you're not Jesus you are not Jesus you are not at the center neither as anybody else he is firstborn among the dead and the rest of us we're all lined up before the throne as sinners now if I believe in him if I go Jesus Christ you are my king and my Lord and my savior something happens how's this Christianity thing working out for you that was the first question that Jordan Peterson asked Russell Brand in the conversation that they had yesterday and boy oh boy does this conversation go to some cool places I'm going
to feature some of it here on the channel I'm going to leave a little bit of commentary along the way let's get into this you're a very open person and your interests flash all over and do you have any do you have any faith in the stability of what you've newly found or do you do you think that there's a risk or a possibility of your attention given your open Nature shifting to something else or do you feel that you found a kind of Bedrock that's qualitatively different from the sorts of orientations that you've had
previously I think a lot of us are probably thinking of Kanye West and other people who have sort of fluttered into and out of Christianity without having proper Mooring and personally as I've watched Russell's articulation things over the past several months I've had the same question myself so I think it's a great one let's see what he says let start with that feels like something absolute has been encountered which has um ameliorated mitigated neutralized and somehow compounded and Infused something that was always latent and yet corring within me the self the self as the absolute
I want this do what thou Willl shall be the whole of the and the problem with the new age the problem with I'll have a little bit of Buddhism and I'll have a little bit of Sufism and I'll read a bit of Fuko and I'll conjure up my own little Pantheon in fact it was you that said it to me um that if God is everything God is anything and I encountered that more empirically when returning to a kind of new age festival and I thought what is this feeling that I'm having here having you
know since coming a Christ in a a new age festival and I don't you know I've still got the other day is adorned permanently about my body as a reminder and what it felt like is it's false idolatry it false idolatry is predicated on a polarity between the self and the idol Christ replaces the self MH if you die on the cross with him it's the self that has to go there is no that what self exactly how do you concep the self that has go the russl The Observer the witness the Russell nurse by
default inadvertently I'm always in the service of the centrifugal force around which urges projections Reflections the intellect the memory they all like you once said when talking about like the word which might have a bunch of associated words like and all that I've got Russell and Russell's memories and projections I got this of loose of a Continuum of self now it was very deliberate that Center should be replaced yes before he was right we nearly touched on this before CU wbh was right the center cannot hold and that's what we're experiencing with the emergence of
the Hydra The Sovereign is unfolding the seed is cracking open the wheat is is being born it's being born out now the thing is is before with the narcissism me being a devotee of the other culture a devotee of the false idolatry I worship self now at first it felt like a of the pilgrimage was very sort of meekly undertaken for I was not a robust child athlete nor was I a high High School heartrob I was a sort of a broken and wounded little trickster in the world and when I became empowered at puberty
and attractive and potent and then famous and it all was I felt evolving or growing but one of my teachers would say inflating it was inflating like I you know it's difficult if you felt pretty worthless your whole life and all of a sudden there's a culture queuing up to give you sort of accolades and Pat you on the back and there's a sort of an endless cor of felacio suddenly available it's difficult not to think that you might not be rather magnificent now the reason like I as a sort of counter way to the
feelings of inferiority I would have been resist I always knew something about Jesus I knew something about Jesus but my odd contemporary translation of that was I want to be him I want to be the Savior I want to be in direct commune with God I want to lead I want to be empowered and then when when the Desolation came the Desolation and despair when the Grail came again not like the Adolescent despair when you know you've got a whole life and a bunch of hormones about to hit you and Elevate you middle-age desolation and
decimation desecration despair despondency when that incursion came when those arrows landed there was a clarification took place amidst the catastrophic white noise and Haze was not just the cross but the solitary figure fully man fully God to whom we must bow down now they do what they can in the United Kingdom to make AR stringent anadin and beral the figure of Christ the TV shows the ceremonies and sermons themselves with some Noble exceptions I some brilliant English Christian teachers J John um father Dave although he's just become a bishop in his certainly not a Catholic
Minister father Julian at bromton loads of people out of UK I'm not being dismissive in the widest sense I'm just saying sort of culturally the way the Christianity is presented is somewhat mundane and then over in this country the United States where we are now sometimes they can make give it so much Carnival that it can seem too sequin glistening and ridiculous but somewhere within all of us is he's there he is there for that was his gift he died that we may know eternal life and we may be redeemed of our sins and he
beefed upon us the Holy Spirit now what I felt was again it wasn't sort of flashbang wallet the moment of the baptism was powerful the moment of sort of this slowly the slowly separating Fugue and as I say the clarification and emergence of the face of Christ was very real and I knew what the compromise was if there is a Jesus You're Not Jesus you are not Jesus you are not at the center neither is anybody else he is firstborn among the dead and the rest of us we're all lined up before the throne as
Sinners the people that have tried to destroy me the people that hate me the people that I've wronged the people I've sinned against all all of us just one congregation before him my cherished and prized individuality sometimes that cast me so low worthless disgusting worse than everybody else that sometimes self- reification and self-deification I am so spectacular I am so marvelous all of it now just sort of eased into I am as he made me I am as he would have me now I don't know that I might not you know it would be for
