Be STILL | GOD IS IN CONTROL! | Christian Motivational Prayers

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Grace For Purpose
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with all that is happening around the world tomorrow may look and feel very uncertain there are so many potential scenarios that are difficult for people to process are we literally moments away from the snatching away that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24: 40-41 where the Bible says then two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other left two women will be grinding at the Mill one will be taken and the other left our tensions Rising between countries and Nations so much so that a major war could start at any moment
our living standards going to continue to deteriorate and become even more difficult we are faced with all of these possibilities and no one has a clear answer of what's Happening no one but God in heaven so then what are we to do does life just continue on as normal do we stop going to work and begin to fast and pray every day waiting for the Lord's return just what are we to do well I'd like to share with you some of the emails with questions that we've received recently the first one says I am looking
at everything happening in the world how can I overcome my fear about the times we live live in another question read should Christians be concerned about the end times and one more question was should we be worried about what is happening and how close we are to end time Bible prophecy being fulfilled now these are just a few questions that we've received but I imagine there are many Christians out there in the world who are concerned uneasy anxious maybe or even tense when it comes to this present day and age but dear listener I'd like
to tell you this in these uncertain times you should not be worried because God's word has already told us the future we know what's to come we know how it all ends we don't have to worry because God's word tells us in Luke 21:28 when these things begin to take place stand up and lift up your heads because your Redemption is Drawing Near we don't have to worry because Matthew 6: 25 and 26 they say that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough
clothes to wear isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are and what should give you peace as a child of God is this God's track record it's perfect he has always defended his children he has always been faithful he has always rescued those who trust in him in the Book of Genesis when the whole world was filled with evil and wickedness God kept
Noah and his family he protected the one who trusted him when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed God kept lot and his family he protected them in Exodus when the death angel passed through the land of Egypt God protected all those who trusted him and put Blood on the top and sides of their door frame and when the three Hebrew boys were cast into a fiery furnace God was right in there with them so my point is this the god that we serve Jehovah he has an extensive track record of keeping us protecting us preserving us
therefore we have nothing to fear we only have to trust in Jesus Christ the one who was the same yesterday today and forever more and so just as we took a moment and we look back at the things that God did in the lives of those Bible figures I want you to take a moment before we begin to pray and I want you to look back over your life and think about the things that God brought you through there were dark days there were maybe even scary days but you're still here God kept you everything
may not have turned out the way you wanted it to but he was faithful he's been God since before your first breath and he'll be God long after your last he is eternal and he is faithful you have to remember that he will never leave you nor will he forsake you he'll be with you until the end dear friends this world if you're not careful this world will make you fearful news reports are constantly filled with stories that spell out fear people are fearful about the economy people are fearful about crime people are fearful about
so many things but here's what I'd like to tell you today if you're worried about something there's only one answer and that answer is the word of God if you're fearful the most potent remedy there is is the word of God if you're anxious about anything I mean anything at all the Cure is the word of God all in all as you get to know God's word you get to know God's voice and as you get to know God's voice you'll come to know that that fear and worry are not from God now I'd like
to share with you one of my favorite passages of scripture I've read this portion in the Bible over and over again at different stages in my life and let me tell you it has strengthened me I pray that it will strengthen you today as well Luke 12: 22-32 then turning to his disciples Jesus said that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear for life is more than food and your body more than clothing look at the Ravens they don't plant
or harvest or store food in barns for God feeds them and you are far more valuable to him than any birds can all your worries add a single moment to your life and if worry can't accomplish a little thing like that what's the use of worrying over bigger things look at the lies and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will
certainly care for you why do you have so little faith and don't be concerned about what to eat and what to drink don't worry about such things these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world but your father already knows your needs seek the kingdom of God above all else and he will give you everything you need so don't be afraid Little Flock for it gives your father great happiness to give you the Kingdom so so you see friends our Lord has told us not to be anxious about our life this means that
we should not allow the things of this life to affect us to the point that we become fearful and filled with worry because we are in the care of an almighty God your word dear Lord says in Psalm 34:7 the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them oh taste and and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him Lord I Thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm that offers such a blessed hope today we're praying that your angels would encamp around
us guard us in our homes guard our families guard our coming in and going out May your presence surround us Lord give us the power we need to overcome the uncertainty that this world brings give us peace so that we will not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you as we seek your blessings of divine protection today Lord we refuse to let anxiety or fear become our companion help us to trust in you help us not to worry help us to put our trust in your ability to keep
us safe and secure we declare that we put our trust in you and we will rejoice always Because of You Psalm 3:8 says salvation Belongs to the Lord your blessing is upon your people Saya La your blessing is indeed Upon Our Lives and father we Rejoice because of this we give thanks to you and all our circumstances because your word says in PH every every now and again it's good to look back and when I say look back I'm not talking about admiring your old sinful ways or reminiscing about the ungodly things you used to
do no I'm encouraging you to remember remember how far God has taken you from remember how many battles you came through when you know good and well that it wasn't by your strength remember how the Lord has loved you and comforted you even when friends betrayed you look back and remember how God's hand was over your life and things should have fallen apart for you but they didn't yes every now and again all of us ought to take a moment and remember remember all that God has done because it's easy to forget what God has
done for us especially when we Face challenging times or become preoccupied with our daily routine but do you know why it's important to look back it's important because you will begin to see how faithful God has been time after time you'll begin to see how God has watched over you and open doors for you time after time when we reflect on the significant events and moments in our lives we can recognize how God has been with us every step of the way this is emphasized in Psalm 77: 11-12 where the the Bible reads I will
remember the Deeds of the Lord yes I will remember your miracles of long ago I will consider all your works and meditate on all your Mighty Deeds this verse reminds us that God's works in the past are worthy of our reflection and meditation by focusing on God's faithfulness in the past we can gain confidence in his promises for the future as the Apostle Paul Paul wrote in Romans 8:28 and we know for those that love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose secondly remembering the past helps
