How to Systematize Your Business in Four Weeks (My Process)

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Nick Saraev
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Video Transcript:
hey I'm going to show you how to systematize your business in 4 weeks that is turn it from an unstructured and unreliable mess into a simple scalable and predictable source of income this is a proven road map takes about 20 hours to implement start to finish I followed it myself it's now made me over $100,000 per month in profit consistently for the last 5 months and you don't need to be a technology wizard you don't need to be a programmer it works for any business and I'm going to show you a bunch of options that'll
allow you to do it yourself for less than $100 that sounds good to you let's get into it all right first let me explain what I mean by 4 weeks over here and then 20 hours over here so I want to be clear you can technically do everything I'm about to show you in less than 20 hours or so for many of you particularly the more hardworking people amongst you that means two maybe three work days realistically but my recommendation for you is that you don't do not try and do it all at once the
reason why is because the economy has a lot of built-in leg now if you've ever played a video game before what happens when you click a button especially like these online video games is your character doesn't actually move right way right there's usually a little bit of a gap and it's usually maybe 50 milliseconds or so between when you choose to do something on your end and then when you see the output of the character on the other end now the market aka the economy aka the thing that you are competing in it works the
exact same way so if you try and do something now you're not going to see the results from that action for at least a little while in the future but those results are necessary for you to um see see the impact and then iterate accordingly if you really wanted to see the value of the changes that you're going to be making my recommendation is you wait a little while in between these changes instead of frontloading everything and then wiping your hands clean after two or three days like I see people do all the time follow
the four-week structure as I lay it out this is going to be a feedback loop you're going to make one change that change is going to free up a little bit of your bandwidth which is going to allow you to see a little bit further um that added distance is going to allow you to get away from some of the problems that you're you're you're currently facing and maybe look more towards better Revenue strategies um and this feedback loop is going continue and continue until eventually you have the systematized business that I talked about okay
so that's my recommendation take all that with a grain of salt here are the four steps that we're going to be following over the course of the next four weeks the first is we're going to productize the second is we're going to validate the third is we're going to use rainbow pen colors apparently and the fourth is we're going to scale no obviously that is automate it's probably one of the most important parts of the whole process but I'm going to run you through all of this right now um I do it uh I did
it for my own business over a thousand people that I'm currently coaching and Consulting with this part of my community offers do this all the time as well so the very first week is going to be all about productization if you don't know what productization is it is the process of turning what is previously you know an unstructured service skill or idea into a standardized repeatable and scalable offering the way you do this to make a long story short is you add uh three things you add a price you add a time constraint then you
also Define your service in terms of deliverables so the very first step in our four-week process is going to be taking the service or skill that you're already performing because I'm assuming you already have a business of some kind and then we're going to turn it into a standardized offer we're going to turn it from this vague you know sort of like amorphous shape and we're going to turn that into something pretty simple a square something that you could start stacking right and growing and building a good foundation of so uh what do these standardized
offers look like now I could spend days and a lot of people do I could spend days going through all the theory here I could spend days walking through it from like a bottom up perspective but honestly I I find the best way to just intuitively understand what good productization is is just to look at a ton of examples of it so here are uh what's this four different business models marketing and advertising Consulting and strategy designning creative services and coaching and education I'm just throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall here I just
want you guys to see in pattern match what a product eyes service looks like versus a service that maybe you're a little bit more familiar with which like a vague unstructured unreliable one so under marketing and advertising um you know the vast majority of people that do marketing advertising if I ask them to tell me about their business what they say is oh I help people with marketing now if you take that description of what you do forward and you try and give that to a customer you are leaving so much money on the table
it's not even funny I'll help you with marketing means nothing do you want to know what means something something that that actually um like a winning offer in the market it is a four-week Facebook ad campaign that will generate you a 100 qualified leads for $4,875 this over here on the left this is unstructured this sucks okay this over here on the right this is a structured scalable and productized offer and this is really what we should be going for as often as humanly possible so that's just a simple microcosm let's just go through a
bunch of examples here so that your brain can just sort of figure this out um I'll help you with SEO right no a better offer is hey I'm going to give you an SEO audit and keyword optimization road map that'll improve your s's ranking in six days or less for $1,985 this is clear it's extraordinarily exact it's easy for you to build it's easy for the customer to make the decision to buy and then be happy with it because they know everything that's going into it what's another example I'll help you with email marketing um
well no why don't we offer a five email sequence designed to convert 20% more leads into paying customers for $2,530 okay so we we're only done three here but I think you guys are already starting to catch the drift if I open up this Consulting and strategy tab you know there are a lot of people out there myself included that brand themselves as consultants right but there are a lot of people that also um they haven't really figured out a good consulting or or strategy offer they just brand themselves as people that like help you
with your strategy which to be honest is boring as hell so let's take a boring as hell offer and let's turn it into something that actually works how about I'll give you a 90-day road map that will double your Revenue through targeted growth strategies and it'll only cost you $3,500 or maybe I'll help you with sales no how about a two-e review and redesign of your sales funnel to increase close rates by 15% for $2,510 I'll help you enter a new market right Market entrance a market entry blueprint to establish your presence and secure 10