someone is as you say open peretic intellectually and capricious as I've sometimes been perhaps it would seem audacious to claim that I belong to him but I surrender to you as my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I serve you yeah well something you want to do with care that's for sure so surely surely but to let you know that the ego is still in here I may have given up wanting to be Jesus Christ but I'm going to give a as best a shot as I can give at being call that that's I'll come down
I'll come down from Jesus but only so far oh no sorry Lord sorry Lord Paul's just a man like us Paul's just a man like us acts is full of men like us Ephesians written by a man like us Galatians a man like us and now amidst these tectonic shifts and new and emerging kings and new paradigms and new language here he is Christ you know we okay so how Okay so so let's come have drink please because that was real life as well I ran with it because spontaneous spontaneous don't fil okay so this
this I want to take apart this idea okay hold on before he gets to his second question I just got to say first of all Russell is is a mad man um he's hilarious and there's a reason that he became famous in the first place he has a lot of uh Charisma that that much is for sure but I want to make a few quick observations on this portion that was just laid out one I love that he addresses his tattoos because in the last video that I made on Russell Brand everybody kept saying Yeah
but he has a 33 on his arm he's a 33rd degree Mason therefore he's doomed brought up Paul the Apostle um Paul was a Christian killer so does that disqualify him from Grace I don't think so I cannot read his soul I don't know exactly everything that's going on I don't know the level of authenticity but I do know that we're supposed to judge a tree by its fruit and right now a lot of what Russell is saying at least in this interview and in recent interviews is is really really on point and he's acknowledging
the actual specific deception within the within luciferianism in all of its various forms which is the idea that the self is to be exalted above God that we can get the good life apart from God I mean this is literally the original lie given to us in the Book of Genesis right this is the the Serpent's whisper the luciferian LIE is not to get us to um to necessarily bow down to some uh self-c concocted Pantheon as he puts it but it's first actually to get us to bow down to ourselves that that I really
believe is the unifying deception that manifests itself in everything from the from the legalism of the Pharisees um into the pure heathenism of the world I think that's the unifying thread that that is of the devil basically Satan disguises submission to himself under the ruse of personal autonomy he never asks us to become his servants never once did the serpent say to Eve I want to be your master the shifting commitment is never from Christ to evil it is always from Christ to self and instead of his will self-interest now rules and what I want
Reigns this is the essence of sin when we pursue it rationally of course it makes sense because elsewise in some ways what would be the point that like I can empirically say that having tried to live a life at times that was um that was motivated by selfservice like well why not take loads of drugs oh yeah that's what happens well why not just have sex with everyone who's around you who wants to have sex with you why not do that all right oh I see that's what happens so in a sense those uh prohibitions
those e edicts the those sanctions were in a sense compassionate at the point of origin but the mistake so what do you mean I don't I don't fall passion is like water where when it is harnessed it can actually um create life it can be used to you know be put into Sprinklers and to you know cause life and growth and plant the you know the crops that feed the entire city but if it's not harnessed or or contained in a in its right place then it floods the city and destroys everything and so um
there's that sense in which um there being boundary lines rules um Etc are actually um the wisdom of God protecting people from what would otherwise destroy them um I think this is a great Point that he's making here nothing is arbitrary in other words sin isn't a madeup religious construct sin is descriptive of how the world actually works there are real consequences to actions um whether we call it by that name or not all that exactly you can do what you want but if you do do it you be unhappy rather than it being I'm
going to kill you if you have sex with loads and loads of women go have sex with loads and loads of women and find out for yourself see how told you told you that that won't work for you well that is what you do to some degree if you're a reasonable parent of adolescence for example yes one of the things you do is is say go make some mistakes and find out for yourself it is required that's I suppose that's the well you would associate that theologically with the granting of free will like right why
not make everyone just into a slave of divine command yes exactly and but what we have to do is actually Jordan is not pursue it I don't I believe not entirely down the the lines of rationalism I.E if you sacrifice this now things will be better in the future if you are Cooperative with your peers because in a sense that's no different than the kind of evolutionary biology that comes out of pinka and um your man Dawkins and all of the atheist oh we can rationally even love we can describe love no there is something
that is beyond reason there is something that is beyond our understanding beyond our can now first we must enter into an alternative state that state is belief like me I'm pretty clever so to sort of like go all right so God came to Earth in human form lived a life as a normal person with genitals and fingernails and farts and picked stuff out his teeth then he died because somehow there had to be Absolution for sin somehow some I can't even when I try to put it in rational language some frequency had to be orur
some Templar some portal some opening some new mure something had to be done a transition had to be achieved I can't rationally unpack it but when through despair that set of that that St that Mosaic of traits and Recollections that I and urges that I call Self when it is annihilated when it implodes there when that becomes inutil who is there amidst the archetypal morass and miasma is there some form some figure now if I believe in him if I go Jesus Christ you are my king and my Lord and my savior something happens so
