WORK LIKE HELL - Jim Rohn Motivation

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WORK LIKE HELL - Jim Rohn Motivation | Powerful Speech on Success and Achievement Unlock the secret...
Video Transcript:
you know I've been thinking a lot lately about what it really takes to succeed in this world and let me tell you something it's not for the faint of heart success real success the kind that changes your life and the lives of those around you that kind of success demands everything you've got it demands that you work like hell now I'm not talking about just putting in your N9 to-5 collecting your paycheck and calling it a day no I'm talking about about the kind of work that consumes you that drives you that becomes the very
essence of who you are the kind of work that has you up before the sun burning the midnight oil and squeezing every last drop of potential out of each and every day you see the world doesn't owe you anything it doesn't care about your dreams your Ambitions or your potential the world only cares about results and results my friends come from one thing and one thing only Relentless uncompromising effort I want you to think about the great Achievers throughout history the inventors the entrepreneurs the artists the leaders who changed the course of human events do
you think they achieve Greatness by working a comfortable 40-hour week do you think they spent their evenings lounging on the couch watching mindless entertainment no they worked like hell they poured their heart and soul into their craft their mission in their purpose Thomas Edison once said genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration and let me tell you that man knew a thing or two about hard work he didn't just stumble upon the light bulb he worked tirelessly failing thousands of times before he finally succeeded but here's the key he never saw those failures as defeats
he saw them as stepping stones each one bringing him closer to his goal now I know what some of you might might be thinking but what about work life balance what about taking it easy and enjoying life and to that I say who told you that work and life were separate things Who Sold you on this idea that your work your passion your purpose is somehow distinct from your life your work is your life it's how you contribute to this world it's how you leave your Mark it's how you create value for others and in
turn for yourself when you truly understand this when you align your work with your deepest values and aspirations that's when magic happens that's when work stops feeling like work and starts feeling like a mission but here's the thing this kind of dedication this level of commitment it's not for everyone and that's okay not everyone is cut out to be a world changer an industry leader a Trailblazer some people are content with mediocrity with just getting by and if that's you if you're satisfied with an average life an average career an average impact then by all
means clock out at 5: and enjoy your evening but if you're here if you're listening to these words I have a feeling that's not you I have a feeling that deep down you know you're capable of more you know you have greatness within you just waiting to be Unleashed and if that's the case then my friend it's time to work like hell now when I say work like hell I'm not just talking about putting in long hours it's not about burning yourself out or sacrificing your health no working like hell is about intensity it's about
Focus it's about making every single minute count it's about approaching your work with a sense of urgency with a burning desire to make progress to learn to grow to achieve it's about treating each day as if it were your last chance to make a difference to move the needle to inch closer to your goals you see time is the great equalizer we all have the same 24 hours in a day what's separates the Achievers from the dreamers is how they use those hours the Achievers the ones who work like hell they squeeze every ounce of
productivity out of each minute they're constantly asking themselves is what I'm doing right now moving me closer to my goals is this the best use of my time and here's a little secret when you when you start working like this when you approach your work with this level of intensity and focus something magical happens time seems to expand you start accomplishing in a day what others might take a week to do you start seeing opportunities where others see obstacles you start making connections that others Miss but let me be clear this isn't about working yourself
to the Bone it's not about sacrificing your health or your relationships in fact it's quite the opposite when you work like hell when you pour yourself into your purpose you'll find that you have more energy not less you'll find that your relationships deepen because you're showing up as your best most alive self you see working like hell isn't about grinding yourself down it's about lighting yourself up it's about tapping into that Wellspring of passion and purpose that resides within each of us when you're aligned with your purpose when you're doing work that truly matters to
you work becomes a source of energy not a drain on it now I can already hear some of you thinking but I don't know what my purpose is I don't have a passion that drives me and to that I say hogwash everyone has a purpose everyone has something they're uniquely suited to contribute to this world if you haven't found it yet that just means you haven't been looking hard enough your purpose isn't something that's handed to you on a silver platter it's something you discover through action through trial and error through working like hell at
different things until you find what lights you up and let me tell you when you find it you'll know because suddenly work won't feel like work anymore it'll feel like a calling but here's the catch even when you find your purpose even when you're doing a work you love there will still be hard days there will still be challenges setbacks and moments of doubt and that's where the work like hell mentality really comes into you see anyone can work hard when things are going well when they're feeling motivated and inspired but the real test of
