These 5 FRUITS Kill Cancer and Burn Fat ‎️‍🔥 Dr. William Li

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Doctor William Li, a world-renowned Harvard-trained medical doctor, researcher, and president and a ...
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what we eat is really our chemotherapy three times a day meet Dr William Lee a world-renowned Harvard trained medical doctor researcher and president and a founder of the angiogenesis foundation his work has led to more than 40 FDA approved Therapeutics and devices for cancer cardiovascular disease wound healing and vision loss he is also a New York Times best-selling author with eat to beat disease the new science of how your body can heal itself and he recently published a new book Eat to beat diet burn fat heal your metabolism and live longer in today's video we
have extracted Dr William Lee's teaching over the years and focus on how food works as medicine for our body to protect ourselves from diseases like cancer in the final part of the video we will list out five healthy and potent fruits that Dr William Le frequently mentions in many of his seminars and talks so stay watching until the very end for all the juicy details diet accounts for 30 to 35% of environmentally caused Cancers and in fact we're probably forming these microscopic cancers all all the time in our body autopsy studies from people who died
in car accidents have shown that about 40% of women between the ages of 40 and 50 actually have microscopic cancers in their breasts about 50% of men in their 50s and 60s have microscopic prostate cancers and all virtually 100% of us by the time we reach our 70s will have microscopic cancers growing in our thyroid food is medicine food in fact is really one of the most powerful Health Care interventions that we can do for ourselves because food is the medicine that we put into our body three times a day that's called food is medicine
you put good stuff into your body your body's going to last longer the science is now telling us that there are things that we can deliberately choose it's not food versus medicine it's food and medicine that can help our treatments work better in order to educate and share the knowledge to the public Dr William Lee wrote a book on food as medicine it is important to note that it's not just five fruits that that we will look in detail in the video but many variety of natural foods that can be considered as food medicine and
help our body to become healthier first of all in my book I read about 150 Foods I think this is the first book that ever did is 150 foods that have been shown by human clinical research that they can actually improve your metabolism decrease amount of body fat reduce your waistline and improve things like your blood sugars and your insulin sensitivity and the healthy hormones that relate to your metabolism in many seminars and interviews Dr William Le frequently mentioned some fruits more than others here are top five fruits that often come up in his narratives
starting with tomatoes well the best example I know is a study of 79,000 Men followed over 20 years in which it was found that men who consumed cooked Tomatoes two to three times a week had up to a 50% reduction in their risk of developing prostate cancer now we know that tomatoes are a good source of like opine and lopine is anti-androgenic but what's even more interesting from this study is that in those men who did develop prostate cancer those who ate more servings of tomato sauce actually had fewer blood vessels feeding their cancer lopine
is a fat fighting bioactive here's what it does it actually takes our harmful fat and helps to burn it down by activating a special kind of fat we have in our body called Brown fat so BR fat can good fat can burn down white fat which is harmful fat dangerous fat and eating tomatoes will light that up improve your metabolism improves your metabolic profile overall lowers bad cholesterol this is all with tomato and actually shrinks your waistline as well one study that was done actually took normal healthy young women who were not overweight or obese
okay because many researchers many much a lot of research is done with people who are already overweight but this is that taking young healthy female grad students who don't have extra weight they're considered normal body size whatever that means okay that that can be debated but the bottom line is that they had just one tomato to eat before lunch every day and they were able to lose weight and improve their metabolism very achievable dosing so tomato can actually do it with Foods it is important to know how best to prepare to maximize the intake of
the good components so here is how you prepare Tomatoes but the lopine is in a form uh that's called uh trans and it's very difficult for your body to absorb it's one chemical form of the of the of the uh of the lopine if you heat it you change the chemical structure naturally and you change the trans to the cyst form and suddenly your body can absorb it so at 2 minutes of heating tomato sauce you suddenly make it 50% more available and after you simmer it for 30 minutes that's 250 more available and so
again how we treat our food makes a difference as well there have been studies looking looking at cooking tomatoes in uh water and you can actually uh get the lopine out and you can see that there's some lopine that goes into the bloodstream but lopine is a fat soluble it's an oily molecule it dissolves better in oil than in water right so oil and water don't mix lopine loves oil if you cook tomato sauce in olive oil the lycopene gets into your bloodstream a lot more easily because it doesn't get flushed through now it gets
