🌟Chosen Ones🌟 God Is Making Things Happen for You Behind the Scenes—You Don’t Have To Worry

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Astral Aura
🌟Chosen Ones🌟 God Is Making Things Happen for You Behind the Scenes—You Don’t Have To Worry Hey t...
Video Transcript:
hey there Chosen One it may shock or even surprise you what I'm about to say but if you're watching this video right now it's not by accident there's a reason you're here and it's bigger than you think let me tell you something crucial God is making things happen for you behind the scenes yes for you you may not always see it or understand it but trust me things are shifting and aligning in ways that will blow your mind mind now before we dive into this powerful message I want you to do something if you feel
the energy if you feel the calling like this video subscribe to astral Laura and help us reach 5,000 subscribers also drop a comment with 77 to send a signal to the universe when you engage with this video it sends out vibrations connecting you with all that positive energy and hey you'll want to watch this video on repeat to make the signal even stronger allowing you to absorb all the power and blessings this message holds one more thing if you're a true chosen one you'll stay till the end if you're not it's likely you'll click away
but I already know you're meant to be here to hear this message to get this Divine download today so let's jump in chapter 1 the hidden power in your everyday struggle as a chosen one you're probably no stranger to struggles that seem never ending day after day you face challenges that would break others yet here you are still standing still fighting it might feel like you're walking through life with a weight on your shoulders that no one else seems to carry the people around you don't always see what you're going through you might smile you
might show up but inside there's a storm and the worst part some people might doubt you criticize you or make you feel like you're not enough it's exhausting isn't it you give your best yet somehow it seems like nothing's working in your favor but here's the truth what they see what you see right now is only the surface no one not even you can see what's happening behind the scenes but trust me something is happening God is at work in ways that are hidden from the human eye your struggles today are not in vain and
they're certainly not roadblocks they're Stepping Stones each difficulty each hardship each setback you face is a piece of the greater picture that you just can't see yet you might feel rejected like the universe is closing door after door in your face but let me tell you something those closed doors on denials they redirections they're guiding you away from what's not meant for you and toward something so much better than you can even imagine right now it's easy to feel disheartened when opportunities seem to Slick through your fingers but in reality what's happening is divine orchestration
you're being guided protected and positioned for something greater each delay each disappointment each challenge is part of a much bigger plan that God has for your life imagine yourself as a piece of a larger puzzle alone that piece might look confusing or even pointless but God is the Ultimate Puzzle Master and he placing each piece in exactly the right place at exactly the right time right now you're being positioned you're being set up for something extraordinary and just because you can't see the full picture doesn't mean there isn't one you have to trust that your
struggles are not meaningless that part of a Divine strategy they're molding you strengthening you and preparing you for what's coming and the reason you're facing so much resistance it's because your calling is so great the greater the destiny the greater the obstacles you are a chosen one and with that comes not only immense potential but also immense challenges the enemy Knows Your Potential too and that's why the attacks can feel so Relentless it's why life sometimes feels like an uphill battle but remember no one faces a battle unless there's something valuable on the line your
struggles are part of your training Ground God is refining You Through Fire shaping you into the person you need to be to handle what's coming think about gold it doesn't become pure without being put through intense heat that's what's happening to you right now your being purified strengthened and prepared for a purpose far beyond what you can currently see maybe you've been praying asking for clarity asking for doors to open asking for a sign but what if I told you that your struggles are the answer to those prayers what if the very challenges you're facing
right now are part of God's way of preparing you for the blessings you've been asking for you see sometimes we think we're ready for certain things but God knows the exact timing that's best for us he sees the entire path while we only see a few steps ahead and this is where trust comes in faith isn't just about believing in God when things are going well it's about trusting him even when things seem to be falling apart it's easy to have faith when life is smooth but true faith is tested in the fire it's in
the moments of struggle of Doubt of uncertainty that you your faith is being refined and if you can hold on if you can trust that God is working even when you can't see it you will come out on the other side stronger wiser and more prepared for the blessings that are already in motion think about the people in the Bible Joseph David Moses they all faced immense struggles before stepping into their Divine calling Joseph was sold into slavery thrown into prison and forgotten for years before he became a ruler in Egypt David was hunted by
King Saul living in caves even though he was anointed to be king Moses wandered the desert for 40 years with a people who constantly doubted him yet in every single one of those stories God was working behind the scenes positioning them for greatness even when it looked like everything was going wrong and so it is with you your struggles are not signs of defeat they're in at is that God is shaping you for something greater the rejection you're feeling it's redirection the closed doors they're leading you to better opportunities the delays their Divine timing in