new clients within 6 months for $543 now now that I'm reading this out loud $543 for any sort of like New Market entrant you should probably add a couple of zeros depending on the size of your of your audience the type of business but I'm hoping you guys are now starting to see the point let's move on to design and creative services are you just a logo designer that designs logos no you're somebody that offers a logo design with three unique Concepts and two rounds of revisions to Define your brand that costs you $1,200 okay
do you just build websites no you don't just build websites your offer is a five-page WordPress website built in two weeks that showcases your brand and generates leads for $3,000 do you create brand identities no you don't what you do is you offer brand identity packages including logo color palette typography guidelines to position he was a market leader and he charged 3,500 bucks for that all right I hope you guys are starting now to really get it let's move on to the last section which is coaching and education this is sort of more or less
like what I do this is part of my offer with maker school and makemoney withm and my other products so uh it's near and dear to my heart how many people say stuff like I will Coach you to improve your business spoiler alert like all of them what they should be saying is hey I'm offering a four-week business coaching program to implement three Key Systems and increase efficiency by 30% for $2,000 now I should note that this efficiency here metric this only means something if uh you know the customer is aware of what it
is generally want to stay away from relative metrics unless it's very abundantly obvious what that means so maybe in this case you know if you are some I don't know manufacturing coach then that makes sense if you're not you might want to stay away from language like this I'll teach you sales techniques no a six session sales Mastery Program to help you close 10 New Deals within the next quarter for $1,500 I'll help you improve productivity no I'm not going to do that what I'm going to do is I'm goingon to offer you a three-week
productivity Workshop to cut Wasted Time by 20% which you need to Define ahead of time and free up 10 hours a week for $10,000 or $1,000 okay I hope you guys Now understand the vibe behind productization um as I uh you know as I hope it's clear you could spend all day trying to figure out exactly how to build this for yourself or you can just look at a bunch of examples and pattern match what it means to be product ised versus not the vast majority of businesses that I consult with they start here they
start with stuff like I'll help you with your strategy I'll help you with your sales I'll help you with your marketing by the end of my programs and basically you know any any consultant worth their salt um there'll be somewhere over here hey I'm going to give you something with a defined time window defined deliverables defined outcomes defined cost um and ideally it would be like a defined uh a defined timeline I'm going to give it to you within 48 Hours 72 hours 3 weeks 5.5 months before February the 19th right so that's from a
highle pattern match view let me now that we understand what that means go into the the process or the step by- step that I want you to implement this week in order to get your business product ized so the very first thing we need to do is we just need to define whether our service is a one-time business or it's an ongoing business now is your service a one-time deliverable like are you currently offering you know a template a download or maybe an info product or are you doing some sort of ongoing engagement which might
look like a recurring service maybe some sort of monthly call maybe some sort of weekly ad campaign maybe some sort of like monthly copywriting if it's one time what you want to do is just follow all of these steps once whereas if it's ongoing I recommend you have some sort of recurring interval like a weekly or a monthly cycle where you just repeat this process okay so this is number one define whether your service is one time or ongoing the second thing you need to do is you need to identify your deliverables now a lot
of people sort of misunderstand what a deliverable is so let me make this abundantly clear a deliverable is what your client can see it's what they can touch it's what they can experience it's it's a thing that pops up in their email inbox it's the CRM that they use every day it's something that is tangible it's not some system it's not some like if you think about it if if you're selling some strategy your deliverable is not strategy your deliverable is a three-page strategy document okay um it's not the result you provide but it's the
tangible representation of your work it's the thing that people get it's the product here's some examples if you're a lead gen agency your deliverable is not just leads what your deliverable really is is it's a daily email with leads in it it's a weekly report with a list of leads in it or maybe it's an update to the client CRM which ideally you would have worked and and built for them um with a new record that says new lead How about if you're an advertising agency well your deliverable is not just ads what it is
is it's a weekly performance report it's a campaign summary it's a scheduled call to discuss progress right it's screenshots of the advertisements that you deliver if you're an automation agency this is going to be pretty clear and obvious for most of you that do automation stuff because I talk about it all the time but if you're an automator your deliverable isn't just systems what your system is is it's a zapier flow some sort of blueprint a template in nadn or it's a walkthrough video it's a monthly email with performance it's a regular check-in call
it's uh you know as I mentioned the CRM that you built for them it's the email that they get with their updates right these are all things that the customer actually gets they they you know I mean it's tough to say touch or feel or experience when we're dealing with virtual businesses like this but I want you to think what is the closest analog to like touching your feeling for most most people it's like an asset or it's a document okay so once you've identified your deliverables you should now have a little list in front
of you the next thing you need to do is you need to break down the tasks required to create those deliverables okay so what I always preach is starting from the end and then working our way backwards you don't start here if this is my little Rainbow start line and this is my little Rainbow end line you don't start here and then work your way U Back what you do in business is you actually start with your end result in mind and you work your way backwards from that and by doing so you get to
progressively Define how it is that you're going to create the business that you want you've you've identified your dream outcome and now we're just working back and be like okay assuming this is my dream outcome what do I actually need in order to do it um so assuming my dream outcome is not having a rainbow every time I draw something how do I do it I click that button up there uh here's an example if you wanted to deliver a weekly ad performance report the first step is we're starting at the end the weekly ad
performance report's in our hand so what did we do before that well we needed to generate the report so how do you generate the report well you need some ad performance data in order to generate the report right okay well if I you know in a hypothetical future I had some ad performance data how did get it well obviously I needed to run an ad campaign okay well how do I run an ad campaign Well I obviously need like the assets necessary to create an ad campaign okay so what's that keyword list ad copy creative