character the real measure of your commitment comes when things get tough it's in those moments when you're faced with obstacles and setbacks that you have to double down that's when you have to work even harder push even further I'm reminded of a story about a young man who wanted to be a success he went to a guru and asked what must I do to be successful the guru took the young man to a nearby lake and pushed his head underwater the young man struggled and thrashed about and just when he thought he couldn't hold his
breath any longer the guru pulled him up what did you want more than anything when you were underwater the guru asked air the young man gasped that's the secret to success the guru said head when you want success as badly as you wanted a then you will be successful now I'm not suggesting you need to be gasping for air to be successful but I am saying that you need to want it that badly you need to be willing to work for it with that level of intensity that level of desperation because here's the truth success
isn't comfortable growth isn't comfortable you're not growing if you're not growing you're dying it's as simple as that so I challenge you get uncomfortable push yourself beyond what you think you're capable of work harder than you've ever worked before because on the other side of that discomfort on the other side of that hard work that's where greatness lies now I know some of you might be thinking but I'm already working hard I'm already putting in long hours what more can I do and to that I say it's not just about working hard it's about working
smart it's about maximizing your Effectiveness about making every minute count start by taking a hard look at how you're spending your time are you truly focused during your work hours or are you constantly distracted are you prioritizing the most important tasks or are you busy being busy are you continually learning and improving your skills or are you stuck in a rut doing doing the same things day in and day out remember working like hell isn't about running yourself into the ground it's about being intentional with your time and energy it's about saying no to the
things that don't matter so you can say yes to the things that do it's about ruthlessly eliminating distractions and focusing on what truly moves the needle and here's something else to consider working like hell isn't just about your professional life it's about every aspect of your existence are you working like hell in your relationships are you working like hell on your health are you working like hell on your personal growth and development you see success isn't just about making money or climbing the corporate ladder true success lasting success is about becoming the best version of
yourself in every area of your life it's about continual growth and Improvement it's about waking up day a little bit better than you were the day before now I know this might sound overwhelming you might be thinking how can I possibly work like hell on everything and the answer is you can't at least not all at once that's why it's crucial to focus on what matters most to identify your priorities and pour your energy into those areas start by asking yourself what are my core values what are the things that truly matter matter to me
what kind of person do I want to be what kind of impact do I want to have on the world once you have Clarity on these fundamental questions you can start aligning your actions with your values you can start working like hell on the things that truly matter and here's the beautiful thing when you start working like hell on the things that truly matter to you when you start aligning your actions with your values and your purpose you'll find that you have more energy not less you'll find find that you're more motivated more inspired More
Alive because working like hell when it's directed towards something meaningful isn't draining it's invigorating it's not a chore it's a privilege it's not something you have to do it's something you get to do think about it how lucky are we to live in a time and place where we have the opportunity to pursue our dreams to make a difference to leave our mark on the world how fortunate are we we to have the freedom to choose our path to work towards our goals to become the best version of ourselves this is a gift my friends
and the way we honor that gift is by making the most of it by working like hell to become the best we can be to do the most good we can do to make the biggest impact we can make now I won't be clear about some working like hell doesn't mean you never rest in fact rest and Recovery are crucial components of sustained high performance but here's the key even your rest should be intentional even your downtime should be purposeful when you're resting really rest recharge your batteries reflect on your progress plan your next moves
use your downtime to sharpen your saw to refill your well to prepare yourself for the next round of intense effort and when you're working really work give it everything you've got pour your heart and Soul into it leave nothing on the table because at the end of the day at the end of your life you don't want to look back with regret wondering what might have been if only you'd worked a little harder pushed a little further given a little more you see life is short we only get one shot at this one chance to
make our Mark to fulfill our potential to become the person we're capable of becoming and the only way to make the most of that chance is to work like hell now I know some of you might be thinking but what if I fail what if I work like hell and still don't achieve my goals and to that I'd say so what failure is not the opposite of success it's part of success it's a necessary step on the path to achievement show me a successful person and I'll show you someone who's failed more times than you
