An Unknown Virus Mutates Causing Entire City to Turn Into Zombies in Seconds

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After losing his wife, a man fights to survive the zombie apocalypse with his cat while looking for ...
Video Transcript:
In Spain, Manel and his wife Julia are going  home in their car. Julia brings up the subject of having children because Manel hasn’t made up his  mind about it yet and she needs an answer to plan the future. An argument ensues and they both get  distracted, so Julia has to quickly move the car to dodge an incoming vehicle.
Unfortunately their  car ends up in the middle of the road and they’re suddenly hit by a huge truck that sends the car  rolling. A year later, widower Manel is living alone with his cat. On TV, reporters talk about  the U.
N. discussing the possibility of closing the borders because there’s a strange virus going  around. Prevention measures aren’t working and people are getting violent at the borders while  trying to escape.
Manel is so deeply depressed that he barely pays attention and eventually  mutes the TV. He doesn’t see a hospital’s security footage showing a patient slowly morphing  into a zombie. Afterward Manel goes for a ride, noticing an ambulance passing by.
Various walls in  town have graffiti saying that the end is coming. Manel makes it to the harbor to meet with two  women that are interested in buying his boat, which he hasn’t used since his wife died.  While looking for the boat’s papers, Manel finds Julia’s bracelet and his mind is flooded  with bittersweet memories.
On his way home, Manel gets a call from his sister but he ignores  it. He stops at the supermarket for some groceries and notices everyone is buying much more food than  usual, almost emptying the shelves. Later at home, he ties the bracelet around the cat’s neck  while hearing on TV that the virus has appeared in Spain.
In the evening, Manel video-calls his  sister Belén who has big news. Since her husband works for the government, her family is being  transferred to the Canary Islands and she invites him to come along, but Manel refuses. The next day  Manel notices that all the neighbors are leaving, so he decides to do the same and brings his cat  along.
During the ride, he hears on the radio that a new variant of the virus is spreading through  Europe. This variant shortens the incubation to only a few minutes and is transmitted by wounds  and bites. At the airport, Manel sends Belén a message saying he’ll be joining her after  all.
As people are trying to board the plane, tickets get denied with no explanation and  the crowd begins getting agitated, yelling at an employee who doesn’t know what’s going on.  Suddenly the big screen shows that all flights are canceled and everyone gets a message on their  phone announcing a civil security alert. The crowd panics and some people try to get into the plane  anyway.
Manel gets a call from Belén, who tells him to hide at home and not to leave until they  get more news. At that moment a man steals a gun from the guards and threatens to open fire, so the  crowd rushes to leave the airport. Since everyone is trying to go home, Manel is stuck in traffic,  and the radio says all roads and bridges are in the same situation.
As military helicopters fly  above them, people start leaving their cars and arguing with other drivers. The news share some  that the military personnel has been evacuated and people are rioting to the point many soldiers  were injured. Eventually many drivers get tired of waiting, so they abandon their cars and leave on  foot.
Manel grabs his cat and decides to do the same. He arrives at his neighborhood by nighttime  and discovers that a group of soldiers have surrounded a building to set up a special tunnel  on a house. There are weird noises coming from it and Manel is shocked to see two soldiers bring a  zombie out of the house through the tunnel while the wife cries for her sick husband outside.
The  zombie is taken away in a military vehicle while Manel realizes he knew the guy. Afterward Manel  goes home and falls asleep. That night he dreams about the accident and Julia’s death.
The next  morning Belén video-calls Manel and tells him they’re organizing safe zones to redistribute the  population. However there are arguments in the army because the more people they take, the more  chances to bring the virus into the safe zone, and other countries already had trouble trying this.  She advises Manel to stay home no matter what.
Soon all big cities are declaring quarantine and  not letting anyone seek refuge there, causing even more riots on the streets. The virus is no longer  contained and people start seeing zombies eating people around the neighborhood, which they record  for social media. Others make videos sharing ideas on how to make armor and defend themselves.
That  afternoon the government announces a state of emergency and new restrictions are now in place:  all commercial activity must cease after 2 p. m. and the population may be militarized.