assets okay well how do I get those well obviously I need to research write and design okay well how do I do research writing and design if I don't know what I'm doing well I need to teach researching I need to learn writing I need to have some some guide that teaches me the design principles uh and so on and so on and so on and so forth you can break this down as arbitrarily deep as you want to I recommend going to about there um get to maybe the employee training level uh then stop
once you're at this point though you will have done more work than 99% of businesses ever have towards standardizing and proceduralized above and you need to determine the roles the job roles required to execute on these tasks so what do I mean by this well you know I was just talking about um ad copy right you know in order to create ad copy ideally you'd have some sort of copywriter or something this is a role in your business now I'm not saying that you need to hire people in order to do this step in fact
I hire very few people I don't usually recommend hiring people until you absolutely have to what I'm saying here is we're doing this hypothetical where if we were to hire somebody how would we do it and this is necessary for you to start thinking like uh like like like a like a like a process engineer as opposed to just somebody that does a service so ideally okay this is like the the ideal one right over here ideally one role would handle all the tasks because it makes Staffing really easy all you do is you get
the total number of projects then you get some threshold of you know when I hit 10 projects a month well now I just got to hire somebody else and they'll take me to 20 they'll take me to 30 40 and 50 but realistically what you'll probably need is you'll probably need some multiple roles if we go back up to the ad creative example before um sorry the ad uh you know the ad campaign example before like you're probably going to need like somebody to do the ad design right you're probably going to need a copywriter
to write it I'm not saying you have to you can certainly hire a split designer and copywriter but just be realistic as to the Quality you'll be able to get if you do so and how much money it might cost speaking of money that takes us the next step which is to estimate the cost to fulfill these deliverables so in order to make this work what you need to do is you need to calculate the internal cost of producing your deliverables by by considering number one flat fees for freelance or contract work to be abundantly
clear here if you wanted to um generate you know an an ad copy or something you need to pay somebody to do that if you're going to hire them right so um you know you could either pay somebody in one of two ways you could either go freelance rate which is per project or you could go hourly which might be you know four or five hours in order to do one they're pros and cons to both if you go flat fees and if you pay somebody like I don't know let's say $100 per design good
God thank you rainbows I just downloaded this um app uh specifically because I wanted to be able to annotate on these gamas CU I thought they'd be a lot more interesting and I just haven't really figured out to stop the rainbows yet um so you could either pay some $100 per design right or think about it you could pay them $20 an hour times maybe there's an average of like 3.5 hours so that might be a little bit cheaper right this is only 70 bucks the difference is this is like this is guaranteed so although
you're paying a little bit more money for flat work it's always guaranteed within the project budget usually guaranteed whereas this it might be 70 bucks in most instances but I don't know one out of every five times you might have this be um I don't know you just get a crappy designer your designer is having a bad day or something like that well maybe it takes them seven hours and you know one out of every X Y and Z designs is now 140 bucks right so this is just a determination you have to make yourself
usually if you work hourly usually if you um construct a business that is hourly and then you provide the person resources to help them do their job better and easier you can make a little bit of a multiple because it's going to cost you less money to get them to do the job because you've also sunk time and energy into creating resources and this isn't always accurate but yeah just wanted to give you guys some some some thought there so you need to estimate the cost to fulfill the deliverables right above we just created this
big deliverable list with all of the stuff that we need basically and then now what we need to do is just go line item by line item and just say okay this might cost me 200 bucks this might cost me 300 bucks this might cost me 400 bucks how do you actually go about doing doing this in practice my recommendation is just log on to upwork or Fiverr or one of these freelance platforms and just see what sorts of averages people are charging for the sorts of services that they're providing then multiply that by like
1.25 just so that you know you're never uh you're never lying to yourself odds are things are going to be a little bit more money than you expect this way you'll at least have a little bit of a buffer room in case they are and now we get to my favorite part which is where you actually calculate the internal cost of what your product is going to cost and then you know you price it so here's the really cool part of a product isation people typically don't don't um touch on because we are now standardizing
the output you actually get to set your own margins so you get to set your own margins in business you don't have to be like hey man how much are your margins for your business and they're like oh I don't know it's like 25% it's like no my margins are exactly 75% because that's how I price my services and that's exactly how much money I know it's going to cost me law of large numbers if you average it out in order to fulfill it so never again are you going to have these Mickey Mouse situations
where you go over budget or you have to pay your business back here's how to do it first you just need to add up all the costs to determine your big internal cost just go down that spreadsheet or wherever you're writing it down just add up all the deliverables per project and then just use this formula right here it's internal cost divided by and then in Brackets 1 minus the desired profit margin let me show you guys a quick example this isn't like a magical formula I'm just sort of logically doing this if your internal
cost is a th000 bucks okay so let's write this $1,000 and you want a gross profit margin of 80% okay so I'm going to go divided by one minus in order to represent 80% as a number it's always 0.8 if you think about it what happens here 1 - 0.8 is 0.2 1,000 divided by 0.2 well this is like 1/5 right so it's the same thing as just multiplying this by five so if you bring this out that means that your price for your service is going to be $55,000 now you know how much to
price although my recommendation is don't ever price a flat $5,000 like this don't do 5,000 10,000 15,000 always varied a little bit um you know have I don't know call this $496 uh your conversion rate on all offers where you have like specific pricing like this will will always be higher almost always than if you just do like a flat price don't ask me why it's just human psychology okay and then for the last step you're just going to want to write a oneline sales pitch for the new product we just created so we have
everything else you need sorry we have everything that we need in order now to to to build this productized business and to take us into the next step of systematization all you're going to do now is you're going to take that vague service that you do before and I want you to write it out like you did before and then after and then um change it into something extraordinarily specific add a um a recommended or estimated result here this is going to be your guarantee it's what you're going to use in order to sell your