disguise right now you're being positioned in ways you can't see for a future you can't even imagine yet God is not just watching your struggles he actively using them to bring you into a alignment with his purpose for your life you're being prepared for the doors that will open for the blessings that are on the way you are being prepared for the very thing you've been praying for trust the process even when it's painful trust the journey even when it's hard because what's happening behind the scenes is far greater than anything you could ever imagine
you're a chosen one and that means your path is unique your struggles are meaning ful and your future is divine chapter 2 embracing the isolation if you're a chosen one you've likely experienced periods of intense isolation you might feel like you're walking through life alone like no one really understands you even the people who love you may seem distant or unable to connect with you on the level you need it's like there's a wall separating you from the world and that isolation can feel suffocating it times you wonder why despite being a good person with
pure intentions you find yourself standing alone let me tell you something that might shift your perspective your isolation is not a punishment it's preparation God often isolates his chosen ones before he elevates them he pulls them away from the noise of the world from the distractions and even from certain people so that he can have your full attention think about it when you're you're alone there's nowhere to turn but Inward and that's when God does his greatest work in isolation you are forced to confront your deepest fears insecurities and doubts it's a time of deep
reflection where God is molding you from the inside out preparing you for the next phase of your journey this period of isolation is like a cocoon just as a caterpillar must Retreat into a cocoon to transform into a butterfly you too must go through this period of withdrawal before you emerge into the next version of yourself but here's the thing when you're in that cocoon it feels dark it feels like nothing is happening like you're trapped but what you can't see is that inside that cocoon a miraculous transformation is taking place the same is true
for you isolation allows for transformation it's in these quiet solitary moments that God Whispers to you guiding you revealing things to you that you couldn't hear or see in the chaos of everyday life you might feel abandoned by others but you are never abandoned by God in fact he's closer to you in these moments than ever before working in your heart Renewing Your Mind and preparing you for something you cannot yet comprehend now let's talk about the people in your life during this time of isolation you may have noticed that certain people have drifted away
way friendships that once seem solid may have fallen apart relationships may have grown distant this can be painful but understand this God is removing the people who are not meant to go with you to the next level not everyone can handle the weight of your calling some people are only meant to be in your life for a season and when that season ends God will allow them to fade away it's not rejection it's protection in isolation God is also pruning your relationships removing the toxic ones and even the ones that seem harmless but are holding
you back in ways you can't see you may not understand it now but trust that every person who leaves your life during this time is making space for the right people to enter God is aligning you with people who will support your purpose who will Elevate you and who are part of your Divine Destiny so instead of fighting the I olation embrace it use this time to go deeper within yourself and with God this is a season of preparation and it's crucial when you feel alone remember that this is the quiet Before the Breakthrough you
are in the Cocoon but soon you will emerge transformed trust that God is preparing you shaping you and positioning you for what's to come the isolation is temporary but the growth that comes from it is eternal chapter 3 rejection is redirection as a Chosen One rejection is something you'll face more often than most whether it's in relationships jobs friendships or even your dreams rejection seems to follow you like a shadow it's as if no matter how hard you try you can't seem to fit in but what if I told you that this constant rejection Is
Not What It Seems what if the very thing that's called causing you pain is actually protecting you rejection for a chosen one is divine redirection when God allows something or someone to reject you it's not because you're not worthy it's because he has something so much better for you he closing the doors that you think you want so he can open the ones that you truly need it's easy to get caught up in the disappointment of rejection to feel like you're not good enough or that you somehow failed but what's really happening is that God
is steering you away from what's not aligned with your purpose think of it like this you're on a path but God sees far ahead where you cannot he sees the pitfalls the wrong turns and the dead ends when You Face rejection it's because God is saying not this way it's not a punishment it's protection is keeping you from stepping into situations or relationships that would lead you off course force and though it might sting in the moment in hindsight you'll see that every rejection was a blessing in disguise many times we try to hold on
to things or people that aren't meant for us we pray for doors to open that were never meant to be part of our journey and when those doors remain shut we feel defeated but what if we trusted that those closed doors were part of God's Divine protection what if the very things you're crying over right now are the things you'll be thanking God for later look back at your life for a moment think of the times you were rejected or denied something you desperately wanted now fast forward to where you are today can you see