The next  time Manel goes to the supermarket, there’s almost no food left and people are stealing from each  other’s hands. Manel grabs what he can and on his way out, he sees fighter jets flying by. Next  he stops at the gas station for more supplies.
At that moment a wounded cop appears and after  bumping against Manel he locks himself up inside the station’s store, locking the doors with his  handcuffs. Soon more people show up in the area, running and crying out for help. Suddenly a zombie  jumps on another officer and starts eating his face.
Manel grabs a mop and gets ready to defend  himself but when the zombie is about to reach him, the fallen officer shoots him, causing zombie  blood to fall on Manel’s face. Inside the store, the first cop pounds on the glass as he starts  transforming. A worried Manel wants to check on the fallen officer, who shoots at the floor  to keep him at bay.
After Manel leaves with his things, the cop self-deletes. Later that  day, the president finally appears on TV and announces an extended lockdown. People who fail  to cooperate with the army and their evacuation plans will get criminal consequences. 
Following internet tutorials, Manel uses his tools to reinforce the house’s outer walls  and installs a security camera. In the evening, the army arrives at Manel’s neighborhood to  evacuate it, but Belén sends him a message telling him to stay home and that she’ll rescue  him soon. Manel turns off the lights and hides with his cat while he hears the soldiers pounding  on his door.
Thankfully they don’t bring it down and don’t see him at the window either, so they  leave. Two weeks later Manel is starting to run out of food and can’t call his sister anymore  because service is down. After lots of hesitation, he grabs a bunch of tools for self-defense, covers  his body with layers, and finally leaves his home.
He breaks into multiple houses looking for  food, but unfortunately he finds nothing. After a few hours of searching, he enters a house  where he finds an old lady named Gabriela, who couldn’t join the evacuation because  she’s wheelchair-bound. She doesn’t have any food either, but she tells him which houses  may have something since she watched the neighbors who bought too much stuff before lockdown.
Manel  visits every house on her list and finally starts finding food and other useful supplies, including  a bike. Thanks to the bike, Manel dares to travel further and manages to get a good amount of food  that he shares with Gabriela. He also gives her a walkie-talkie so they can communicate while he’s  out.
Now there’s only one house left to visit: the one where the soldiers found the zombie. Manel  finds no food, but there’s a tank with dead fish inside. Suddenly he senses someone behind him and  he quickly opens fire thinking it’s a zombie.
It’s actually a normal human who immediately  runs away thinking Manel is aggressive. Before leaving he checks one final cupboard and  finally finds more food. Days pass and Manel and Gabriela often meet to dine together.
One night  Manel gets drunk and sends Gabriela a message saying he regrets not spending more time with his  family. Then he dreams about the accident again, remembering how they were taken to the hospital  in a helicopter. He’s suddenly startled awake by Gabriela on the walkie-talkie telling him to  turn on the radio.
Manel does so and hears a voice saying they’re sending survivors to the Canaries,  so they share the coordinates for people to find this rescue group. Gabriela doesn’t trust them,  but Manel points out they’re running out of food. The group appears to be at the Arousa Estuar and  Manel says they could reach it using his boat, only for Gabriela to claim she can’t go  because she’d be a burden.
Manel refuses to listen and promises to take care of her. The  next morning Manel gets worried when Gabriela doesn’t answer his calls. He runs to check on her  and discovers she self-deleted.
She left behind a note thanking him for the past few days and  telling him to save himself. On his way back, Manel is suddenly attacked by a zombie, who  manages to disarm him. After some struggle, Manel kicks the zombie off and jumps on top of  a car, only for the zombie to grab his leg to bring him down.
The struggle continues as the  zombie bites Manel’s arm. Thankfully it doesn’t pierce skin thanks to his protection, although  the creature does spit blood on his face. Manel reaches out to open the car and starts beating  up the zombie with it, getting her head stuck in the broken glass.
Then he runs to retrieve  his weapon and shoots to kill the zombie right as she frees herself. Afterward he grabs her ID  from her wallet and puts it on her chest in case the authorities find her. Later at home, he boils  water to clean his weapon and sends Belén another message saying he can’t wait for her anymore, but  there’s still no service.