onetime offer um you know the most about your product or service so you'll be able to say you know like a like a timeline the specific elements of what it is that you are doing um and then you know obviously we just the math on cost you should have this so here's what you now have at the end of this lovely journey and we will go back to Rainbow because that's fun you'll have a clear deliverable it's easy to sell and fulfill you'll have a mapped out process for creating that deliverable you'll have defined roles
and costs for delivery and you'll also have a profitable price point that supports your business goals this is how you do it this is how every major business that's just printing money right now has constructed their product not like a vague I'll help you with marketing I'll help add leads to your pipeline I'll help do this but as hey I'm gonna I'm gonna sell you a four-week Facebook ad campaign that's going to generate you 100 qualified leads it's going to cost you 4,965 bucks okay great now that we know this let's move on to the
next step again I highly recommend you guys you guys can watch this video at once and that's fine but when you're actually following this process when you're rewatching in the future or something like that um take it one week at a time do week one after you're done go to your calendar set a 7-Day weight period before week two see how these changes to your business have gone see how it feels to pitch a new product eyes Service as opposed to one that might have been vague or something and then once you have that then
and then alone uh do I recommend that you move on to this next step so week one was about productization week two is about validation now what validation is is in a nutshell now that you have this amazing product I service what we have to do is we have to find a scalable lead generation channel that consistently delivers Roi which to be honest in my case just more of more or less involves throwing tactics at the wall and seeing what sticks now people will unfortunately do this backwards they will commit to a leaden channel before
they've proven that it's reliable or consistent for their product and then what they do is they they double triple quadruple down on this thing that just didn't really work to begin with and then it doesn't work so they get fed up when their marketing fails to produce good returns instead what I recommend what I've always done and what I preach is listen to your Market remember earlier how I said there's a little bit of lag in the market well this is why um I recommend you don't do all this once because you need that input
or output you need that time to pass before you can see how your uh results impact the market you can get data back from it and then use it to actually make like a data driven informed condition so uh the markets are the most objective indicator of success don't rely on opinions don't rely on what you've heard about a marketing channel from your friends don't rely on current trends what you want to rely on to be a business owner is stuff like capital investment cost cost per meeting booked cost per acquisition these dry sorts of
kpis these are the things that ultimately matter like even on a micro level you zoom out a bit me telling you all of this stuff is important don't get me wrong and you know I definitely provide more valuable content the majority of people on this platform I think at this point but I don't just want you to take all of this and take it as truth I want you to actually take the data I'm doing uh sorry take the recommendations I'm making go try them out for yourself and then see how the market reacts to
that data before you actually continue and double down and triple down on stuff you you have to believe stuff for yourself really and you have to validate something before it makes sense you to go all in on it so how do you do with this in practice well it's actually a lot easier than most people think you don't need complex stats you just need a bit of patience um you need the willingness to put yourself out there obviously this is big you need to be brave and you need to have an openness to exploring approaches
that you might not have considered viable you basically need like a certain amount of like non- judgmentalness to try different lead gen approaches like a good example is um upwork was one of the highest Roi lead gen approaches that I've ever tried especially for my automation business one thing for my writing business which we scaled to 92k a month but the um the the the leg gen um for my automation business was like crazy man the T the the cost per acquisition was like we're talking fraction 1100th or something like that of the amount of
money that we would make but you know before I started upwork I thought upwork was freelance territory I thought it was like oh that's where the noobs go that's not a real business it's like well had I continued having that thought now I would be several million dollar poorer and I'd be looking over at that person that's all high and and hottie on their um pedestal of think that upw work sucks right their closed-mindedness um and you know obviously I'm a lot better off for it now I guess is what I'm trying to say so
anyway very first thing I recommend you do is pick lead generation channels I recommend three over the course of the next week and I recommend you start them all at the same time in order to give yourself the best opportunity to extract data I recommend you run this for at least a week um like what I do in my program is I actually run this for a full month but I'm assuming that you just want to compress all this and obviously you know on YouTube people are looking for quick fixes and quick solutions to problems
so uh feel free to do this for a week here are a few common Le gen channels to test the first is cold email cold email is awesome especially when you draw arrows under it U my recommendation for cold email is because you can start it technically for Z all you need to spend is your time you can just send out emails yourself without having to pay anything it's also especially valuable in B2B and if you're willing to spend a little bit more money like I recommend in my programs you can quickly validate your products
plus however many offers you want um here's what you track you track open rates response rates booked calls and cost per lead so what I mean by this is you might sign up to a cold platform like instantly or something like smart lead inside of instantly and smart lead you have the opportunity to actually track all of the metrics that we're talking about right now so you send out your campaign and then what you do is you just look through on a daily basis um every time you send I don't know maybe 300 emails a
day what were the open rates what were the response rates and then when you actually end up booking uh calls what you do is you break down the cost of instantly on a monthly basis the cost of the leads you scrape it on a monthly basis by the way if you guys want ways to scrape leads just check out the other videos on my channel I talk all about scraping and and and so on and so forth and then what you do is you just you just run the math and you just have some some
rolling da daily total where you update this every 24 hours so that's uh lead gen channel number one lead genen channel number two which I'd recommend is paid ads paid ads um you know basically for those of us that don't know Google ads Facebook ads you can pay money to have your product or service shown to the people that you want my recommendation here is look for click-through rates conversion rates cost per lead ad spend Roi now I'm not a paid ads expert but I know that paid ads work I have a lot of people