how those rejections were actually redirections can you see how they pushed you closer to your true path this is the pattern of a chosen one's life you are not meant to fit in with the crowd and that's why you face more rejection than most you are set apart your path is unique and it requires a level of divine intervention that others may not understand it's not that you're less worthy than others in fact it's the opposite your calling is so great so specific that God must be meticulous in his protection of you he cannot allow
just anyone or anything into your life he's guarding your path guiding you away from anything that could hinder your purpose the rejection you feel now is saving you from a much bigger heartbreak or set back down the road so the next time you face rejection instead of feeling defeated ask yourself what is God protecting me from trust that each no is a yes to something better the job you didn't get the relationship that didn't work out the opportunity that slipped through your fingers it's all part of a divine R Direction God is moving you towards
something far greater and though you can't see it now you'll look back one day and understand why things had to unfold the way they did rejection is not the end of the road it's a course correction it's God's way of making sure you stay aligned with your destiny embrace it trust it and know that every know is leading you to a much bigger yes chapter 4 the power of patience patience is a difficult lesson to learn especially when you're a chosen one you know deep down that you're meant for something more that there's a greater
purpose for your life but the waiting that can be excruciating you've likely spent years maybe even decades feeling like you're on the edge of something great but it just hasn't materialized yet it's frustrating isn't it but here's what you need to understand patient I is part of the process God's timing is perfect even when it doesn't align with your own as a Chosen One your path is orchestrated in a way that requires Divine timing you might feel ready now but God sees what you don't he sees the entire picture and he knows exactly when to
move things into place if things are delayed it's because you either not ready or the situation isn't ready and as pain as that can be it's the truth patience is not just about waiting it's about trusting trusting that God knows what is doing trusting that everything is happening in the right order at the right time when you rush things you run the risk of stepping into something prematurely and that can cause more harm than good God is Not withholding blessings from you is preparing you to receive them in their fullness think about it like planting
a seed you don't plant a seed and expect it to bloom the next day it takes time for that seed to grow roots to develop underground where no one can see it that's what's happening in your life right now you've planted seeds with your hard work your prayers your efforts but now is the time for those roots to grow deep the fruit will come but only after the roots are strong enough to support it God is using this time to strengthen your roots to deepen your foundation so that when your blessings do come they won't
be fleeting they'll be long-lasting and abundant the wait is difficult but it's necessary it's in the waiting that God is preparing you for the magnitude of what's to come if he gave you everything you wanted right now would you be able to handle it would you have the maturity the wisdom and the strength to sustain it probably not and that's why the wait is so crucial in this season of waiting God is developing your character he teaching you patience resilience and faith is ensuring that when the time comes you'll not only be ready to receive
your blessings but also to maintain and grow them waiting is not a sign that God has forgotten you it's a sign that his carefully crafting your path ensuring that everything aligns perfectly so don't dis The Waiting season embrace it use this time to grow closer to God to develop your faith and to prepare yourself for what's coming because make no mistake it is coming the blessings you've been praying for the opportunities you've been waiting on the doors you've been asking to open they're all on the way but they will arrive in God's perfect timing not
a moment too soon or too late chapter 5 five walking by faith not by sight faith is the Cornerstone of a chosen one's Journey when you're walking the path of purpose there will be times when everything around you suggests that nothing is happening your circumstances might scream failure lack or defeat but Faith tells you otherwise faith is the ability to believe in what you cannot see to trust in what you cannot yet touch and as a Chosen One this is where your greatest power lies it's not just about wishful thinking faith is about having an
unshakable confidence in the divine plan that's already set in motion for your life even when there's no visible evidence to back it up the Journey of a chosen one is not easy and it requires a level of faith that many people will never understand you are being asked to trust in something greater than yourself to believe that even when things look Bleak God is still working faith is walking through the valley knowing that the Mountaintop is coming it's trusting in the process even when the process is painful uncomfortable and feels like it's stretching you to
your limits this stretching though difficult is exactly what strengthens your spirit molding you into the person who can handle the blessings on the other side in life there will be times when nothing makes sense you've done everything right you've prayed you've worked worked hard you followed your purpose and yet it seems like nothing is changing you may find yourself wondering why doors remain closed despite your best efforts or why people who seem supportive suddenly disappear but this is when faith is most important when you cannot see the way forward you have to trust that God
