The Bible Explains WAY More About Race and Racism Than People Realize...

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Answers in Genesis Canada
In this presentation, Calvin Smith, the Executive Director of Answers in Genesis–Canada, looks to th...
Video Transcript:
I constantly keep hearing about this term systemic racism there's a system that teaches racism there is it's called the public school system teaching the story of evolution is fact and science if we were to look at the Bible and ask this question of how many races are there well let's go to scripture 1 Corinthians 15:45 says so it is written the first man Adam became a living being okay there was a first man and Genesis 3:28 says Adam named his wife Eve because she would become the mother of all the living hm acts 17:26 from
one man he made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth are we getting a clue as to how many races there are on the planet just with what we've seen here so far how many races are there there's one race the human race because were all descended eventually back down to our original parents Adam and Eve when the Human Genome Project was finishing up in 2000 here was a conclusion from the study where it said scientists at the National Institutes of Health recently announced they put together a draft of the entire
sequence of the human genome and the researchers had unanimously declared there's only one race the human race isn't that interesting that science finally caught up with the Bible where did Cain get his wife then if we all come from two people you see there's two objections built into here in order to answer these two we're going to look at Biblical history and we're going to look a little bit at science let's look at the concept of DNA itself DNA is constantly replicating it's constantly making copies of itself but unfortunately we live in a sin cursed
world so like everything else wearing out like a garment it doesn't copy perfectly if you inherit half your DNA from Mom and half from Dad one of them has a bad Gene the Machinery usually knows to express the good one but the closer related you are to somebody more chance you have the same defect and you get two mutated genes the Machinery can only choose from that and that's when you get big problems you marry someone closely related to you you could have severe birth defects before the fall there would have been no mutations why
would there be errors in the first two people that God had created everything's very good there's no problems with DNA but very quickly of course we know about the count of the Fall that's where sin and the curse happens and over the next extended period of time mutations are going to start to build up in the human genome they're not just going to flood in even today we get incremental additions of mutations and overtime over time overtime mutations increase to the point where 2500 years after the creation that's where we get God mandating in his
law that there will be no more close intermarriage from that point on but previous to that close intermarriage is normal likely because the mutation rate hadn't reached the point where it was going to be a problem if you married someone closely related to you or not see in the beginning these two objections wouldn't have been an objection I mean would there have been a problem marrying someone closely related to you no and how about the law who gets to make the law folks God not us that law was instituted much further on down the road
so Cain likely married a sister if you're going to get the human population off the ground with two people you're going to have to marry a close relative we're all related here today now people will say yeah but C don't I can see different races right they look at an audience like this is but I can see different races where do we get our different shades of skin color well it's actually very complicated but we know one factor is melanin and to just keep it simple let's say we've got an A type melanin and a
b type melanin let's say you get the uppercase a gene remember you get inhered half from Mom half from Dad so let's say you've got the big a uh Gene that's going to produce lots of that type of melanin but if you got the little a that just produces a little amount of melanin the same with the a or the B type so when you start to think of the combinations you could get you start to see how you could get different skin colors based on different combinations so if we can imagine what Adam and
Eve might have been like like what would their skin shade have been we would say they were probably medium brown skin shade because they would have had an equal balance of that big a little a big b little B collection this is they called them the rainbow family in the article I I saw in the Daily Mail and you can see dad's got very dark skin and mom's got very light skin look at the kid it's like a color gradient from light to dark and dark to light isn't that interesting just based on what they
inherited from Mom and Dad here's another example I want you to imagine you see these two gals walking on the street and they're chatting with each other most people would look at them and say oh yeah they're two different races they're actually twin sisters same mom same dad how could they possibly be two different races if they have the same mom and the same dad folks we're all just variations of the same color there's not different colors there just more or less of the same stuff we're all One race one blood exactly what the scripture