in my network that use paid ads they print money with it so this is definitely something you're going to want to look into you're going to want to compare it to cold email and the other approaches that I'm going to talk about in a second to make your decision the third is upwork and similar platforms and I was just talking about it but a lot of people scoff at these freelance platforms despite the fact that if played well you can crush it and print money on them um the benefit here is if you're at the
start line you have clients that are actively looking for a service like yours they already know what their problem is which is very difficult I know what my problem is they know what their problem is they also know what their solution is because they're making a job post about it the only thing they're looking to to decide on is basically who they're going to pick for the product or service and so you don't actually have to do any work here you don't have to like tell them anything you don't have to do any work here
the only thing you have to do is you basically have to make yourself Stand Out relative to that last person um I'm at the end so uh yeah you know my recommendation there is track proposal sent proposals accepted closed deals and then ultimately the cost of acquisition the last thing I'm going to touch on very quickly is basically what I'm doing right now which is organic brand building that just refers to like creating content on platforms like YouTube um blogs LinkedIn that sort of stuff and obviously this just attracts inbound leads over time the stuff
that you track here is uh engagement so likes comments shares I look at this stuff every day I look at my likes I look at the engagement ratio I look at the down votes and that sort of stuff uh the amount of website traffic you're getting and then your inbound leads so you know keep in mind if you want to build a brand you're not going to be able to do in a week right I'm I'm just trying to give you guys some ideas here on various lead generation channels in reality there's like 10 times
as many you could post in communities you could um do like ma direct mail-in ads you could um I don't know run some sort of brand awareness thing to a newsletter that then upsells people there are a variety of ways to generate you go door to door like I used to go door to door 50 to 100 Doors a day or 50 to 80 doors a day on average uh you do cold calls right the point I'm making is pick three that you think is going to work that you think are going to work and
then just test them against each other and then yeah you know just to be abundantly clear here and it doesn't look like I um added new lines here but no channel is going to work perfectly out of the gate definitely adjust your approach like for cold email you know refine subject lines improve your targeting improve your audience for paid ads Test new creatives audiences platforms upwork optimize your proposals and pitch and then for organic you're going to want to double down on formats and topics that generate the most engagement you're also going to want to
double down on how to draw a straight line by the end of this week um you should know or at least have more than like I don't know 30% uh choice um validity of which lead generation channel has the most potential to scale and which ones to drop when I did this for myself I ran this for a lot longer but I also tested substantially more channels like I tested something like 10 different lead generation channels for my own automation agency I probably did that over the course of like fiveish sixish months and I did
not do it in anywhere near as a directed mechanism as I'm as I'm offering to you guys right now it wasn't until very recently that I've sort of taken the the mindset as like uh like I'm basically like a scientist okay I consider myself a scientist I have 10 different uh variables here I have Legion channel number 1 2 3 4 5 then I just compare them based off cost per Acquisitions I compare them based off of you know which one has the highest lifetime customer value and and so on and so forth so my
recommendation for you guys would be to treat it the same okay so the second thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to allocate resources obviously um what I mean by that is after picking these lead genen channels you're going to need to create a resource allocation plan so how much money are you going to spend money and time wise on each if one of your channels is cold email which I currently recommend for instance you might 1,000 emails per day for 7 days which is 7,000 emails total right make these
determinations ahead of time they're not easy if you don't really know what you're doing but um experiment as quickly as possible if you wanted to do that you know we'd start at the end what's our end goal 1 th000 emails per day okay great how many is that going to be over seven days 7,000 okay so how many emails can I send a day per mailbox AK how many mailboxes do I need to buy maybe about 30 how much is it going to cost 90 bucks what are some services that maybe we can bring that
down cheap inboxes then how much is the software for this cold email sending going to cost 90 bucks for instantly just just just start at the end and work your way backwards if you don't know anything about a lead genen Channel you are going to have to learn a sufficient amount to where you can execute a campaign on said platform you don't need to be great at it um you don't need to be an expert you just need to be good enough uh what I'll usually do is consult with tons of companies that throw together
an email campaign and then I'll be like hey how long did it take you to do this they'll be like I don't know an hour and a half they run it for a month and then they make you know over 10K or something like that so the amount of time and energy it actually takes to get up and running with this super low um you just need to have defined cut offs for what constitutes enough right you need to know basically ahead of time how much am I going to be sending how many dollars am
I going to be spending on ads and so on and so forth otherwise you'll just you know waste all of your money uh then obviously experiment quickly and then ultimately perform a retrospective retrospectives are my favorite part of my program it's basically where you get all of the results that we just you know spend all this time energy sweat blood tears and money compiling and then we just lay them all out in front of us and we just make a very objective determination okay based off these numbers which one here is actually the best let
alone what I think is the best leave that alone what I care about is what is actually the best what do the numbers tell me um what should I be doubling down on logically if I want to make a ton of money so that's my Approach for validation and um I now validate every business that I work with I have them run tests like this in order to determine the highest Roi stuff and I never insert my own opinions into these things I never say you should do this because it's good I say you should
try this and then compare it against other approaches because I'm a scientist right the third week now we're moving into practical applications of this Le gen funnel that we've set up as well as product or service line that we've you know just productized so this is sort of the the big thing that I think a lot of people are drawn to this this notion of automation but not where this is happening this is in the third week okay we just spent two full weeks getting to this point we just spent more than half of the