is making a way behind the scenes the invisible work is often the most important even though it's the hardest to believe in but remember faith is not the absence of Doubt but the presence of perseverance in the face of it think of faith is a bridge right now you're standing on one side and your blessings your dreams your purpose are on the other the only way to reach them is by stepping out onto that bridge even when you can't see the entire path you might only see the next step in front of you but that's
enough God is asking you to trust him with each step to believe that as you walk the path will continue to unfold with each step you take in faith new doors open new opportunities emerge and the picture becomes clearer but it starts with one step even a small one faith is not just about believing in God when things are going well it's about trusting him when everything seems to be falling apart it's easy to have faith when life is smooth but real faith faith is tested in the fire when you're faced with trials and setbacks
that's when your faith must rise up it's in these moments of Darkness that God's light shines brightest guiding you through even when you feel abandoned or alone the truth is God is right there with you working all things for your good the fires you walk through today are refining you for tomorrow's victories faith means surrendering control it means accepting that while you may not know how everything will work out you trust that it will work out and not just work out but work out better than you could have imagined it means letting go of your
need to see the whole picture before taking action and instead trusting that God is laying each piece perfectly even if it's still unclear to you Faith requires you to release your doubts and embrace trust because it's in that trust that miracles happen there will be times when Faith feels like like a leak into the unknown you won't always have all the answers and that's okay the purpose of faith is not to eliminate uncertainty but to carry you through it as a Chosen One your path may not look like everyone else's it may be lonelier more
difficult or more uncertain but know that your unique journey is part of your higher calling and every step you take Guided by faith brings you closer to the Fulfillment of that calling When Faith becomes your foundation you realize that setbacks are actually setups closed doors are often reroutes to better opportunities delays aren't denials their Divine pause is meant to ensure you're ready for what's next Faith isn't just a belief system it's a lifestyle for the chosen ones it's about walking forward when others would turn back knowing that with each step you're aligning yourself with the
path God has designed specifically for for you so as you continue on this journey remember that faith is not passive it requires action perseverance and an unwavering commitment to trust even when life feels uncertain it's not just about waiting for things to happen it's about actively believing that they will happen and when they do you'll see that every step of Faith you took Was preparing you for the incredible purpose God has planned for your life stay faithful stay strong and keep walking even when you can't see the way forward because with God the way is
already being made chapter 6 Divine timing and Alignment one of the most difficult things to accept as a chosen one is that everything in your life is governed by Divine timing you see God's timing is not like our timing we often want things to happen quickly especially when we feel ready or when we see others around us achieving what we desire but God doesn't work on our schedule he works according to his perfect plan and his plan is always far greater than anything we could imagine for ourselves Divine timing isn't just about when something happens
it's about how things align God doesn't just set up one piece of your life at a time he's aligning everything to work together for your good imagine a grand orchestration where every instrument has to play its part at exactly the right time to create a masterpiece that's what's happening in your life right now behind the scenes God is positioning people events and opportunity so that when everything finally comes together it will be perfect as a chosen one you are called to operate on a higher level of trust While others might Panic at delays or setbacks
you must understand that these are not signs of failure they are part of the process each delay is God's way of saying not yet and still preparing something greater and though it might feel like you're stuck or things are moving too slowly in reality you are exactly where you need to be at this moment consider a tree it takes time to grow roots deep into the ground before it can shoot up and bear fruit if you were to force the process the tree would not be strong enough to withstand storms likewise in your life God
is allowing you to take root he's ensuring that your foundation is firm so that when your blessings do come they will last what's the use of rushing into something only for it to crumble because you weren't ready to sustain it Divine timing also involves the people who will be part of your journey God is Not only working on you but is also working on the hearts of others who will play key roles in your life there are people who will open doors for you support you and guide you toward your destiny but if they are
not ready or if the timing isn't right for them the connection can't happen it's not just about your preparation it's about the preparation of all the pieces of the puzzle when you understand this you begin to see delays differently you stop worrying about the things that aren't happening and start trusting that God is aligning things in the best way possible what if if the job you didn't get was because a better one is being prepared for you what if the relationship that ended was God's way of making room for someone who truly aligns with your
purpose what if the opportunity you waiting for hasn't arrived yet because God is still refining it for you the beauty of divine timing is that when things finally do come together they fit perfectly you'll realize that every closed door every know and every delay was actually guiding you toward something something far greater than what you initially wanted there's a piece that comes with trusting Divine timing because you know that God is in control and his timing is never late it's always right on schedule even when it feels like you've been waiting forever so what do