says which means if you're a Biblical creationist and you're logical you can't be racist cuz who would you be racist against is that not a unifying message from the word of God of course it's not just skin color that people try to define race we get different eye shapes and all sorts of variations within the humankind what's interesting though is in all the people groups we see around the world we always see every now and then a combination where in this people group we usually see this eye type or this skin shap but over here
we see oh yeah and it shows up for example this lady here from Africa what's the first thing you notice well except for the pipe she's got Asian looking eyes but she's from Africa the concept of racism is completely non-biblical and it has no basis in reality now it is true that we see these specific people groups all around the world does the bible give us any insight as to how that might have happened absolutely we can look at Genesis 11 talking about the Tower of Babel now the whole world had one language and a
common speech as men moved Eastward they found a plane in shinar and settled there so they all speak the same language at this point in history okay Genesis 11:4 then they said come let us build ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the the whole earth again this is in Rebellion to God's word Genesis 11:5 to7 but the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building the Lord said
if as one people speaking the same language they' begun to do this then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other the Lord scattered them from Over the Earth and they stopped building the city that's why it was called bab because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world from there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth I mean if somehow miraculously right now you group of people could only speak one language
and you group of people could only speak one language etc etc etc who are you going to start marrying if you can only communicate with a certain group of people you're going to start marrying people from that group that you can understand scientists know that if you take any large group of freely interbreeding creatures and you separate them somehow geographically or through different means you start getting specific physical traits in that group because they can't inner breed and get more of the variation so when we think about that apply to the Tower of Babel you
can see that as these languages get separated from each other and they start traveling around the world we get these specific traits and that's how we explain the different people groups not different races same race One race the human race with variation but don't we see variation within all the kinds created on the planet if we had a dog show would all the dogs look the same no I'm not comparing people to dogs by the way but all the creatures have variation if you guys ever watched European soccer and the cameras are panning the crowds
and one of the dark skinned players runs out on the field and sometimes the cameras go up and you see some of the white fans and they're going that's pretty racist isn't it yeah why is it racist to make monkey noises towards somebody with darker skin where did where did that concept come from right there where dark skinned hairy Apes turn into Caucasian black people turn into white people and the further down the rung you are the less evolved you are that is racist to the core and almost every child in the west has seen
that diagram promoted even Giants in the evolution Community like Steven J Gould openly admitted it he said biological Arguments for racism may have been common before 1859 but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory as an atheist and an evolutionist he admitted that when he mentions that date 1859 he's talking about when Darwin published Origin of Species he talked about the law of natural selection survival of the fittest right and he didn't talk too much about human Origins but he did touch upon it and said in the distant future light
will be shown on the or of man in his history and then he wrote another book called The Descent of Man now look what he wrote in that book talking about human evolution supposedly he said at some future period not very distant as measured by centuries the Civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the Savage races at the same time the anthropomorphous Apes that's the Apes that look like people will no doubt be exterminated the break between man and his nearest allies will be wider even than the Caucasian and some ape as
low as a baboon instead of now between the Negro or the Australian and the gorilla do you see what he started to do he started to categorize things right we got apes and then we got Apes that look like people and then we got Negroes and we got Caucasians and and he started to rank races along an evolutionary scale and this started in a sense to get codified in science matter of fact the same year he published The Descent of Man Thomas Oxley was known as Darwin's Bulldog he championed Darwinism as an atheist he said
no rational man cognizant of the facts believes that the average negro is the equal still less the superior of the white man hoxley described whites as bigger brained and smaller jawed racist to the core they'd abandoned the authority of the word of God and of course we started to see things like this this is odaba this is a man who was put in a zoo in America here as a missing link again you can look up the research by 1907 Scientific American was now describing pygmies this way the person personal appearance characteristics and traits of
