What Jesus did in Hades will SHOCK YOU!!

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where was Jesus during the 3 days between his death and Resurrection Peter explained what Jesus did in the realm of the Dead over 2,000 years ago marking the most significant event in history For All Mankind Jesus was placed on the cross for the sins of humanity what happened after this event did Jesus go to hell to battle the devil or to heaven to meet his father watch this video to the end to get answers to these and other intriguing questions Peter explained what Jesus did in the realm of the Dead in Acts 2:31 he states
that Jesus was not left in Hades but rose from the dead declaring Victory and freedom fulfilling prophecies and revealing God's plan for Redemption through his death and Resurrection in 1 Peter 3: 18-20 a profound principle is introduced Jesus preached to the dead to those who were imprisoned for for indeed Christ died for sins once for all the righteous for the unrighteous the innocent for the guilty so that he might bring us to God having been killed in the flesh but made alive in the spirit in which he also went and preached to the spirits now
in prison who were once disobedient when God's Great patience waited in the days of Noah during the construction of the Ark in which a few that is eight people Noah's family were brought safely through water these lines are very important to help us learn more about what Jesus did in the spiritual world after dying on the cross they give us a glimpse into the strange and mysterious things Christ did at a very important point in his mission the idea that Christ did something so significant after dying preaching to the spirits while imprisoned adds to the
mystery of his mission it makes us think about how great his Divine task is and what it means for both the visible and invisible Worlds the passage in question suggests a conversational and intriguing part of our belief Christ's journey to Hades which is explained in the apostolic teachings many people view this teaching called the harrowing of hell as a turning point in the history of forgiveness this part of the Bible is often surrounded by mystery and speculation making it an excellent area for us to explore further it forces us to consider how biblical stories early
Christian teachings and shifts in modern Faith inter relate Jesus preaching to the dead has generated many different ideas about what it means to preach to the spirits in prison and why Jesus preached to them often these debates focus on Christ's message and whom he was speaking to they are involved in controversial discussions that have continued for thousands of years the phrase Spirits in prison seems to indicate that these were not human spirits on Earth but spirits that were imprisoned somewhere perhaps in the Hereafter this understanding fits with the larger narrative in the Bible which depicts
a spiritual world with many sides in the past some people thought these Spirits were the wicked Angels mentioned in Genesis 6 who are thought to have been imprisoned in Tartarus for disobeying God others think these could be the souls of people who died in the flood during Noah's time and are now waiting for the message of Salvation this focuses on the justice and mercy of God which are important in the teachings of the Bible Jesus's Ministry went beyond the physical world and into the depths of Shel to preach Victory and divine power Jesus's power extends
Beyond life and death continuing to work as a minister after death this emphasizes his divine nature and miss by doing this Jesus showed that he was in command of both the living and the dead in 1 Peter chapter 3: 18 to2 the complete success of Jesus in providing hope and salvation for all creation is emphasized it also highlights the full extent of his ability to save showing that his grace and salvation can touch every aspect of creation this means that everyone can be saved and that God's mercy knows no bounds this provides comfort and hope
to all of us it is a comforting thought for Christians because it shows that God's plan to save everyone is Broad and deep looking more closely at 1 Peter 3: 18 to20 we can better understand the significant meanings of Christ's death and Resurrection Psalms in the prophecy of Shel the Messiah makes a promise that Jesus will not be left alone in Shel and that his body will not DEC for you will not abandon me to Shield the Underworld the place of the dead nor will you let your Holy One see Decay Psalms 16:10 this verse
is one of the most important Prophecies of the Old Testament This Promise of protection against Decay and abandonment in the realm of the Dead sets the stage for us to understand the central idea of victory over death which was an important foundation for the concept of Resurrection extremely relevant for the revelation of the end of the world in this passage the resurrection is presented not just as a religious idea but also is a real event that occurred when Jesus lived died and was resurrected the resurrection is not just a hope for the future it is
a real fact that happened because Jesus rose from the dead this fulfillment creates a real link between what God Said would happen and what actually happened strengthening our faith in the accuracy and reliability of what the Bible says the Hebrew word zah meaning to abandon makes it clear that although Jesus went to Shel this was not his final destination this choice of words indicates that the person was placed in sheld purposely and for a short period of time rather than being defeated by death with these words we better understand that Jesus's death was only temporary
