GPT Actions and Automations with Zapier AI Actions

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Skill Leap AI
There an option inside of GPTs called actions. If you are building a custom GPT, you’ll find it unde...
Video Transcript:
when building gpts inside of chat GPT there is an option called actions on the configure Tab and these actions basically allow gpts to take real world actions they could do a lot more than just answer questions they basically could become AI agents so let me show you exactly how to set up these actions to automate your gpts your private ones your public ones and it's going to make them a whole lot more useful now if you're brand new to gpts I do have a beginner's guide for building them from scratch this is a more advanced tutorial and I made this very step by step so I could say we're on step one now we're on step two so you could follow along in a simple numbered list so for step number one we need to either create a GPT or edit an existing GPT so go to the explore tab under your chat GPT account you do need the premium version of chat GPT GPT plus the paid version to get access to these right now so you could either create one or edit one to create one press here go through all the setups here so what would you like me to do tell it what kind of GPT you want to build build again covered in the previous video If you edit an existing one you could just press edit next to an existing one brings you to the same place and go to the configure tab come all the way down here and there's this actions section now that brings us to step two click actions here and we need to configure this tab for our next step now there's two ways you could do this one is if you have a schema here basically some code you could go ahead and type them over here or paste them over here so they give you some examp examples so getting weather data if you click it it's going to fill this here with some code I'm going to go ahead and delete that that's not what I want to do let me just come back here to actions but I just wanted to show you what they look like in this case I'm going to use a zapier to do all these automations and we need to import a URL here to actually connect this to zapier now zapier if you don't know what it is it's basically an automation tool that connects 6,000 different apps and it could take basically 20,000 or more different actions across the web and across all those apps and later in the video I'll share a resource with you to give you ton of different ideas on what things you can automate but I'll show you some examples here as I show you how to actually connect this and automate this through actions okay so that brings us to step number three which is importing this URL that is asking us on the chat jpt side and zapier made us a page to walk us through this process and they give us a link to that URL which is over here so I'll link this document below actions zapier. com dooc platform sgpt and we need to copy this now this document is going to walk us through some of the other processes here that we need to do but I found it very confusing so it took me quite a while to actually figure out a better way to do this but right now let me copy this for our step three and I'll come back here and I'll paste this here and we just need to press import okay that's going to fill this out with some code here that we don't need to worry about we definitely are not going to change anything here but what it's going to do is going to give us two different available things one is it's going to be able to get actions from our zap year and it's going to be able to actually run those actions basically posting them now underneath this you also have authentication which is going to happen when we connect our zapier and then if you want to do this publicly if you want to make this available publicly you need to add a privacy policy so this could be something from your own website over here okay right now I'm going to go ahead and publish this to only me you could do the same right now we could change our mind later and make this publicly available since I was editing an existing one I could just go ahead and update it and you don't have to do the step this way I just saved my work basically so I could go back to the previous step that brings us to step number four which now we need to create actions inside of zapier so let me share another link with you and that link is also available on this page but let me go ahead and paste it over here this link is actions. zapier.
