for a bit of context I grew up in the middle of Farmland in a large 1800's Victorian home given its history there have always been several shacks and barns that once belong to the Builder of this house there is a highway that sees maybe three cars on it during the night and directly across from set Highway about 200 ft inward of a cornfield is a shack that I've always felt creepy as a kid myself of and friends would dare each other to go inside and look which always ended up with us going as a team nothing scary was ever found maybe a few broken glasses metal piles and miscellaneous items there was no electricity or any sort of utility that made it homely years go by and the existence of the shack becomes a part of my daily life however one particular night as I was watching TV I I noticed a light going off and on outside of my window after getting startled I dismissed it as passing cars simply more frequent than they typically are an hour passes it's nearing midnight and the light stays on this time I know for sure it's coming from outside my family are all asleep but being my pansy 16-year-old self I needed confirmation too bad for me no one wants to go check it out so I go alone I grabbed my pocket knife and a flashlight the best I could think of with my shaken thoughts and take off into the night as I neared the highway the lights turn off almost making me choke on air but I had to figure out what the hell was going on I make it to the entrance of the shack which has no door and slowly begin to enter my flashlight scanning the room for any sign of Life what happened next I'll never forget 5 ft away from me there's an old tattered recliner facing away that my father had tossed in there for future disposal I shined my light on it because I knew I'd seen it rock ever so slightly as I did that a man stands up from the recliner saying absolutely nothing oh I could tell was that he was middle-aged and wearing a jacket of sorts before I could process what was happening I was already sprinting across the road and praying he wasn't behind me it felt like years before I could make it to my door but as I'm about to make it into safety I decide to look back he was standing in the road completely still no words whatsoever it's been 7 years since then then the Sha still stands the recliner remains in place my dad never believed me I wish someone could share the dread I had when I realized the recliner was facing a window which was directed straight at my house I have a whole bunch of ghost stories I tell people when they come up in roughly chronological order when I was about 4 I was really sick and basically bedridden for a while my parents came into my room to check on me and found me talking to the corner of the room when questioned who I was talking to I answered the little yellow-haired girl in the corner she wants me to come play with her my parents kned out of that real quick fast forward to college I was living alone off campus in a townhouse and had just gone to use the restroom as I was finishing up I heard something scrape against the outside of the bathroom door thinking my jacket on the coat hanger on the other side of the door must have fallen off and made the noise I thought nothing of it and washed my hands before checking out what had happened when I got out of the restroom I realized that I'd left my jacket in the car there was nothing on the floor I didn't have any pets there were no insects big enough in that area to make that much noise and I was 100% alone in that house another time in that same house I was lying in bed late one night and woke up to what I can only describe as a cold hand on my chest thinking it was just a cool breeze I rolled over to the open window to see if the air had turned chill in the night it had not it was a bommy 70° F at minimum and this felt like an ice cube on my chest same rules apply as before I lived alone and had no pets the house was empty I moved into my parents house after college while I got my feet on the ground it was a two-story house with a staircase leading up from a foyer by the front door and my room was about 10 ft down the hall hallway from the top of the stairs I was talking to my mom from the top of the stairs she was by the front door I was at the railing up the stairs and we both clearly heard her female voice say hello from my room the window was open so it could have been someone from the outside however the sound very clearly came from the direction of my room it was way too loud to have been someone talking from the street without yelling and it was very clearly not a yell before you make the jokes I didn't have a girlfriend at the time it was definitely Home Alone prior to the incident another thing that happened when I was living in my parents house but when I was packing up to move to my current place I had switched rooms to the room across the hall and as I was packing my stuff up my mom and I both heard a female laugh from my old room once again it was definitely coming from my old room and it definitely wasn't from someone known in our house there wasn't an addict or crawl space connected to that room either so there was no way it was a creepy squatter or something so to my current apartment I've had several creepy stories here first while I lived alone I regularly felt