O UNIVERSO como você o conhece NÃO EXISTE. Deixe-me explicar com um gráfico

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Astrum Brasil
Por que o Universo é do jeito que é? Quais são as grandes verdades que sustentam o próprio Universo...
Video Transcript:
Have you, like me, ever looked out the window and wondered why the Universe is the way it is? As you watched the clouds pass by or the stars twinkle in the night sky, did you stop to wonder why we live in a Universe that looks like this? “All great truths are simple, and ultimately easily understood; if they are not, they are not great truths”.
So said Napoleon Hill in his book "The Law of Success". And when it comes to the Universe, I believe he's right. There have been many complicated mathematical formulas over the years that have attempted to map the Universe, but when great discoveries have happened and our understanding of the Universe has advanced, it has often been through incredibly simple equations and explanations.
Newton's second law (F=ma) Einstein's equivalence principle (E=mc2) These are succinct enough to be explained in just a few lines of text or a few algebraic characters. But more than just the clouds; what are the great truths that sustain the Universe itself? What is time?
Why does the universe look the way it does – constantly expanding in all directions, from everywhere? Why does light have a speed limit? I'm Dennis Ariel and you're watching Astrum Brasil.
And if you've asked yourself these questions, maybe the templates in this video, developed by Astrum's founder and his brother, can help explain the answers. Ultimately, a great truth must be simple. The ideas here are likely still in need of development.
But I believe they explain the matter simply enough to be just the starting point we need to find the truth. And to begin with, a fundamental question: What is time? On this channel, we talk a lot about the weather.
As black holes distort the space around them, we've learned that time slows down. We discover the effects of gravity influencing time and even how the James Webb Telescope can peer into time into the distant past by taking advantage of the fixed speed of light. All of this might make sense by now, but what really is time?
You can't taste it, touch it or feel it, but time has an unstoppable influence on all of us and is pushing us forward whether we like it or not. Doesn't something that affects everything we do deserve some additional understanding? Thanks to this first model, we will have a possible explanation of why time decreases as speed increases and why shapes deform when they reach speeds close to the speed of light.
This template is based on recognized scientific theory , where we take scientific concepts and combine them into something you may not have seen before. But before we get to that, we have to start with a fundamental idea: Time is actually another dimension. Now, before you check that you haven't connected to some sci-fi channel by mistake, let's discuss what I mean by dimensions.
While in popular culture, the different dimensions are often described as parallel worlds very similar to our own but subtly different, in this context when we speak of different dimensions, we are referring to the dimensions of space, as in “three-dimensional space”, or 3D space. , which may be much more familiar to you. However, this is by no means trivial.
3D space is not just all around you – it is “around you” – and it is very relevant to our topic today. Let's start by making sure we understand the 3 D's and the relationships between them before we add a fourth D. In general terms, 3D or three-dimensional space simply refers to space that can be measured in three different perpendicular directions.
The perpendicular nature of these dimensions is important, but we'll get to that later. Three-dimensional space is usually described as having height, width, and depth, and they all have 90° angles to each other. Simply put, objects like nodes that exist in 3D space can move left and right, to up and down, forward and backward.
We are comfortable with this type of space. Using this as a basis, it becomes much easier to figure out what we mean by 2D space and even 1D space. To move from one space to another, all we need to do is remove or add an extra measurement or movement dimension that must be at a 90° angle from all previously existing angles.
So 2D objects can move in a plane bounded by the x and y directions, or the x and z directions, or the y and z directions, but not all 3 at the same time. 1D objects can only move along x, y, or z. Imagine a person living in a world with only one dimension.
Your whole existence would be found moving one way or the other. All of reality would exist to the left or right of it, and would appear as a singular point. He cannot move or see in any of the other directions, and probably cannot even comprehend such directions as existing.
The photons passing through it would only be visible if they entered the singular line that was the entire area of ​​existence of a 1D person. Now adding extra movement directions is what is needed to move things from 1D to 2D or 3D. So in theory we can predict what we need to do if we jump to 4D.
However, here we encounter an obstacle. While it's easy to draw a line perfectly perpendicular to a single other line, or to draw another line on top of those two lines that's perpendicular to the previous two lines, how would we draw a fourth line perpendicular to all 3? Surely such a thing would be impossible!
Well, within 3D space, such a thing is impossible. The best we can do is draw approximations. For example, you can draw an approximation of a 3D shape on 2D paper, doing something like this.
These lines are all two-dimensional. But we look at it and our brain recognizes that this is an image of a 3D shape. So by the same token, we can probably do something similar to guess what a 4D object might look like using just 3D lines.
Mathematicians have tried to do this, although their results tend to be a bit fuzzy. While this is mathematically sound as a basis for a 4D object, I personally don't find my understanding of 4D space deepened by looking at it. So let's not focus on that in this video.
However, there is some evidence that there is a 4th direction and that we are moving in it now. That fourth direction, or fourth dimension, is time. Einstein foresaw this connection when he linked space and time in his Theories of Relativity.
According to him, time and space are two parts of the same thing. For me, this connects really well with 4D space. Just as there is no real difference between the z direction and the x or y directions, so too would there be no difference between time and space if time were just another direction, although we cannot see it.
And timing is important! Without time our three-dimensional space could not move. It would be perpetually in a state, because time is what allows us to move in space.
But why can't we see? Why can't we look in the direction of time? To explain this, let's look at the difference between the different dimensional spaces.
We notice this best when we consider what 2D objects might look like if they moved in 3D space. This is where we start to delve into the model. Let's start by visualizing a standard 3D space.
But because we want to see all space and time in one model, let's cheat a little. Let's compress all of 3D reality as we know it into a flat, two-dimensional place. In this plane, let's make our xy plane that we'll label “space”, freeing up the z dimension for “time”.
In this model, all 3D people are now 2D only. A 2D person could exist and live out their life in the location marked "space" at the bottom of our graph. However, by moving it up the chart at a constant rate, it is also moving over time.
Let's for ease and convenience say that the top part of our diagram is the future, while the lower part is the past. So the higher our 2D person goes in this diagram, the older he gets. Since we don't seem to have much control over our ability to time travel, let's imagine for a second that our 2D person travels upwards at a constant rate, as if there is some consistent force or wind at play pushing him upwards into the future.
. Unfortunately, we cannot slow down time for ourselves simply through willpower. It doesn't matter how much we want to do it.
However, it is not entirely true to say that we cannot somehow change it. The faster we travel in space, the slower we travel in time.
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