FIX YOURSELF ONCE AND FOR ALL - One Of The Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilations Ever Made

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Absolute Motivation
Fix yourself once and for all. This compilation of some of the best motivational video speeches ever...
Video Transcript:
I was poor because I didn't have anything I had no money I had no things we had no TV we had no refrigerator we had nothing as kids but I was rich because I had a dream of becoming uh the greatest bodybuilder but I had no idea that it would go as far as it did I'm here to talk about success I'm the first rule of success is to have a vision you see if you don't have a vision of where you go and if you don't have a goal where you go you drift around
and you never end up anywhere I mean as you know I was born in 1947 in Austria after the second world war so I was very fortunate that I stumbled on my vision and I didn't really like Austria when I grew up I couldn't wait to get out of there I couldn't see myself becoming a farmer or a worker in a factory or anything like that even though my parents wanted me to stay there and have a normal life but that was their Vision not mine my vision was totally different I felt that that was
born for something special for something unique for something big never ever think small if you're going to accomplish anything you have to think big you have to to go and shoot for the stars the biggest challenge most people have is because they think small and the reason why people think small and why they choose small little goals is because they're afraid to fail they know that if you shoot for a big goal then the chances of failing are very high and they're afraid of failing there one of the most common things why people are frozen
and why they can't make make a move in life because they're scared of failing I say to myself hey I'm not worried about failing because that's part of life you're not going to be go and win everything and how far can you fall look at this this is the ground that's as far as I can fall and you know something that the only time you really consider the failure is if you fall and you don't get up everyone has a problem with time but the day is 24 hours and we sleep six now I know
there's some out there that say whoo whoo whoo whoo I need eight well I'd say just sleep a little faster because the bottom line is we have 6 hours of sleep 24 hours of available so have 18 hours now available to your work your family your hobbies and also to learn something new I went to college I went and worked out 5 hours a day and I was working on construction because in those days in bodybuilding there was no money we didn't I didn't have the money for food supplements or anything so I had to
go to work so I worked on construction I went to college I worked out in the gym and at night from 8:00 at night to 12: midnight I went to acting class four times a week I I did all of that there was not one single minute that I wasted and this is why I'm standing year to day people always come up to me says why are you smiling you're working out 5 hours a day you're doing the same as the other guys but the other guys have a sour face they're pissed off that they
have to do another rep or another set or something I looked forward to I looked forward to another thousand set reps of of situps I looked forward doing another 500 lb of of of uh Lake press or squat I looked forward doing more and more curls until my arms fall off why because I knew that every rep that I did and every set that I did and more weights the lifted I get one step closer to turning that Vision into reality so I was turned on by that I was excited I couldn't wait to get
to the gym training is part of my life it's that simple nothing will ever change and I will be working out till I die Muhammad Ali worked his butt off and I saw it firsthand and I remember that the was was a sports Rider that was there in the gym when he was working out and he was doing sit-ups and they asked him how many situps do you do and he said I don't start counting until it hurts I think about that he doesn't start counting his situps until he feels pain that's when he starts
counting that is working hard and so you can't get around the hard work it doesn't matter who it is work your ass off there is no magic Bill there is no magic out there you cannot get around you have to work and work and work make sure of this and make sure of that and all that stuff so it's broke give it up give up that war you know the war that you have to really fight is the war against yourself you have to fight the war against against yourself now is not easy to look
in a mirror and to change your own life it's hard as hell you have to take responsibility you have to learn new things you have to feel uncomfortable good because discomfort is how we grow that's how we become strong if you run away from discomfort and resistance your whole life you will always be weak remember one thing through every dark night there's a bright day after that along the way you're going to need to do things you don't want to do or might not think you can [Music] do it's okay to be scared it's natural
to doubt yourself but if you can push through that and do what needs to be done you'll do just fine here's a simple rule never ever ever let your mood dictate what you do you have to take action first because movement changes your mood if you want to be an author write and when you're done writing your mood will be amazing if you want to be healthier exercise and your mood after you move will feel incredible do not let the mood you're in now dict take what you do next act like the person you want
to become and when you start taking those actions and you start moving in the direction of your dreams and the things that you want and deserve in life your move will follow it'll feel great and you my friend will be getting it done discipline acknowledges your feelings but does not act on them discipline acknowledg is that you do not want to put in the work but you do it anyways if you live your life off the fuel of motivation you will run out and you will fail but if you go off of discipline you will
