now in today's video I'm going to be showing you exactly why women Thrive off of chaos and emotional turmoil and this is something that you have to understand at the deepest level because this is rooted in that woman's biology and psychology and hard wiring now I think personally this is one of the best marker board presentations that I ever created and this is 100 going to help you have the leverage in the relationships and in the interactions that you actually have with women now before we dive in today's MBT celeb Spotlight is from Ashley goes
thank you Casey for the no BS only two weeks in and I feel like an animal he goes the funny thing about this is that this is helping me get women but in reality this is actually about turning yourself into a beast and women are icing on the cake hashtag game over fellas that means once this video is done afterwards I want you to go down below you hit the link in the description you check out MBT for masculine behavioral techniques I put together a full length behind the scenes presentation for you and it's going
to totally transform your life but let's dive into today's video now in today's video I'm going to be showing you why women Thrive off nothing more than chaos us an emotional turmoil okay these are things that you have to understand at a deep level because this will go into that woman's hard wiring okay that is going to be the emotional leverage that a man has to pull in order to keep that woman attached so here's a news flash it doesn't matter how much money you make how tall you are or how jacked you are if
you fail these things okay and you start to remove the emotional psychological leverage that you had prior you're going to be getting hit with tests pullbacks and a woman who no longer wants you so here's what you have to understand going into this okay women love drama women love turmoil okay the okay or the bad boy or the player gives natural turmoil because he provides inconsistent Behavior see consistency in all way shapes and forms when a woman knows that you want her this is the fastest way to not only bore her and turn her off
but this is also the fastest way to appear lower value so what you got to understand about the bad boy or the is he puts himself first he's out with his friends he's out running the streets he's all making money he's out doing whatever the hell he wants can because of that she can no longer get a read on him and she can't get a read on him because he's living life on his own terms this is an attraction turn on so she that woman that is engaging with that guy she can't pull back okay
because he never pulls forward like you gotta understand this a woman can only pull back from you if you pulled forward and you're showing that consistency the second you show that consistency here comes the pullbacks here comes the tests here here's where she wants to see how weak you're getting for her here's what's here's where she wants to see how booty whipped you are for her sex I didn't write the rules this is how women behaved and I've seen this from guys on all ages all Heights all income levels as soon as you're guys from
six foot seven doesn't matter you gotta understand this at a deep level okay therefore since she can't pull back because he never pulls forward her emotions are now in flux 24 7. well if her emotions are in flux 24 7. here's what you have to understand that nobody is teaching you to a woman this is leadership okay not picking where we're gonna go eat okay not not fixing the light bulb not any of that like those are good too and those are phones leadership but to a to a woman okay this is is leadership at
the deepest level reason being is because this man is leading her emotions women see the world through the lens of emotion women see the world through the lens of feeling if you can't do this okay you can be the highest ranked you know General it doesn't matter how good of a leader you are on paper if you can't lead her emotions and she doesn't feel anything the woman's going to exit Okay so this is why she needs toxicity women need toxicity because women have nothing to focus on the reason why women have nothing to focus
on is because life has became very easy women don't need men okay so women have their own money and their own jobs and they make their own money from working those jobs women have their living covered because people have houses people have Apartments people have you know condos people have associations that mow the lawn and mow the grass like women don't need men now now on top of that women also have security 24 7. okay there's laws there's home security systems there is you know houses and general living is relatively safe in most neighborhoods so
despite that okay what you're going to see is that modern day people in all wind shapes and forms live an easy life so women don't have anything to focus on so all that's left is now the alpha fox side of hypergamy to pass her tests why are women looking for the biggest baddest strongest bad boy right now is because their living situation okay and their their ability to generate security for themselves is taken care of therefore the only thing that provides excitement is chasing that bad boy's approval you're going to have to understand this because
here's the thing some of you might come down to me and you're like well that's not cool that's not fair I can't change the world neither can you you have to accept things for as is because you only have limited amount of time on this Earth okay like if you live to be 90 years old and you're 30 watching this right now you got two-thirds left and from from the what I can see the world isn't going to get any easier for you just because you want it to so if you're a man or if
you're married or if you've been dating your girl for one years two years three years here's what you're going to notice you're going to notice low sexual desire you're going to notice behavior you're going to notice nagging and you're going to notice a woman who probably doesn't have interest in you this is what I've told you on previous videos if you're going to enter into monogamy if you're going to enter into a committed relationship where you're not going to date multiple women because that's the biggest kept secret for men today is that men think if