entire uh task or half of the entire exercise before we even started thinking about automating so many people automate early I don't want that to be you guys there's no use spending time and energy building some sort of automation infrastructure until you know what it is that you're going to automate so anyway if you've productized that's kind of check and then you also have a reliable lead generation Channel now all that growth is is it's the amount of money that's coming in times your return on investment and then this cycle just plays out with some
sort of lag right so you know money in time Roi equals money out okay good let's do that again maybe it takes us two weeks we put in double the amount of money we receive four times the result okay great let's go in now that's two another two weeks we eight times the amount of money right now once you have this system all you need is time so I'm at this point with my business all I need is time basically time and I just repeat the same thing over and over and over and over again
I in my business just Grows Right This is what basically everybody that's that's made it big does and you know like whether your growth graph looks like this or maybe whether it kind of looks like more like this I mean this is more realistic obviously it's kind of like what everybody's growthcraft looks like um but whatever it is you just know that as long as you continue doing the same boring thing you'll eventually achieve some massive result that is if you can fulfill it so the cavate being is well I can grow infinitely in the
front end right but what do I actually do once I get the client we obviously need to be able to fulfill them in some capacity we need to be able to do the thing that we promised to them and then that's what automate is is all about that's where automate comes in okay so what usually happens honestly is like companies will do this and then they'll be like oh crap we actually need to like fulfill the service that we told people we would and then people get really pissed off and they're like you suck and
then they kind of go down like this so you know so far we've kind of made it halfway here right we made it to well I mean ideally we wouldn't have made it here we made it to like this part here so now the question is how do we just continue this growth trajectory up as opposed to you know kind of get stuck in that dead zone or that that plat so okay so what automation allows you to do is it just allows you to add more to your Revenue ceiling so that instead of it
happening you know like over here right um maybe you start to have that Plateau a little bit later maybe a few weeks or months after so the actual process looks like this first you rigorously log your own work the reason why is because you are the business owner and if you are the business owner historically 99.9% of the time the bottleneck is you might not necessarily be you you like the number of phone calls you could do per day or something like that but but but it's still you I mean you're the person that has
the authority and leverage in order to make business development decisions you're the person that you know ultimately hires and sets culture for your team you're the person that determines what is worthwhile to automate or not so at the end of the day you're the bottleneck what we need to do is we need to start by relieving pressure on you and by doing so we relieve pressure on the rest of the business and then let you grow so um I am a big fan of logging my recommendation for you and everybody that I coach and consult
with is you do this the same process it's worked wonders for me it's worked wonders for a lot of other people too uh get a work Journal okay that can be physical that can be digital if it's physical that's like a little paper notebook if it's digital that's just a Google sheet if you're doing the ladder pin it to your browser like literally go and take turn off The annotation tool then pin this somewhere to your browser and just always have it open it's going to be necessary in order to continue with the process uh
because you're you're always going to want to have it accessible then just set a timer and make that timer go off every 30 minutes I recommend going off every 30 minutes on the dot um just in case you guys have like calls or something like that that way you can wait for the timer to go up before you start said call um this is obviously a little bit intrusive like if you're in the middle of a call or some a process like me recording a video where you need uh not to have these interruptions obviously
you take this with a grain of salt you don't necessar need to have this timer go off audibly you can have it vibrate in your pocket or whatever but the point that I'm making is just have something that goes off and what this is is this in the The Biz in the lingo this is called an intention trigger and what an intention trigger is is it just forces you to stop barreling down this torrential River that is your life and to actually just stop and say okay like where am I going what am I doing
is this valuable so what you do is you log the previous 30 minutes of your time and you say hey I was just doing this so when your timer Rings you're going to log this into your work Journal you're going to do this several days for best results my recommendations do this for at least three days because you tend to have like different sorts of structures to your days if you anticipate that the days that you are doing it are not the days that you're the most busy wait until the days that you're the most
busy um what you're going to want to do at the end of this process is you're basically going to have several days worth of a comprehensive list of tasks that you do on a daily basis right can have some big Google sheet or some big mle skin bounded notebook or something like that just going to have entry after entry after entry what you want to do is you want to take all of the unique entries here all the different things that you do and tabulate it and turn it into a big comprehensive list and this
is like that is that's what Nick does that's Nick's role in the business whole thing like I don't know when he does it I don't know how he does it but that's just every one of these items this is what Nick does in order to keep this business running okay and this is really really important once you have this we're going to do a prioritization uh exercise now what we're going to do is we're going to take these these these tasks which you know might be this massive massive list and we're going to turn them
into three categories okay the first category is going to be unnecessary so these are tasks you do not need to be doing AKA they are complete and utter waste of time the second category is necessary but automatable these are tasks that are necessary to do but probably don't require imun being or tasks that you think maybe you could use systems to take most of the the the stress off of then the last category is necessary and unomat now these are tasks that are necessary they're difficult they're very high leverage for you to do yourself okay
so I know this sounds really easy in practice actually doing it can be a little bit tricky actually determining what is necessary and what isn't so my rule of thumb for you is the necessary but un automatable tasks they usually have to do with you directly producing Revenue this is usually stuff like especially between zero to maybe 50k a month or so sales calls this is stuff like responding to some emails personally yourself not with some autoresponder bought this is going to be stuff like um building out uh I don't know some like high leverage
High Roi client projects or something clients that are paying you just a ton of money right these are things that they don't you can't really automate yourself and they're they're sort of necessary and ultimately they just add to what we care about here and why we're in business in the first place which is you know money so for all tasks labeled unnecessary okay these you're just going to want to block remove or delete permissive services so this is gone now we don't have any more of these unnecessary tasks okay we've just removed them from our