like someone was with me in the apartment creepy unexplained feelings aren't the most convincing but there were several times that I just felt uncomfortable like someone else was there so in my apartment I was sleeping in my bed when I felt someone shake me I mean physically moved me on the bed by pushing my arm it wasn't a situation where I jolted awake I clearly woke up to the sensation of someone pushing on my arm hard enough to move me and the bed I freaked out but stayed stock still in case it was a stupid robber checking if I was awake or something in either case I stayed very still and quiet for a few minutes but nothing happened and I heard nothing else I checked the doors a little while later and they were all still locked I live on the third floor so I'm 100% sure nobody came in through a window I also vaguely remember a female saying my name in my sleep but I can't remember if this was the same incident and I'm not willing to say with certainty when and how it happened also again no girlfriend and no house guests the creepiest part is that when I looked the next day there were two light colored spots on the carpet where it had been depressed in the shape of footprints right where someone would have stood to push me awake there were no other marks on the carpet showing someone walking toward the bed most recently after I got married I was asleep and woke up randomly in the middle of the night I had a very strong sensation of someone walking down the hallway from our bathroom it's connected to our room by a short hallway within the room itself and whatever or whoever it was was standing over me the sensation was strong enough that I just assumed it was my wife coming back from the restroom until I felt her move behind me I opened my eyes and saw nothing but an empty hallway and I promptly freaked out a bit before going back to bed as you can see this is stuff I've dealt with for my whole life are they all logically explainable maybe so but we've taken to joking that I'm haunted and that this girl ghost has just been following me around my whole life I wanted to share a truly bizarre terrifying and unexplainable experience I had growing up to make note my childh at home was a hot bed for Paranormal Activity I could honestly write a book with the amount of stories I have but this one was different from all the rest so to start off we lived on a small stretch of secluded Highway in a wooded area our home was nestled on a plot of land that was a few acres and the area surrounding us was ferally protected land of the Wildlife Refuge which means unless your house is grandfathered in then no one can purchase land or build in this area so we had no neighbors our house was a 300-year-old Colonial House and held a a lot of history there was knowledge of Native Americans once residing there and a lot of War stories with a civil and Revolutionary War happening on that Land There was definitely a heavy negative energy in that house and property you always felt like you were being watched from every angle of the woods and so many people who visited would become uneasy immediately and state their discomfort and needing to leave my family and I have countless stories we experienced individually or with one another this particular experience was shared between myself and two brothers so like many nights after dinner my dad would tell me or one of my brothers to go out back and feed the dog this was a scary task because it would be pitch black and our dog would be near the tree line of woods which for some reason that section of the woods would give all of us an uneasy feeling any time we would go near it and it didn't matter the time of day it was always creepy but being there at night was definitely terrifying so no matter which one of us was told to go out and feed the dawn we would never leave a man behind and would always go out in a trio because we knew better than that because we wouldn't want to be left to go alone when it came our turn so on this particular night I was probably 11 years old my brothers being 10 and seven we would always do the same thing so whoever was told by our dad to feed the dog they were the one who had to carry the bowl out and the other two would huddle close with the person with the bowl in the middle we would walk extremely slow all of us looking different directions surveying the property but keeping the conversations very light-hearted and being silly to keep from getting scared before completing the task so once we reached our dock this is where the person holding the bow would get screwed because right before you had the chance to put it down the other two siblings would scream something like Jeeper Creepers or the Jersey Devil while hauling ass back to the house so you would be left standing alone before getting the chance to run with your siblings so on this night my brother was the one who had to hold the bowl and and as we walked out to head towards the backyard something felt off like the air felt static and charged like how it feels before a lightning storm and we could hear our dog barking like crazy which was unusual and as we got to within sight of our dog we see him standing on his hind legs with the leash pulled completely tight because whatever he was barking at he was trying with all he had to break