com slgp actions if you do this without being logged into zapier it's going to bring you to this page instead where you have to sign up for zapier this requires a zapier account which you could try out completely for free or you will log into an existing one here all these automations are going to take place through zapier so I recommend you make yourself an account to follow along once you do log in it's going to bring you to this page over here so these are basically what these actions are the ones that are gray they're not activated the ones that are green they're activated okay so I'm going to show you how to create these in this step so if you come down here this is all part of step four we're going to create a new action from down over here okay so with these actions there is a whole lot you could do there's 20,000 different things you could do across a bunch of different apps in my use case I'm going to show you what I'm going to do here and then I'll share some resources for a lot more options here to automate what you're doing so I'm going to type in Google Docs and as you can see whatever you type in here whatever app you type in it's going to give you a bunch of different things it's capable of doing so for Google Docs you could upload documents it could find you documents and pull them in it could create documents from a template right now I want to create a document from text so create a new document from text so let me go ahead and click this this becomes the action that I'm going to trigger inside of chat GPT in that GPT builder then it says Google doc accounts so here you need to connect your Google accounts so it could actually do things on your own accounts right so you could press create new here it's going to bring up this page I'm going to continue and then it's going to pull up your Google accounts I'm going to choose one and then I have to give it access I'll say allow okay there we go and it's connected and if you go to manage accounts you could connect more accounts and see everything that's already connected maybe you've been using zapier already I've been using zap here for 5 years so I have different accounts connected to it anytime you make changes on Google Docs let's say I opened the new window and added folders and things like that if I press refresh it's going to pull in the latest information into this page so document name you have some options do you want AI to guess the number or do you want a specific value so if you want to name the document exactly what you want I could name it research for example then it says content here I'm going to have ai guess the value of the content CU we're going to create that on the other side and then I need to press show more options so right here folder what folder do you want to put it in you could again choose a specific value and here is going to pull up the folders that you have inside of your Google Docs if you don't have one you could go ahead and create one on the Google Doc Bo and then refresh this and it's going to know that there is a new folder and then AI action right here this action name this is the most critical part because this is what we're going to have to copy and paste so for this step I'm going to name it create docs from text and we're going to copy this exactly so just make sure you name it exactly what you want here and that's all I need to do and I'm not going to require a preview you can it's just going to give you extra box I'm not going to do that I'm going to enable this action okay so that's that's really all I had to do enable there we go we have this action and it needs to be on green it will be by default when you make it but if you want to turn it off you could just go ahead and turn it off from here but right now let's go ahead and leave it on okay and before we go to step five on the GPT side I'm going to create one more action just so we walk through this one more time and my actions are going to be two things at the same time because usually you just don't want to take one action the automation is like hey I'm going to do this on the GPT side I want multiple things to happen so if I add a new action this time let's create a Gmail and I'm going to send an email okay so what's going to happen is my GPT is going to be my research assistant so I'm going to do my research I'm going to turn it into a script and I'm going to move that script into a Google doc folder that I'm sharing with my team and then they could go and take my script and turn it into a video right so we can make courses a lot faster and make sure you connect your Gmail account mine is already connected you could again connect with a new connection the same way I showed you now multiple different things who do you want to send send an email to it usually asks you on the GPT side too but you could go ahead and choose that in this case I want to always send it to a very specific teamate that's going to turn these scripts that I'm doing the research on into videos so that's who I'm going to send it to and then the subject have ai guess the value again sometimes it's going to ask you for that but you could type in a specific subject like research is ready for example research is ready and then the body again you could have ai guess the value of that as well and then if I want to show even more options you have BCC you have a from field here so I'm going to actually set that to be from me and you could go through and set up the rest but right now I just want to come down here and for Action name I'm going to say send email okay now I have two different actions that I set up through that link that brings us to step number five we need to go back to GPT to set this up so here basically we need to come to the configure tab on the same GPT that we've been working on and we need to add something inside of the instructions we need to actually tell it how we want it to handle these type of actions so we need to copy and paste some text over here so actually let me go ahead and open this up and everything from training your GPT should remain on top don't remove what's already there so you had to go through the GPT building process so you have something that the GPT has to do so it has a set of instructions already so let's go back to that previous page I showed you and where we got our initial code so again that's linked below and if I come down here it's going to give you all this text right here so let me go ahead and copy all this text just make sure you copy everything and bring it back to this box right over here now I just need to change a couple of things here now this is the most confusing part so I'll go a little bit slow but right here this is the only section we need to change required action so right here this has two actions that I copied over from that default template I'll just press space here to so you see them separate so this is action and this is the confirmation link for that action this is a second action this is a confirmation link so if you don't have a second action just delete this one if you're just doing this with one action that's why I set up two actions so I could actually fill both of these so what's the action where do we get this name I'm going to delete this name because we need to type in our own and this link here I'm going to delete too this is the example link so these two are always what you need to add and that brings us to our final step which is getting the name for our action and the confirmation URL so let's go over here to our actions so we