emphasizing that it was a turning point in the greater story of forgiveness focusing on change rather than remaining the same which aligns with the key belief in success that influences our understanding of Life Death and rebirth the way we talk about this implies that it is a temporary condition reinforcing the concept of Hope and success found in the prophecy it is emphasized that Jesus's death was a planned and necessary part of God's plan to to save the world from sin and death in this way it is shown that Jesus's journey through death was part of
a divine plan that led to his final victory over death and his role as the first fruits of those who have died as the first fruits Jesus not only shows us what is to come but also guarantees that we would follow the same pattern of Resurrection but now as things really are Christ indeed rose from the dead and became the first fruits that is the first to be resurrected with an Incorruptible mortal body anticipating the resurrection of those who have fallen asleep in death everyone who follows him in faith will be able to rise from
the dead because he rose from the dead in terms of spiritual history this guidance in faith is a turning point that gives everyone who believes hope and Resurrection Life for you will not abandon me to Shel the realm of the dead nor will you let your Holy One see Decay acts 2: 27 the significance of shaol in the Old Testament is often described as the home of the Dead where Souls live after they die this view of the future is an important backdrop for many of the stories and lessons in the scriptures in Jewish belief
about the future shaol is not seen as a place of pain but rather as a place where people live in the shadows in contrast to the later Christian ideology of hell as a place of punishment this description of shaol offers a more nuanced picture of the afterlife in the Old Testament the distinctions between the experiences of the righteous and the unrighteous in shaol are not clearly delineated however the belief that God Reigns over Shel along with positive references to life after death such as Abraham and Jacob being gathered to their fathers and Samuel being awakened
from his rest led many Jews during the second Temple period to reflect more concretely on the nature of the intermediate State they began to differentiate between the experiences of the righteous and the unrighteous in shol the Bible assures us that God does not forget his people at the time of their deaths he is not absent from Shel even if it is not the promised land where his Temple is as the psalmist confesses in Psalm 139: 7 to8 where can I go from your spirit where can I flee from your presence if I Ascend to Heaven
you are there if I make my bed in shaol behold you are there if the Lord who is just and righteous and remembers his people is present in shaol then surely there is some sense of justice and righteousness even in this shadowy land it would not make sense for the righteous to be punished in shol this would be contrary to God's justice and his blessed state in the resurrection similarly it would not make sense for the unrighteous to find rest in shol this too would be contrary to God's justice and his outing in the resurrection
therefore the idea of different compartments in Shel or Hades in Greek began to be widely used to communicate these realities about God's justice and to foresee the fate of the Dead in the general Resurrection the language varies but generally references to the compartment of the righteous in shaol include terms like Paradise Abraham's bosom and Heaven references to the compartment of the unrighteous in shaol employ terms such as gehenna and sometimes more generic terms for the place of the Dead like shol and Hades are used to refer specifically to where the unrighteous dead reside Tartarus the
prison for evil angels was conceived as the lowest compartment of shol the separation is clearly seen in Jesus's parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16: 19-31 in this story Lazarus a poor man dies and finds peace with Abraham while the rich man dies and ends up in Hades they can still speak to one another but a great Chasm separates them which cannot be crossed this Parable reflects common Jewish beliefs about the afterlife during the second temple period these sections foresee what will happen to those who died when Christ returns and makes his
final judgment when he returns he will bring all the dead back to life and decide the fate of both the living and the dead the dead will face judgment based on what they previously went through whether in the place for good or bad people in shol the righteous will rise to eternal life in the new heavens and new earth while the unrighteous will rise to Eternal shame and contempt being cast into the Lake of Fire according ing to Revelation 20: 7-15 and Daniel 12:2 to resurrect the dead someone would have to break down the gates
of shaol someone would have to destroy the enemy's stronghold and plunder the goods of death someone would have to take the keys of death and Hades to illuminate the place of great darkness and overcome it that someone is Jesus Christ who conquered death and Hades giving us hope for eternal life death is seen as the great equalizer among men eliminating all Earthly differences Shel presents us with the fact that everyone faces the same fate after death it is a concept that comes from the belief that what comes after life is just an extension of it