us be grateful for what we have when we look back and see how God has provided for us protected us and guided us we can develop a heart of gratitude and God certainly loves a thankful heart when we are filled with Thanksgiving and gratitude this helps us to focus on God's blessings rather than our difficulties Philippians 4:6 says do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God note how Paul said with Thanksgiving meaning it's an essential component if we want our requests
to be heard by God by being thankful we develop a deeper relationship with God recognizing him as the source of our blessings a Puritan preacher by the name of Thomas Watson once said remembering the mercies of God breeds gratitude in our hearts in addition to this remembering the past helps us to share our testimony with others our personal testimonies are powerful tools for evangelism and can Inspire others to seek God as we reflect on what God has done in our lives we can share our experiences with others showing them how God has transformed us and
guided Us in conclusion I'd like to quote the words of a Christian Theologian by the name of ji Packer who said the past is a source of knowledge and the future is a source of Hope love of the past implies faith in the future I want to share something with you I have seen many people walk in and out of my life some came and they were a blessing some came and they were a challenge I've met people who I thought would be in my life for many many years but sadly and often unexpectedly they
walked away however I have also met a handful of people who to my surprise became my encouragers they were my teammates in the things of God however for one reason or another they came for a season they served their purpose but then life careers Ambitions callings they took us in different directions however out of all the people we will ever come across in life there is only one who will never disappoint us there is only one who can satisfy our Soul's deepest needs there is only one who has ever uttered the words I will never
leave you nor forsake you and was able to keep the promise his name is Jesus Christ there is none like him there is none who can rival him there is none on Earth or any person who has ever lived who can come close to Jesus Christ he loves with an unconditional love he speaks with unmatchable wisdom he is the Good Shepherd and his presence it casts out all fear all unclean things and anxiety have to leave his presence heals it renews and it restores at the sound of his name demons tremble on this Earth miracles
happen Healing The Sick restoring sight to the blind unstopping de ears all those are a part of his resume he is the way the truth and the life and so dear friend when you open your heart and embrace all that Jesus Christ has to offer this will impact your life this decision is the one that will radically trans transform your life if you really surrender and embrace the Lord not only does he bring eternal life but in this present day here on this Earth if you truly surrender to Jesus Christ he's able to bring you
Joy and how many of us could do with a little more joy in our lives Psalm 16:11 says you make known to me the path of life in your pray there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more when Jesus Christ comes into your heart he brings joy and you will discover that Joy is ever present in your darkest hour Joy is ever present in the midst of chaos and that is simply because Jesus Christ is the source of Joy so I ask you dear friends have you invited the Lord into
your heart have you embraced him have you met the one who can offer Amazing Grace have you met the one who can heal your deepest scars have you met the one who raised Lazarus from the dead if you haven't met him you can you can accept him in your life today and he will come into to your heart he is the one who can renew he can restore he can rejuvenate Jesus Christ the son of God he is waiting for you to seek him now there may be someone who has gotten to the point where
you are so low that you think God has forgotten you there may be someone who finds themselves today day at a point of uncertainty you don't know whether to turn left or right you don't know whether to cry or smile and regarding whatever it is that's making you feel this way if it's sin if it's addiction if it's your marriage or if it's the fact that you can't seem to find someone to marry if it's your job or financial situation I want to encourage you to pray about it pray about it before you give up
pray about it before you look anywhere else pray about it before you look to anyone else and the reason I'm telling you to pray about it is because too often when we find ourselves in these certain positions we either drift away and get lost in the sea of our problems or we start paddling trying to find a way out of our problems we start trying to use our own strength to get out of the messes we're in we do our best to use our resources and know how just to try to save ourselves but I
would like to encourage you to pray about it call on the name that is above every other name the name of Jesus pray about it and call on the lion of the tribe of Judah what do you do when everything seemingly puts up a fight against you when everything seems like a struggle have you ever had that feeling where every time you think you're on the right track or on the right path Here Comes something here comes Temptation Here Comes sin trying to derail you and knock you off the right path have you ever had
one of those days where it's just a fight where everything is a fight your journey to work seems like it's a struggle you get to work and it's hostile that day you get home and something unexpected happens an unexpected letter an unexpected Bill I've had days where I've been strong days where I feel as though I can mount up with wings like an eagle days where I'd pray and feel as though I Could Touch the Gates of Heaven 10 minutes would go by 20 minutes would go by and it would still feel as though I'm
just getting started these are the days I feel like a giant slayer I feel empowered by the Holy Spirit but then there are other days days where if I try to pray it feels like I'm next to a brick wall and my words just keep bouncing off and going nowhere have you ever had a day where everything is a struggle it's a fight you try to read the word but that becomes a fight you try and pray but that too proves to be a fight you put some worship music on but you're still fighting what
do you do there are days where I feel as though surely God cannot forgive me again you know the kind of days where you feel weighted down you feel as though sin has left a stain a mark on you that can't be removed yes I've been through days where I felt as though God wouldn't want to save someone like me with all my issues and the sin I struggle with I believe that David experienced days like this quite often he must have because if you read Psalm 18:6 the Bible says in my distress I called
upon the Lord to my God I Cry for Help from his Temple he heard my voice and my cry to him him reached his ears that's a man who's been going through things David Goes On further in Psalm 27:7 and says here oh Lord when I cry aloud be gracious to me and answer me and the question I always had was why is David crying to God so much why is it that so often in the Psalms David speaks of crying out to the Lord but as I grew in maturity As I Grew in understanding
it became clear to me that many of us like David will face things beyond our ability to solve we will face situations that we can do nothing about except to simply try and endure and it's this issue of struggling with sin that I want to talk about I'm glad that the Bible says in Romans 7 and 15 for I do not understand my own actions for I do not do what I want but I do the very thing I hate and then Romans 7: 18- 19 says for I know that nothing good dwells in me
that is in my flesh for I have the desire to do what is right but not the ability to carry it out for I do not do the good I want but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing it's astonishing that the Apostle Paul Paul a servant of the Lord a man who God performed Miracles through he is opening up about this struggle with sin the same struggle with sin that I face he must have had his good days days when he was strong and could cast out demons in the
name of Jesus or lay hands on the sick and heal them but this very same Paul also had bad days where he felt like he took one step forward and two steps back but here's the thing Proverbs 24:16 says for the righteous falls seven times and rises again but the wicked stumble in times of Calamity you see though we struggle with sin we can only overcome in Jesus though we fall we can only get back up with the help of the Lord though we may indeed stumble it is in Jesus that we have steady ground
you and I are called to trust God now my own perspective on trusting the Lord is that I don't need to have all the answers because I know the one who knows all the answers I don't need to know what the plan is because I know the the planner I don't need to know the why if I know the one I don't need to know the how because I trust him someone who has set their heart to trust and believe in the Lord can never be broken and what I mean by that is a Believer