you date multiple women that's a turn off in actuality there's no greater turn on to a woman to make her stick and to make her stay in your life okay women create situations that don't need to be there consistency kills desire you have to understand this at the Deep this level consistency kills desire the reason why I'm telling you this okay is because men have a false idea of what being a leader is men are logical men use their logical brain so you think oh leader what are the things that come to a male's brain
when they think leader they think well logic so they think hey you know the bills are paid the resources are there I'm the strongest guy and I'm doing kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu and I can protect therefore I'm a leader this is what men think this is a man's idea of leadership however this is not a woman's idea of leadership truthfully she doesn't care about any of this for all the reasons that I discussed on this side of the Whiteboard a woman's idea of leadership is leading her mental state and her emotions and this is why
I'm hammering this down as much as I can on you self-improvement is not the answer those of you watching all these gurus on the internet telling you to make more money and to hustle and these guys are also telling you to do all of the where you are on your purpose those are great things and those are cool traits for your own self-improvement Journey but I'm going to tell you this straight up this is not going to help you attract any more women and keep them this may help you get your foot in the door
where women maybe have initial interest but in no way shape or form is this going to move the psychological levers in a woman's emotional brain to create the urgency the fear of missing out okay the psychological dependence on chasing your validation and your approval that she needs that only the or the bad boy can give her you cannot ignore what women are actually attracted to because women live the life through emotion that means they're up here okay for women that emotion is through fantasy that emotions through the what if factor of if they can lock
that guy down if you ignore those things you're going to be left for a guy who's actually demonstrating those capabilities in her head so here's what you got to understand and this sucks about the masculine experience masculine in all way shapes and forms equals routine consistency and improving and doing the things you want to do however routine equals no arousal arousal through a woman is only created through urgency sexual desire okay and having a need to sleep with you because of your inconsistent Behavior she's hoping she can leverage that sex appeal to potentially lock you
down now let's recap this one more time masculine equals routine routine equals no arousal no arousal equals that guy's boring and now she exits so I'm going to give you a great example of this if Drake the the singer okay if Drake was married or if Drake was in a committed relationship if he's grinding out an album and he has to work every single day and that woman's living in his home and she sees him five six seven days a week and she's living there okay what's gonna happen is he will get hit with the
same you get hit with even though he's a millionaire with status So eventually that woman's gonna look at him and fold her arms like this and say you're gonna go down to the studio again yeah that's all you do yeah you're you're just gonna go sit down there for another 10 hours huh that's it and then she's gonna turn her back to him and walk off and he's gonna go but the album's coming out and I gotta do this and she's gonna sit there and now getting the cold shoulder that's what happens that's what happens
when you show a woman consistency I don't give a who you are I don't give a how much money you make that's what women do now next up okay you might be saying well Drake has status and Drake has resources Drake has money okay Drake has a yacht Drake could have a 60-foot yacht a whole a whole bust full of uh waiters and butlers waiting on him cooking five-star dinners that woman goes on that yacht let's say three weeks in a row that third week comes around she's gonna same yacht again I'm kind of bored
don't you ever want to do anything else besides just sail the ocean okay you can't win you need to accept this and you need to let go you cannot accept the you need to let go that yacht can be a hundred foot that yacht can be 100 million dollars by week three she's gonna I'm kind of bored of this yacht I'm kind of bored of that I've already ate this steak dinner on this yacht with the same Butler serving me and we've already listened to the same music really this is all you can come up
with this is what that chick's gonna say you understand that you can't outwork hypergamy you understand that you cannot you cannot self-improvement your way out of this those of you on your those of you on your whole self-improvement ground thinking one day God is just gonna donate you and give you this amazing virgin princess who comes to you and is a good girl and likes he's sitting on the couch I watch the exact same Netflix reruns every single day with you and sit there and kiss your ass and be nice to you you gotta understand
that that is a fairy tale and that woman is gonna get bored of you after two weeks so once again those of you who want to maintain the attachment those of you who want a woman consistently seeing you so you don't have to re-up your rotation or so you don't have to re-up the girl that you're seeing every two weeks this is the that you have to learn I can't change this you can't change this all you have to do is accept this so keep in mind we're not done yet I'm gonna hold another half
this damn presentation to tell you so here is why women get turned on when you do two things if a woman's starting drama if a woman's acting if a woman's acting cold like this women get turned on when you do two things and two things only either number one you shut that down and you shut that that down quick or number two you don't even care now in just a second I'm going to show you why number two is even more powerful and this is actually the most powerful thing that you can do because you're
