How To Actually Go VIRAL On TikTok in 2025

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Deniz Sancar
Stuck getting 200-700 views every video and can never seem to go viral on TikTok, well in this video...
Video Transcript:
in this video I'm going to break down Tik tok's algorithm and how you can beat it to go viral in 2024 I post a lot of videos about Tik Tok on my channel and I always get comments from people saying my video is stuck on 600 views my video is stuck on 200 views how do I get out of 500 view jail well this is the video you need to watch cuz I explain in its entirety how the Tik Tok algorithm actually works and how you can beat it so you can post viral content so let's get into it it's a two-step video first of all explaining the Tik Tok algorithm pay attention to this part cuz a lot people they complain their videos aren't going viral but they don't actually understand how the algorithm works I'm not being funny right but you shouldn't really be trying to to understand how Sonic works if you don't really understand the fundamentals of it do you get what I mean so if you understand this part how the Tik Tok algorithm works and you've got a far like better likelihood of actually going viral and then the second part how to beat it and go viral so first part explain it second part how to beat it make sense let's get into it so step one here's two videos Reddit stories for example popular Niche 600 views but why this another video in the same Niche is now getting 11. 2 million views same exact Niche very similar topic one video is barely breaking 1,000 views another video is breaking 10 million views why this is all about the algorithm right so I see a lot of people that they're posting in viral niches but they're not going viral themselves and they're blaming a niche the niche is not the problem you can go viral in practically any Niche you can go viral in motivation niches Reddit stories chat message stories for example don't say what I say nich there's plenty you can go viral in it's your particular video that isn't going viral but don't worry this is how you can beat it so to start you post a video on Tik Tok and the first thing that happens when you post a video is Tik Tok sends it to their robots which basically classify where if the video is safe for their app so they look it against things like is it original or unoriginal is it NSFW and the reason I put delayed in Brackets here is because sometimes your video won't instantly get flagged for NSFW content but it might get flagged an hour later a day later or even a week later but so that can be a delayed response and of course if it's discriminatory content as well Tik Tok needs to make sure that stuff posted on their app isn't illegal isn't discriminatory because it will give them a bad rep so the first thing that happens is a robot checks your content to see if it's good to go now the reason it's not a human is because there's far too much content posted on Tik Tok right and it's a good thing for certain people because you can bypass a robot far easier than a human right a human can look at and scrutinize and see is this original is this not original whereas a robot just has to basically mark it against a few statistics how similar is it to other content is this the same is that the same which I'll get into slightly later so that's the first thing that happens when you post a piece of content on Tik Tok it instantly gets checked by their robots is it safe to go on the 4u page or the fyp so how to know if your video is even on the fyp or not because I see a lot of people complaining not going viral but then I look at their videos and it's got like six or seven views here's a rule of fun if your video is getting under 200 views so this video on six views for example very good chance is not elgible for the 4u page un ineligible for the FY p and what will happen is you'll get a message come up saying your video is not eligible for the recommendation in the 4 U feeds if you disre this content restriction you can appeal as you can see in this video right here you get a very similar error message when you click on the analytics in the bottom right of your video now why does that happen as I said before the the reasons could be NSFW content unoriginal content discriminatory the biggest one is normally unoriginal content I see a lot of people complaining saying this n is not monetizable the content is unoriginal ETC look the niche is not the problem it's the video and these are the main reasons why your video will become ineligible for the 4u page so first one unoriginal background video This Is It 90% of the time a lot of people they go on YouTube and they find unoriginal M sorry they find original Minecraft background gameplay or original Minecraft parkour noncopyright parkour they download it and use it on their videos then they complain that it's unoriginal look if you're downloading something from YouTube understand that other people can download and use that exact same video so just because the title might say original background game play or non-copyright gameplay if you're posting on on Tik Tok as your background video and other people posting it as well it's going to be a problem it's it's technically un original from that standpoint cuz other people can use it how you get bypass this and how how I've been able to bypass this for my own Reddit story account is you either purchase gameplay which is what I do for a website called vsub which I'll link in the description and ping comment I get my gameplay directly from there or you can make it yourself it's that simple you can either purchase original gameplay or make it yourself if you want to go down the cheap route for free which is is downloading it for YouTube fine but then your video is going to get bagged it's going to happen inevitably cuz other people can download that exact same video so look it's it's one of those things you can obviously risk it that way if your video does become unoriginal don't