rather than a consequence or reward for someone's actions while alive this perspective encourages us to pay more attention to our moral and ethical decisions in the present life rather than worrying about the cons quences after death the biblical stories say that Jesus's entry into shol was a very important event this view helps us understand what that event meant by descending into shol Jesus not only experienced death like everyone else but also changed the very idea of what it means to die this fact is very important because as evidence in the realm of life that Jesus
preached death is conquered it highlights that Jesus's death was not the end but a transition from Death To Life demonstrating his control over death now this expression he ascended what does it mean except that he had also previously descended from the heights of Heaven to the lowest parts of the earth as per Ephesians 4:9 Jesus descended to the lowest parts of the earth highlighting his control over death this phrase shows both his physical death and his victory over death on a spiritual level moreover it emphasizes him as a savior who has overcome all human suffering
and limitations the Bible emphasizes the brief yet important reason for his coming to conquer death and liberate those who are bound by sin and death within this narrative Jesus's journey to shaol is seen as a move planned by God to weaken and overthrow the forces controlling people aligned with a great G Messianic purpose this task not only fulfills prophecy but also sets an example for all believers on how to defeat death in the end this is a strategic part of his mission that demonstrates a masterful divine plan that has been in operation for ages fulfilling
deeply rooted prophecies and maintaining infinite promises Isaiah 61: one states that the anointed one will Proclaim freedom for the captives and release for the oppressed this goal parallels what the prophet said about the Messiah and in this prophetic context Jesus's actions demonstrate that Redemption extends Beyond this life and grants profound spiritual Freedom that endures through history the implications of Jesus's victory over shaol are immense it means not just physical death is defeated but people trapped in sin are spiritually liberated this victory over both physical and spiritual death initiates a new era of Hope and possibility
for everything in the world it is a freedom that applies not only to this life but extends to the entire universe liberating everything from the chains of sin and death the outcome of this extensive Freedom shows how Jesus's work of redemption affected everyone pointing to a restoration that includes everything seen and unseen as a preview of how far Christ's salvation extends this action also suggests that his saving power goes beyond this life and into the depths of death and beyond Jesus not only crosses the lines between life and death but also Alters them he creates
a new plan of existence where death is not the end but the beginning of a new life death is not the end so although Jesus's time in shaol was brief it was immensely important to God's Grand salvation plan affecting both the living and the dead from The Descent to the Resurrection The Grand Ark of History shows how success and Justice are significant to us as a strong reminder of the Hope in Resurrection and eternal life the story is based on the historical and transformative event of Christ's victory over death this reassures us that the gospel
is not just good news for this life but also a promise that gives us hope that death itself cannot take away according to the Bible death is not the end but an enemy that has been defeated by Christ which gives us hope seeing things this way changes how we think about death giving us radical hope and a profound confidence that we will prevail this reassures us that our life in Jesus extends beyond death and into eternity so shaol could never contain it therefore by rising from the dead Jesus not only conquered death but also made
a way for us to have an enduring relationship with God through what he did Jesus proved that for those who trust in him Death Becomes a pathway instead of an exit a beginning instead of an end Ephesians and the Ascension when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men Ephesians 4:8 this is very significant because it portrays Jesus ascending triumphantly to Heaven indicating that his Earthly mission is compl complete and he has commenced his Heavenly duties Jesus's Ascension into heaven demonstrates not only his victory but also that he freely gives
spiritual gifts it illustrates his transition from being physically on Earth to being spiritually omnipresent empowering us with Heavenly gifts notice the connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament and the Fulfillment of Prophecy in Psalm 68:18 you ascended on high leading captivity captive you received gifts among men even from the rebellious that the Lord God might dwell among them this part of scripture was about a Divine King who would rise gloriously and bring the spoils of Victory with him the Old Testament context makes Jesus's ascension all the more significant by showcasing it as the