masculine indifference proves to her that you your sexual market value is far superior to hers we're going to save this for for a second though first we got to address number one shutting that down if you're with a girl monogamously and committed to her could be a wife could be long-term living girlfriend doesn't matter if you shove this down here's what it does do it does show that you have frame okay you're setting the frame the expectation okay it also tells her to knock the off and then it's not going to be tolerated and what
this is really signaling to her is going to be a behavior check why is this important because it shows you have boundaries and stipulations in the relationship this is very good to have what this hopefully now I say hopefully because this isn't always the case sometimes a lot of these women will still draw that argument out for two three four five six hours or two weeks on top of that hoping that she can break you so keep in mind just because you set that frame and you want to tell yourself you're that masculine badass leader
who sets the expectation she's still testing for one thing is he weak enough to stay attached where he could not walk away hopefully and I this is a big hopefully keep in mind this is not a guarantee hopefully these things signal to her that you have the strength to walk away if she keeps this up a lot of times they will call your bluff how do they call your bluff they call your bluff by what you do in the bedroom post sex what that means every handhold every kiss on the forehead at every every validational
seeking handhold that you give when you're on that walk okay hoping that you can skip like a like a prince and princess and eat Hershey's kisses all of that is validation seeking Behavior meaning what you're doing is you're opening yourself up to being vulnerable to potentially her seeking insecurities where she's going to crack down on you I'm going to tell you this you shutting that down if you've been in the relationship longer than probably four or five or six months she's gonna not she will not fold at that first instance she will keep pushing that
envelope now this is why what you have to do is you have to remove yourself the only way a woman can respect you is if she knows that you can walk away this is why what happens when you get married is you're now handcuffed you are not able to walk away you not holding that psychological leverage fastest way to kill desire so number two the way that I prefer okay that's why I told you you can never pull forward to begin with she can't pull back and test you if you never pull forward second you
pull forward to some degree you're and you're making your life much harder because keep in mind women today will have sex with any guy for any reason that they feel like just because you committed and you're giving more investment that doesn't mean that you're going to be getting more and more of her sexual intimacy Okay the reason being is because consistency kills desire if you want to enter into consistency with seeing a woman and monogamy and being in that relationship and hand holding with her you're going to work three times as hard to maintain that
woman's interest while getting five to ten times less sex the reason being is because the urgency has disappeared she starts to Crave that bad boy this is why number two I prefer at an even deeper level you don't even care the reason why this is more powerful you understand this is because she wants to be put in her place women know the power of their beauty and she tests your internal guts of the man she tests your intern your internal guts not your bench press the way that you show the most Rock Solid fortitude okay
is by you not caring so I wrote this in really small letters but stick with me because this is important you not caring is the most powerful and the reason being is because a woman wants you to invest a woman wants you to invest financially a woman wants you to invest with your commitment a woman wants you to invest emotionally a woman wants you to invest spiritually okay a woman desires that or she's going to tell you that however the second that you do you open yourself up to added tests added vulnerability you start to
put yourself in the potential provider category that she's looking for because you're providing all this emotional support and security what's going to happen is that hypergamous instinct is now going to sexually crave an alpha who doesn't give those things so by you not caring this is the most powerful women want you to invest by you not caring at all you're not investing in her emotionally this is going to drive her wild this is going to piss her off you're going to understand that when a woman starts to realize after a few minutes that she can't
argue with a brick wall because that brick wall doesn't give one that's the most powerful thing that you can do so women want your care this guy doesn't even need to care at all so this guy doesn't have to invest to lead this guy up here with number one he has to invest in her to lead okay now he's getting hit with these tests and these pullbacks his life is even more difficult however here's what you got to understand what angers the most to a woman the reason why number two is the most powerful by
you not even caring what angers a woman most what gets her so pissed off so emotionally invested read this word for word with me when she knows that he can lead but he chooses not to think about that for a second I want you to think about this in Reverse think how women okay are conditionally feminine today they choose to exercise when they're feminine or not they choose to exercise personality traits when they're going to be feminine towards a man think how women are conditionally feminine and it gets the man's emotions involved okay what I
mean by that is she's hot on you one day which means she likes you she's loving she's touching she cooks for you she gives you a kiss on the forehead oh that feels good she's feminine okay she's Cooperative she's compliant she's submitting to your Fame and she likes being with you that feels so good but think how women are conditionally feminine and I'll get some man's emotions involved what happens the next day when she wakes up and all of a sudden she chooses to nag you she chooses to test you she chooses to start acting