who has encountered Jesus a Believer who has been truly transformed by the power of God you cannot uproot that type of person nor can you shake them and I believe this is to be the case because the Bible says in Jeremiah 17: 7 to8 the Amplified translation reads blessed with spiritual security is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord for he will be nourished like a tree planted By the Waters that spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear
the heat when it comes but its leaves will be green and moist and it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought nor stop bearing fruit a Believer who has set their heart to trust in Jesus is Spirit virally secure that means you aren't vulnerable to attack it doesn't make you immune because we all fall under attack from the enemy at some point but you're not vulnerable You're not exposed let me put it this way think of a house a house where all of the windows have been left open the front door
is wide open the back door is wide open there are no curtains no blinds but there is plenty of valuable material inside that's the picture of a person who is not spiritually secure they are open for attack from the kingdom of darkness because their trust is in everything but God but you see to be a believer who really trusts in Jesus Christ a Believer who really believes the word of God and declares that greater is he who is in me me than he who is in the world that person is secure the Bible says in
Psalm 37 veres 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then you will live safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you he will make your innocence radiate like the dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun I believe that God is pleased when we trust him to such an extent that we can say whatever awaits me in the future I'm facing it with Jesus whatever comes
against me I'll be protected by Jesus and here's the thing about faith and trust in the Lord a lot of times you'll have to walk with God without knowing in fact faith can be summed up in the following way Faith is doing your part which is trusting God to do his part your part is to believe that's all you need to do and then you leave God to do his part your part is to stand on God's word his word says that nothing is impossible with God let me ask you are you doing your part
are you believing and standing on God's word faith is not necessarily something tangible it's not something you can put your hands on and control faith is the substance of Hope and the evidence of the Unseen this means to me that if you can see it it isn't faith if you can explain it or control it it isn't Faith many of us try to orchestrate and control everything in our lives until one day we're faced with things that are outside of our control and the truth is the most important things in life are out of our
control you can exercise and diet all you want but disease can still come knocking on your door we can build magnificent buildings and structures but we must still bow to the power of a tornado a hurricane or an earthquake these things remind us that we are not in control but I want you to understand that it's during Times Like These when we feel out of control that we are reminded of the purpose of faith faith enables us to be comfortably out of control even though we cannot control things like disease nature or death we have
faith that that God has a plan and that God will have the last word and so as we approach the throne of grace let us ask God to help us to move into a space where we are comfortable without knowing ask him to move us to a place where we can be comfortable not because we have all the answers but because we know who our answer is his name is Jesus when you put your trust in the Lord there is something that happens within you you have a boldness about you when you know and trust
that your steps are ordained by God so where have you placed your trust in whom have you placed your trust in now allow me to speak about doubt for a moment beware of Doubt because doubt is the enemy of Faith doubt will only ever see the obstacles in front of you however faith faith sees the way Faith believes that God Will Make A Way even when it seems like there is no way doubt will see Darkness doubt will see despair but faith will see the day Faith will see the light it will see hope doubt
will you as a person but when you trust God you could take a leap of faith trusting God dispels all fear faith and fear cannot simultaneously occupy your mind and heart it's impossible you either have one or the other faith and fear cannot exist together I want to talk to you about the strength of a Believer we can all think back to a time or a situation when someone in our life demonstrated strength and I'm not talking about physical strength I'm not talking about a father picking up his kids in one arm while carrying all
the grocery bags in the other I'm talking about real strength the strength that can be seen when disaster strikes when a hurricane or tornado destroys the family home it tears up the walls smashes the windows and leaves nothing standing but yet the couple that just seemingly lost everything can come out of that situation praising God that they survived that's strength I think of Joseph after such betrayal from his brothers such treachery from his own Flesh and Blood he forgave them they left him for dead and he forgave them I don't know if you really understand
the level of strength and Grace that takes to do because if it was a stranger that left you in a pit to either go into slavery or to die perhaps you could take it but your own family this is more painful because of who they are to him but yet Joseph was given the strength to forgive and he did it gracefully it wasn't a Whimsical I forgive you moment no Genesis 50:1 19-21 says but Joseph said to themo not fear for am I in the place of God As for you you meant evil against me
but God meant it for good to bring it about that many people should be kept alive as they are today so do not fear I will provide for you and your little ones thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them this is a man who is speaking from a position of strength strength in the Lord you couldn't forgive something like that of your own will you need Grace and so I would venture to say all of us regardless of denomination whether you're Catholic or Baptist all of us who believe in Jesus Christ ought to
build our strength and confidence in the Lord you don't just wake up and have the strength and confidence to face a Goliath not even David could do that the Bible says in 1 Samuel 17: 34-36 but David said to Saul your servant used to keep sheep for his father and when there came a lion or a bear and took a lamb from the flock I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth and if he arose against me I caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him your
servant has struck down both lions and bears and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them for he has defied the armies of the Living God David faced lions and bears before he could face a Giant Warrior God put him through these tests in order to build his strength and I believe God does the same with us too as Believers the Lord takes us to different places in our lives so that we can be tested and grow a test here to strengthen your faith a test here to strengthen your need to read the word
of God a test here to strengthen your prayer life every test has a purpose every test serves to build you in the Lord he works on your patience if that's the area you're weak in he works to Humble you if that pride is getting in the way of his kingdom and let me tell you this through it all through all these tests you learn to trust in Jesus you learn to really trust in him and that's where you find strength that's where you find real strength the only reason David was able to face Goliath was
because David had trust in God he trusted God to see him through and that was his strength the only reason Joseph was able to forgive his brothers was because Joseph had trust in God he trusted that what was meant for evil the Lord would turn it for his good and that was his strength Moses could face Pharaoh why he trusted the god of I am so I'm speaking directly to you if you feel powerless in the situation you're in until you start trusting in God you will never have real lasting and true strength until you
start trusting in God for the healing in your family you always feel the need to give up Isaiah 40:29 tells us that he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak trust in God yields fearlessness it yields tenacity and courage when Peter walked on water that was because he completely and totally trusted that meant the laws of nature didn't apply because he trusted in God the laws of gravity or physics didn't matter simply because he had total trust in God but the minute that trust wasn't total the minute that trust started