Fulfillment of a long-awaited promise and linking it to the hopes of the Israelites for a divine div leader a fulfillment that ties deeply with The Narrative of a conquering King connecting the hopes of the Old Testament with the teachings of the New Testament in fulfilling This Promise Jesus not only proves that the Bible is true but also confirms that he is the Messiah whom people were waiting for Jesus giving spiritual gifts explained the word spoils is used in the New Testament to refer to the spiritual gifts that the the Holy Spirit bestowed upon the church
Jesus gives spiritual gifts that make the church more spiritually alive and effective unlike human Kings who gave material wealth this chapter discusses Psalm 68: 18 and Views Jesus capturing captives as an act of victory in which he led many spirits who had been prisoners to Heaven you ascended on high LED captives in your train received gifts among men even from the rebellious that the Lord God might dwell among them Psalm 68:18 Jesus's Act of freeing people from the chains of death and giving them the freedom of endless life in heaven shows how powerful his Redemption
is this expands Jesus's purpose showing that his work included more than just his death and Resurrection as a sacrifice it also included his role as a leader who freed people from the control of Shel liberating these slaves Jesus not only completes the story from Death to life but also shows that salvation includes both the living and the dead his Ascension is not seen merely as a return to his throne in heaven but as a supernatural event that changes the spiritual world for everyone it shows that his Ascension is a continuous Act of divine action that
affects both Heaven and Earth Jesus's supreme power shows that he definitively conquered sin death and the devil our greatest enemies his Ascension confirms his lordship and grants those who believe in him a higher spiritual status this new status under Jesus's command provides us with security in the spiritual realm along with protection and strength from his Spirit as stated in Ephesians 1: 21-22 Jesus established his authority in The Realm by ascending to sit at the right hand of God far above all Rule and Authority power and Dominion being enthroned not only places him in a position
of Honor but also involves him in the management of the universe in this role he continuously advocates for us and works to better things his position as Sovereign is very important to us because it means that Jesus has the power to distribute Divine gifts and that he prays for us this ongoing prayer is very very important because it ensures that we are never alone and are always aided and guided by the ascended Christ these gifts which include roles skills and spiritual strengths are not given randomly but are intended to equip each believer for ministerial work
and to build the church Community the planned delivery of gifts helps the church to continue expanding and fulfilling its Heavenly purpose the vision of the Ascension and the giving of of gifts highlights an important belief in our Christian values the gifts of the Spirit empower the church each gift shows that Christ is still present and active in the world helping the faith community remain vibrant and active each gift we receive is intended to strengthen the body of Christ and help it fulfill its role on Earth our empowerment is very important for the church to perform
its role in carrying out Jesus's purpose in the world after Christ's victory over death the church is not just a recipient of his Redemption but also part of the ongoing work of Salvation using the gifts he won by his death this role is very important because it gives us the power to be agents of God's grace and spread the kingdom through our lives and organizations Ephesians 4:8 does more than just celebrate the return of Jesus to life and his Ascension to heaven it clarifies that these events deeply impact our own lives and work by affirming
our crucial role in God's plan and assuring us that Heavenly support is ours through Christ this passage highlights that the same power that brought Jesus back from the dead is also at work in us helping us to succeed in life and continue Jesus's mission on Earth a crucial aspect of this Dynamic is the transfer of power which significantly influences us both individually and collectively such empowerment enables us to overcome our limitations and enact transformative acts that reveal God's kingdom engaging with this Divine Force initiates a vigorous cycle of redemption and empowerment furthermore the ongoing cycle
effectively realizes God's Kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven and sustains the vibrant growth and meaningful engagement of the Christian Community in today's world what does all this mean it is said that Jesus Reigns over all worlds that prophecies have come true and that his salvific work continues after death these things indicate a force that goes beyond the physical or temporal they display a victory that affects everything in the universe at all times all these elements show that the force is multifaceted encompassing spiritual physical and eschatological aspects the force is not just personal success