what's gonna happen your emotions get drawn in the reason why your emotions get drawn is you start becoming insecure you say well is she someone else well is she doing this because I'm no longer man enough is she doing this to try to test my strength is she doing this because she's losing Attraction did we have sex last night and I didn't make her come so she's upset so now she wants to find a different guy who can you gotta understand that women know that you're gonna think this way you can't fall to it this
is a big psychological test all this is is a bunch of I'm gonna explain why think how a woman think how women are conditionally feminine and they get some man's emotions involved what you gotta know okay the bad boy has the greatest superpower okay the biggest superpower is he knows and he understands that it's the same for women so what I mean by that let's take a step off the gas let's take a step off the throttle for a second okay the bad boy or the he can lead the woman knows that he could choose
to be like number one where he shuts that down and he emotionally invests but he's choosing not to so let me give you an example what I mean the babbler the can lead okay she sees he doesn't care to though okay you know that your wife could cook for you and give you a back massage at night but it pisses you off that she doesn't see that's the thing the woman sees the masculine traits that you possess this is your greatest superpower please listen to me very closely the woman sees the masculine traits that you
have inside of you by you purposefully choosing to not display them and to invest those masculine traits into that woman specifically that is your greatest superpower because she sees he can and he doesn't just like how if you see that a woman could cook for you could rub your back but she doesn't it pisses you as she's choosing to not exercise her femininity at you or towards you this pisses a person off and it goes for both men and women so this when you choose not to invest those masculine characteristics of leadership into her this
makes her feel not good enough what this does is this conceals your sexual market value you see the biggest thing you got to understand if you're not a celebrity if you're not a professional athlete if you're not a professional rap star or rock star you got to understand that you need to conceal your sexual market value you conceal your sexual market value by passing her tests and by not getting emotionally invested so a woman until she starts interacting with you you got to understand this if you walk down the street a woman has no idea
if you're a six a seven an eight a nine or a ten she might know it based off of Attraction like oh that's a 10 out of 10 attractive guy but what happens after 60 to 120 seconds when that guy has to work his mouthpiece she's gonna get a very quick understanding quickly of where he is on the hierarchy of male sexual market value she's going to be able to see how he handles tests how nervous he is okay these are direct indicators of the type of women or the type of caliber of women that
that man is used to pulling the last thing a woman wants to think is I'm hotter than he is or I'm Excuse me I'm out of his is Lee if a woman thinks that it's over so the bad boy or the can lead but he chooses not to this okay she sees this that he doesn't care this pisses her off this makes her feel not good enough now what happens is she starts to fight for that man's approval well the more she fights for that man's approval you gotta understand this once her feelings are involved
she throws all logic out the window like once her feelings are involved where she's attached to that man and that man's approval this to a woman is love this is not love how you've seen it on TV this does not love how you've seen it on Valentine's Day to a woman this obsessive compulsive like does he like me or not feeling this to a woman is love this is why when they say a woman cannot be with two men at the same time and love both of them this is why her feelings fixate on a
specific guy and what will happen is even if other men are quote unquote higher value in her inbox she literally closes them off because she has eyes for a specific guy right now so women okay will never treat you good just because just because you say so just be because you're Drake just because you're Leonardo DiCaprio just because you're Chris Brown just because you make a million dollars a year just because you have a 100 foot yacht they will never treat you good just because they only treat you good when you maintain the psychological leverage
and the power over their emotions and that's it and that's final you need to take losses I'm gonna tell you this so all of you right now you're probably in a position the position you're in that you're feeling emotionally right now because I've been told in the comments section I teach this and I break this down better than anybody's ever seen you feel a lot of things right now and I already know that you feel shame because you had past instances where you failed you feel regret right now because you actually see that you've made
probably a lot of mistakes because you had false preconceived notions of love you also probably feel some bit of anger okay either towards yourself for not handling things right or you even feel anger at the past women that you've dated because you feel like you weren't treated properly all of these things are normal feelings and normal normal emotions right now but I'm gonna take that pressure off you for a second because you've got to understand something all of you and I mean all of you myself included every Hollywood celebrity included the real estate agent in
your hometown the lawyer in your hometown the Doctor Who you see once a month for a checkup every man on planet Earth you need to take losses you need to have that that eight nine or ten who you viewed as a hot hot hot girl in your life you need to have her pull back and exit you need to go through this here's why you need to go through this number one men are made so you are not going to come into this world with wisdom and power that is built and that's fortified it's fortified