blame the niche you blame you got to blame the fact that you're using unoriginal gameplay another thing the script is too similar and AI voice same as others those two kind of pair into one right so let's say you're doing a chat message story and you're using exact same script as another video and you got the same AI voices of course the robot is going to think it's un original right it's hearing the same voice because Tik Tok does a sound copyright Trek when you post a video to see if the if the sound is copyrighted it's not going to be copyrighted from that aspect but it's going to be unoriginal if it's copied the same AI voice it's going to be exactly the same that is why in my videos I normally recommend going for the 11 Labs voices from the actual voice Library which are far less commonly used rather than the main ones like Alex Josh which are used all the time Matthew is another one that's used all the time on 11 Labs those voices are absolutely rinsed so make sure your script isn't too similar to other videos and if I if in my opinion I'd go for AI voice that's less saturated ones from the AI voice library on 11 Labs that aren't used as often and of course the main one the unoriginal background gameplay either make it yourself or purchase original ones and change your background gameplay every three or so post because if you keep using the same one it's going to become stale and your own videos can become unoriginal so let's say that your videos got over 200 views this video is sitting on 230 views well my friends good news that means it's not blocked by the fyp your content is original by Tik Tok terms and now we can actually start evaluating how to go viral you bypassed a bit before about your content not making on the fyp if you've got over 200 views or so around 150 and above that means your video has made it onto the 4u page now we can actually start to see if it's going to go viral or not so here's what happens when you post a video on Tik Tok the very first thing that happens it immediately pushes your video to what's called a test group that is like 200 to 300 people that watch your video and basically the point of this is Tik Tok to analyze whether your video is going to perform well or perform badly it's the same way when it comes to TV shows and Series right they release a pilot episode so what a pilot is is it's one episode that they send to the the TV group whether it's Netflix or anything else Disney plus Etc the executive producers then look at it they mark it and if they think it's good enough then they'll give then they'll pay them a budget or they'll give them the rights to make the whole season that's kind of what it's like on Tik Tok right so you make a video they push it to a test group if it performs well with the test group which I'll show you what performing means in just a second then they'll go and push it out to more people if it performs badly with the test group they'll go okay we're not going to push this video out anymore and we're just going to leave it at whatever it was whether it was 200 views 300 views Etc so if you're getting a lot of your videos stuck at around 300 views or so 200 to 300 views that means it's just not performing well enough to get any more views Tik Tok are initially pushing it out the response is not very good so they're not pushing it out any further and what are the main statistics they judge it against these are the main three ones watch time View attention and engagement AKA are are people sharing the video commenting bookmarking etc those are the three main statistics you need to look out for if you're doing very well in those three there's a very high chance your video will get pushed out further so a lot of people have this Tik Tok thing the wrong way around right and it's it's kind of an assumption or you need to flip around in your brain you need to invert it so a lot of people think when they post a video on Tik Tok it's now Tik tok's job to push that video to the Right audience I post a video Tik Tok needs now needs to find the Right audience for that content and push it out actually it's the other way around Tik Tok has the audience it's now their job to find the right video for those audience members so it'll have the audience it'll show them different videos and see which ones perform well and then the one that does well will get pushed out further cuz you need to flip this the other way around a lot of people will think of it from the Creator's eyes you need to look it from actually the consumer's eyes Tik Tok is far more worried about the consumers people digesting their content Than People creating the content far more because that is where the advertisement comes from that is where the revenue comes from think of it from this standpoint right Tik Tok would much rather have a million people consume content and one person create content than a million people create content and one person consume content I'm going say it one more time so you understand me Tik Tok would rather have 1 million people be the audience the consumers and one person the Creator then a million creators and one consumer so they don't care about the creators really Tik Tok they don't care one bit they care about the consumers the people digesting the content if the people digesting the content content are liking what they're seeing AKA they're watching it for a long time they they're engaging with the content sharing it to their friends Etc that's a green flag for Tik Tok they don't care one bit about how many videos you post or are you a brand new Creator let's push you out or are you a long-term Creator we want to look after you and push you out further it's not like that whatsoever it's a pure numbers game with them are you appeasing the audience on app are you keeping people that are watching Tik Tok on the app if people watch your video and completely come off the app afterwards that's a red flag for Tik Tok because their primary aim is to Keep Their audience on Tik Tok Doom