you do while you wait you prepare use this time to continue working on yourself deepening your faith and honing your skills this is not idle time it's prepar ation time when your moment comes you'll want to be ready don't let frustration or impatience rob you of the joy that's ahead trust that everything is aligning perfectly and in the right moment it will all fall into place chapter 7 the manifestation of your purpose now chosen one we've come to the most exciting part of your journey a manifestation after all the struggles isolation reject waiting and growth
there comes a time when everything begins to Manifest this is the moment when all of the work God has been doing behind the scenes becomes visible in your life the blessings opportunities relationships and abundance that have been promised to you begin to unfold manifestation is not magic it's the natural result of Divine Alignment and preparation everything you've been through has been building toward this moment all the prayers all the perseverance all the patience it was never in vain now things begin to shift and you start to see the fruits of your faith and effort but
here's the thing when your manifestation arrives it often looks different from what you imagined God's vision for your life is always grander than your own the manifestation of your purpose may come in unexpected forms but it will always exceed your expectations the doors that open may lead to places you never thought you'd go and the people who come into your life may surprise you but remember God's plan is far beyond what you can see and his ways are higher than your ways during this time of manifestation it's crucial to stay grounded when things start to
fall into place it can be overwhelming you might feel a surge of excitement joy and even relief but it's in important to stay rooted in your faith and remember where your blessings come from the enemy often tries to distract or derail chosen ones during their manifestation because he knows how powerful they are when they step into their purpose so stay vigilant keep your spiritual practices strong pray meditate and stay connected to God also be mindful of how you handle your blessings when God elevates you it's not just for you your blessings are meant to overflow
into the lives of others you are being positioned to bless others to be a light and to show the world what divine favor looks like manifestation is not just about receiving it's about giving it's about using the gifts God has given you to uplift and Inspire those around you so when your purpose manifests remember to stay humble and grateful use your blessings wisely and for the greater good one of the most beautiful things about the manifestation of your purpose is that it feels effortless after years of struggle you'll find that things begin to flow doors
that were once closed will open without you even having to knock opportunities will come to you seemingly out of nowhere this is the power of being in alignment with your purpose when you are aligned the universe works in your favor it's like a river that has been building up pressure and now the dam is breaking allowing the water to flow freely this is your time chosen one all of the waiting all of the perseverance all of the faith it's leading to this you were not forgotten you were being prepared and now as your purpose begins
to manifest you will see why things had to happen the way they did you will understand the closed doors the the delays the redirections you will realize that God was always working even when you couldn't see it as your purpose manifests continue to walk by faith even though things are beginning to unfold the journey doesn't end here there will always be new levels new challenges and new blessings but now you are better equipped now you understand that everything happens in Divine timing and that God is always working behind the scenes for your good stay open
to the unexpected stay grounded in your faith and most importantly stay grateful you've been chosen for a purpose and that purpose is now beginning to reveal itself walk boldly into your manifestation knowing that you are exactly where you're meant to be the time has come for you to step fully into your calling and nothing can stop what God has already said in motion your purpose is manifesting and the world is about to see the fullness of what God has been preparing you for trust the process embrace the journey and know that everything is working out
in your favor you are a chosen one and your time has come chosen one if you've made it to the end of this video congratulations you are truly in alignment with your purpose this message was meant for you and it's no coincidence that you're here right now God is working behind the scenes in your life orchestrating things in ways you cannot yet see but the time is coming when it will all make sense the struggles the isolation the rejections they were never setbacks they were setups for something greater your purpose is manifesting and everything is
falling into Divine Alignment if this message resonated with you make sure to like this video subscribe to astral Aura and help us reach our goal of 5,000 subscribers comment 77 below to send a powerful signal to the universe and strengthen the energy we've created here today remember playing this video on repeat will amplify the energy helping you tap into the blessings that are on their way and one last thing if you're a true chosen one you know the value of seeing things through to the end you didn't stop halfway you can commed you stayed and
you absorbed every word that's how we know you're on the right path God is aligning everything for you even if it's not visible yet stay patient stay faithful and trust that your breakthrough is coming thank you for joining us on this journey until next time keep your energy High your faith strong and your spirit aligned with the Divine your time is coming Chosen One stay blessed
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