The NEW Facebook Ad Creative Strategy that DOUBLES Results

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Ben Heath
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I just used a new Facebook ad creative strategy in a client's ad account that more than doubled their return on ads and that's without changing anything else it's the same offer same service same ad budget and in this video I'm going to show you what this new Facebook ad creative strategy is and why you should be using it as well okay so what am I talking about here with a new Facebook ACC creative strategy before I go into the specifics of what we did I first want to talk a little bit more about the client
and the business because I think some context will be helpful so this client is a chain of physiotherapists um they have multiple locations here in the UK not not a massive chain but like I said multiple um locations they had been running ads previously and their offer was a heavily discounted Discovery session you know diagnose your problem provide you with like a treatment plan and then from that they're obviously looking to sell more sort of comprehensive physiotherapy packages where people might book in for eight sessions or 12 sessions or whatever and they offer traditional physiotherapy
services so people come in with you know they've got a sports injury some sort of chronic issue something wrong with their physical body and the physiotherapist is going to do sort of massage type work and recommend exercises and stretches and things like this L I'm sure a proper physio could explain better um what exactly a physio does and how they help than uh than I can but that's that's the business and that's that's what they're looking to do so what we did with this new creative strategy is we created an ad that well a series
of ads actually that were just compilations of client reactions immediately post treatment okay so someone might come in with you know uh pain in their shoulder and limited Mobility the physiotherapist might do some massage work uh they might get them to do some exercises within within that session and then at the end of the session they'll often say okay now I want you to try and move that and you know how let's see what your range of motion is like and in that moment the client will often go ahead and and move their arm be
like oh wow that feels so much better there's so much less pain I have so much more mobility and what we were doing is we were capturing those few seconds 5 Seconds probably on average for each clip and then we're doing that for lots of different clients lots of different types of clients as well by the way because as a business they work with all different types of people they're not specific to say you know we only work with you know young people aged 20 to 35 who are athletic and have sports Industries no they're
going to work with those people but also with older people that have more chronic issues and all sorts right the the broad spectrum so it's important that within our ad creative we wanted lots of clips of people in that sort of post treatment reaction you know extending a knee having injured it being like oh wow that's so much better it's relief pressure from such and such I'm not an expert I'm not a physiotherapist and expert in these things but it's it's capturing those reactions from lots of different types of people and then sort of cramming
that down into an ad and we created a number of different ads different lengths so we had some that were you know really short like 15 20 seconds all the way up to I think about 2 minutes was the longest one I think our best forming hour was about 90 seconds um interestingly if in case you wanted that information you're going to try and try and replicate but I don't think the length of the ad is actually that important in this circumstance because the way I think people consume these ads is more like they get
hit with one in this case client reaction after another after another after another after another and they sort of go yeah yeah okay I get it I'm going to go ahead and and book this you know uh heavily discounted Discovery session and uh and I've had this issue and I'm going to go get it sorted it's not like a story based ad where they're looking to get to the end and in the story based ads because they want to find out what happens at the end right and in those story based ads you have really
High average watch time and that's not really the case with these ads the average watch time was actually on the low side but the return on ad spend was great cuz loads of people were booking in these um Discovery sessions and like brilliant right that who cares about average watch time if your return on ad spend is much better like I said at the beginning it more than doubled the return on ad for this business based on um not using this creative strategy so all it was was really sort of closely quick cut um short
Snippets of just a number of those client reac and this worked really well I think for a few reasons firstly it doesn't seem very ad likee there's no sort of active selling there's no one talking about the benefits of the product or service there's no one sort of face to camera making a pitch it's very um casual in that sense it's easy to consume I'm sure you've seen the sort of thing that I'm talking about you know on Tik Tok or YouTube shorts or reals on Instagram like these sorts of people reacting to like chiropractor