to become doubt he started to sink hear me when I tell you this the strongest Among Us are the ones that trust God fully job couldn't have gone through what he went through and remained faithful if he didn't fully trust in God Abraham wouldn't have come within moments of sacrificing his only son his Miracle child he wouldn't have come close unless he trusted God so let me ask you do you have real strength do you have trust in God I am personally praying for Faith Without Borders I want to believe with my heart and soul
with every fiber of being within me that God can do the impossible he can use me for his glory he can heal me from the scars of a painful past I desire to have trust Without Borders trust with no limit so that if I read the Bible and it says God will fight for me and I shall hold my peace I will have no doubt in my mind that whether the fight is against a demonic Spirit or the Devil Himself God will fight for me and so I encourage you to trust God trust him fully
trust him completely don't reason don't calculate just trust him so remember that when the spirit of fear attempts to enter your life remember these words you are of God and in him there is no fear now the other thing about fear is that fear is from the opposer the devil will oppose everything that is of god and we need to be mindful of this where God stands for victory Triumph boldness peace and pure love the devil stands for fear anxiety worry everything that will try and take your focus away from God and we need to
be mindful of that where Jesus Christ is the pure light the way the truth and the life the devil is Darkness deception and the father of Lies the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 11:14 and no wonder for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of Light now as Believers the word of God tells us that we have not been given a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind power defeats fear in God's perfect love there is no fear and a sound mind a peaceful mind is one that is the complete opposite
to a fearful [Music] mind Jesus Christ made a promise in Hebrews 13:5 the Bible says keep your life free from Love of Money and be content with what you have for he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you in case you didn't know you can have money but it will not save you money will not buy you eternal life it won't buy you another minute here on Earth but if you have Jesus Christ you have eternity in heaven to look forward to nothing on this Earth can promise never to leave you nor
forsake you but Jesus can he has promised to be with you until the end of the age so today even if you were to lose everything you own you would still be blessed beyond measure because of that great promise you see I would rather have Jesus than silver or gold because Jesus Christ loved me while I was yet still a sinner he loved me despite of my sin regardless of my mistakes and he's undeterred by my many flaws that is Grace it's important to examine yourself against the standard of God and his word ask yourself
what ungodly things do I tolerate what ungodly conversations am I involved in what ungodly thoughts am I entertaining the Amplified translation for 1 Corinthians 11:31 says but if we evaluated and judged ourselves honestly recognizing our shortcomings and correcting our Behavior we would not be judged this topic of self-evaluation self-examination and the Judgment of self is hugely important if we are to become Christians who are living a life pleasing to the Lord when it comes to you being a Christian when it comes to you being a child of God what are are you pursuing what are
you chasing your trial will be a testimony for others to see how they can make it too and the word I'd like to give you is that you are already equipped with what you need in order to survive this you are already equipped with what you need in order to overcome this you have what it takes you have more than enough so start declaring that you are an overcomer you are more than a conqueror your physical eyes might not yet see it but activate your spiritual eyes and declare God's word which says that I've overcome
by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony There Is Power in the Blood of Jesus in his plans are for you to prosper they are plans which are good to give you a hope and a future because you are that important to God begin to see the worth in your life through God's word God is trying to tell you yes you are that important you can overcome if you hold on to me if you hold on to my word and Promises the storm you are facing could be God saying to you
I need you to go through this for a specific reason and for this specific season so before you go anywhere else searching for Solutions in Jesus you have someone who moves mountains a God who performs Miracles a God who can make a way when there seems to be no way nothing is impossible with God I want to encourage you to make sure that you are rooted in Jesus Christ make sure that you are anchored in the one who died and rose again make sure that your hope your faith is built on the Firm Foundation that
is is the Son of God take the example of Daniel in the Bible although he was thrown into the lions then he was unshakable in his faith he was Anchored In Jesus look at Paul and Silas beaten and chained up in a dark prison but they still found the faith to pray and praise the Lord at midnight why because they knew that the one whom they were anchored to was greater than their circumstances they knew that Jesus Christ was greater than those chains he was greater than any punishment they would face so even if all
the odds are against you continue to trust in the Lord and He will raise up a standard against the enemy people of God don't be defeated in your heart don't feel defeated in your mind no matter what you face be anchored and fixed on Jesus the trial you face may not look like Paul and Silas in prison it may not be a den of hungry Lions but your situation might seem just as hopeless and just as intimidating however when you're in the thick of it when you have nowhere where else to go don't allow yourself
to be moved be unshakeable in your faith be unshakable because you have God's promises to fall back on be unshakable because you have the Holy Spirit who will be your strength and your helper I'd like to speak to you on the topic of standing strong in the Lord standing strong in faith and I'll begin with the statement that I think you'll all agree with and that is if there's one thing that we can be certain about in this life it's the fact that life is often very unpredictable one moment you're on a high the next
moment you come crashing down one moment it's all good it's peaceful and safe and in the next moment it feels as though all hell breaks loose you're at the top of the mountain one minute and you're walking through the valley of the shadow of death the next minute but if there's one thing to come to terms with in life it's the reality that life is unpredictable but here's the thing I am so grateful for the fact that in this everchanging life we have a never changing God Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever
more he doesn't change he healed thousands of years ago on this Earth and he still heals today he loved those considered to be unlovable those considered to be outcasts and rejects and he still loves those same people today he spoke the words peace be still and the storm bowed down and I believe he can and will speak those very same words in the middle of your storm today that's why why when life happens you can stand strong in the Lord don't allow life's challenges to shake your faith in God stand strong in the Lord stand
and let him fight your battles he has promised that the Deep Waters won't drown us and when we go through the fire we will not be burnt so whether you're in the Lion's Den today or facing Pharaoh tomorrow stand strong in your deliverer who is Jesus we can trust him we can rely on him we can depend learn and stand strong in the Lord but I'm not saying it will be easy I'm not saying it won't be tough but with God it's possible you know I've had moments where I've thought really God I've just come
out of one thing and now here's another you see when we say stand strong in the lord it's not always going to be easy I'm not saying that but what I am saying is that wouldn't you rather fall into the arms of the Lord than simply fall while trying to do things your way when your back is against the wall wouldn't you rather lean on God than your own understanding as we Face life's challenges our first impulse might be to surrender or to Simply give up and let it be and I understand that sometimes I
understand that sometimes you can get to the point of just asking the question God why me why am I not married yet why did I have to be sick why can't I make as much money as they are and while we may be stressed and pressed on every side I'd like to recommend something to you I would like to give you a formula that might help if you find yourself in that situation I would like to encourage you to stand strong in the Lord because it is he who goes before you he will not fail