out from that collar and go after it that's when we heard loud branches snapping and looked towards the direction our dog was barking in we then see this giant black stick figure that was as tall as the trees it was walking over this huge brush pile we had which was why we were hearing branches breaking the wayd what was almost mechanical in a way and its presence felt very ominous and gave us a very Dradful feeling at first it seemed like it didn't notice us it was just walking by but then it turned towards us and that's when we booked it for the house my brother throwing the bowl of food in the air and feeling like our legs were jell we all saw the same thing and it scared us so badly and unlike many stories you hear my parents actually believed us anyway fast forward years and years later I was having a conversation with my coworker and we would talk about paranormal topics quite a bit so during this conversation she asked me if I've ever heard of Native American stick people and as soon as she said it I knew what she was referring to she then tells me about these giant stick figures out in the woods that Native Americans have seen and are supposedly a totem of evil spirits and if you encounter one and it goes after you you then it can possess you and cause you to do harm I was so freaked out because up until then I had never heard of such a thing but knowing the Native American history of that land it makes me believe that they are related one night the door to my room started creaking open like a/ inch at a time if I would look right at the door it would stop but when I would look at the book I was reading and back up it would just be a bit more open finally it was almost wide enough for someone to walk through so I said stop it in as commanding a voice as I could muster and it stopped mid Creek it was 160 yearold house everything creeped I was almost too scared to go to sleep that night I know for a fact that no one in my family was home that night another thing that was a constant occurrence of my childhood I grew up on a fairly isolated farm with a wood that came up to the barn on one side and Acres of fields between us and any neighbor every night when I'd finished chores shut off the barn light and closed the door the only light would be from a dim porch light about 40 yard from the barn and if it wasn't too overcast or foggy the moon and stars anyway every night I'd feel something staring at me from around the corner of the barn I somehow knew it had red eyes and was about 10t off the ground I could feel Evil coming from it and I'd always run to the house as fast as I could certain it was right behind me I didn't know what it was and as terrified as I was I never told anyone about it and that's because my parents had a habit of dismissing stuff like that and even as a kid I didn't want to be seen as a crybaby which is definitely what my dad would have called me with time I kind of got over it and figured it was an overactive imagination combined with too many Goosebump stories that caused it that is until about 8 years later when I'm sitting around swapping spooky stories with my friend who pretty much also grew up on the farm she said that as soon as the lights were off in the barn she felt something scary and evil staring at her from and get this the same corner of the barn I asked a few questions and yes she felt it was about 10 ft off the ground and even though she never actually saw whatever it was she was was sure it had red eyes I was freaking out and it got worse when I asked my siblings if they'd ever been scared by anything near the barn I was careful not to ask leading questions and every single one of them said the same thing there was a scary thing that would stare from the corner of the barn when they turn off the light I know it was just a feeling that we all grew out of but How likely is it that we all felt the same thing from the same place this all started around December I'm not sure if I should be contacting the police or anything but it's quite unnerving so I stay at my girlfriend's house on the weekends and she lives on campus at University she lives with two of her roommates and lives next door to her friends this one night I woke up to a screaming at 2: a. m. now typically you'd expect to be hearing screaming on campus from people leaving the bars late at night however this was very different there was a blood curdling scream from a girl yelling for her dad she screamed dad at least 4 times I don't even know how my girlfriend didn't wake up from this the last scream for her dad was more elongated and distraught it then became quiet and my heart was pounding at first my girlfriend thought I was just having a bad dream or something like that but that scream was all too real this experience was terrifying but this wasn't the only time someone heard the screaming about 2 months later her neighbor texted her in a group chat asking if anyone heard the scream and then exactly a week later another neighbor heard it as well almost exactly another week goes by and her friend that lives a couple of streets down had roommates that texted each other asking if they heard the screaming at 2 a.
m. at this point it seems pretty clear it could be some sort of luring for trafficking less than a month later at around 11:30 p. m.
