today I'm going to teach you how to make a good video with just your phone if you're new here hi my name is Tammy I also go by uncomfy because your girl's a little anxious but over the past couple years I've been running my small business and it is my main source of income I don't pay for a single ad I just post on social media and during the first quarter of the year I made this much currently I have over 100,000 followers on Instagram nearly 100,000 followers on Tik Tok and of course over 100,000
subscribers on YouTube so a huge reason why I have such a successful business is because I post videos and I'm super passionate about it because it's one of the greatest ways to make money while doing what you love and I know making videos isn't for everybody but if you're watching this video chances are you want to get into it so today I'm going to show you how I film and edit my Tik toks and reals this is going to be a super beginner friendly video so if you're trying to watch for all my super Advanced
camera equipment and YouTube and stuff like that that will be in the the next video but this video we're just going to cover basic equipment basic editing on your phone my biggest tips and tricks on how to connect with an audience and build confidence so grab your tea a notebook maybe and let's get started first off is equipment I'm a firm believer that less is more and I'll tell you why personally for me I love researching different cameras and lighting and tripods and all of that but I think as a beginner I would have been
very intimidated and scared and discouraged by how expensive camera equipment is if you want to make content to promote your small business your smartphone is the best tool that you have so here's a quick rundown of all the equipment that I would recommend for a beginner small business content creator first thing you'll need to film and edit your videos is your phone here I have the iPhone 13 Pro Max and the last thing you'll need is a tripod for your phone here are my two favorite tripods I I got them both from Amazon so I'll
link them down below in my storefront but I would highly recommend getting a phone tripod just because look how small they are so portable and lightweight this one is your classic like um bendy leg tripod so it's pretty useful for getting different angles attach your phone like this you slip it in like there if you have a bulky case like me I just pop my case off and you pop it in now she's secure and you can adjust it from horizontal to Vertical which is what you'll be using for short form content super all reliable
but she's very short so that's why I have this tripod which I got more recently um I got it because my fam uses it so if you watch my's videos then she uses this you push this button right here the legs pop out and then the tripod extends really far so this tripod is really handy for standing shots and I use this in my Vlogs all the time so you have your phone and your your tripod and you want to start filming the last most important thing in my opinion is lighting I got a couple
questions on Instagram asking how do you get the best lighting for all of my videos I use the natural lighting that is available to me right now I have these beautiful windows and I know exactly when the sun is going to hit just right so my best tip for natural lighting is to know your environment what cardinal direction do your windows face if your windows are facing East it's best to film in the morning cuz that's when the Sun rises it's going to hit you just right it's going to be beautiful and if your windows
are facing the West you're going to want to film towards the end of the afternoon SL Sunset because that is when golden hour is and your windows are going to have that beautiful beautiful light when I was at my parents house my studio was facing north so I never got any direct sunlight so what I would do if I wanted to take some really nice product videos is I would take all my products in a little tray and carry them downstairs I would basically follow the Sun but if I'm going to be honest I didn't
have energy to do that every day so when I was in my North facing room I would just use the magic of editing editing yes some people love it some people hate it I love editing and I think if you're going to have a small business on social media you need to get really comfortable with editing you need to be comfortable with hearing yourself talk for hours and hours and hours on end my editing software of choice is cap cut because I can edit straight on my phone it's available for both Apple and Android users
I know editing may seem hard or intimidating but really it's as simple as taking a video cutting it up into the most interesting or beautiful parts and posting it I think one mistake that a lot of artists or small business owners make is that they separate the filming and editing from the art making a lot of people Revel in the art making but when it comes to editing all of a sudden they hate it but really editing is just giving your art a second chance at life it's giving it a whole new meaning a whole
new lifetime of people being able to view and enjoy your art I view video making as a documentation of my art process it's beautiful but it's also messy and ugly and timec consuming so when it comes to film making and editing I want you to come in with the mindset that you're breathing a second life into this project I hope I said that well I didn't script that at all it just came to me on to editing software I use cap cut because you can edit straight on your phone and it's so much easier than
having to import footage onto a computer and editing it that way I love editing on my phone because I think the faster you can film a video and edit it straight away then the more motivated you are and the more likely you are to actually post the content all right so I'm sitting here at my desk now ready to edit my video on cap cut like I said earlier I prefer to edit on my phone but cap cut does have a desktop version so you can edit on your computer if you prefer that so I'm
going to screen record everything so you can see what I'm doing but how I like to film is I film on my camera just my standard phone camera and then I go into my photo album and I will select all the videos that I just shot and put it into a new album right away so that when I go back to edit it I can easily find that album and import it into cap cut so if you didn't know cap cut is a super powerful yet super easy to use all-in-one editing app here on the
homepage you can see all of the different tools they have they have the ad maker which comes with all these little templates to use for my business I don't really use templates because I like to make longer storytelling videos if that makes sense like I'll make process videos and a voice over on top of that I find that that method of advertising is a lot more engaging when an audience can see your process and really connect with the story behind your small business so I just go straight into new project and I go into my
albums I just made and and today we're going to make a Cy bar sculpting video and I'm going to import all the videos in the order that I foresee the video panning out you can always change the order whenever in the timeline I end up doing that a lot and here is what my timeline looks like if you use your two fingers to pinch and squeeze you can shrink the timeline and then you can also extend it I typically extend it whenever I really want to get into a certain moment and cut out a specific