you nor forsake you and that makes him so dependable that's what should give you the tenacity to stand strong in faith our Lord has a track record that's unmatched one that stood the test of time so despite the chaos despite everyone else getting married despite that job interview coming back as a no keep standing strong in the Lord he who started a good work in us will see it through to the end reach out to him by faith be constant in prayer be relentless in your faith and watch him move in seemingly impossible ways now
this isn't just a quick fix there needs to be some assistence you need some tenacity to stand strong in the Lord to stand and believe to stand and wait for what he has promised because when you stand you're making sure that there is no temptation that can overtake you you're making it known to the enemy that you trust God to have already provided a way of Escape even if you can't see it you you're guaranteed Victory when you stand strong in the Lord and the thing about standing strong in God is that it does take
practice it takes a maturity of faith for you to be able to stand strong as a Christian you go through one trial and God makes a way you go through a tougher trial and your belief is stronger but it's tested yet God still makes a way it's a maturing of faith and one of the keys to growth in terms of your faith in God is that it takes you actually cultivating a relationship with Jesus Christ he invites you to know him he invites you to seek knock and ask but with that your effort is required
you have to make the effort you have to discipline yourself to read his word to pray daily it takes daily communion with him you have to count your blessings and shift your perspective so that you're filled with Thanksgiving for all that he has done and here's why it's so important for you to do these things when you make prayer your practice when you practice not just reading the word but living the word when you appreciate God's goodness then this renews your faith in him each day this is the maturing of the Faith by living for
him each day when you then come to face tough times his word is ingrained in you prayer is a part of your lifestyle you have a personal relationship with the Lord this is when you can stand strong this is the way you will fortify your spirit so that when the enemy surrounds you like a flood you will be able to stand strong in the Lord I can assure you when you have an established relationship with with Jesus Christ you will find that it becomes much easier to stand and be strong it will become your default
stance and posture to trust God or run to hide and find refuge in him so I encourage you today to start a relationship with the Lord today so that when the troubles come you will be able to stand strong in the Lord if life hits you and you fall wouldn't it be better to fall into the Loving Arms of Jesus Christ than anywhere else so don't be defined by a diagnosis don't be defined by the numbers in your bank account I've had to talk to myself and remind myself that I have a Creator who has
a plan and God's plan will still Prevail God's will will still be done he has ordered my steps and so I am not alone my beginning and my end is known by him my highs and your lows are known by him and I will walk by faith and not by sight believing that the Lord has numbered my good days to exceed my bad days so get to the point where you are content and at peace to say Lord my life is in your hands you have said be anxious for nothing you have said that you
know the number of hairs on my head and so I Surrender and yield to your will I'd like to speak to you on the topic of standing strong in the Lord standing strong in faith and I'll begin with a statement that I think you'll all agree with and that is if there's one thing that we can be certain about in this life it's the fact that life is often very unpredictable one moment you're on a high the next moment you come crashing down one moment it's all good it's peaceful and safe and in the next
moment it feels as though all hell breaks loose you're at the top of the mountain one minute and you're walking through the valley of the shadow of death the next minute but if there's one thing to come to terms with in life it's the reality that life is unpredictable but here's the thing I am so grateful for the fact that in this everchanging life we have a never changing God Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever more he doesn't change he healed thousands of years ago on this Earth and he still heals today
he loved those considered to be unlovable those considered to be outcasts and rejects and he still loves those same people today he spoke the words peace be still and the storm bowed down and I believe he can and will speak those very same words in the middle of your storm today that's why when life happens you can stand strong in the Lord don't allow life's challenges to shake your faith in God stand stand strong in the Lord stand and let him fight your battles he has promised that the Deep Waters won't drown us and when
we go through the fire we will not be burnt so whether you're in the Lion's Den today or facing Pharaoh tomorrow stand strong in your deliverer who is Jesus we can trust him we can rely on him we can depend learn and stand strong in the Lord but I'm not saying it will be easy I'm not saying it won't be tough but with God it's possible you know I've had moments where I thought really God I've just come out of one thing and now here's another you see when we say stand strong in the lord
it's not always going to be easy I'm not saying that but what I am saying is that wouldn't you rather fall into the arms of the Lord than simply fall while trying to do things your way when your back is against the wall wouldn't you rather lean on God than your own understanding as we Face life's challenges our first impulse might be to surrender or to Simply give up and let it be and I understand that sometimes I understand that some times you can get to the point of just asking the question God why me
why am I not married yet why did I have to be sick why can't I make as much money as they are and while we may be stressed and pressed on every side I'd like to recommend something to you I would like to give you a formula that might help if you find yourself in that situation I would like to encourage you to stand strong in the Lord because it is he who goes before you he will not fail you nor forsake you and that makes him so dependable that's what should give you the tenacity
to stand strong in faith our Lord has a track record that's unmatched one that stood the test of time so despite the chaos despite everyone else getting married despite that job interview coming back as a no keep standing strong in the Lord he who started a good work in us will see it through to the end reach out to him by faith be constant in prayer be relentless in your faith and watch him move in seemingly impossible ways now this isn't just a quick fix there needs to be some persistence you need some tenacity to
stand strong in the Lord to stand and believe to stand and wait for what he has promised because when you stand you're making sure that there is no temptation that can overtake you you're making it known to the enemy that you trust God to have already provided a way of Escape even if you can't see it you're guaranteed Victory when you stand strong in the Lord and the thing about standing strong in God is that it does take practice it takes a maturity of faith for you to be able to stand strong as a Christian
you go through one trial and God makes a way you go through a tougher trial and your belief is stronger but it's tested yet God still makes a way it's a maturing of faith and one of the keys to growth in terms of your faith in God is that it takes you actually cultivating a relationship with Jesus Christ he invites you to know him he invites you to seek knock and ask but with that your effort is required you have to make the effort you have to discipline yourself to read his word to pray daily
it takes daily communion with him you have to count your blessings and shift your perspective so that you're filled with Thanksgiving for all that he has done and here's why it's so important for you to do these things when you make prayer your practice when you practice not just reading the word but living the word when you appreciate God's goodness then this renews your faith in him each day this is the maturing of the Faith by living for him each day when you then come to face tough times his word is ingrained in you prayer
is a part of your lifestyle you have a personal relationship with the Lord this is when you can stand strong this is the way you will fortify your spirit so that when the enemy surrounds you like a flood you will be able to stand strong in the Lord I can assure you when you have an established relationship with Jesus Christ you will find that it becomes much easier to stand and be strong it will become your default stance and posture to trust God or run to hide and find refuge in him so I encourage you