can count the difference is they didn't let those failures stop them they learned from them they grew from from them they use them as fuel to work even harder to push even further you see when you're working like hell failure isn't something to be feared it's something to be embraced because each failure brings with it a lesson each setback contains within it the seeds of future success your job is to extract those lessons to plant those seeds and to keep pushing forward and here's the thing when you're truly working like hell when you're giving at
everything you've got you can never really fail because even if you don't achieve your original goal you'll have grown you'll have learned you'll have become a stronger more capable more resilient version of yourself that's the real prize that's the real reward for working like hell it's not just about what you achieve it's about who you become in the process so I challenge you starting today work like hell not just at your job job but in every area of your life work like hell on your skills work like hell on your relationships work like hell on
your health work like hell on becoming the best version of yourself put yourself beyond what you think you're capable of embrace discomfort seek out challenges because it's in those moments of struggle those moments of intense effort that you'll discover what you're truly made of that you'll unlock your true potential remember success is isn't something that happens to you it's something you create and you create it through consistent focused intense effort you create it by working like hell now I want you to imagine something for a moment imagine it's a year from now you've spent the
past 365 days working like hell you've poured your heart and soul into your work your relationships your personal growth you've pushed yourself harder than you ever have before you've faced challenges head on learned from your failures and kept pushing forward no matter what what would your life look like how much progress would you have made how much closer would you be to your goals how much stronger more capable more confident would you be that future is within your grasp but it's not going to come to you you have to go out and create it you
have to work for it you have to work like hell for it so what are you waiting for the clock is ticking you your life is happening right now this is not a dress rehearsal this is the real deal and you have a choice to make are you going to Coast through life doing just enough to get by or are you going to work like hell squeezing every ounce of potential out of yourself and your circum the choice is yours but I'll tell you this no feeling in the world quite like knowing you've given it
your all there's no satisfaction quite like looking back on a day a week a year and knowing that you worked like hell and made real progress so don't settle for less than you're capable of don't buy into the lies that say success is for other people that your dreams are too big that it's too late to start those are just excuses and excuses are the nails that build the house of failure instead make a commitment right here right now a commitment to yourself to your dreams to your potential a commitment to work like hell day
in and day out rain or shine no matter what because here's the truth you have greatness within you you have the potential to achieve amazing things to make a real difference in this world but that potential isn't going to realize itself you have to work for it you have to work like hell for it so starting right now I want you to approach each day with a new level of intensity a new level of focus a new level of commitment I want you to wake up each morning ready to give it your all to squeeze
every ounce of productivity out of every minute I want you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone to do the things that scare you to take on challenges that seem impossible because it's in those moments of intense effort those moments when you're working like hell that you'll discover what you're truly capable of and let me tell you something you're capable of far more than you realize you have reservoirs of strength of creativity of resilience that you haven't even tapped into yet but the only way to access those reservoirs is to push yourself to work harder
than you've ever worked before so don't hold back don't play small don't let fear or doubt or complacency hold you back instead work like hell work like your dreams depend on it remember success isn't an accident it's not a matter of luck or chance it's the result of sustained focused intense effort it's the result of working like hell day after day week after week year after year so make that commitment to yourself commit to working so make that commitment to yourself commit to working like hell not just today not just this week but every single
day because that's what it takes to achieve greatness that's what it takes to turn your dreams into reality now I know some of you might be thinking but I don't have time to work like hell I'm already stretch thin as it is and to that I say you don't find time you make time you prioritize you eliminate the non-essentials you focus on what truly matters think about it how much time do you spend each day on activities that don't move you closer to your goals how much time do you waste on trivial matters on Mindless
entertainment on things that don't truly matter in the grand scheme of things I'm not saying you need to work 24ward Seb that's not sustainable and it's not smart but I am saying that you need to be intentional with your time you need to guard it fiercely to invest it wisely to use it in ways that align with your goals and values because here's the truth time is the most precious resource you have you can always make more money but you can't make more time once it's gone it's gone forever so doesn't it make sense to