it is a Monumental victory that impacts the spiritual realm and Alters the spiritual reality itself the event of descending to death and then resurrecting demonstrates immense power and divine Authority the ACT proves that Jesus is more powerful than both physical and spiritual death the latter being a consequence of sin this clearly shows how Jesus's resurrection revolutionized ancient beliefs about death and the afterlife introducing a new perspective on eternal life by changing these narratives Jesus gives us a new way of thinking about life and death that alters how we View and Hope For Eternity this passage
not only shows that Jesus is the Messiah and savior but also how he can connect people to God in this way Jesus not only fulfills the part of the Messiah that was predicted but he also goes beyond by proving to be the most perfect expression of God God's love and mercy by defeating death and going to the place where the Dead live Jesus acts as a mediator he is the only way through which God and humans can reunite due to his sacrifice this point where God's justice and love intersect is crucial for understanding The Narrative
of Salvation it Comforts Us by confirming that Christ defeated sin and death permanently emphasizing the totality of his Redemption and his eternal reign such total Victory demonstrates the meticulousness of God's plan ensuring that his Mercy extends to every aspect of human existence this teaching is essential for our confidence in Christ because it offers hope and Assurance in Jesus's Reign and Mastery over life and death it provides us with a profound sense of security and purpose encouraging us to remain faithful such promises are Central to Our Hope and belief serving as a spiritual anchor the triumph
over death represents the overcoming of any separation from God assuring us of Eternal Unity with God the connection is a promise of not just life after death but also influences our daily spiritual well-being Jesus's victory over separation which meant being separated from the living forever proves that all who believe in him will be raised from the dead and Live Forever This Promise shift s our minds from Death to life from sorrow to Hope and reinforces a way of life filled with Divine hope and expectation it is not just something that will happen in the future
it is a fact that affects how we live now shaping our choices morals and interactions with the world making us part of this ascending life the victory over separation and the resurrection of Jesus also marked the beginning of a new world where death no longer has the the last word the story of how the universe was made presents a very different Universe where endless life is of utmost importance this creates a new view of existence itself a shift in the universe's order that is significant because it crafts a new narrative for humans where death is
not the end but a transition with this we are able to see the world a new one that centers our lives around Eternal truths rather than temp temporary facts there is a major shift in the universe because of this event where Victory swallows up death and when the perishable puts on the imperishable and the Mortal puts on immortality then the scripture will be fulfilled that says death is swallowed up in Victory vanquished forever 1 Corinthians 15:54 this victory has a significant impact altering both people's perceptions of the apocalypse and their moral and eth iCal behaviors
following the Biblical teaching of the Apocalypse these outcomes matter greatly they influence how we should behave today while we prepare for the future Resurrection in preparation for the coming World these meanings prompt us to live as the Risen Christ did with righteousness mercy and compassion the promise of Resurrection propels moral Behavior as we are instructed to live in a manner that displays what our ultimate destination will be people who live morally do so not out of fear of punishment but because they know they will rise from the dead and live forever the fact that Jesus's
work of Salvation continued after his death also challenges and expands our view of redemption pointing to a healing that is both wide and deep affecting not just all people but literally everything in the world it says that Jesus's healing work goes beyond time and includes people who died before he came to Earth and all who will live after him this Timeless reach shows how enduring Jesus's work of redemption is making the gospel relevant to everyone at any age it seems to say that Jesus's work of redemption saved not just the people who were living during
his ministry on Earth but all people everywhere at all times with this broad Vision God's grace is extended to people who seem impossible to reach in including those who are spiritually and historically distant this broad view of Salvation expands the reach of the gospel and shows why it is appealing to everyone Forever This broad view shows that the gospel is a word of Hope for everyone no matter what their past present or future may be Redemption for all is at the heart of Grace which says that Grace is a gift from Christ that is not
limited by time or place Grace offers salvation as a gift that cannot be earned and has no limits for it is by Grace God's remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ that you have been saved effectively delivered from judgment and granted eternal life through faith and this salvation is not from yourselves it is not through your own effort but is the gracious and undeserved gift of God Ephesians chapter 2:8 thus these teachings help us to understand more deeply the death and resurrection of Jesus and call us to live in a way that honors God