today to start a relationship with the Lord today so that when the troubles come you will be able to stand strong in the Lord if life hits you and you fall wouldn't it be better to fall into the Loving Arms of Jesus Christ than anywhere else so don't be defined by diagnosis don't be defined by the numbers in your bank account I've had to talk to myself and remind myself that I have a Creator who has a plan and God's plan will still Prevail God's will will still be done he has ordered my steps and
so I am not alone my beginning and my end is known by him my highs and your lows are known by him and I will walk by faith and not by sight believing that the Lord has numbered my good days to exceed my bad days so get to the point where you are content and at peace to say Lord my life is in your hands you have said be anxious for nothing you have said that you know the number of hairs on my head and so I Surrender and yield to your will for the next
few moments as you listen I encourage you to open up your own Bible and welcome the holy spirit so that he would open your eyes and ears to receive from God's word Psalm 23:1 says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want David begins with a profound statement about his relationship with the Lord by referring to God as his Shepherd David acknowledges that God cares for him like a Shepherd cares for his sheep just as sheep rely on their Shepherd for protection guidance and provision David recognizes that God fulfills all his needs the phrase
I shall not want means that when the Lord is Our Shepherd we lack nothing because he provides for us abundantly the second verse says he makes me to lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside the Still Waters David portrays God as a gentle and caring Shepherd just as a Good Shepherd leads his sheep to Lush Green Pastures for rest and nourishment God provides us with times of peace rest and refreshment in our lives the image of still waters represents God's ability to lead us to calm and tranquil places where we can find peace
amidst life's turmoil verse three says he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake here David emphasizes the restorative power of God when we Face weariness or moments of spiritual emptiness God is there to renew and Revitalize our souls he guides us along righteous paths leading us away from harm and temptation all for the sake of his reputation and Glory verse 4 yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they
comfort me this verse is a powerful Declaration of faith and Trust in God's protection David acknowledges that life's journey may take him through dark and difficult valleys symbolizing times of hardship and danger but he confidently declares that he will not be afraid for God is with him as a guiding and comforting presence the rod and staff represent the shepherd's tools providing comfort and assurance that God is always watching over and caring for his people verse 5 reads you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my
cup runs over David uses the imagery of a lavish banquet to illustrate God's abundant provision and Care despite facing enemies or adversities God blesses and protects his people the anointing of the head with oil symbolizes God's favor and blessing and the overflowing cup signifies his generosity beyond measure and the final verse says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever the psalm concludes with a beautiful Assurance of God's unfailing love and constant presence David is confident that throughout his life
he will experience the goodness and loving kindness of the Lord this deep sense of assurance leads him to look forward to Eternity where he will dwell in God's presence forever father God I ask that you would touch our hearts and Minds forever if anyone listening right now is fearful if anyone is feeling worried I pray that you would bring peace into their hearts touch everyone in need of strength right now and give them the divine power to pray and push for victory Lord I invite your presence give us a sense of calm and Assurance thank
you for your hand that is upon me my family and all my loved ones continue to Pres serve us continue to guide us Jesus may your hand continually protect us we may be facing different problems and complicated challenges but God you are bigger than any problem you are more powerful than our issues and greater than all obstacles Lord Jesus we want to take this time to praise you Hebrews 13:15 says therefore by him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name May
our lips thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify your name always Jesus you're the Lord of lords you are the king of kings you are the True Vine and apart from you Lord we are nothing you are the the light of the world and apart from you Lord Jesus there is no hope Lord Jesus you are the resurrection and the life you are the only way to heaven and for us to obtain eternal life God we praise you because you are all knowing your ways are higher than our ways and what may be unknown to us
it is known to you you know what tomorrow holds you know my beginning from my end therefore I need you God you are Jehovah Elohim our Mighty and strong Creator you alone can speak and create you are Jehovah Gyra we look to you for provision you are Jehovah Rafa a God who heals I'm grateful because you not only heal physical wounds and diseases but you are a God who can heal emotional wounds you're a God who heals broken homes and who brings healing to broken relationships and so we need you father we need your peace
in our lives you are wise in all your ways you are triumphant and you are Mighty I declare your word in 1 Corinthians 15: 57 which says but thanks be to God who gives us the victory as conquerors through our Lord Jesus Christ I declare your word in Romans 8:37 no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us as your children God we are indeed more than conquerors Lord Jesus you loved us enough to die for our sins and because of your precious sacrifice on the cross because of the
blood that you shed today we can say it is well we have the victory because Jesus Christ has overcome sin has no hold over us death has no sting in Jesus we are more than conquerors the spirit of fear it is conquered in jesus' name anxiety is conquered in Your Name Lord restlessness a troubled heart depression they are all conquered in Jesus name the devil is conquered in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Lord you alone are our Strong Tower you are omnipotent and omnipresent there is nothing too difficult for you this is why I
will set you always before me I keep my eyes always on you Lord Jesus because with you on my side I will not be shaken I will not be moved with you on my side I will not be overcome by the cares of the world Lord with you as my good shepherd I shall not want I shall not not be in lack I will not be lost or abandoned because you are the Good Shepherd my future is in your hands Lord my life is in your hands Lord I declare that surely your goodness and your
mercy your unfailing love they shall follow us all the Days of Our Lives father we bless your holy name and master we thank you for hearing this prayer it's in Jesus mighty name that we pray amen I love the description that the word of God is living and active it is living meaning that in this present day the word of God holds just as much power today as it did 200 years ago and if you look all throughout the Bible we are constantly told God is meaning that we serve a living and present God there
are some people who place their faith in lifeless Idols but we as Believers in Jesus Christ we believe in a living God a God who is a God who is alive a God who is all powerful and allmighty a God who is faithful and merciful and kind a God who is able to do the impossible he is able to go Beyond human limitations and operate beyond the borders of our mind's understanding and here is what scripture says Psalms 116:5 the Lord is gracious and righteous our God is full of compassion Psalms 84:1 for the Lord
God is a son and shield the Lord bestows favor and honor no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless 1 John 1:5 this is the message we have heard from him and declare to you God is light in him there is no Darkness at All Saints I want to tell you that God is God is still slaying Giants God is still Mighty and able God is still winning every battle God is still crushing every evil force that opposes his children God is still healing the Brokenhearted he's still healing those who are