absorbed into your body all right by a lot what kind of olive oil would you want to use if you look across many of the olive species there are three varial of Olives that have the highest number of anti-androgenic cancer starving polyphenols one's Italian from umbrea morola one is Greek from pelonis it's the coroni olive one's from Spain it's called the Pika olives next in the list is Paar this is a pear and the reason pears are so great are the fact that they've got chlorogenic acid which is a a bioactive also found in apples
that can actually activate your metabolism and help you burn down harmful body fat and chlorogenic acid is also anti-angiogenic means it actually stops blood vessels from growing to tumors pretty cool one of the things that I love about pears is that it's got a lot of dietary fiber so an average pair has got about five or six grams of dietary fiber per pair and a study from MD Anderson showed that just having that amount of dietary fiber can lower the risk of tumor progression or death by about 30% in one study where they looked at
people with melanoma on immunotherapy and so here is actually a food that can actually make Medical Treatments work better dietary fiber Paar one of my favorites with paars you can eat the skin so you got to wash it really really well next in the list is kiwi kiwi is packed with vitamins and antioxidants and it's been shown that eating just one kiwi a day can actually uh protect your cause your blood to be fortified to neutralize about 60% of the incoming damage from DNA and if you eat three kiwis a day okay which is pretty
easy right you put it into a yogurt okay it's something that simple actually will build itself back up so that damaged DNA will be repaired this is a study a very small study but an important one that just shows a proof of concept out of Singapore they gave um uh female volunteers two kiwis a day for 4 days and then looked inside their stool to see what happens in the first 24 hours um they had more 35% more lactobacillus in their stool just from eating the Kiwi the fiber and the fruit uh feeding the bacteria
changing the population and the boto bacteria increased by 177% over the four days these two bacteria lactobacillus and bifido bacteria they actually make other metabolites called um short chain fatty acids or scaas that are anti-inflammatory they um alter lipids um and energy metabolism and they actually helped our gut have protective mucous layer so you have less leaky gut kind of syndrome so kiwi who would have thought that kiwi would have be beneficial to us on the basis of our microbiome but now you have it next is berries berries and we started talking about berries have
the elogic acid and anthocyanins dark berries like blueberries blackberries and even strawberries you know anthocyan is a kind of a reddish purple natural dye that is anti-androgenic immune boosting activity eating berries actually is really helpful for your health defenses so that's by the way if you have berries do please don't put tons of sugar on them let Mother Nature's sugar you know most berries are not that sweet under berries Dr William Lee often talks about strawberry strawberries have also been shown to actually improove your metabolism and what's really interesting by eating strawberries is that although
strawberries can be sweet when they measured blood sugar eating strawberries in a way to improve your metabolism not only decrease weight and waste size and lowered weight and decreased body fat it also didn't raise blood sugar so this whole idea another kind of like common idea that's kind of a kind of like a paintbrush idea yeah don't eat fruit it's got too much sugar in it it's got too much fructose might kind of sound like it makes sense on a casual level but the science actually doesn't show that and the reason is that the bioactives
in the strawberry activate your body so it starts to burn down the bad fat okay so you can actually metabolize even faster finally Dr Lee frequently emphasize on the goodness of pomegranate juice I also drink pomegranate juice because turns out the pomegranate juice can help us grow healthy gut bacteria that boosts our immunity here's what's in the juice it's got something called elianin These are bioactives that can do a lot of great things one of the things they do is actually they can cut off the blood supply to tumor so they can starve cancer by
cutting off the blood supply but the other thing that they do is they improve your gut health by helping to grow a bacteria called acromania This is a guardian of the gut and guardian of health and it actually comes from the pomegranate so don't be afraid to pick one of these things up eat the seeds and Juice them if you dare the bacteria acromania which can be grown by drinking pomegranate juice or con conquered grape juice or cranberry juice that seems to be present in every patient who's positive responder they benefit they the tumor is
wiped out by your immune system and people who get checkpoint inhibitors for their cancer because we don't know who responds and who doesn't respond we're beginning to find out that what you eat and how it happens to change the ecosystem your diet if your of your gut bacteria looks like it can actually make a big difference and that big difference could be life and death as a final remark this is how Dr William Le summarizes his study on Foods as medicine eat fresh Whole Foods mostly plant-based and cut down or cut off red meat and
ultr processed foods it's super easy and remember there are no Super Foods there's no single food that's going to protect you it's all the foods that you choose to eat the diversity that can help keep our body strong we choose to eat every single day can make a big difference in our immunity don't forget to check out Dr Lee's latest book and his website for more information we will have the links down below
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