and the message of Christ they prompt us not just to enjoy the resurrection but also to live it demonstrating this new life in every part of our Lives the death and resurrection of Christ also encourage us to live a full life where the truth of the Resurrection affects both our personal faith and our public witness as a sign of restored life this way of living requires strong engagement with the world striving for justice peace and love in our daily lives we must show the world his love and power living the hope and success of Christ
while the world still deals with sin and breakdown this representation is very important because it shows how the gospel can transform people's lives in a real and Powerful way overall the teachings about Jesus going to hell rising from the dead and ascending to heaven give us a solid foundation to understand the whole plan of God for salvation they not only explain the historical importance of what Jesus did but also call us to share in the effects that are still happening today they show not only how Jesus's actions affected history and religion but also how they
still affect our lives today each of us is called to continue the work of Christ in our own time and place living out the story of Salvation they show that Christ's work is not just about about overcoming physical death it is also about conquering the spiritual death that sin causes so that all who believe may be with God Forever This broad perspective fills us with gratitude a sense of Duty and purpose binding these elements with the ultimate goal of achieving eternal life with Christ it encourages us to actively participate in God's Redemption narrative committing to
a lifelong Faith Journey a journey that goes beyond personal growth to to change the entire world Jesus preached after death promising Victory and extending God's grace to everyone let us pray Heavenly Father we come before you in humility and reverence recognizing your sovereignty over life and death you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end and through your beloved Son Jesus Christ you have unraveled the mysteries of Eternity and salvation Lord we reflect on the teachings of your Apostle Peter who proclaimed the truth of Jesus's resurrection and his triumph over death in
Acts 2:31 Peter revealed that Jesus was not abandoned in Hades nor did his flesh see corruption we deeply believe in this truth because it promises us hope and the certainty of overcoming through our faith in Christ we thank you oh God for the Redemption plan you have set since the foundation of the world you sent your only son not just to live among us and teach us your ways but to conquer death the final enemy and to make a way for us to be reunited with you in eternal glory Jesus our savior we Marvel at
the depth of your loving sacrifice in your death you descended to the realm of the dead and there proclaimed freedom to the captives and opened the way to eternal life you broke the chains of sin and death not just for those who walk the earth with you but for all who would believe in your name Through the Ages thinking about this we are truly amazed and grateful you represent life yet you went through death to overcome it your return to life is the main support for our beliefs giving us confidence in our hopes and evidence
of things we cannot see we pray for those Among Us who are struggling with doubts and fears about death and beyond May the truth of your victory over the realm of the Dead bring comfort and peace to troubled hearts help us to fully trust in your promises knowing that just as you were raised from the dead we too will be raised Lord strengthen us with your Holy Spirit to live lives that reflect the Victory and freedom we have in you help us to be bearers of your light in this world spreading the good news of
your death and Resurrection May Our Lives be a testimony to the hope that lies ahead drawing others to seek you and find eternal life that is found only in Christ we pray for those who have yet to accept your gift of Salvation May their Hearts be softened by your spirit and may they come to understand the depth of your love and the transformative power of your sacrifice lead them from Darkness into your Marvelous Light father we also pray for the church worldwide to be a source of Truth and hope strengthen your servants who preach and
teach the mysteries of Faith including Jesus's work in the realm of the Dead equip them with wisdom and courage as they help others navigate the complexity of life and faith as we Face our daily challenges remind us of the victory we have in Jesus help us to live joyfully and purposefully knowing that our ultimate destination is secure in you may our communion with you deepen and our faith strengthen as we await the Glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray and give thanks for the Blessed hope of the Resurrection we eagerly await the day
when the trumpet will sound and the de in Christ shall rise until that day keep us firm in faith flourishing in love and unshakable in hope in the mighty name of Jesus we pray amen question of the day what worship song marks this year for you leave your answers in the comments below if this content was valuable to you I ask for your support with your subscription so that you don't miss any of our upcoming videos together we can Enlighten more minds and expand our understanding thank you for being here and may God bless you
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