physically sick God is still healing the troubled mind dear friend know this God is God Is Watching Over You God is ordering your steps he is leading you he is surrounding you God is watching over your home your family your children and this is reason enough for us to be joyful and strong in faith we serve a living God so whatever you come up against remember that Psalm 18:1 to3 says I love you Lord my strength the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my deliverer my God Is My Rock in whom I take refuge
my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold I called to the Lord who is worthy of praise and I have been saved from my en enemies you will not be disappointed when you put your trust in the Living God you can look to self-help coaches and motivational speakers but they won't turn your life around you can go to therapy or hire a psychologist but you will find that they will not be able to transform your heart however one touch from Jesus Christ one encounter with him and you will find that he is able
he's able to turn your life around he's able to transform your heart and mind so be encouraged dear friend be encouraged for our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think when you are in Jesus Christ you are alive when you are in Jesus Christ you are truly living and breathing however when you are in sin you are separated from God and although your physical body may be alive your spiritual being is dead this is why Paul wrote in Philippians 1: 211 saying for to me to live is Christ
and to die is gain now a lot of Believers don't understand this a lot don't know that if you are in sin you are spiritually dead but let me tell you this the devil and his demons do not care whether you know how they work the forces of Darkness don't care whether you know their action plan and devices they only care about which road you're on which direction you're heading in they only care about what you do in those private moments because that's what counts you see there are forces of Darkness at work in this
world as the Apostle Paul reminds us for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly Realms and you need to pray for understanding because the kingdom of darkness is exactly what it says it is a kingdom filled with Darkness 1 John 4:1 beloved do not believe every Spirit but test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world this is discernment with the guidance of
the Holy Spirit you can tell who is really speaking from God's word and who is speaking from a place of Doctrine mixed with deception and I believe saints that we need the Holy Spirit to speak and tug at our hearts my prayer is that the Holy Spirit would open my eyes to every hidden stronghold in my life and within my family may he shine a light on every corner that the enemy is hiding with the aim to take me down Saints God gives us the ability through the Holy Spirit to discern between various spirits and
forces in the world at the heart of spiritual discernment is spiritual warfare because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood God's word says but God being rich in Mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ by Grace you have been saved and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus when you are alive in Christ you see Jesus Christ for who he really is you see him as the light
of the world you see him as truth when you're alive in Christ you see that the devil may form weapons but they will not Prosper the devil might make plans against you he may scheme against you but none of his plans none of his schemes will prosper when you are alive in Christ it doesn't matter what the kingdom of darkness does because in Jesus we have the victory already in 1886 a Baptist preacher by the name of Charles Spurgeon delivered a message at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London in which he entitled an instructive truth one
of the major points of his sermon was avoid all security as to the present and he wrapped up this point in a single phrase by saying hold everything Earthly with a loose hand but grasp Eternal things with a deathlike grip Spurgeon was convinced even in that day and time that people were holding on to the things of the world much too tightly he spoke of prized possessions which people lifted up high for everyone to see but his words assured his listeners that just as those things are found they can just as easily be lost the
Apostle Paul put it this way in 1 Timothy 6:7 for we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it no matter how Loosely or tightly we hold on to the things of the earth we can unquestionably not carry anything with us when we leave this world the Bible teaches that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils yet we strive to find ways to build our financial portfolios more and more The Book of Proverbs tells us not to overwork to be rich and then the writer in
Proverbs 235 asked the question when you set your eyes on wealth it is suddenly gone for wealth certainly makes itself wings like an eagle that flies to the heavens although most people know that money is not the ultimate answer to many of life's problems we tend to hold on to it more tightly than we should and we are inclined to think that it can in some way solve life's most Troublesome moments we need to loosen our grip on everything Earthly because it is all temporal we need to loosen our grip on our prize possessions we
need to loosen our grip on the love of money we need to loosen our grip even on the people we love but we need to tighten our grip on everything Eternal we need to to tighten our grip on reading God's word we need to tighten our grip on prayer we need to tighten our grip on our love for God we need to tighten our grip on Jesus Christ and hold on to him with a deathlike grip as if our lives dependent on it because our Eternal lives do depend on it and he is worth pursuing
above everything else keep God first and you will lack for nothing let him rearrange your priorities and he will rearrange your life give God the throne to your heart and he will change your desires and enable you to be truly satisfied in him take a moment to think about what's important in the grand scheme of things everything on this Earth is temporary and fleeting none of it will last but God's kingdom will never end for that reason we need to build our faith on the Firm Foundation that is Jesus Christ he is the only one
we should be focused on no matter what everyone else is doing keep God first no matter what season of life you're in keep God first because the treasures of this Earth are passing away all of our Earthly Pur suits will lead us down in the end so store up your treasure in heaven where nothing can be destroyed seek first the kingdom of God now let us pray dear Lord Jesus great is your faithfulness Lord Great and Mighty are you have mercy on us Lord Jesus as we seek to do better through the strength of the
Holy Spirit help help us to be better disciples help us to be better at forgiving others at loving others and giving to others your word says in John 15:26 but when the helper comes whom I shall send to you from the Father the spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will testify of me I pray that the Holy Spirit would help us to do better better help us to improve in our prayer lives help us to have more of an urgency about spending time alone with you master Holy Spirit help us to do
better in terms of meditating on the word of God day and night help us to do better as I strive to be obedient to your word which says in Titus 3: 1 and 2 remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities to be obedient to be ready for every good work to speak evil of no one to avoid quarreling to be gentle and to show perfect courtesy to all people I pray Lord that you would give us hearts that are ready and willing to do good alwayss give us hearts that love with the love
of Christ give us hearts that refuse to slander or abuse anyone but instead help us to be a kind people humble and peaceful people who demonstrate love to others Lord we desire to grow in faith we desire to grow in understanding we desire to grow in wisdom help us to grow in all of these areas Master through the power of the Holy Ghost we trust and believe that transformation can and will take place in our lives where we are weak through the strength you provide we will be made strong we will be able to overcome
I place my faith in what your word says Lord in 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power May rest on me that is why for Christ's sake I Delight in weakness in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties for when I am weak then I am strong I am thankful Lord that your grace is indeed sufficient for me me indeed your loving kindness and your mercy
are more than enough for me your grace and mercy is always available to me regardless of the situation and I truly am grateful King Jesus may your power be perfected may it be completed and shown to be most effective in my weakness that way you get the glory Lord you get the honor father your word says in 1st Chronicles 16:34 oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good for his Mercy endures forever your word Lord tells me that I will praise the name of God with a song I will Magnify Him with Thanksgiving