adjustments some extent a similar accretive unfortunately I can't share the exact examples the client didn't give us permission to do that and I totally understand why because they don't want you know thousands of businesses potentially copying their exact creative um which unfortunately does happen um but hopefully understand the sort of thing I'm talking about given how I've described it and also I am going to show you some examples from my own ads where I'm using um variations of this to show how this can apply to um to different businesses so I will I will um
cover that so I think it's easy to consume so I think it's it's quite easy for people to be hooked into the C in the first place we did see high hook rates um I talked more about hook rates in a separate video by the way I'll include a link in the video description um to that in case you want to know more about Hooks and hook rates and that very first part of the video which is which is really important so I think this naturally hooked people really well and then it was just nice
and easy to consume and people found it interesting what that did mean however is that the ad copy and the headlines had to do all the heavy lifting they had to explain what the a offer actually is you know I think it's an 80 85% discount off there Discovery session so charging a little bit just to ensure some level of quality coming through but really a very low barrier to entry on on the cost um of that and then explaining like we'll diagnose the problem we'll come up with a treatment plan uh we'll give you
exercises and stretches to do all that sort of stuff so that like that was the offer and that all needed to be um explained within the copy and headline in order to you know get people to actually take action and then they in this case they would click through to the website as opposed to using instant forms and there'd be more information about the offer there um so if you are looking to replicate that I have mentioned this strategy to people in the past and they've thought yeah but if you don't actually specifically say in
the video itself what it is that we actually offering what people get then aren't they going to not do it and I think well we found that that was not the case with this business I think it does help with this business that the offer is to be expected people can see this is from a physiotherapist business um they can see the reactions they kind of get it if if you were offering something that people don't really understand stand and that needs more explaining perhaps this strategy wouldn't work as well just to include you know
tons of client reactions tons of proof um but in this business has work well and loads of businesses operate like that where people know what you offer it's a case of demonstrating that your product your service is much better than the competition and this is obviously a really good way to do it this Gathering up these clips from clients uh took a little bit of time as you might imagine I think we had close to 50 from the physiotherapist business that we then put into into ads that could work um and that makes sense right
their clients have to give permission for this stuff to be used most said no completely understandably but enough said yes and across the locations they're probably doing hundreds of sessions every week right so it didn't take too long to get the stuff together but they're in a situation to be able to do that not all businesses are going to be able to gather up client reactions or it just doesn't really fit with your type of business or you don't have that creative asset yet so there are other variations that you can use of this and
that's what I want to what I want to move into and talk about um like I said we can't can't really use that sort of thing with our business cuz we're not providing like an in-person physical thing that someone can then react to but there are still ways that we can use proof and that's what this this creative strategy is really all about is how can we produce an ad that is basically just proof just proof that whatever we do we're brilliant at it and we've got people saying we're brilliant at it and we can
demonstrate that we're brilliant at it and we can just do proof proof proof proof proof easy to consume allow the headline the landing page Etc to do the I was going to say the convincing but actually it's the creative still doing the convincing to do the explaining of the offer and more and more and more proof okay like I said many business for category I've got some notes here that I want to uh to run through and actually I'm going to show you some examples of ads of mine for different offers where where we've employed
this right so by the way if you follow my stuff and you're interested in seeing examples of real life ads you can always come into the meta ads Library Facebook ads Library search my name Ben Heath and you'll see the ads that I'm currently running for various different offers and you can model from those depending on your business just a little aside there but if you come into the meta ads Library we see we got about 20 ads running right now but there are a couple of ads that I want to specifically focus in on
and if you check these out you will see there's screenshots from client ad accounts there's testimonials there's all sorts going on all the time because we are leading with proof and we're going to integrate these into our other types of creative but we also have creative that is very um proof specific so let me let me show you an example right so actually that's not the tab I want I want this one so this is an ad for my mentorship program and I'm just going to quickly I've just queued it up here and I'm just
going to quickly start by playing it and you can see how this whole ad is proof not in the same way is what we did for the physiotherapy business but um in in a way that works for our company and the sorts of proof that we get through so I'm just going to quickly play this come over SEC take a look at this so this is part of my mentorship program right we've got a results and wins Channel and Tara has shared she said in 2 weeks of joining my rows went from 0.7 to 8.03
