Why Reading Is So Important? | English Reading Practice | Speak English Fluently

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Fluent English 10
In this video, we discuss why reading in English is essential for improving your language skills. Le...
Video Transcript:
hello Anna today we're going to talk about why reading English is so important do you like reading in English to be honest I don't read much in English I find it boring and hard why should I read if I can just listen or speak I understand many students feel the same way but reading helps you improve your English in ways that listen Ling and speaking alone can't for example it helps expand your vocabulary you'll come across new words in context which helps you understand their meaning but can't I just learn new words by listening to
songs or watching movies that sounds more fun that's a good point you can definitely learn words by listening but reading helps you remember them better when you read you often see the same words again and again repetition helps move words from your short-term memory to your long-term memory oh I didn't think of that but I still find reading slow it takes me forever to finish even one page that's totally normal at first learning to read in another language does take time but the more you read the faster you'll get and guess what reading can can
also improve your grammar grammar oh no I'm terrible at grammar how can reading help me with that don't worry a lot of students struggle with grammar but when you read you see how sentences are constructed you see different sentence structures and how words are used together you get to see real examples of grammar in action So reading can teach me grammar without me even realizing it exactly you won't need to study grammar rules all the time if you read a lot you'll see how nouns verbs and adjectives are used naturally in sentences over time your
brain will start to recognize these patterns wow that sounds good but I feel like reading is still too much work can I just skip it and focus on speaking well if you skip reading you're missing an important piece of the puzzle learning a language is like building a house listening and speaking are the foundation but reading and writing are like the walls and roof without them your house isn't complete so if I don't read my English will be like a house without walls that sounds a little dangerous exactly without reading you miss a lot of
important things like grammar and new vocabulary reading completes your learning and makes your English much stronger okay I get it but what if I don't like reading books you don't have to read long books if you don't like them you can read anything in English it could be articles blogs Comics or even social media posts the important thing is that you're reading something every day that sounds much easier I thought thought I had to read big boring novels So reading even a few pages of a blog or comic can help absolutely you don't need to
read a lot to see the benefits even reading for just 10 or 15 minutes a day can help the key is to make reading a habit only 10 minutes that sounds doable but will reading help me with my writing too definitely reading is one of the best ways to improve your writing when you read you learn how sentences are structured you see how writers use punctuation and how they express ideas clearly so if I read more my writing will automatically get better yes that's right you'll start to see how to write emails messages and even
essays reading gives you confidence in your writing because you see examples of good writing all the time H okay but what if I don't understand some words when I'm reading should I look them all up in the dictionary that's a common question you don't need to look up every word you don't know if you do that reading will feel too slow and you might lose motivation Instead try to guess the meaning from the context guess from the context how do I do that it's like being a detective look at the words and sentences around the
word you don't know sometimes you can understand what the word means just by reading the whole sentence or paragraph oh like Sherlock Holmes I can be a detective while reading exactly be like Sherlock and use Clues to figure out the meaning and if you still can't figure it out then you can look it up but only after you've tried that sounds more fun I'll try that next time I read but how much should I read every day you don't have to read for hours like I said earlier even 10 or 15 minutes a day can
make a big difference the important thing is to read consistently the more you read the easier it will become only 10 minutes that sounds great but do I have to read out loud or can I read silently you can do either but reading out loud has some extra benefits it helps you practice pronunciation and hear how words are supposed to sound it's like getting two exercises in one oh so reading out loud can help me with my speaking too exactly when you read out loud you practice saying the words correctly and build your speaking confidence
it helps you connect the sounds of words with their spelling that makes sense but what if I feel embarrassed reading out loud that's normal at first reading out loud can feel a bit awkward but remember practice makes perfect the more you do it the more comfortable you'll feel H okay I'll give it a try but what should I read if I'm just starting out great question if you're just starting pick something easy and interesting you can read children's books short stories or even news articles written for English Learners choose something that makes you excited to
read I think I'd like to start with short stories they seem fun and not too long that's a perfect choice short stories are great because they're not overwhelming and they often have interesting plots that keep you engaged I like that idea but what if I get stuck on a difficult story should I give up no don't give up if a story feels difficult you can break it into smaller sections read a little bit each day and take your time to understand if you need to you can even ask a friend or teacher for help that's
good advice I'll try not to get frustrated So reading will help me in all areas of English right exactly reading improves your vocabulary grammar writing and pronunciation it's like a superpower for learning a language wow I didn't realize reading was so powerful I'm going to make it part of my daily routine that's great to hear just remember it's okay to start flow the most important thing is to stay consistent keep reading a little every day and you'll see amazing progress I'm feeling more confident already thanks teacher I'm ready to become a reading Master you're very
welcome you're on your way to becoming an English expert happy reading if you enjoyed this video and found it helpful make sure you don't miss our next video we have an exciting and engaging topic lined up to help you practice your listening skills click here to watch it and keep improving your English
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