always push forward discipline does what's required despite how you feel everybody tells you when you get knocked down stand right back up don't let them see you knocked down I totally disagree with that totally disagree with that because if you stand up you're going to stand up the same individual that got knocked the same way you got knocked out you be you're the exact same person stay down there understand why you got knocked down why you're down there so when you stand up there's something different about you when you get knocked out and you are
going to get knocked down when you stand up you stand up stronger you get knocked down again stay down there when you stand up you're going to stand up with more Talent you're going to get knocked down again stay down there you're going to be more intelligent stand you're going to be more resilient every time you get knocked down there has to be a different better version of you standing up otherwise you're going to keep getting knocked down being a winner is a curse it doesn't matter how much you've won before you're not a winner
until you win again and again and again nothing is enough no one understands and you never want it to stop go all out find a way to win in spite of the setbacks in spite of the disappointments in spite of your failures failed your way to success his life knocked you down trying to land on your back because if you can look up you can get up here establishes the boundaries of our freedom so whatever you're afraid of that becomes your limitation if you're afraid of heights you stay low if you're afraid of people you
stay alone if you're afraid of failure you stay safe and when you realize fear establishes the boundaries of your freedom the moment you press through those fears now you have unlimited Freedom you know that you put the work in and have the confidence to let it show what I tell people is just be the best version of yourself in anything that you do you don't have to live anybody else's story um sometimes people make it seem like you have to have certain prerequisites or but the truth is you you really don't it doesn't matter where
you come from what you have or don't have what you lack what you have too much of but an undying passion for what you do or what you choose to do in this life and a Relentless drive and the will to do whatever it takes to be successful there's a lot of talk every day about conspiracy theories and about things that are floating around and you know what's not a conspiracy theory you you know it's not a conspiracy theory your life you know what doesn't need to be negotiated amongst the news and people and peers
is your vision your heart your soul your family focus at home don't worry wor about what's floating around in the media and who says this and who says what pay attention see what they say but realize something your life is not a conspiracy theory focus on that focus on your family focus on your goals focus on your vision there's a lot of noise there's a lot of chatter one of the best places that you can spend your time energy bandwidth heart and soul is within the four walls of your own home you need to understand
like everything in life and initially feels like bad reinforcement you start going to the gym you feel weak in order to become strong you go to the library you read you don't understand you feel stupid in order to become smart the process of discomfort is inevitable you have to go through it most people have that initial feeling that initial lack of self-belief because they don't understand that they have to be humbled first in every aspect in order to grow you need to go through that paralleled problem solving you solve it and then you get get
the reward none of us know what will happen we can't predict how this journey will turn out to be if you're finding it hard to imagine a future better than you have right now just know that you're not alone sometimes we all feel stuck afraid overwhelmed and lost but regardless we always find a way and carry on on don't forget how you made it here you overcame every challenge you ever faced and I know you'll make it through this [Music] too it's so easy to lose ourselves in the midst of a storm especially when it
feels like we haven't seen a sunny day in months and we think because this storm is so powerful that all of our dreams are going to be washed away with it but what if the storm looked at you and said if you stay true what's for you we'll find you this is the comeback maybe you're in a rut maybe you've just experienced failure or maybe you're just lost but this is the part in your story where the momentum shifts this is where you find the drive that you've been looking for it is now this is
the start of your comeback the vision that you have for your future everything you so desire is begging you to pick yourself up and begin your journey because the window is closing and if you pass this one up you very well may solidify your Eternal existence within the Dreadful cycle of stagnation when you find that sense of purpose when you find what I call your life task everything has a direction everything has a purpose your energy is concentrated it's not like you're just going down a single narrow pathway it's not like life becomes boring and
it's just about discipline and solving problems it's actually the most exciting thing that can ever happen to you because you never have that lost feeling you wake up in the morning you go yeah this is what I need to accomplish people come at you with all kinds of distractions and boring and irritating things you're able to cut it out it's just the most marvelous piece of internal radar that you can have so I genuinely wish that everybody can find that kind of internal radar you are the Creator you are creating every aspect of your life
you're creating time uh you're creating memories you're creating bad habits you're creating good habits you're creating good relationships you're creating bad relationships you're creating everything you're creating things that you don't like you're creating things that you love you are a creative being and you need to be continuously creating in order to maintain momentum and energy the Undisputed first law of personal growth is this that people will never rise above the opinion of themselves and when we commit to self-mastery we get ourselves the best shot becoming the best and greatest versions of our self that we
