we all know that we should keep trying until we succeed but don't push yourself so far that you end up like Karen's trust me you don't want to be like them if you're wondering who Karen is we've got you covered so please sit back and relax because we're about to look at some of the worst Karens who got what they deserved talking about Karma this video shows how a flight attendant shuts a male Karen up when he is being rude we couldn't agree more with the line I am an employee not your servant um we
just want to ask that Karen if he needs any aloe vera because he just got burned finger on me and my crew is crying because of you please try to understand there's a God there are counted being uplifted we can only serve whatever why are you yelling because you are yelling on us no I am so sorry not talk to the truth like that you have to respect the crew as well yes when I'm disrespecting me like that why are you yelling I'm sorry you did not have to be like that a police officer and
then they tried to act like they were mistreated they thought they could get away with it but the police aren't that easy to be fooled thankfully by the end of this clip the driver was arrested foreign [ __ ] you [ __ ] off you [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] clown [Music] he like pushed himself against your vehicle he was like you just hit me now we have that to look forward to these are [ __ ] idiots man steaks [Music] again [Music] are you serious holy third in time in five years
got his gun on me now listen to him he's hitting my [ __ ] truck now please help me help me send somebody now please what are you doing foreign send more people please there's another officer here but he just told me to shut up please help they're beating him up please don't hang up I'm scared sir what is your name that is bear spray there's like five police officers pulling up now they're all smiling and laughing because they know my husband we're like we've never done anything wrong this is excuse me can you please
explain what's gonna happen here like he's under arrest and he's gonna be held for a bail hearing so he'll be under arrest until he speaks to a judge and then he'll be released you can't drive your vehicle into a police officer he didn't I was standing right here and he pulled into the side he sideswiped me same as any other motor vehicle collision except for that was with the person he did it intentionally he was trying to pull away from you sir I saw I watched okay I have it on film that's okay I just
I have it on film too and audio recording can I please take this vehicle home like right you can't drive with the window like that so you might want to pull the rest of it out I'm not helping you can somebody help me with that please they're all just driving away and leaving me here with a broken window this is totally dramatic this Karen loses her temper completely and throws trash at the neighbor's house she also tried to kick the car of her neighbor just might forget that she was in front of the police while
she did all of this and the Instant Karma happens but the very final section of this video is still good for a giggle look we honestly have better things to do this is yeah really not something you down 9-1-1 for just look at this trash that they have here come on come on what [Applause] oh my God you know what it's not me it's them we're gonna take you home why am I going in there they should be going in there no no no no I'm not going in there I'm not going in there they
should be going in there not me no no no this Karen definitely deserved to be embarrassed by the driver she made a racist comment right after she got in the car thanks to this Uber driver who just showed her what she deserved taste your own medicine Karen how are you [Music] like you speak English sorry no you can get out of the car ride that's inappropriate completely inappropriate if somebody was not white sitting in the seat what would be the difference she said wow you're a white guy that's okay I'm not gonna take the ride
you guys can get out really yeah completely inappropriate oh you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's all on camera man you're gonna threaten me yeah wow because you guys are racist [ __ ] no no I'm calling the cops on you man it's all on camera it's all on camera do you guys own the place is it your place that's great everyone's gonna know fossil's last stand for black people right yeah [ __ ] off watch this young Karen who thought he could get away with what he had done we don't understand where
these Karen's get these engines we hope he learned his lesson [Music] ass man this is a hilarious clip in this video you can see a Karen getting ticked off because of a trash bin she completely loses control and pushes away the bin and the rest is history Instant Karma we bow to you I can't control where the city [ __ ] puts it it's trash how about that I got that on recording too sure did I did [Music] um talking about Instant Karma just watch this clip guys we don't want to give you a spoiler
but this is just a friendly reminder to Karen that they should always watch out when crossing a busy road herons are so full of attitude that they don't even realize who is helping them they throw Tantrums all over the place just like this Karen who gives the rider a middle finger even though the rider was just being nice to him undoubtedly he deserves to be taught such a valuable lesson thank you [Music] foreign s enjoy acting the victim this woman caused quite a stir over parking and acted innocent it would be less of a drama
if she could just leave but nada I think Karen's are Never Gonna Change except for the fact news you're I'm gonna call the police you're assaulting please get away from me I don't want anything to do I'm assaulting you you're let not letting me leave yeah and this is assaulting you you're not letting me leave so you're stopping me from leaving I will please move away from me please get away from me I didn't do anything to you I was trying to have a conversation I don't want to have a conversation with you I don't
know you you're so close to me with covid you don't have a mask on it's insane can you please step away from me get away from me so you're trying to tell me I'm just trying to tell you I'm trying to close my door and you're stuck you're pulling my you're kidding me because you're stopping me yes because please back away from me I need you this is your sports this is insane I will back up here but you need to listen to me you're not if you're that can you turn this I'm concerned about