and I've only implemented maybe 30% of the feedback given to me so far she said a whole bunch of other great stuff but that's just fantastic that's a huge Improvement in results Zoe uh joined the mentorship program not a bit of a panic she had 35,000 raffle tickets to sell she ended up selling out completely with 2 days to spare which is just fantastic and they're not the only ones this channel is just full of people with great results sharing wins which is fantastic that's why we set up the mentorship program and and it's great
to see if you're interested in mentorship program okay so you can see that you know out of a 50 second ad the first 40 seconds of that is just going through some specific examples that's just proof it's people that signed up to my mentorship program that have shared the massive improvements they've had in their results in the results and wins um channel that we've got within the slack program where the menhip program is run and that is our way of doing proof proof proof now on the end of this we've stuck a little bit more
information about um the mentorship program again I think this falls into the category of the sort of thing people need to understand a bit more cuz they hear a mentorship program from someone like me and they're like what what is that what does that actually contain so we need a bit of information in that for a business like a physiotherapist that's often not necessary because they kind of most people are going to understand the process um without that by the way if you are interest merip program not many people who watch my stuff actually know
I have one of these um there's a link in the video description below and the way it works is you get access to me and my team uh we do daily live calls q&as things like that literally every single working day so you can get any questions that you want answered and you have unlimited support in slack so you can talk to us about issues youve got ask us for feedback on creatives all that sort of stuff like it's really Hands-On to try and help you get the best uh Facebook and Instagram ad results possible
I said Link in the description if you want to book in a free call with one of my team members to find out more but that's that's an example of an ad that is basically all proof but our way and let me give you an example of another ad so this is for a different um offering that we have which is called Facebook ads Master is like my new course with school Community again there'll be a link in the description in case you're interested in that now this one is different in that um I skipped
ahead the first 24 seconds because um that part is all about the offer itself okay and now we've interspersed proof so let me just quickly show you how we're doing that in in this particular ad now this bundle is filled with the exact strategies that we've used to generate amazing results for our clients like this and like This and like this okay so that's not a proof only ad which is kind of what the purpose of this video is all about but I didn't want to just limit my advice to creating proof only ads like
the previous menhip one which is virtually a proof only ad or like we did for this physiotherapist business because this is a good example of interweaving more proof into your other types of AD what you will basically find more or less is that every single ad that I have live has proof in it and it might be 80 90% of the ad or it might just be you know what was that well it's still 10 seconds out of 40 seconds in that ad so that's 25% it might be a small amount but we're going to
have proof in there because I just think it is is a thing that is so underused by Facebook advertisers and yet so advantageous so if I jump back over to the Facebook ad library and I sort of scroll through here you'll see that we've got ads in other formats not just video like image and things like that that are all proof again you can see this image add over here that's just a testimonial from uh from trust pilot and here we've got an image ad of misat with a screenshot of an ad account that's more
proof um if we scroll down we've got a carousel over here on the right hand side that's want results like this and then it's just card after card of great results right so there are all sorts of ways that we are looking to inject proof into our ad creative no matter the format obviously video is a great way of doing and you know that's what we did for the for the physiotherapy business but um but there are other ways of doing it it and what your proof looks like will depend on your business okay so
I wanted to run through a few different examples of proof because there are different examples depending on what the products and services that you offer okay so let's go through some examples of things you can use testimonials that mentorship ad that I showed you that's effectively a testimonial I mean it's shared in the results in wins column but it's effectively the same thing and we use testimonials all the time go on my website look at my ad creative you'll see we've got testimonials and almost every business can get testimonials provided their product or servic is
producing a you know um good results for their clients okay you could do results images or videos so in our case that's the screenshots of client's ad accounts and things like that and you see on my like Instagram stories I'm constantly putting out like little videos of um client ad accounts and we do that because it just helps with the the genuiness of the the results that we're sharing and it helps people realize that it is actually real and what we're sharing is authentic that's probably something we need to do in our business a little