moment so for this video I really wanted to get like an intro of like my outfit just to show like today just going to be a sculpting day this is what I usually wear and you can basically shorten a video just by dragging it or what I do a lot is I'll touch it and then I'll split it and then I'll just delete the chunk that I don't want this chunk is me walking back from the camera I don't want that so I'm going to shrink that and then I'm going to delete so what I'm
doing right now is called a rough cut a rough cut is your video at its bare minimum it's just a video without any filters without any text it's just the bare video so I'm going to work on my rough cut cut right now and I'll be right back right now it's 12:30 and I'm aiming to get this video done within 10 to 15 minutes during this rough cut you'll notice that I'm making a lot of cuts because you want to make sure that each clip is no longer than 2 seconds it can be from the
same video but you want to make sure it's cut into tiny increments this is called a jump cut and this makes the video much more interesting to look at the more cuts and the more movement the better so that is why filming in different angles is so important because the more footage that you film The more you have to work with when you edit and that way your videos become much more interesting and the more likely a viewer will watch the whole video okay I finally finished the rough cut that took about 16 minutes so
I'm pretty happy with that from this point on you can add text music sound effects but my personal favorite is a voice over adding a voice to your videos is vital to getting an audience to connect with you I know it's scary especially if you're not used to hearing your voice over and over again but honest honestly you'll get used to it when I first started I never did any voiceovers it was just like aesthetic videos but I noticed a Skyrocket in engagement and followers and therefore sales when I started doing voiceovers a good tip
for doing voiceovers is to go inside your closet because your clothes will provide good insulation and therefore no Echoes or honestly on Tik Tok and Instagram quality doesn't matter as much as it does on YouTube you can have pretty shitty audio but people will still be willing to listen because it feels authentic if you have a pair of wired earbuds you can just go ahead and connect them to your phone if you really want better quality but honestly I typically just talk directly into the phone and if you're stuck on what to say during your
video cap cut has an amazing AI script generator and I'm going to show you how to use it so here is my rough cut I have a vague idea of what I want to say but I don't have enough words planned for 50 whole seconds of a video so I'm going to go back to the homepage of cap cut and use their ad script so as you can see see I already used it for one of my enamel pin videos but this is super good for small businesses because it's made to advertise a product I
use AI all the time to help me write emails and just correct my grammar but now with cap cut I can use AI to get me started on writing a script basically it'll give you a really good script to start on at the end of the day the video will still be genuine and yours so long as you edit it and make it your own but the script generator will just save you so much time like I used to spend upwards of an hour just making a Tik Tok because I kept recording my voice over
over and over again until it was perfect and now we have the script so I'm going to put in clay figurine and it has some suggestions here so handcrafted I'm going to say made to comfort so I said handcrafted made to comfort cute cyara holding coffee can go on your monitor or dashboard and we'll see where that takes us okay so this script is is actually really good obviously it's not something that I would say but it's getting my creative juices flowing so I'm going to edit this just a little bit and I think we
have a good script so it starts off with the text to speech effects which you can certainly do if you're not comfortable doing your own voiceover it's kind of funny and people do listen to the like robot voiceovers but I'm going to go ahead and record over that because I like talking in my own videos feel like it makes my audience connect with me more and even in a video where I don't show my face at the very at least I'll have my voice with it recently I found out about serotonin decor and I was
surprised that I never heard about it before because that's exactly what I make for a [Music] living when it comes to adding captions and words I like to keep the font very simple I use the system font in cap cut or the system font in Tik Tok because you don't want your words to be more distracting than the video itself all the attention should be on your product or your process and the words are honestly only there for clarity and Ada purposes okay so I think I have a good video now I added voice over
captions and music and now the last thing is color grading as you can see the video has pretty good lighting I would say I filmed this during the day when the sun was going through my windows really nicely so I don't need to do much but even with good lighting I'll always do do a little bit of color correction color correction is doing little tweaks like increasing brightness decreasing Shadows saturation stuff like that one thing I always like to do is decrease the highlights um I'll actually increase the Shadows so that there's less Shadows throughout
the sculpting portions have the filter extend throughout the whole video and sometimes for this I want this to be more warm cuz this I filmed during the afternoon so there wasn't any sunlight so I'm going to zoom in and split the adjustment like layer right at this Frame so now I can make just this section A lot more warm and it won't impact the rest of the video and now I can export the video and post it on both Tik Tok and Instagram recently I found out about serotonin Decor which is where you decorate your
room or your house or your car just with like silly little things that makes you happy and I was surprised I never heard about it before because that's exactly what I make for a living my name is Tammy I'm a polymer clay artist and I also go by uncomfy because I'm a little anxious but I make cozy art and cozy content to help Comfort others so for example I made this coffee bar a cppy bar holding a cup of coffee to help uncomfy people like me get through their work days it's small so you can
place it on your monitor or your dashboard and its Serene expression is made to bring comfort and serenity to your workspace just like a warm cup of coffee here's what they look like when they're all glazed and they're available in my shop right now I'm at the gym right now but in just a couple hours that real already got like, 1500 likes so pretty happy with that that's very successful to me I hope this video was helpful for you and if you have any more questions let me know down in the comments my best wishes
for Content creating and good luck everyone say hi to Winnie in a single sale white Rocky island you and I the trail