scrolling cuz that is how they get them to watch more ads which means they can charge more for their advertisers that want to advertise on Tik Tok and so forth so you have to understand that concept because a lot of people don't they don't care about creators they care about consumers so if you make content that the consumers like you will do very well on Tik Tok and that's an adjustment I had to make about two to three months into my Tik Tok Journey when I first started in 2022 I kept thinking oh my content is good but it's not getting pushed out to the Right audience I kept blaming that it's not that whatsoever the Tik Tok has Their audience you need to find the video they need to find videos that match that audience now so let's say you get pushed to 200 to 300 people right the test group and it does well what happens next then your video gets pushed out again to a further people so around 500 to 750 and if that does well it gets pushed on and on and on so what you'll find with Tik Tok is a lot of your videos come up in bands so you have videos between 200 to 300 views you then have videos between 400 and 600 views then you have videos between 800 and 1,000 views it comes up in bands it's like they go up go up in different waves that's what it's like in Tik Tok it pushes out to a test groupt evaluates performance pushes it out further evaluates performance and pushes out further again and each checkpoint if it does well it'll push on to the next checkpoint if not they'll just keep the video stagnant and not push out any further that's kind of what it's like you just need to keep down keep breaking down the checkpoints so let me look at my two videos here I posted last month in July this is from my Reddit story account so the video on the left only got 600 views why well let's look at the watch time 6. 9 9 seconds and watch full percentage 5.
2% both these videos are around 1 minute long so obviously the watch time and watch full percentage is a good comparison because they're fairly similar in video length then when you look at the engagement only 38 likes zero comments zero shares and zero bookmarks are we going to be surprised that video only got 600 views if anything I'm surprised it even got 600 views to be honest with you guys that those statistics are terrible that video should not even get above 200 views to be honest so if you're looking at your account and you're only getting 600 views a video look at the statistics that would be a big indicator of your video is going to be successful or not let's look at the video on the right 88,200 views almost 10K views posted about 2 to 3 weeks later from that video right look at the statistics 25. 8 seconds average watch time nearly a third of the video has been what over a third of the video was watched and then watch full percentage 30% of the viewers much better than the previous video and then and what what lets this video down the reason it probably didn't get higher than 88. 2k views is if you look at the engagement not a lot of likes no comments only two shares and nine bookmarks the watch time and watch full percentage was very good in that video but what let it down was the engagement so to adapt off that you would have a call to action there share this video to a friend comment your thoughts like this video something like that so if you start to spot the reason your videos aren't performing well then you can start to tailor your content forward so if you're not getting good watch time and watch full percentage your hook needs to be better the video topic needs to be better if you're getting good watch time and good watch full percentage that means people enjoying the videos now you just need to prompt them to actually engage with the content share it to friends Etc so then you can to spot the reason your content isn't performing well but with the video stats are great so as I as I showed back there it had good watch time good watch full percentage and let's say the engagement stats were fantastic as well why is my video still not blowing up I see that as well a lot of people messaging me on DMS and commenting on my videos my stats are good my but my video is still only getting pushed to 600 people why well it can be two main reasons one a small audience it can happen if your video if your video topic is only going to reach a small amount of people only a small amount of people like the content then Tik Tok are capped as to how many people they can show it so your video could have fantastic statistics right but it still needs to go to people that enjoy your content because as I said previously Tik Tok cers to their consumers not their creators so let's say I'm a consumer that Scrolls through Tik Tok Tik tok's algorithm is fantastic at identifying what the Creator likes to watch based on it its viewing pattern what it spends a lot of time on what it searches for so let's say I'm I'm a viewer that really loves Reddit stories I love scrolling through whenever a Reddit story appears on my feed I watch it it far longer than any other videos right so now let's see there's two people creating content there's a regit story Creator and a motivation creator that creates content right if the motivation content has better stats than the Reddit content but this consumer prefers Reddit content Tik Tok will still show them the Reddit videos why because they prefer to see that do you get what I mean so sometimes your video could have great statistics but it's just not the right the person just doesn't like seeing it it it hasn't found the Right audience yet this happens very much so for brand new account if you start a brand new account and you're not getting a lot of traction it's because Tik Tok hasn't found the audience for you yet it's just the way it is it hasn't found the audience that likes your content um it takes time that is why a lot of content creation especially Tik Tok and YouTube is exponential you start slow but then you really ramp up my most successful ever account it took