can be and then we get to become the example and the invitation to others be the change you wish to see in the world you know in this life in your own personal Journey you're going to go through so many ups and downs abs and flows twists and turns and it's so important to just embrace them all with an open mind and an open heart you know and um understand that you know you're in a constant state of evolution and growth and growth sometimes is amazing and it feels great and it's beautiful and on the
other end growth sometimes is also incredibly painful and uncomfortable and it's the ability to be able to embrace all those Seasons all those facets understanding that through it all um you're growing and it's all serving a greater purpose forward is progress they all matter don't fall into the Trap of comparison if 6 months slip by without you achieving your goals it's okay as long as you're here time is your ally you are enough you are deserving you are capable life is in a race your journey matters you'll get there when you get there your life
in the journey you put yourself through there's there there's nothing more than that and that's all I want people to do is realize that you have to struggle you have to struggle the bigger the struggle the bigger the peace bigger the Suffering The more peace I really hope that you know that you we're going to overcome the things that feel impossible to forget because here's the thing very soon you are going to start making new beautiful memories that are going to find a home in that place in you that's empty right now and I also
hope that you know that what is coming for you is going to be way better and way more amazing than what's left and what's gone you can reinvent and rebuild and rethink what you're going to do next any moment you choose you're not too old you're not too young you're not too late you need new goals when you've been at this for a while the goals that you had a decade ago are not the goals and the things that are going to motivate you right now so instead of beating yourself up for not achieving those
goals why don't you flip your attitude and say to yourself maybe those goals weren't the ones that are meant for you what is it that you want in this moment of your life why is it that uh we need to run from the chaos why is it that we need to run from the pain why is it that we want to run away from the things that hurt our feelings or hurt us inside or scare us why are we trying to run away from that stuff because we both know that our biggest lessons your biggest
lessons that you've ever experienced in life have have come from the darkest times you ever notice that like we spend a lot of time and a lot of energy trying to keep ourselves out of trouble and keep ourselves away from the pain and away from the darkness yet that is actually where the gift lies is inside those places when you're at your lowest you realize a lot everything is raw everything is is simplified it feels like everything's been lost and all that you're left with is the foundation of you but these are the perfect ingredients
for a rebirth and a rebuild you may not realize it now but you're going to look back and realize that Rock Bottom gave you the gift of being able to start over and not many people get that gift the pages are blank and you are the [Music] author today I want to talk about the most powerful tool you have in your Arsenal the power to never give up Life as we know it is a series of Peaks and valleys highs and lows victories and setbacks it's a journey that tests our limits challenges our resolve and
demands resilience imagine you are on a path towards your greatest dream you can see it in the distance but the journey is fraught with obstacles there are moments when the path seems impossible to Traverse where the challenges feel insurmountable and the temptation to quit looms large it's in these moments my friends where your true character is forged every setback every failure every hurdle is not a roadblock but a stepping stone it's an opportunity to learn to grow and to become stronger the thing is is that people maybe it's you are waiting for this perfect moment
but it doesn't come it happens the moment you decide that you're fed up with waiting and decide to take action and it only becomes the perfect moment when you look back on [Music] it when you want more for yourself when you want more out of life when you want more success when you want more wins everyone thinks they got to add more to get more you need to add more well let me tell you something the more you want the more you want to achieve it's not always about the addition it's more about the subtraction
it's more about the delete every single person that's ever been successful every single person that's ever made something of themselves has at one point or another made a mistake they've done something wrong they've fallen off the path and I'm sure you have too but what makes those people exceptional what separates those people from everyone else is when they make a mistake when they make an error when they do something wrong they recognize that they did it they admit that they did it and they get back on the right [Music] path when you feel like giving
up remember why you started recall the passion that ignited your journey the dreams that fuel your ambition Success is Not reserved for the Chosen Few it's for those who are Relentless who persevere despite the odds who refuse to accept defeat look at the great Achievers in history from athletes who have overcome injuries to win championships to scientists who have defied conventional wisdom to make groundbreaking discoveries their Common Thread is not extraordinary talent but extraordinary perseverance you are capable of achieving greatness the road may be long and the challenges may be many but your determination can
conquer them all embrace the difficulties for they are the fires that temper the steel of your spirit let every failure be a lesson every setback a setup for a comeback and every doubt a fuel for your drive believe in yourself even when it seems no one else does trust that you have within you the strength the courage and the resilience to achieve your dreams remember that quitting is never an option it's just a detour that leads you away from your destiny so Stand Tall in the face of adversity keep pushing keep fighting and never ever