use that time in the most productive most meaningful way possible that's what working like hell is all about it's about making the most of every minute every hour every day it's about living with purpose and intention about squeezing every ounce of potential out of yourself and your circumstances and let me tell you son when you start working like this when you start approaching each day with this level of intensity and focus amazing things start to happen opportunities start to appear doors start to open People start to take notice because the world responds to effort it
responds to dedication it responds to people who are willing to work like hell to achieve their goals think about the most successful people you know the ones who've achieved great things who've made a real impact in their field do you think they got there by taking it easy by doing just enough to get by no they got there by working like hell by pushing themselves beyond what they thought was possible by refusing to settle for anything less than their absolute best and here's the beautiful things you have that same potential within you you have the
ability to achieve great things to make a real difference in this world but that potential isn't going to realize itself you have to work for it you have to work like hell for it so I challenge you right now raise your standards demand more from yourself push yourself harder than you've ever pushed before work like hell on your skills on your knowledge on your relationships on your health on every aspect of your life because here's the truth the quality of your life is directly proportional to the demands you place upon yourself if you settle for
mediocrity that's exactly what you'll get but if you demand Excellence from yourself if you're willing to work like hell to achieve it there's no limit to what you can accomplish now I know this isn't easy I know it's not comfortable but growth never is Success isn't comfortable if you're comfortable you're not growing if you're not growing you're dying it's as simple as that so embrace the discomfort lean into the challenge Let the Fire of your ambition your desire to achieve your commitment to Excellence let that fire burn away your excuses your doubts your fears because
on the other side of that discomfort on the other side of that hard work that's where greatness lies that's where you'll find the life you've always dreamed of that's where you'll become the person you're truly capable of being remember success is not a destination it's a journey it's a process of continual growth and Improvement and the only way to succeed on that journey is to work like hell every single day so don't wait for the perfect moment don't wait until you feel ready don't wait for someone to give you permission the time to start is
now the time to work like hell is now because here's the thing a year from now you'll wish you had started today five years from now you'll look back on this moment as the Turning Point the moment when you decided to stop settling to stop stop making excuses and to start working like hell towards your dreams and let me tell you there's no feeling quite like knowing you've given it your all there's no satisfaction quite like looking back on a day a week a year and knowing that you worked like hell and made real progress
so make that commitment to yourself commit to working like hell not just today not just this week but every single day because that's what it takes to achieve greatness that's what it takes to turn your dreams into reality and remember you're not alone in this journey every great achiever throughout history faced doubts faced challenges faced moments when they wanted to give up but they pushed through they kept working they worked like hell and that's exactly what I'm asking you to do to push through the doubts to overcome the challenges to keep working no matter what
because here's the truth the world needs what you have to offer it needs your talents your ideas your passion it needs you to step up to work like hell to become the best version of yourself so don't hold back don't play small don't let fear or doubt or complacency hold you back instead work like hell work like your dreams depend on it because they do remember success isn't an accident it's not a matter of luck or chance it's the result of su sustained focused intense effort it's the result of working like hell day after day
week after week year after year so starting right now I want you to approach each day with a new level of intensity a new level of focus a new level of commitment I want you to wake up each morning ready to give it your all to squeeze every ounce of productivity out of every minute I want you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone to do the things that scare you to take on challenges that seem impossible because it's in those moments of intense effort those moments when you're working like hell that you'll discover what
you're truly capable of and let me tell you something you're capable of far more than you realize you have reservoirs of strength of creativity of resilience that you haven't even tapped into yet but the only way to access those reservoirs is to push yourself to work harder than you've ever worked before so don't settle for less than you're capable of don't buy into the lies that say success is for other people that your dreams are too big that it's too late to start those are just excuses and excuses are the nails that build the house
of failure instead make a commitment right here right now a commitment to yourself to your dreams to your potential a commitment to work like hell day in and day out rain or shine no matter what because here's the truth you have greatness within you you have the potential to achieve amazing things to make a real difference in this world but that potential isn't going to realize itself you have to work for it you have to work like hell for it so starting today I want you to live with a sense of urgency I want you