the Congo Pygmies say they're small aplike elfish creatures and then biology textbooks here in your country started describing the races along a scale this is by 1914 here in your country this is a very popular Biology book in the school system and they identified five races of man Ethiopian Malay American Indian Mongolian and finally the highest type of all the Caucasians represented by the Civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America you can actually go to YouTube and you can see some of the Nazi propaganda films that they use to lace these racist ideas to accomplish
what they accomplished during the Holocaust here's one of the quotes from one of those videos that says all weak living things will perish in nature in the last few decades mankind has sinned frightfully against the law of natural selection we haven't just maintained life Unworthy of Life we've even allowed it to multiply sometimes they would show Jewish people with mental disabilities and they'd show rat scaring and they made it into people's heads like look at these vermin we've got to get rid of though I'm not saying evolution is the root problem behind this you know
what the root problem is folks it's sin sinful mankind latches on to bad ideas to justify their sinful Behavior I constantly keep hearing about this term systemic racism there's a system that teaches racism there is it's called the public school system teaching the story of evolution is fact and science Genesis 127 said God created man in his own image in the image of God he created them male and female he created them we're image bearers All of Us One race the human race we've got atheism rising in our cultures all over the world I know
in Canada we do why is that because it's constantly being drilled into people's minds as a matter of fact in 2004 an anti-god series called testing God that was the name of the series and in one particular episode called killing the Creator the narrator says but why have we turned out the way we are once we believed we were unique blessed with a soul and lovingly created by God In His Image today Evolution says we're just a product of natural select ction the descendants of primitive bacteria not the children of God you think that affects
the way people think folks think about University what are you doing when you go to university you're studying the unity in diversity that's what university is now years ago in our universities the unifying Factor was the Creator God of the Bible so if you studied medicine you shall not administer an abortive medicine to that child because it's created in the image of God today what's the unifying message evolution is fact get rid of spare catch you get rid of spare kids it's not really etc etc I don't know about you but you know what I
do when I get a lot of bacteria in my house on my counters I wipe it out and there's a lot of people on this planet today that believe that there's a lot of people that need to get wiped out population reduction Etc the evolutionists know how damaging the story of evolution is to the biblical worldview this is taken from a debate where we've got a Christian supposedly defending the scripture but he actually believes God used Evolution to create and the atheists said the most devastating thing that biology did to Christianity was the discovery of
biological evolution now that we know that Adam and Eve never were real people the central myth of Christianity is destroyed if there never was an Adam and Eve there never was an original sin if there never was an original sin then there's no need of Salvation And if there's no need of Salvation there's no need of a savior and I submit that puts Jesus historical or otherwise into the ranks of the unemployed no Adam and Eve no original Adam why do you need a last Adam it all breaks apart even Christianity today this is a
debate in the Christian world now in our colleges seminaries Etc Etc and they depicted Adam as an ape man this is a debate in Christianity now was there really a first man Adam was he just an ape man Etc Galatians 3:28 there's neither Jew nor Greek slave nor free male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus it's a unifying message but it relates to the gospel you see Romans 5:12 says therefore just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin and so death spread to all men because
all have sinned sin came through one man Adam Romans 5:18 says therefore is the that one trespass led to the condemnation of all men so one act of righteousness leads to the justification and life for all men look at this the first Adam and the last Adam the last Adam was Jesus Jesus is our kinsman redeemer Isaiah 59:20 talks about the Redeemer coming and Hebrews 21:14 says he shares in Flesh and Blood right he's fully God fully man acts 17:26 he made from one man every nation of mankind only the descendants of Adam can be
saved by Our Savior Jesus Christ so if there's separate races not related to Adam see this is a gospel issue 1 Corinthians 15: 21-22 for by a Man Came Death by a man has come also the resurrection of the Dead for as in Adam all die so also in Christ shall all be made alive 1 Corinthians 15:45 the first Adam became a living being the last Adam became a life-giving spirit 1 Corinthians 15:47 first man was from the earth a man of dust the second man is from Heaven you see how important this is this
is a gospel issue Christians should be at the Forefront of the anti-racist movement biblical creationists especially because we don't believe there are separate races there's only one race the human race
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