Then Manel leaves with his cat on the bike, driving at high speed through  the empty roads. Eventually he finds a barrier, so he has no choice but to go through the forest.  There he’s chased by zombies, who aren’t fast enough to catch him.
Sometimes they try jumping  so Manel has to pay attention to dodge. When he comes across an abandoned camp he fears what  he may find there, but he has no other exit. He begins crossing it and a big horde of zombie  campers comes out, so Manel starts going faster to dodge them all and avoid crashing against any  equipment.
He manages to cross the area without getting bitten and reaches another road, only  to find a pile of bodies blocking it. Manel is going too fast to stop in time and ends up falling  off the bike instead. Thankfully the cat is safe in his crate.
Hearing the zombies approaching,  Manel gets on the bike again but it won’t start, so he has no choice but to run. He crosses the  forest as fast as possible with the zombies almost breathing on his back. Eventually he makes  it to the harbor and when he crosses the bridge, he closes the gate behind him.
The zombies soon  start pounding on the glass until they break it and cross as well, but by then Manel has crossed a  stronger gate and finally gets to escape. At first Manel thinks hope is over because he discovers all  the boats are gone from the harbor. However after looking around he finds an abandoned boat far in  the water.
Manel swims to it and tests the engine, but the boat won’t start. At that moment he hears  a noise and opens a door to find a zombie baby stuck on a chair. Afterward Manel and his cat  leave on a small raft.
He tries reaching the place from the radio message, but it’s destroyed.  No matter how far he goes from the shore he still has no signal, but he keeps recording messages  for his sister. That night the raft stops in the middle of the trip.
When Manel checks on the  engine he discovers a body got stuck in it. At that moment he sees a bright light coming closer  and Manel waves his arms while yelling for help. It turns out to be a boat with Ukrainian men who  agree to let him join them.
Manel and the cat are taken to a large ship and given food. The only man  that can speak Spanish is Viktor, who explains the Canaries have been quarantined and the police  didn’t let the evacuated survivors disembark, that’s why there are so many zombies on land.  Manel is giving a room after he promises he’ll help them look for supplies in the morning.
In the  middle of the night, Manel hears some voices and looks out the window to find some survivors on a  boat asking for help. The next morning Manel asks about the new survivors, but Viktor swears nobody  came last night. Then Manel is called to the captain’s office to help find important buildings  on the map like hospitals and factories.
Afterward he discovers that the boat he saw last night  is on the ship and the crew has the survivors’ possessions. He asks Viktor about it, but he  refuses to answer. Since Viktor is a pilot, Manel tells him he knows where to find a helicopter,  but Viktor tells him to keep his head down and stop asking questions.
In the evening Manel looks  around and notices the ship is carrying all the boats that the crew took from random survivors. He  gathers his things and hides his cat in his bag to sneak around the ship. In a room downstairs,  he finds two survivors tied up.
Manel quickly frees the first man but as soon as he gets up, a  guard shoots him down. At that moment Viktor also arrives and tries to disarm the guard, so they  fight over the gun and accidentally shoot it, damaging the things around them. Then the men  start punching each other and Viktor manages to grab a rope to choke the guard to death.
Now  Viktor wants to escape too and agrees to find the helicopter. Manel, Viktor, and the other survivor  carefully sneak around until they make it to a boat. When they’re about to leave, two guards open  fire, killing the survivor.
As the boat takes off, Viktor fires back at them only to get wounded on  his shoulder. Manel makes the boat go fast enough to escape before they can get killed. Moments  later they make it to the shore and Manel helps Viktor walk.
They find a bunch of cars and zombie  stuck inside a vehicle who Manel quickly kills. Afterward both men and the cat leave on a car to  find the hospital where Julia died because Manel remembers the helicopter. During the trip Viktor  explains the ship captain was a monster who was building a refuge on an island.
He only allowed  those who served him to live there, so all the women and kids were taken for his pleasure. When  they finally make it to the hospital, Manel is devastated to notice the helicopter is not on  the roof. Suddenly a zombie jumps on top of the car so Manel starts driving like crazy to throw  him off.