my girlfriend's roommate thought she heard a girl screaming get off and she looked out the window but she couldn't see anything that was the last time someone heard anything these events seem very planned and the fact that my girlfriend lives with two other girls alone in a house without a deadlock makes it even worse next time I hear something I'll let you guys know I'm kind of curious and I want to try and find the source of the screaming if it happens again I'll make sure to document it she lives right next to a police department which makes this even weirder I'm considering calling them soon has anyone heard anything like this before or maybe something similar I guess I'll start by saying that I do believe in the Paranormal and pretty much always have I've seen a lot of apparitions throughout my short life and my family also has a lot of stories dealing with various spirits and whatnot anyhow Thanksgiving night we got back home from spending the day at my brother's fiance's home I wanted to take a shower because it was a long night and I've been sitting by the fire for so long I smelled a bit like smoke obviously about 5 minutes into showering I was lathering up some shampoo when I noticed a shadowy figure standing right outside the shower curtain it was about 5'9 to 5' 10 in stance and was just there they didn't really move for anything I chocked it up to my brother needing to step in to grab some toilet paper or whatever so I didn't think too much of it I continued to shampoo my hair and then began to rinse off when I noticed that the shadow began to move its way into the shower right across from me this time there wasn't really much of a figure just a blob of a shadow I sort of froze it first but didn't necessarily feel scared or threatened for some reason my instincts forced me to reach my hand out and touch it obviously it had no form so there was no resistance it was ice cold though and not long after vanished does anyone have any idea as to what exactly this thing was today there was a test of the civil defense siren in the region I live in and the sound of it brought back a memory of something that I have not thought about for years in my country it's common for these Sirens to be placed on school buildings and so it is memorable the few times a year those would be tested back when I was in Middle School at the age of 14 I was like most of the kids my age just trying to fit in in my case that meant I was trying to blend in to the crowd of the school's older emo kids I was attending a creative course and because the entire school ground was getting renovated there were multiple old buildings that were going to be demolished because of this myself and some other emo kids were pretty much Al allowed to do whatever we wanted with those buildings for an art project and for the upcoming School fair so we were painting random stuff on the walls and painting the stairs into waterfalls and such on this day we were getting close to the end of our project it was the end of the day so school was pretty much empty and the sirens were going to be tested funnily enough those cats that probably originated way back from World War II were placed on top of the abandoned School building where said event was going to happen among the emo kids there was this guy who was a few years older than me that I always found very weird called Paul the only way to describe him is that it was like he was constantly pretending to be unpredictable and bat crazy for Laughs most of the time this just meant he was clowning around he was friends with another emo guy my age Andrew who was openly obsessed with me he was a very annoying daily thing I had to deal with who constantly followed me around school saying weird sexual stuff and sniffing my hair but despite his stalkerish Behavior it never went past that Paul 2 had soon joined in on Andrew following me around and so I skipped school a lot because no one wanted to take me seriously they thought I was just being whiny about this comedic Duo of pursuers and even my mother would laugh if I complained about it despite them both being creepy and annoying I felt bad for them both because Andrew was getting bullied for being feminine and gay even though he clearly was not given how he acted around me and I felt bad for Paul because I knew he came from a very tragic and troubled home anyways I was walking downstairs from where some of my friends were painting to the empty first floor so I could go outside of the building the sirens had started and it was so loud it was impossible to hear anything except during the small breaks suddenly someone grabbed me before I managed to get outside and just moved me into this other hallway where a wall blocked any view from the entrance of the building he literally held his hands in front of my mouth as he suddenly pushed me and lifted me up against the brick wall there I was so shocked and kind of out of breath as he fed me I saw that it was that weirdo Paul who was for the record very tall compared to my tiny frame the sirens were going off loudly and he did not say anything he just stared at me with completely crazed eyes back then I was so completely innocent and the fact that he could do anything bad did not cross my mind right away I just nervously laughed while I said that he scared me and asked him to please put me down but he did not and I was starting to freak out because no one could hear me or knew where I was just then before anything could happen this older emo girl who was one of my friends appeared peeking out of the corner because she was looking for me when she saw what was going on she did not hesitate for a moment as she walked over screaming at Paul and kicked him as hard as she could in the knee he dropped me as he crouched down in pain and my friend just grabbed my shoulder and brought me outside to the school yard after that we didn't really talk about it we just called him a creep and laugh it off during my last few years in middle school I drifted away from that crowd as they were all older and