I believe we have to go beyond like even though I have personally experienced if all you do is narcissistically pursue pleasure and power and the Privileges of the false Cathedral of the evil one that we now have normalized and regard to be ordinary life Fame celebrity materialism rationalism commodification Commerce all of that on this point about Commerce and also we've been talking a lot about like luciferian agendas and the way that all of these different things within the system of the world kind of work together against the good of the individual against the good of
society I wanted to share with you guys basically a math problem something I've been thinking about recently there's basically 900,000 subscribers to this Channel right now and we each spend about a hundred bucks a month on basic grocery type of stuff like deodorant coffee protein uh soap lotion cleaner like all of that type of stuff right 100 bucks a month on average per household times 900,000 of us which means that around $90 million are currently flowing to places like um Target like Johnson and Johnson Amazon Etc that if you start to dig into what they
believe what they fund you will find that it does not align in any way with our values if you're if you're a Christian um things like funding Planned Parenthood um a lot of alphabet agenda type of stuff so I wanted to tell you guys that I personally have made a switch in my lifestyle away from funding those agendas and toward shopping at an American made familyowned uh manufacturer if a bunch of us do this we're going to end up spending basically the same money buying basically the same products but collectively will have moved a lot
of capital away from supporting these agendas that we don't agree with so I'm sharing this with you guys because I've done it individually but I realize it's a lot more powerful if we do it collectively so if you want to join me in this effort make a tiny bit of sacrifice go through a little bit of friction go through a little bit of making a different pattern of behavior but shop and buy these basic things that you're already spending money on in a different location and in the process funnel money away from our enemy and
and these causes that we do not agree with go to switch withth and actually somebody from this YouTube Community will reach out to you get all your questions answered it's pretty cool now back to the video when I'm broken out of it by An Almighty slap from the heavenly father I don't reenter into it with the kind of idea that oh this will be good for me and this will pay dividends one day it's like I I am I live only in you I allow me to become a Living Sacrifice continually renew my mind
live in me my heavenly father now I will change right so you're saying that it can't just be grounded in a more enlightened form of self of what would say self-service yeah okay so okay so not te y got it got it got it so well some of the things that were occurring to me um when you said that so there's a dream that Tolstoy had at and Rec Ed at the end of his confession he was in a kind of suicidal Despair and he had a dream that he was suspended on a bed and
he was looking down like wa in in immensely high above the Earth and he was looking down into this Abyss that he could fall into and he and then he looked up and he could see a rope that connected him to heaven but he couldn't see what it was attached to but he understood that that rope that disappeared into the ineffable was what was protecting him from like eternally so to speak from plunging into the abyss and one of the things you're making reference to is the fact that because you're finite let's say and not
omniscient that your conceptualizations are always going to ground themselves out in something that is truly ineffable now the same problem obtains in science right because if you pursue uh the if you pursue your investigations into the microw world you ground out in the quantum World which no one understands and then if you pursue your your uh investigation temporally and you encounter the Big Bang you're stuck with a miracle at the beginning of time and I think part of the part of it is and Yung made some reference to this is like if you're finite and
bounded in your intelligence and your apprehension there's a cloud of like mystery that surrounds that that's like that's dreamlike and then there's something that's akin to the miraculous around that and that's the buffer between the finite and the infinite and it I think you're making reference to that when you talk about the danger of reducing religious Faith to the rational even if you're assuming future orientation and communal orientation as a better rational orientation than present you know present whim gratification and I I think that's I think that's right Jordan Peterson is saying here in the
micro realm um the origin of the universe itself what really is Love Is it really just chemical it doesn't seem like it um how does reason work what about free will like all these different aspects of reality they're they're they we understand them to a certain point but beyond that point there is there is a mystery and and it's not God of the gaps to plug God into that mystery rather it's understanding that God is the necessary and sufficient source of these different parts of reality in the same way that it's not artist of the
Gap when you look at a painting etc etc we we've gone down this road many times on this channel um and so but I think this conversation is really great because it really gets right at the Nexus of of faith and reason showing that they're not competing against each other in any way but that God allows our reason to intersect with his Revelation and then faith is us being able to place confidence in The Logical conclusion of the evidence that we're presented with which is which is such a the way that they've laid this out
is so great um and obviously there is still uh in a finite mind contending with infinite mind and so there's going to be some Gap uh in perception that where faith is going to be necessary hey guys if you like this type of content I really genuinely think that you would like the daily dose of wisdom podcast we've had guests like John Linux from Oxford Steven Meyer from Cambridge and many other amazing guests check it out on Spotify and apple also I spent two years making a documentary film that is now totally free for you
to watch it answers the question what are the biggest obstacles to belief today go to dailydoseof to check it out you'll also see merch there details about our online community where you can pray share and study with Believers from around the world it's called the wisdom Society check it all out at Daily do of thanks for watching see you guys in the next video