Type in RSS which is going to be the RSS feed that we went on the previous website going to click on this top one right here and then simply you're going to enter in the URL that we copied earlier that was generated for our news article following that we're going to hit okay and in this section is simply asking when do you want the feed to start working when do you want the news articles to start going into this system right so what we're going to do is just we can select a specific date but what we want to do is just start it straight away so we're going to leave it on from now on and then we're going to hit okay so now that we've selected the first trigger on this automation what we need to do now is add a title so simply click right here and then we're going to find chat GPT so just like that open AI chat GPT has showed up right here and what we need to do is Select chat GPT 4 right so chat GPT is essentially the free platform it's going to rewrite the article and convert it into a SEO based high ranking article so that articles can show up on Google with our affiliate links and make us a lot of money with this business model so simply click right here where it says create a connection then you're going to Simply name the connection whatever it is that you want it to be on here I've named it wisdoms open AI connection you can name it whatever you please and then following that you need to go and put your API key from chat GPT right it's very easy just log into chat GPT and search for your API key I'm not going to go over this right now as there's many short tutorials that you can watch to get your API key off chat GPT once you've added your API key you just want to go ahead and click on save from here you're going to select the model that you want and that's going to be chat GPT 40 then from here you're going to click on add a message you're going to select the role which is going to be user and now in the message content is where we're going to put in our prompt so this is going to be a line of text that's going to tell the chat GPT to create a title for our blog post that we get from Google news so here's the exact prompt that you have to enter in on your automation what you can do right now is pause the screen and copy exactly what I've done right here it's a simple prompt that turns chat gbt into a Blog writer and then it tells the AI to turn the new speed into a SEO optimized blog post and the title right here is going to be what comes from the RS feed so I just clicked right here and it's added the title and then for the URL this will O Come From the RSS feed and I just simply clicked on URL the reason why we've added these links right here is so that every time a new article comes in it's a unique title and a unique URL so that the new blog post will go to our website instead of the same ones over and over again once you've done with that all you want to do is just change the Mac tokens to 1,000 and then you're going to click on okay the next thing you want to do right here is just rename this part of the automation so what we're going to do is right click select rename and then we're going to call it blog type so just like that and then you're going to hit on okay now there's only one more thing that we need to do here I know this might seem a little bit complicated for you guys that are doing this for the first time but trust me it's very simple and straightforward so what we're going to do is the same thing again we're going to hit plus right here to add another module and then we're going to select open AI once again we're going to go through the same process of creating a completion select your connection once again if it hasn't been selected and then we're going to select the system module same thing again add another message it's going to be for the role is going to be user and then for the message content we're going to add in another prompt so as you can see right now we've added in the second and final prompt that we need to give the AI so generate an article topic from the RS and the URL right here which is going to change every time there's a new article and then for the second one we've added in the article title right so this is from the last module that we just created I just simply went to choices drop down on messages and hit content so this is going to select the title and the body of the article and Below I've told it to write an optimized blog post right and then at the bottom we have the formatting so we have H1 H2 and H3 headers that the AI is going to generate once again all you want to do is just copy and paste this entire prompt and add in the items on the right hand side here to make it look exactly like my prompt after you done that add in another 1,000 Max token and then you're going to hit on okay so now that we have the entire automation set up and we have everything ready for our blog post to be naturally created the next step is to make our blog post go from the automation right here over onto our WordPress site which takes us nicely into the next step of this tutorial okay so continuing on into step number three this is where we're going to be setting up our website where all of our articles will go to so that it can be published on the internet a lot of you guys that are watching this maybe a little bit Advanced and you already have your WordPress website set up you can just go ahead and Skip To The Next Step but if you're brand new and you don't yet have a website the very first thing that we need to do is get you set up with a hosting service which will host your domain now my personal opinion the best hosting service out there on the internet right now especially that's affordable and that has loads of AI features is hosting this is the exact hosting service that I use to set up all of my website and not only because it's very cheap to get started but it has some of the fastest loading speeds out there and they allow you to have up to 100 websites on just one package now luckily for you if you're just signing up right now because currently hostinger has an amazing Black Friday deal so if I scroll down right here you can see they have the premium PR the business and the cloud startup I would actually opt in for either the premium or the business so just like I said you can get up to 100 websites on just one package get 100 GB of storage to put all of your articles all of your images anything else you want to add onto your website you get a free domain which is going to be your url where people click over onto your website you get a free email and you get a free SSL to keep all of your information safe what makes hostinger Stand Out is all of their amazing AI features right so they have the AI website builder that you can use to create your website in just a matter of minutes you have the AI image generator which is similar to midj Journey stable diffusion and other stuff out there you have up to 150 templates that you can choose from so this is pretty much a no-brainer for the price they're giving you right now so what I'll do if I was you I would either go for the premium or the business if you're someone that values AI I'll say you just go ahead and sign up for the business plan from here it's going