moving onto high school as I've grown older and wiser I've come to realize just how close i' come to something really bad happening back then because of the sirens no one would have been able to hear me scream and because we were in that abandoned building there was a lot of secluded rooms he could have dragged me into so I'm still so thankful that my old friend walked in before he could have done anything without her this story might have been very different lastly I'd like to add that I saw this guy again in high school because he was dating a friend of a friend who was a year younger than me meaning she was about 16 and him 19 he was often waiting around school grounds for her to finish classes and even though I tried avoiding him he ran up and hugged me once I felt very uncomfortable and just sort of froze after that I told my friend that he was not a right person she said she knew he was abusive to her friend I work in a care home in the UK and I work nights I thought I'd share a few of the ghostly stuff I've seen and heard because the spirits at work seem to love to scare me senseless I used to work evenings it started with just footsteps behind me particularly when I was on my own then they started scratching my head and tapping it I then changed to night shifts and certain Spirits started popping up that all night staff have seen one night about a year ago I was walking down a staircase and to my right is a corridor that leads to a dead end I looked down the corridor and I saw a figure she was almost glowing she was so white she had no face and very straggly hair she was peeping out of a doorway of a bathroom I could only see her head hand up a body although she had no face it felt like she was watching me I turned to call for my co-workers but when I glanced back she was gone she doesn't bother me too much she seems like a nice spirit and I've never worried about seeing her again and I haven't another spirit is what staff called the shadowman he lurks behind people and in Corners he only gets very close to one staff member who I regularly work with I've only seen him one time in front of the entrance I froze and so did he anyway one night myself and this one coworker were doing the cleaning in the corridor with all the living rooms we were standing there having a rant about General stuff that was annoying us for context the spirits never like us being negative as we were ranting all the living rooms started making really loud noises all at once I felt Brave and told them to shut up I turned away from the noise and this one coworker told me the shadowman was behind me I didn't look so I don't know if he was but the noise quietened down because we'd stopped our discussion but when we started up again it started as well are shorter stories would be me hearing a man shout help me with no man around as we were in a corridor filled with women who were asleep another time would be when I was walking out of the kitchen and all the cutlery started banging around another is the people we see satin chairs in our peripheral vision but when we look nobody is there then there's the whistling that happens so close to us but we have to pretend not to hear it CU it feels really wrong another time is when I was sat in the staff room on my own and something said my name in my ear I ignored it then when I'm in the laundry room I can hear things in the corridor like walking frames even when everybody is asleep and another time they was screaming upstairs and we couldn't find the source it was like when we went to one end of a corridor there was a scream on the opposite side and then we'd be going back and forth without finding the person screaming on another shift we were sat in the staff room at around 5:00 a. m. and there was a walking stick sound in the corridor we went out to see if someone was awake they weren one night myself and another care worker are doing normal resident assistance and we're both working with one person I suddenly start hearing banging noises but my other coworker didn't hear it it at first I ignored it after my coworker said she didn't hear anything and summed it up to an overactive imagination it then began getting louder and I turned to my coworker and said someone must be breaking in she told me to look out the front window as there's a view to the main entrance nobody was there again I tried to ignore it when we left this particular room we decided to go up the corridor and then we passed the bathroom room I previously said I saw a Peeping woman the door was closed this night suddenly the door starts banging really really loudly and starts shaking we ran back down the corridor as we were both scared all alarms were on doors so we knew no Resident was awake I still have no idea what was in that bathroom another night I was on shift again walking down that same Corridor with the staff remember we had done our hourly checks on all residents and suddenly start hearing on a loop help me help me help me in a woman's voice at first we think it's a resident and instantly start checking rooms again nobody is awake but we can still he help me it was after checking rooms that we listened closely and neither of us recognized the voice we didn't leave each other's side all night I left the care home temporarily about 3 months ago and can go back at any point but it's just so scary I've always wondered what is in the home and how aware they are of their surroundings I don't like that they know my name and seem to Target night sta all right I've made comments about this story on other reddits but I've just found this sub today and I'm pretty convinced what I saw was a crawler now let me set the scene I lived in a suburb of Chicago that's pretty foresty about 6 to 7 years ago we had what's called a polar vortex where it dropped to like -30 for a week this wasn't during the vortex but it happened right after so it was still bitter cold my backyard door is elevated it has this little platform that lets you see into most of the neighbor yard it was probably around 2:00 a.