Then he uses Viktor’s gun to kill it and the noise attracts even more zombies who Manel  quickly shoots down as well. Afterward the men and the cat enter the hospital and Manel searches  for a tool he can use to remove the bullet from Viktor’s shoulder. At that moment he hears some  voices coming from the first floor so Manel goes upstairs.
He sees a zombie walking by and hides  before he can be seen. Then he hears the voices coming from the vents so he talks to them until  another zombie appears behind him. Manel quickly pushes him off and shoots him down, only for more  zombies to burst through the doors.
He immediately runs back to the initial room and makes sure to  lock the doors behind him to stop the zombies. To Manel’s surprise, Viktor and the cat aren’t where  he left them. When he turns around, a chute opens and Lucia tells him to join her.
The duo closes  the chute and escapes right before the zombies break down the other doors. Manel is taken to an  infirmary where nurse Lucia and Sister Cecilia have Viktor, the cat, and three children. The  women take care of Viktor’s wound and stabilize him.
When Manel mentions the helicopter, Lucia  reveals it’s parked behind the hospital in the quarantine area, which is full of zombies. That  night the group shares the little food they have with Manel, who keeps thinking about his wife.  He goes to the room where she died and remembers their last minutes together.
He also takes the  bracelet from the cat and ties it to Julia’s bed. The next morning Manel goes to the roof to watch  the zombies and suddenly his phone gets signal, so he receives all the messages Belén sent him the  past few weeks. While Manel records an answer, he hears shooting and looks out to discover the ship  crew is killing zombies to enter the hospital.
Manel rushes to warn the group about the incoming  danger, so they decide to try to use the hospital basement to reach the helicopter. The basement is  full of bodies and smoke, so everyone has to cover their mouths and noses as they move. Unfortunately  the door is stuck and they have to hit it with an axe to open it.
A zombie comes out and tackles  Cecilia to bite her. Manel pulls him away and burns his face against a hot pipe before Lucia  kills him with the axe. Now Cecilia is infected, so she tells them to go on without her and  leaves.
The group reaches a corridor and finds some zombies behind some furniture. Lucia  manages to open the door without making noise but a child speaks when she sees her mother is one  of the zombies. Thankfully they aren’t heard and proceed to walk to the door, only for a zombie to  suddenly push down some shelves.
The noise alerts the other creatures so Manel hides with the child  inside a cabinet while the others get behind the door. The zombies start pounding on the cabinet  and for a second it seems it’s over for Manel, however the ship crew arrives and shoots all the  zombies down in minutes. After a short argument they leave without seeing anyone.
Now the group  can finally make it to the last door and they see all the zombies outside. Remembering the  tutorial from the internet, Manel ties a bunch of cages together and they use them as a shield to  cross the yard. At first it goes well, but when a wheel gets stuck, the noise attracts the zombies. 
Lucia uses her axe and Manel a fire extinguisher to keep them at bay while Viktor continues to push  the cages. They move very slowly but with lots of effort they make it to the gate. Lucia breaks the  chain with her axe and stays with Manel to keep the zombies back while Viktor runs with the kids  to the helicopter.
After lots of pushing Lucia and Manel manage to close the gate and lock it with  a scarf, then they run to join the others. Viktor tries starting the helicopter but it doesn’t  work and the zombies are starting to climb over the fence, so Manel goes out to fight them. At  that moment Viktor finds an unplugged cable and reconnects it to finally make the helicopter work. 
The sound of the engine gets the attention of the crew, who shows up at the yard and starts shooting  down zombies. They cut the scarf to open the gate and threaten to shoot the group if they don’t  cooperate. Viktor very carefully nods at Manel, who breaks another chain to open a second gate. 
A new horde of zombies rushes into the yard and quickly surround the crew to bite them. A few  zombies also approach the helicopter, so Viktor makes it hover to push them off. Manel makes his  way through the horde by killing zombies with the axe.
The helicopter is about to leave but once  all the zombies are down, Lucia throws a ladder and Manel immediately climbs it to reunite with  his new friends and his cat. A few hours later the helicopter is getting closer to the Canaries.  At that moment Manel gets a call from Belén telling him not to come.
Two fighter jets fly  by, confirming the islands are infected as well.
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