to ask you to choose the period that you want to pay so if you want to pay a little bit upfront so if you want to pay 49 months 12 months 24 months or 12 months up front you get to save a bit more money what I'll do if I was in your shoes is even go for the 12 month with the 48 month upfront Advanced payment now since you're watching this video and I'm guessing you're a subscriber of the wizdom speech Channel you can also get another discount right so if you click right here where it says have a coupon and enter in wisdom speaks 10 and then hit apply you'll see that you'll get an additional 10% off your entire package so all in all with the Black Friday deal do the saved yourself $520 with all of these deals that are going on so I highly recommend you take advantage of this to get access to this either go over to hostinger. com or just click the first link in my description which will take you directly to the homepage so that you can take advantage of it get your free email get your free domain and get your website set up just a few clicks once you've completed this page just click continue sign up to your account then it's going to take you into the back end of Hosting so here we are on the H panel of hostinger your want look something similar to this except it will ask you to you know claim your free domain if this is your first time creating a hosting or account and on top of that it's going to prompt you to create your first website as you can see I have a few websites up here once you click on ADD website and go through and create your website I recommend for this one you opt out of the hosting or website builder and go straight for the WordPress as this is going to connect directly to make. com which is going to automatically upload all of your new blog articles straight over to your website so once you're all set up up with that you're going to log into your WordPress admin and I'm going to show you exactly what to do once you're over there all right so here we are on the WordPress dashboard and what you want to do once you're here is navigate over to the left side of the screen where it says plugins and and then you're going to click on add new plugin from here what we need to do is just simply install the mate.
com plugin so that it can connect directly to our WordPress websites so to do this you just need to Simply click right here where it says search plugins and then you're going to type in inter grat connector as you can see I've already already connected it to this WordPress dashboard once you've done the same you'll see on your dashboard right here in the left hand corner you just want to Simply click on make at this point it's going to give you your API key and this is similar to the chat GPT API key which we will then need to go back over onto make. com again and connect it to our website so just copy your API key just like this and then you're going to head back over to make and then we're going to add another module once you've clicked on the plus button you just want to scroll down until you see WordPress or you can just go ahead and type in WordPress right here and then click on create a post next you want to click on create a connection now this is going to be the connection to make. com and your WordPress website so all you have to do is just paste the API key just like I showed you earlier after you've done this you just want to paste in your WordPress website URL followed by WPS dogso n so as you can see I've typed in my WordPress website and simply we just need to add the last few characters to the site so just like that once you've added your url with the final characters and your API key you just want to go ahead ahead and click on save so there we go that is all done what we need to do from here is simply enter in some information so the AI knows where to extract the title the content and stuff like that to put into our blog post so firstly we're going to start with the title you're just going to click right here and then scroll down until you see blog title so we have this module right here which is a Blog title from here you just want to click on the drop down menu choices messages and then we're going to click on content what this is going to do is make sure that the correct title is added to our blogs the next field that we want to enter is the content field so we go back up to this point right here and then we just do the same thing so drop down on choices once again drop down on messages and then we're going to click on content and now we have not only the title but the content of the blog article now for the type we just want to go ahead and select post as for the status we're going to post it as a draft so that we can go in and review what the AI is created for our blog post and then after that once we go back to our WordPress dashboard we can go ahead and publish it the other few Fields right here are pretty much your preference so if you want to add in your tags or the author of the article you can go ahead and do so those are not really mandatory right here as we can add them on our WordPress dashboard so once you've done everything I've just showed you right here you're just going to go ahead and click okay and that is the entire automation so from the RS speed on Google News it creates your blog title your blog content and then it post and then this last one right here post it over onto your WordPress dashboard once you're happy with that and you've copied everything I've showed you in in today's tutorial what you want to do is first and foremost save it because if you don't save it mate.
com will delete your entire Automation and then you're going to go ahead and click right here where it says run once and this entire automation is going to run and then I'm going to show you the blog post that has been automatically posted over to the WordPress dashboard all right guys so here we have it this is the final blog post that has created from our make. com automation what it's done is taken information from one of the block post from the Google news article and it's Rewritten it into our own content that has been automatically uploaded onto our WordPress blog websites so as you can see this article is's about the seven powerful health habits to transform your life and what I like about this article is that it's added in some affiliate products that we can promote to make money with our blog post so as we can see right down here it has some product recommendations for each of the different sections and we can go in and add more details change up some the affiliate links to our own affiliate links add in more products and everything like that but overall as you can see this is a very powerful technique that you can use to create eye-catching blog posts that you can use for your websites what I recommend you guys doing is actually going in and you know proof read and everything make sure it makes sense you know if you want to add some more information in there you can do but just with the base article you have everything you need you have the entire structure to create you know 20 30 40 blog posts in a single day honestly L I haven't seen a system out there that is as good as this with the power of combining mate.