life what I mean by um delete permissive Services I just mean like what you'll find when you do this consistently assuming you actually do and you don't lie to yourself like lot of people do is you'll have a big list of tasks that'll say work stuff this other work thing this other work thing 30 minutes browsing Facebook completely pointlessly other work thing other work thing um you know I paced around my room like a lion waiting for his prey for 45 minutes you're just going to have a bunch of stuff that just doesn't really add
anything so what you want to do because these are unnecessary and we're removing them um especially if they're like social media platforms or something you're going to want to uh provide some sort of like blocker or you're going to want to like delete the the app or something basically provide yourself a little bit of friction so that like you just never feel tempted to do it again is there a TV in your office or something literally like lift the TV up and put it in another room now if you want to watch TV you at
least have to get up move to the other room and do it is there you know I don't know is there like Foods or I don't know 15 20 30 minutes of the time that you would otherwise be spending working just you eating food or tortilla chips or something well get rid of those you know so these do nothing to your bottom line logically we should just get the hell we should get them out of here next up we have the necessary but automatable tasks in instances like this you're going to want to um list
their steps so sort of like how we did the deliverable breakdown before you're going to want to list the steps of these necessary but automatable tasks and then just use Simple no code tools like maker zap here or NAD although naden could be a little bit trickier if you're not up and running with code already um to to start automating them so these are very simple no code platforms basically what I mean here is like let's say one of the necessary but automatable tasks is I don't know like categorizing your invoices this is pretty common
one categorizing receipts categorizing invoices um you know typically you like sign on you'll have all these invoices all day and like your accountant will have told you oh you need to drag those into a folder for me or something well you can actually automate these right like you know most of the services you're working with most of the services you're working with when they deliver you receipt will say receipt in the subject line you could very easily just make an automation that just like every time a new email comes in with the term receipt in
it or invoice in it you label it and then you give your accounted access to everything that's labeled right like that that part is in rocket science look for tasks like these okay ones that are mostly administrative in nature ones that don't really drive a lot of value and then just learn a little bit of make zap here or these other no code tools this will Empower you to solve not just this problem but every instance of future problems um if you always send out onboarding emails after client signs your proposal you can automate it
in like 15 minutes if you have some sort of standardized flow for a lot of stuff and most of it is just like stuff that you do again and again and again and again without any changes um automate the hell out of it with this with these tasks from there for all tasks labeled necessary and una automatable you're going to want to build personal systems that enable you to do them as often as possible what do I mean by personal systems I mean habits Partners accountability groups stuff that allows you to do more of these
things because these things are what ultimately drive your Revenue an example for me is make videos so I built habits Ironclad I should say Partners people that I check in with on a daily basis and then accountability groups people that I compare myself to constantly in order to improve the likel that I do the thing that I want to do that I know drives me Revenue the you know these are sort of like actual system systems up here like these are like um I don't know kind of think of these as automations right up here
but these down here these are almost like I don't know these are like psychological mechanisms these are things that like I don't know it's it's you systematizing yourself basically and that's how I see it and that's how I've always operated um you know if you have a lever that gives you a little bit a little bit of additional money you're going to want to click that lever as often as human or pull that lever as often as humanly possible your only job as a business owner is just finding a way to do this over and
over and over and over and over and over again um so that's ultimately what you know my recommendation is to you as well find a way to just do necessary and unom una automatable tasks eight hours a day and then you know do everything else like a minute a day okay and then after that what you're going to want to do is you're obviously going to want to automate your your actual product I service it's one thing when you are the the bottleneck in a business um and you know we just talked about how to
automate the the bottleneck part um but now we need to actually automate the service delivery right that's going to help a lot up here this is going to help even more so once we've streamlined our own time it's just time to turn to automating the rest of our product eyes Services these May overlap with the former if you're doing a lot of client fulfillment AK if you have few or no staff my recommendation is I'd still recommend you go through this process in depth okay here's how to actually automate product IED Services a lot of
people don't know this but um you can automate uh the vast majority of the the work that you do on a daily basis for client fulfillment you just have to be a little bit smart about it even if it's like more creative first you take all the step-by-step guides that we created before okay then you ask yourself can a machine do 80% or more of this if properly instructed if you're like most digital businesses the answer is yes let me give you an example using our ads if you were to try and you know sell
this productized ad service you can actually automate the production of copy you can automate the production of headlines you can automate the production of body text you can automate the production of creatives you can do the same thing with backgrounds you do the same things with assets right it's just a matter of putting these pieces together into way that makes sense now you also might not be able to automate these steps fully that's fine and that's why we went for 80% instead of 100% you know like maybe instead of it being All or Nothing totally
mutually exclusive what what a machine does is it doesn't do the whole thing it gets you 80% of the way there and then it just delivers you a draft for you to QA right or you know you have like instead of one add uh background or something the machine generates 10 and now your job isn't creating it now your job is just picking it look for little hacks like this this is super high leverage and ask yourself if you can template stuff because if you can you're going to go a lot farther and then lastly
if a step is not automatable ask yourself how you might optimize it could you reconstruct your consultations for instance to take less time or prep work you know could you pre-record lectures or build a different way to do the same thing let me show you guys a very quick example I was looking for uh you know like some consulting services for tax there's this guy here his name is Christopher Herman I hope I'm not or Kristoff Herman I hope I'm not but your name bro but um essentially I was looking for somebody to talk to