know what the names are right so I'm just going to click on this exactly so I could literally copy and paste the link again show more options this is what I named it create doc from text again make sure you name it exactly what you want so you know how to copy and paste it over here I'm going to go back that's the action name now the confirmation link where would that be let's go back okay I'm going to press done here the confirmation link is when you click on any one of these actions the URL up here changes so it adds all these characters at the end so just copy this entire URL including the https actions app here all that bring it back and paste that over here so let's do it again because I have a second action so this one the action I'm going to delete because we need our name and the URL I'm going to delete too let's go back okay let me press done here and our second one was sending an email so I'll click this show more options all the way at the end send email is the name and I keep the formatting the same too so action is send email and then the URL again on top is the URL so I'll click and paste it over here okay so that's it so we added what we needed to again make sure your regular instructions are on top let's go ahead and close this up okay so I'm going to go ahead and update this one more time again it's published to only me right here if I choose to someone else you could see it's going to give me an error message about not having a privacy policy so you make sure to add a privacy policy that's way down here by the way you could add a privacy policy here and the authentication hasn't gone through either so that's going to actually get triggered when I tried to do this for the first time okay now let's do some testing so let's go to the create tab here so I'm going to start using my bot this is my research bot so I said write me a YouTube script keep it short tone is professional but friendly and it's going to basically walk me through here uh on having a YouTube script again I'm not showing you exact prompts on how to do this just showing you so we have some text here to work with now here's where the automation is going to take place what I'm going to do is I'm going to get this to move over to my Google doc and then it's going to automatically as a second action send them an email saying hey it's ready go take it from there so now I'm going to say copy this over to Google doc so let's go ahead and create this now I didn't say use zappier or anything like that it already knows from the back and I could just use plain language here to do this and I could always do this on the right side too I like to do this on the left side on the create side so if anything comes up I could get it to fix it because the preview site actually can't go and do things to our configuration basically so I recommend you do all your testing on the left side once it's ready you could always use the right side here or just a regular GPT and right here it says talking to actions. zapier. com so as long as those actions are set up it's going to give me that and always going to ask me do you want to trust the site I have to say allow and this is a common error that I've received when I tried to do this it says refresh the list of actions available on that list so over here our list of actions I'm going to go ahead and refresh this to make sure he knows that everything is available and I'm going to say I've done that and it says this is too long do you want me to split this into two so I'm going to say yes split into two or it could try to rewrite it it looks like I created too much text text here but again I'm doing research so I need to do enough text so that is a limitation just zapier has this had the same issue with the zapier plugin too but it's okay I'm going to split it to a couple different ones it's going to go in the same folder okay and now it says your YouTube script has been successfully split into two and it's created the Google docs for you and here is part one and here is part two so if I click on these it's going to open the Google Doc in that account that is connected to it and this is the first part let's click on the second part and there's the second part here all the way to the end and this is what's really interesting about it so far that was not that interesting right I could basically do this and copy and paste it into Google doc and that's one way to do it but what's going to happen now is these other actions on top of it so right now I'm going to say email my team that is ready and right there it says an email has been successfully sent to your team informing them that the YouTube script is ready for review and they should be receiving it shortly with a link to the scripted document now I use one of my other accounts one of my other emails so I could show you that and here's the email I'm just using the Mac application but it looks like this on Gmail too and it came up with exactly what to include again you could overwrite the body of it so it's not just something the AI writes and it's going to give the links so now my team could take it from there they know they got it I could also add another action to get a slack message so I could connect my slack that's where we communicate they could click the they could come here and then they go into production right and then the graphic designer or the thumbnail designer they do the same thing they create these in they add them somewhere they notify the team and those are all automated actions and what I recommend now is just make sure you come over here and you update so make sure you configure here and this time it did not ask me for authentication so a lot of times when you do these if you click this icon right over here it's going to ask you for authentication and this time it looks like it just did it in the back background it didn't ask me but the first time I did it it did ask me just through the chat to go ahead and authenticate you can manually do it too by clicking the settings I've already updated my chatbot over here so I could use it on the GPT side I can make it publicly available other people could use it too now let me show you a couple different examples here before we wrap up so this calendar assistant GPT this is an example that could be really useful you could link your calendar your word calendar your personal calendar again using the Google Calendar action you could ask it what's going on with my day right so they give you an example here you could set this up exactly the way I showed you in that step-by-step process and I also want to provide a link to this page this is from zapier and they give you ton of different examples in ton of different categories on the type of zaps now this is just about zap here just a regular automation service but now a lot of these could be used inside of that GPT so this is broken into different categories here so most popular zaps this is a great place to start to see hey what are people doing exactly with automations now this is again just for zapier so if you press try it now this is going to take you to the regular zapier account so you have to manually set this up on the GPT side but I just wanted to give you ton of different resources here to just open up all the different ideas that this can do for you and the last thing I wanted to share with you is I'm actually putting together an entire GPT course including automations and that's going to go on my e-learning platform skill leap.
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