bit more than a lot of business is because there is so much um skepticism around digital marketing but yeah how can you show results like if you are helping a um helping someone find a partner you can show images or videos of them having found a partner or getting married or something like that if you help someone grow a business with your product or service like you could show an image of the change in headcount maybe they went from a six person team to a 50 person team and you can show these sorts of things
there's lots of different ways you can show results um depending on your business just simple photos images of work you have done so if you provide something that's really visual like let's say you install um luxury kitchens into people's homes like that's the service that you provide well your proof is going to be lots of images of kitchens that look absolutely fantastic in these beautiful properties that is proof because people can look at that and be like wow they did this and this and this and this and this and this and these look absolutely fantastic
by the way a compilation of like video a dynamic element in there compilation of short um videos from lots of different ones in one ad creative could work really well for a business like that and then there's Transformations as well so you have to be careful when you're running meta ads with before and afters if for example you were to show uh an a split image and you had someone who was really overweight and then they lost a load of weight and you had that as ad creative that's definitely going to get disapproved as an
ad but there are ways that you can show um Transformations so if we go back to the the kitchen business example you could have sequentially in a video showing befores and afters you just have to be extra careful with like people's physiques or um anything like cosmetic or or anything along along those lines um now so this sounds really quite simple and it is proof proof proof and I I'm probably guilty of not talking about this more when I'm creating videos talking about um high quality ad creative and things you can do to improve the
results you get from your ad creative I do think this is especially important in certain industries where there is a lot of skepticism for example so like in digital marketing not only are we putting out tons of proof in all our ad creative but like I said we're taking videos of client ad accounts as opposed to images because it it sort of raises the bar even further and less people will think that we've just photoshopped in results they're more likely to be like oh I can see that's you know a real result um because they've
just taken a video of their laptop and that sort of thing and the thing that proof really does is it increases your prospects your potential customers perceived likelihood of achieving either something they want to achieve or avoiding something they want to avoid so it's like your product or service makes a promise to your customer and the promise is something they either want or something they want to avoid and what proof does is it makes your customer go I think it's more likely that that's actually going to happen if you see fantastic reviews for a restaurant
you think there's a higher percentage chance that that restaurant provides really high quality tasty food and you are therefore more likely to go yourself if I put out loads of screenshots of client ad accounts and people in my mentorship program who have great results and all this proof you then think it is more likely that if I work with this business they're going to improve my Facebook ad results and the exact same thing happened with the physio business the example that we talked about at the beginning of the video right is when you see lots
of people going wow my shoulder Mobility Mass massively improved that's great that you think if I go ahead and book in with them I am more likely to fix that nagging ankle issue or that tight back issue that I've had for a while it's all about increasing the perceived likelihood of achievement and this for those of you that do have established businesses that do have a customer base do have people that are very happy with what you've provided it's a huge competitive Advantage because it's something that new players within industry can't replicate they can't create
hundreds of Happy customers and use testimonials and and reviews and show images from beautiful kitchens that they've installed in a home um if they haven't actually done it yet so if you're an established business and you've got all these things absolutely dedicate some resources to in the first place capturing it client video testimonials are amazing written can still work well images video of the great work that you've done and put as much of that into your ad creative as possible and you can do that by interspersing into Regular Ad creative or you can create specific
ad creative that solely focuses um around that proof strongly recommend you go ahead and take advantage of that and if you do use this Facebook ad creative strategy I strongly recommend that you do you're going to need to know how to analyze its performance well I show you how to analyze Facebook ads the right way in this video here I walk you through my entire process the exact metrics that I look at how I optimize Facebook ad campaigns knowing how to optimize Facebook and Instagram ads is absolutely essential compounded over time that can yield massive
improvements in your results so go ahead and check this out
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