about this problem and there were a lot of very highp paying high leverage consultations right where people like Chris would answer all kinds of questions related to um you know immigration saving taxes uh you know minimizing government um involvement in my finances and stuff like that but you know if you think about it from his perspective you know he books a 90-minute consultation how much money can he make per 90 minutes I don't know maybe like a th000 bucks an hour I don't actually know his pricing maybe it's like a th000 bucks or something for
the 90 minutes so how many 90-minute consultations you really do a day like five meaning Chris as much money as this is will never make more than $5,000 a day AKA $100,000 a month if he keeps doing this so what this guy did is he created a productized version of his Consulting offer with very well-defined constraints that he's calling messenger Consulting so even interested parties who can't afford a consultation can still pick up some professional tips from from Kristoff so he has a free package he has a multivoice message package for 500 then he has
like a mega multivoice message package for 7008 uh 800 or a thousand and basically what happens is you just ask this guy a ton of questions in writing and then on his own time he goes and he just like answers them through like voice message so it's almost like he's leaving a voicemail now instead of being on a scheduled call why is this great for Chris well if you think about it like now he no longer needs to be at a specific place at a specific time in order to make money he can make money
anywhere he is he can make money on a beach chair for Christ's sake there's no video component to it he can do so while he's I don't know crusty as hell early in the morning before he showered Kristoff's life has made has been made so much easier because he's no longer confined to sort of the Synchro synchronous sort of living not to mention this guy probably works people all over the world with like crazy ass time zones anyway so this this for instance is an example of a very good approach good job rainbow Chris um
and it's something that you guys can do if you just think outside the box a little bit um for your own services so that's week three we've now made it 75% of the way over to our four uh step or four-week roadmap to systematizing your business the very last thing we need to do is now we have all of the elements of a successful and scalable business all we have to do now is scale it so um we now have a product I service we now have a profitable highi lead gen Channel we also have
a streamline workflow personally and then a semi-automated or fully automated service and it's okay if it's um you know it's okay if it's semi-automated totally fine you know the vast majority of services are my service is still semi-automated for instance that's okay the goal ideally in a perfect role would be fully automated but we can't we can't get there um in most instances once you have all of this basically your your your job is you know if this is my little lever your job is just pulling this thing as fast as humanly possible it is
pulling you know Taste the Rainbow Man pull it pull it pull it pull it pull it build systems build robots that enable you to pull this thing faster shift you know clock in and out with people that can pull it while you're resting or whatever all we really care about is scaling now now I can't overstate the importance of this because tons of people leave money on the table they'll find something that works but then because of the built-in human bias towards minimizing risk over maximizing upside they will leave so much of their money on
the table it's crazy this risk minimization stuff is sort of like a byproduct of our survival whatever you want to call evolutionary Heritage or just like the way that human beings are um my recommendation for you is consciously debias this by investing large amounts of time or money into your now profitable lead generation Channel what I mean is let's say you're making a 2.5x y on all this stuff that's actually really good if your service is completely REM mostely automated take 80% of your profits in one month and just reinvest it directly back into the
2.5x ROI generator okay if you do that every single month you're going to be growing twice uh literally twice as fast if month one you're making $11,000 you'll make $2,000 then you'll make $4,000 you'll make $8,000 and apparently your bar lines will get fatter as well I mean like within six months you'll be at I don't know what's that two race the six or something like that my math ain't so good I know 1632 you'll be making you'll be making a ton of money I can't tell you how long I spent with extraordinarily profitable offers
we're talking like like like 20x Roi offers not only on my time but on the money money where I had all of the elements of something that I could very easily have made over $10 million I don't know $100 million with but then I just let time pass week by week month by month not reinvesting most of my earnings into said business not really pouring gasoline on this amazing fire that I cultivated for reasons that I couldn't really explain and you know when you can't really explain something when you don't really know why something happens
that's kind of a blind spot and generally speaking I you know my recommendation for people that are watching this video that have had similar sit ation is try and figure out what the hell exists in that blind spot most of the time it's not really you consciously or intentionally making a decision not to put money in your business it's you just going with the flow try not to go with the flow uh you know contrary to most people's opinion I don't like going with the flow this is my beautiful rainbow River or rainbow road baby
it's Mario Kart um try to to like ask yourself hey am I going in the direction that I want right like if you think about it this River the super optimized River it might be really fast to go down okay and then maybe like I don't like the land on both sides isn't I really should have used blue but sometimes you're actually going to want to get off outside of the river and like walk to your location even if uh it takes you three or four times the amount of time right now because at least
then you're going the place you want to go you're not just going where like the current of businesses is taking you okay so yeah anybody can do this just a matter of time and energy and um you know if you guys like the content check out maker school where I show people how to do this just in the context of an automation business and then if you already have a business that's making money and join maker makemoney withm it's sort of my higher level Community where I talk specifically about how to do more of
like the scaling productizing implementation and higher level stuff really really glad that you guys stuck with me for the full length of the video appreciate it if you have any questions or anything like that feel free to drop them below as I'm sure I've mentioned to you guys before I take most of my questions at this point from audience members especially the ones that stay at the end so just drop them down below video suggestions down below as well anything that you guys want to hear me talk more about I'm happy to um otherwise if
you if you guys could do me a big Sol and just like subscribe do all the fun YouTube stuff that gets me to the top of the algorithm and I'll catch you on the next video thanks so much
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