a month to reach a th000 followers a month but then 5 months later it reached 500,000 followers that's crazy it took a whole month to reach a th000 followers by my third or fourth month posting I was getting 100,000 followers every single month but it took me a whole month to get my first a th000 cuz it's all exponential if you keep posting consistently Tik Tok will start pushing out your content pushing out your content pushing out your content it might get a bad reaction from one through one video through it test pilot doesn't push out any further you keep posting will get a bad reaction eventually Tik Tok will start to build up who likes your content who doesn't and refine it does that make sense so if you started a brand new account Tik Tok have no clue who to push your content to hashtags help a little bit yes but not it's not the main reason they start pushing the content out when they see who likes the videos then they'll start to push out to that audience more and you'll get better reactions over time it could just be a small audience let's look at it from an analogy of a football club right so you've got Real Madrid and You' got your local pub team your local pub team might have an a great turnout from people who come to watch it from that town it might be 40% of the people in that local Town watches that team great statistics great turnout the problem is the market size is too small so how much bigger can you really grow It Real Madrid only 10% of people in Madrid might actually go to watch Real Madrid games but because Real Madrid's got such a massive appeal and massive fan base that will still get that will still grow bigger than this small Pub team even though that Pub team has more actual engagement stats because 40% of the people in the town watch the team does that make sense it might just be a smaller audience and the second reason could just be time there's something called delayed booms in Tik Tok which basically means right and this happens in all social medias by the way your video gets pushed out to the test group does well pushed out to another group does well then kind of just flat lines a little bit you're sitting there thinking oh the that's so good but it's not really gone anywhere and then a week later or a month later it just shoots up you guys tell me in the comments if you've had this cuz this has happened to me before it's not often it doesn't happen all the time but sometimes sporadically it happens where a video just out of nowhere that you posted a couple weeks ago or a week ago just completely takes off and you don't know why it's called a delayed boom it's just Tik Tok still pushing out slightly sudden they find the audience that likes it then it clicks and just completely takes off so give it time you've got to be consistent in this game so that that should be an explanation of how the Tik Tok algorithm works now the important part how to beat the algorithm and for me it's a very simple four-step process because a lot of people over complicate Tik Tok they over complicate social media in general this secret Source I'm giving you by the way is absolutely unbelievable like you guys need to pay attention to this man the I call it the ear the ear formulation whatever you call it e a a r experiment assess adapt and repeat that is a four-step process you need to start implementing when it comes to Tik Tok and social media in general so let's go through each of them number one experiment this is what you do when you first start the account and that is all about consistent posting this this normally lasts 2 to 6 weeks or so and it's before you really go viral on an account you're basically just testing the waters with a bunch of different posts a bunch of different topics a bunch of different AI voices you're just throwing content out there and seeing what sticks at the wall I do this for practically any account I start even if I know the nichit in let's say Reddit stories for example I still post different types of Reddit stories with different AI voices with different video Labs with different background gam plays you're just experimenting that's the whole point of it because the whole definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results if you're a brand new account you don't really know what's going to work you don't really know what your audience is going to like to see so you throw stuff out there you experiment you try different things and see what sticks at the wall as I said previously right it took my most successful ever Tik Tok account a week sorry a month to reach a thousand followers a month why cuz I was experimenting at the start it was a motivation based account but I was posting videos on health motivation fitness motivation money motivation love motivation all sorts of different motivation out there and then afterwards when I as I talk slightly later about what you do after experimenting then you start to refine but the start is all about experimentation if you're a brand new account especially for the first one or two months start posting different sort sorts of content and see what sticks at the wall try different things out if you're posting the same sort of content and getting 200 to 300 views every video or getting 600 views every video that's your problem you're posting the same thing every single time and getting the same view count you got to change it up so let say you've experimented now what now it's about assessing the content you got to analyze the performance of your posts so you posted videos for let's say 6 weeks now you've got about 60 let's say you've got about 40 videos out there that's a good amount of videos to assess what's going on now you have some videos that get barely 200 views don't worry about them the stats probably terrible start looking at your videos that done fairly well so this is a video I posted in June a couple months ago right got nearly 40,000 views look at the statistics okay 33.
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