you you're stopping me from leaving that's what I'm concerned with and you go into the store and let them know that you're stalking me you can't stop are you concerned with your parking foreign watch this lady following every step of typical Karen illogical dramatic and rude she was so busy making her point that she forgot where she put her stuff we love the last part of the clip though I stopped videotaping me what's your problem what's your problem I had a coupon that I got out of the machine today and he won't let me use
it is this worth a coupon is it worth you videotaping me how much are the pictures I could solve all this why the pictures myself I could sell me the pictures this is just embarrassing I've never seen it embarrassing that you have to and I want my camera back okay well I guess the cops are gonna have to go talk to Cops I would like my camera back ever since what's her name left here this place went to ship I would like my camera back well the camera was here and now it's not all that
was weird with the pictures in it no there were two items there was a camera the camera is no longer here they got it right there by the photo machine oh look look who's wrong Karen blocking parking spaces is a never-ending drama but in this video this Karen definitely learned her lesson thank you we are all aware of Karen's serious attitude issues keep an eye on us Karen as she loses her calm over waiting for her food but what happens at the end of this video is really satisfying it was eight pieces I'm wondering why
it was more than 30 minutes because we have several big orders the way it pops up I can't stand I'm calling corporate use of the Oz I will because we have big orders ahead of you two you wasn't the only one that had a big order fish but you can leave my store we don't have time have a good night oh no no you'll be hearing from corporate believe me just when we thought this Karen could get away with her bad behavior she got what she deserved it's too bad for her that some people are
hard to get away from I got to play you're gonna be in real trouble you're sitting in the car I need to park here no I'm parking here I live here well get out I'll have a car pass I do and it's not your business I live here you're here a lot and I see you you don't live here and even so I need to pocket that's not how it works you are a disgusting piece of crap your mother this video clip is just crazy this woman thought she could shoplift and get away with it
yes you heard that right she not only commits a crime but she also throws a tantrum on guard luckily she ends up paying for her deed s what's up [Music] have you ever pictured a Karen next to your seat it must be a nightmare I guess while this Karen loses her temper on a flight even worse she makes a racist comment she was ultimately kicked out of the plane by the authorities and while she was being booted the crowd cheered [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this Karen deserved every bit of shame that she felt a Karen had
a nervous breakdown in a store and got what she deserved [Music] we don't understand why Karen's can't mind their own business watch this video where this Karen goes all dramatic over a dog but fortunately no one is believing in her reporting me now a Doberman what are you doing no he didn't what are you okay I'm sorry she's not adorable she's just she's acting crazy you need the police here we have a Karen who for unknown reasons took offense at a pub even worse she made a racial comment finally she was thrown out to the
bar America for America um [Music] we have to admit that this video is absolutely insane this Karen couple believed that acting irrationally would save them let's just say that doesn't always work very well the couple experience their own medicine foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] screaming at each other for a [ __ ] hours [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we want to be something finished hopefully [Music] [Music] I don't understand why Karen's are so out of Peace can't they just take a chill pill watch as this woman loses her cool over a boy who's just walking by
she got embarrassed after she thought the girl who was recording was on her side have a nice day you'll do that you guys see this I do I sure do see it oh you're having a problem with this yeah I'm gonna just let this guy walk down the street he's not bothering you come here I don't want to come here how can someone be so stupid this is yet another racist one Karen who thought that being irrational was an attitude in the whole video she just yelled and screamed but finally she ended up leaving make
a racist comment you know what I am not a racist person you're just you just made a racist woman you need to go home I am from here look at it go home go I don't care about your Facebook or your video oh okay you play games we don't play games oh what kind of game are you playing I play games where you get [ __ ] to death oh okay well great let me let me take your uh card let me another play too right so this lady just made a racist comment I can't
believe this you are going to go to real jail now Audrey you are I think you're going to understand me respect respect people respect lady from what I can tell parents don't like to follow the rules this Karen was called out for her disrespectful license plate she instantly realizes her fault and leaves the place but come in our neighborhood pulling our signs you come into our neighborhood pulling off our sons and then she has do not touch my car then she had her attack then she have her tag covered though did she have her attack
covered up you're sorry for what I do believe can you go put it back yes I will because I'm getting ready to call the police you're from Hillsborough County and you're coming in here destroying the neighborhood that I grew up in you're coming in here and you're distracting the neighborhood that I grew up in it said Trump that's freedom of Street it says flush the turn that's freedom of speech disrespecting the current president Karen's love restaurant drama watch these Karen's who get tired of waiting for their big order and start to yell at all the
teenagers who work there have some patience Karens you're not the only one in the queue wow wow wow We're Miners and you're over here [ __ ] bye [Music] [Applause]