I am so thankful For Your Love King Jesus that even though you knew everything about me you knew all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but yet you still died in my place opening up the way to eternal life for me I thank you for listening to this prayer be magnified Lord in Jesus name I pray amen at one point or another we'll all have to face or deal with some kind of opposition we will all have to face or deal with enemies those people who are against you people who oppose you people
who dislike you now you may be someone with a sweet personality you may be someone who is quiet and reserved or you could be someone who's very friendly and cordial however through no fault of your own sometimes you will have enemies who seemingly appear out of nowhere and think about this Jesus Christ the son of God when he walked on this earth when he taught people people as he loved people and healed people there were those in and amongst the crowd who hated him there were those who plotted against him and mind you Jesus Christ
was fully man however he knew no sin but here's the thing he still had enemies and so we should expect to encounter an enemy or two across the course of our lives but my question for you today is how will you react when your enemies rise up against you how will you react when you're surrounded I believe that we can all be encouraged with what the Bible says in Psalm 27 the Bible reads the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall
I be afraid when the the wicked Advanced against me to devour me it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall though an army besiege me my heart will not fear though War break out against me even then I will be confident one thing I ask from the Lord this only do I seek that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to Gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his Temple for in the day of trouble he will keep me
safe in his dwelling he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of Joy I will sing and make music to the Lord hear my voice when I call Lord be merciful to me and answer my heart says of you seek his face your face Lord I will seek do not hide your face from me do not turn your servant away in Anger you have been my
helper do not reject me or forsake me God my savior though my father and mother forsake me the Lord will receive me teach me your way Lord lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors do not turn me over to the desire of my foes for false witnesses rise up against me spouting malicious accusations I remain confident of this I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wait for the Lord be strong and take heart and wait for the [Music] Lord now let us pray dear Lord Jesus
you are a mighty warrior you are strong in battle you God are our great defender when our enemies surround us they will stumble and fall because we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ your word in Luke 6: 27-30 says but I say to you who hear love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you and pray for those who spitefully use you to him who strikes you on the One Cheek offer the other also and from him who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either
give to everyone who asks of you and from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back Lord give us the capacity to love our enemies enable us to do good to those who hate us God let us be so filled with the love of Christ in our hearts that we would bless those who curse us and pray for those who spitefully use us father help us to be people who are loving and self-controlled help us to be more like you Jesus you are innocent and you knew no sin but yet you were
sacrificed because of your great love for us you were wounded for our transgressions all because of your great love Lord Jesus you were bruised for our iniquities because of that unconditional love through the power power of the Holy Spirit God I pray that you would Empower me to love my neighbor whether a person likes me or not help me to love them Lord whether a person is a friend or a foe help me to love them Psalm 35 veres 1-3 plead my cause O Lord with those who strive with me fight against those who fight
against me take hold of shield and Buckler and stand up for my help also draw out the spear and stop those who pursue me say to my soul I am your salvation Lord Jesus you are our Salvation you are the one who has millions of Angels at your call you are Almighty and you have never lost a battle father father help us to let go and to trust that you will fight our battles instead of us using our time and energy fighting and arguing with people father give us hearts that would rather spend time in
prayer hearts that would rather spend time in your word together with everyone listening we declare that Jesus Christ is my light and my salvation Jesus Christ is the strong whole of my life my Fortress protecting me from danger because of this Lord because of who you are King Jesus I will not be afraid no evil will devour me or my family because of you master I have no reason to fear God my confidence is in you my trust is in you and I give you my praise God I glorify you and and I bless your
Holy Name father thank you for hearing this prayer it's in jesus' name that I pray amen Heavenly Father help us to guard our hearts help us to fill our hearts with your word help us to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help us to be in the world but not of it help us to be in this world but not to love it Empower us to be a strong Godly influence in this world Lord rather than for us to be influenced by this world help us to be salt
in this earth help us to be the light that shines For Your Glory your word calls me in Philippians 4: St to say finally Brothers whatever is true whatever is Honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any Excellence if there is anything worthy of Praise think about these things Lord I pray that I would not be like a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror
that reflects your love Lord like David wrote in the Psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit I know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness Psalm 119:9 says how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word Lord give me Grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever I think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me
strength King Jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times I let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and I know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if I continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them Father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter except what is Godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in James 4:8 draw near to God and He will
draw near to you cleanse your hands you Sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desires and influences that threaten to barge in I know that from my heart flow the Springs of Life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to Simply soak in your lifegiving truth may I be so filled with your spirit that I can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything
contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start I know that I constantly fall short of the glory of God but I also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the Lamb all glory be to Christ forever and ever in jesus' name amen
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ASK & YOU SHALL RECEIVE | Prayers For A Breakthrough In Every Area Of Your Life!
ASK & YOU SHALL RECEIVE | Prayers For A Br...
Grace For Purpose
LISTEN EVERY NIGHT | Deep Sleep Prayers That Will Cover You With God's Presence
LISTEN EVERY NIGHT | Deep Sleep Prayers Th...
Grace For Purpose Prayers
PRAY FIRST and Leave It In God's Hands! | Christian Motivational Prayers
PRAY FIRST and Leave It In God's Hands! | ...
Grace For Purpose
CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE YOURSELF - Eric Thomas Best Motivational Speech
Motivational Instinct
Special Breakthrough Prayers! BLOCK ALL Of The Enemies Plans Against Your Life | Home & Family
Special Breakthrough Prayers! BLOCK ALL Of...
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How to Know God's Direction in Your Life | Christian Motivation
How to Know God's Direction in Your Life |...
Grace Wins
YOU VS YOU - Motivational Speech
YOU VS YOU - Motivational Speech
Ben Lionel Scott 2
A Powerful Bedtime Prayer - Night Prayer - Dear Lord Jesus
A Powerful Bedtime Prayer - Night Prayer -...
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Until You Know This About Demons, Things Won't Change
Until You Know This About Demons, Things W...
Grace For Purpose
Let it Go today |God says let it go |let go today |Gods message forever |Gods message now
Let it Go today |God says let it go |let g...
Gods Message Forever
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