through your losses and being smart enough to reflect on them instead of being a dumb who just says oh let me chalk that up as an l and you know what I'm going to go on to the next one and then that guy does the same that's not being a man being a man is fortifying yourself through wisdom so you need to take losses what I'm trying to tell you is that you need to break some eggs to make an omelet if you want an omelet see here's the thing every single man 10 you claim
you want a hot girl you claim you want a submissive beautiful woman to love you everybody claims they want that on paper but nobody is willing to take losses and break eggs nobody's willing to take six months to a few years to go through losses and experience what women are actually like even potentially have your emotions ran through hell so that way you can grow from it see no nobody actually wants to grow so you got to relax a little bit every man on planet Earth okay you're gonna have to take losses you have to
break those eggs those eggs that you broke that didn't turn out scrambled and they got burnt dude you gotta understand that that was part of your experience that was your god-given journey that you probably had to go through you have to see that because God's going to test you just like a woman will test you if you want to make an omelette you're gonna have to break some eggs so what I can tell you is you gotta stop trying to control everything just let go let go here's what you got to understand you got to
let go you got to just take it easy there's a the the fit my favorite movie is Fight Club in the movie and Fight Club there's that scene where they're driving right and Tyler's gonna crash his car Hey sister when he goes he goes this is why I burnt down your condo right and the other dude's eyes get super wide but you can stop trying to control everything he goes you got to let go you gotta let go of all that past that you're holding so if you think like you're gonna understand every single woman
that is went South with whether it be you up or she up it doesn't matter it deepened your wisdom and the reason why you can't fault yourself for this is because you live in a reality that was constructed for you this is why the biggest thing that I that and I'm gonna I've never done I've never really made a video this long and I've never rambled like this but I'm gonna for a second here's what kind of pisses me off the most about a lot of like dating coaches or content creators on the Internet or
a lot of the people in like the masculinity space what I don't like about it is they they kind of like they make men feel as if it's their fault so here's the problem is they put everybody in a bubble and then they label this bubble weak men so they say well it's it's weak men's fault that this happens in the world it's weak men's fault that they can't stand up to women it's weak men's fault that men have no power in these relationships it's weak men's fault but see I disagree because if a guy
hears this first off there's some issues with this number one very rarely does any man look at themselves in the mirror and say man I'm weak like it's hard to even associate with this because it's like a girl left you the last thing you're going to think yourself is I'm weak you start searching for answers the problem with this is because since men are so logical majority of the guys re that read all of the stuff that I just wrote down on this whiteboard don't even consider that weakness because here's the thing you can bench
400 pounds you can crush it in the business world and make 20 million bucks a year you can have celeb status this guy didn't think he's weak this guy probably thinks he's a social Savage who crushes it but a woman comes into the picture right there's an ignorance that there's a learning deficit that he hasn't overcame this is like this isn't even weak men's fault the problem okay the reason why everybody's in this bubble it's not about being weak or not it's about how you're programmed so if all of these men if if millions or
billions of men okay have watched this sort of TV with this Narrative of love okay told in their groups or told by their friends their pastors their priests their peers that this is how women are listen to the the music okay pumped on the television about love and emotionalism can you really blame them like to me this isn't weakness to me you're a victim of your own circumstance right so what I mean by that is like if I was raised by if my mom was a general practitioner and my dad was a surgeon there's a
high chance I might be a doctor when I get older because that's my circumstance everyone's a victim of their own circumstance for most men this is your circumstance so I'm trying to tell you this to take some of the pressure off because it doesn't make you weak it's not weak men's fault for example that like you're in the situation and I don't want you to even associate with that and this is the problem that I have with the entire self-improvement grind so every single guy goes well I'm gonna go make more money I'm gonna make
a million bucks a year I'm gonna bench press more and now this is going to be fixed and this isn't going to be fixed at all you might be able to initially talk to a hotter woman you might be able to go on a few more dates with a hot woman you might even be able to have sex with her but this doesn't maintain the attachment the only thing that maintains the attachment is all of the stuff that I just taught you on this whiteboard today and the reason why you have to understand this is
because there's levels to this game and as I like there is levels to this game and your sexual market value is only revealed based on how you pass these tests this is why I'm teaching you to conceal your smv to conceal your interest level just like a woman does okay a woman conceals her interest level she can have Sky High interest when she's sexing you but Watch What Happens she might make herself less available she might wait four five six hours to reply she might want you so badly but look how good women are at
using that manipulation to conceal their interest level you have to do this you have to do these things or you're going to be left to a different man who does if you like this video I want you to hit the like button comment and subscribe and we'll see you in the next one