m. and I just finished watching a movie and I was about to smoke a cigarette and go to bed I went out through the back door and it was probably - 10 outside and everything was completely still as soon as I stepped outside I heard this weird scratching and banging the noise I look over and two houses down I see it in my neighbor's backyard it was this weird looking human thing with light gray skin it seemed to be moving around on all fours and looked like it was trying to get into my neighbor's garage it was kind of like it was trying to lift the door and wedge itself under if I stood upright I figur it must have been 5 to 6 ft tall but it was hard to tell I stared at it for about a minute or two and just went back inside and locked the door I peaked out of my window and kept looking at it after another minute of it with the garage door it slammed into it and scuttled off it moved kind of like a crab I don't believe in a lot of paranormal stuff but this thing was Unreal I'm afraid of roads at 21 from an encounter 8 plus years ago I'm female and as stated I'm 21 now this might sound maybe a tad bit over trumatic being as it's been years since this incident has happened that has caused this fear but I just want to get it off my chest as someone who doesn't really talk about it I personally find this encounter really creepy especially getting older and being able to look back on it I've learned a lot from it so maybe posting what happened could either guide others to stay alert that it could happen to them or at least to know the signs I live in rural Ohio so there's not much that goes on here we don't live in the best area either with lots of drug addicts and sexual offenders of varying degrees just if you have kids you really shouldn't live around here basically when I was young younger we didn't really worry much about anything happening to us or questionable things due to the fact our family is known in this area my grandpa was a known cop for many years and was extremely respected and people knew he would fight over us so nobody really messed with us we also lived around multiple other children our age it wasn't uncommon to let your kids run around by themselves before nighttime because our neighborhood essentially relied on on each other and the other kids to keep each other safe and it work for the most part we knew what people to stay away from and they knew to stay away from us as well when I was in Middle School the bus ran at 7:00 a. m.
and we would have to be at the end of our long driveway by 7:00 a. m. to catch the bus on time and this happened during winter and our buses tended to be late sometimes and would reach us around 7:05 to 7:15 the latest but we made sure to be out at 700 a.
m. in case they were on time it was myself and my two cousins one was 4 years younger than me and the other was a year older but we were in the same grade the road is straight where our driveway is so cars come by multiple times and you would be able to see if the car was slowing down and such and they'd see us as well we were always told not to stand by the end of the driveway and always keep a distance so if a drunk driver or whatever happened to Swerve we would be okay for the most part we were at that age where my cousin and I who was in the same grade as me essentially babysat the younger cousin and we didn't have an adult to accompany us at the end of the driveway anymore it was really cold that day and the sun was just coming up we were annoyed because the bus was late while we were waiting in the cold I noticed a car was coming and again this happened all the time so it wasn't like I was checking it out or anything I just noticed it and went back to listening to music on my phone I hear a loud Brak sound so I look up and the car is in front of our driveway now fully stopped the man in the car was waving his hand towards us to Signal us to come closer to him and of course I refused and was frozen in my spot because this had never happened before he could tell we were obviously shaken by this and he said he worked for a school but was lost and he just got hired he named a school that was an hour away mind you it's past 7:00 a. m.