to approach each task each challenge each opportunity with the mindset of someone who's working like hell because that's what separates the Achievers from the dreamers that's what separates those who make things happen from those who wonder what happened and remember working like hell isn't just about putting in long hours it's about intensity it's about Focus it's about making every single minute count it's about approaching your work with a burning desire to make progress to learn to grow to achieve it's about treating each day as if it were your last chance to make a difference to
move the needle to inch closer to your goals because in many ways it is we're not guaranteed tomorrow all we have is today so Make It Count work like hell to make it count and here's the beautiful thing when you start working like this when you start pouring yourself into your purpose you'll find that you have more energy not less you'll find that your work becomes a source of fulfillment not just a means to an end because when you're aligned with your purpose when you're doing work that truly matters to you work becomes a source
of energy not a drain on it it becomes something you get to do not something you have to do so find that purpose find that thing that lights you up that drives you that makes you want to work like hell and once you find it pour yourself into it give it everything you've got work like hell to bring it to life because at the end of the day that's what life is all about it's about making a difference it's about leaving your Mark it's about using your talents your skills your passion to create something meaningful
something lasting and the only way to do that is to work like hell to push yourself beyond what you think you're capable of to demand more from yourself than anyone else could ever demand from you so I challenge you starting today work like hell not just at your job but in every area of your life work like hell on your skills work like hell on your relationships work like hell on your health work like hell on becoming the best version of yourself because when you do that when you commit to working like hell day in
and day out amazing things start to happen you start to grow in ways you never thought possible possible you start to achieve things you never thought you could achieve you start to become the person you've always dreamed of being and that my friends is what success is all about it's not about the money or the accolades or the recognition those are just byproducts real success is about becoming the best version of yourself it's about fulfilling your potential it's about making the most of the gifts you've been given and the only way to do that is
to work like hell so don't wait don't hesitate don't make excuses start right now start working like hell towards your dreams towards your goals towards the life you want to create because you have greatness within you you have the power to achieve amazing things but that power isn't going to activate itself you have to work for it you have to work like hell for it so go out there and make it happen work like hell and watch as your life transforms before your eyes because when you work like hell when you give it everything you've
got there's no limit to what you can achieve remember the future belongs to those who work for it to those who are willing to put in the effort to make the sacrifices to do whatever it takes to turn their dreams into reality and that can be you that should be you that will be you if you're willing to work like hell for it so what are you waiting for the time is now the opportunity is here the choice is yours will you settle for mediocrity or will you work like hell to achieve greatness will you
Coast through life or will you push yourself to become the best version of yourself I believe in you I believe in your potential I believe that you have what it takes to work like hell and Achieve amazing things now it's time for you to believe it too it's time for you to prove it not just to the world but to so go out there and work like hell push yourself harder than you've ever pushed before demand more from yourself than anyone else could ever demand from you and watch as your life transforms as your dreams
become reality as you become the person you've always known you could be because when you work like hell anything is possible when you work like hell you can overcome any obstacle achieve any goal become anyone you want to be so work like hell and let your success be the noise that drowns out all the doubts all the fears all the naysayers work like hell and create a life so amazing that you have to pinch yourself every morning just to make sure you're not dreaming work like hell and leave a legacy that will inspire generations to
come because that's what life is all about it's about making the most of every moment every opportunity every breath we take it's about working like hell to become the best version of ourselves to make the biggest impact we can make to leave this world a little better than we found it so I'll leave you with this final thought your life is happening right now this is not a dress rehearsal this is the real deal and you have a choice to make will you work like hell to make the most of it or will you let
it slip away wondering what might have been the choice is yours but I hope you'll choose to work like hell because when you do when you commit to giving it your all day in and day out that's when miracles happen that's when dreams come true that's when you discover what you're truly capable of so go out there and work like hell your future yourself will thank you for it the world will thank you for it and you'll thank yourself for Having the courage the commit the sheer determination to work like hell and create the life
of your dreams remember Success is Not For The Chosen Few it's for those who choose to work like hell for it so choose it embrace it live it work like hell and watch as your wildest dreams become your everyday reality
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