give up your perseverance will pave the way to your success your journey may be tough but the reward will be worth it you are unstoppable you are resilient you are destined for greatness you can change your life just by making the decision to do so make the choice to surround yourself with people who take action and set high standards choose to be better the first step to changing your life starts with a single Choice let that decision ignite a series of actions each one a catalyst for massive transformation in the Simplicity of a single Choice
lies the potential to change your life make the right decision your future self is counting on you happiness is not a byproduct of ease happiness is a byproduct of of struggle intensity consistency discipline doing hard things on a regular basis I've said this before every single thing you want in life is on the other side of something that sucks of hundreds of things that suck so the willingness to endure that struggle every single day and understand that it's an act of service for your future self and for the future that you're trying to build that
is how you build durable lasting sustainable happiness in time you will realize that everything unfolded exactly as it needed to the timing of events the doors that closed and the ones that never opened were all part of a greater [Music] plan the tragedy the moments of Despair the times in your life when it seemed like everything was against you these are not happenings of mere coincidence this is much more personal than that you were under attack by an evil force that was sent to defeat you to dishearten you to strip you of your faith what
does that mean to you that this Force has inflicted harm upon you like a middle school bully pushing their target to the ground what will you do will you get back up will you push back or will you lie there on the floor to be mocked and pied but do not forget that you possess an energy far are greater than any as it is the origin of all that exists including evil in the shadows of our grief Hearts heavy with loss and Minds burdened by the weight of the world we confront the Stark reality of
our existence pain sorrow and despair are unavoidable companions on this journey called life these emotions though often unwelcome are intrinsic to our Human Experience they remind us of the depth of our love the significance of our connections and the fragility of our existence but even in our Darkest Hours there is a flicker of light a reminder that we are not [Music] alone each tear shed each sigh of Anguish is a testament to our shared Humanity we are bound together by our struggles and it is in our Collective suffering that we find the strength to endure
this shared Journey while fought with challenges also offers us the opportunity to grow to learn and to find deeper meaning in our [Music] lives life is fragile and its beauty is often [Music] fleeting we are reminded of this when we lose those we love when our dreams are shattered and when we face the harshest [Music] trials it is easy to feel overwhelmed to succumb to the crushing weight of hopelessness yet it is precisely in these moments that we must remember the resilience of the human Spirit our capacity to adapt to persevere and to find Hope
even in the bleakest of times is what defines us as human beings we may stumble and we may fall but we rise again we carry the memories of those we have lost within us and their Spirit fuels our determination to press [Music] on their dreams become our dreams their hopes our hopes we honor them by living fully even as we carry the ache of their absence it is through this living through our actions and our choices that we keep their legacy alive we must remember that every step forward no matter how small is a testament
to their enduring influence on our lives the road ahead may be long and arduous and there will be times when we feel we cannot go [Music] on but let us find solace in the quiet strength that resides within us let us draw Courage from the love and support of those around us in our grief we discover the depths of our compassion the breadth of our empathy and the power of our [Music] Unity together we can face any challenge overcome any obstacle and find a way to move forward as we navigate this difficult path let us
hold on to the belief that despite the sorrow there is still Beauty to be found in the laughter of a child the warmth of a friend's Embrace and the Gentle Touch of a sunrise we find glimpses of the hope that sustains us these moments though fleeting remind us that life is still worth living that there is still joy to be experienced and that we are capable of finding happiness even in the midst of our pain life is a mosaic of joy and sorrow each piece integral to the whole though we may be consumed by sadness
let us not lose sight of the moments that bring us light let us remember that even in the darkest night the Stars still shine these Stars symbols of Hope and guidance remind us that there is always a way forward always a path to follow even when it seems hidden by the shadows of our grief so let us move forward with a quiet determination honoring our pain while embracing the possibility of healing let us live not just for ourselves but for those who can no longer do so in our shared Journey we will find strength we
will find purpose and we will find a way to carry on each day is an opportunity to honor their memory to live in a way that reflects their values and their dreams and to make a positive impact on the world around us in our pursuit of healing let us also be kind to ourselves grief is not a linear process it es and flows and it takes time allow yourself to feel to mourn and to heal at your own pace surround yourself with those who understand who support you and who can offer you comfort remember that
it is okay to seek help to lean on others and to find solace in community as we continue this journey together let us remember that we are not defined by our loss es but by how we choose to respond to them we have the power to transform our pain into something meaningful to use our experiences to help others and to create a legacy of resilience and hope in this way we honor the past embrace the present and look forward to a future filled with possibility [Music] [Music] e for
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