A classe jornalística brasileira não presta | Olavo de Carvalho

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Olavo de Carvalho
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When I think of myself as fascist, it's because I studied his politics and saw that it coincides exactly with what fascism was historically, right? It's very difficult for us to go to Mass and get here early, so what we had to do was adjust the time to 9:30, I believe this will last another month or two, then it'll go back to normal if we don't get one another solution in this Inter and in fact today's class is different from other classes, I'm not going to give a class to you, I'm going to teach it to the media people, journalists, reporters, editors, editorial directors, TV people, etc. , etc.
, the class is for them and so That's right, it will be made available to the general public. So the first thing I would like to note is that never, never, has any media organization sent me an interviewer who had read one of my books, none of them, never, now is a universal precept of the history of ideas. that any opinion that a philosopher issues about any current event must be interpreted in terms of the most fundamental and permanent principles of his philosophy, not knowing these principles, the guys will interpret my opinions in the light of rather than in the light of a generic idea that they they take a little bit from Bolsonaro, a little bit from T Carlos Magalhães, a little bit from the military and compose the TR that they call the right, right ?
eh , and it would be very difficult to express her opinions, so great is the diversity of attitudes within her, when We remember that on the right there existed since, say, the time of the dictatorship, Flávio Cavalcante, right, even the dem people, even Paulo Malufi, who later became Lula's partner, all of this is the right, said Well, I don't know in the name of which right I should speak And furthermore, if it is only to speak in the name of standardized ideologies and already existing parties, for a philosopher to be just a parrot As there are already so many ways repeat the party speech and everything is fine, but since they are all exactly like that, they just repeat the collective speech exactly like the others. We can see from the uniform reaction of the entire National media to Bolsonaro's election, as ises, everyone is like that, they think I am too I'm like that, but with the opposite sign. So there must be a kind of collective idiot on the right in whose name I speak and it is to this imaginary non-existent character that they direct their questions so that I cannot answer the questions directly, I have to correcting all the questions because they were asked to someone else who is not me and who, in fact, doesn't exist, just correcting them also doesn't help because whatever I do, those who sent the questions, that is, their editorial managers and editorial staff The entire audience will hear it as if the answer were given by the character they imagine.
So this phantasmagoria, this completely imagining thing, is what they call journalism today, especially because what they imagine from the right is truly an absolutely childish phantasmagoria, right, the other day there was a girl here I think from Estadão who asked about the school issue without a party and I said I responded as I have always responded that I think it is premature for you to release any premature bill, perhaps forever unnecessary, any bill because cultural war is won in the cultural sphere those who wage the Cultural War are intellectuals and not legislators or lawyers, right? So what do you propose to reduce the spectrum of authors that will be read in schools, I even forced the woman to apologize to reduce it? Why are you also complaining that the guys are reducing that they only select what interests them, what interests their political group and their reference group and they don't let people read anything else if I'm complaining exactly about this how am I going to restrict it but her idea is the next right is repression so there must be repression and repression wants to make people stupid, make them just read, I don't know, the gospel, no, that must be it, so how does the person come up with this idea, could the idiot interview me?
and today This is what you call a journalist Hã Look When I started working at the ISO newspaper 50 years ago, it's a general rule that, if you're going to interview a philosopher, you send someone who has some philosophical knowledge. I remember that, for example, in the newspaper's editorial office, there were two guys who were my favorites. chosen for this, which was Reinaldo Lobo, who was a Philosophy student, and Rulf Kunes, who was a Philosophy professor.
To interview a philosopher, you send one of the two. Well, you're not going to send the Turf colonist to interview the man from da and, you know, philosophy, if you don't If you had musical knowledge, who would you send to interview a Maestro or an opera singer, and so on, right? If it's a science guy, you're in charge.
There was a scientific colonist, this one was in charge . right, there's no such thing anymore, you send any Zé Mané, why? Because the director, the boss who sent him, is also Zé Mané, also illiterate like him and also has no idea that there is anything beyond standardized ideologies, right?
And therefore you he's there to invent ol the way he wants with his right-wing phantasmagoria, well that in itself is serious enough, okay, but even more serious is the uniformly repeated biographical discourse, so there's the astrologer, well, I worked in astrology for 35 years much longer than the average age of the reports of any newspaper magazine in Brazil Um and obviously there is no satisfaction to give anyone about this, that's right and the guys who also ask the question who use this they also don't know what I understand by astrology, um, they have no idea what the entity is to which I gave this name and so astrology for him, the name, the name, already means everything, meaning if you know the meaning of a word in the dictionary, you know the thing respective Hum so they don't know that the meaning of a word in the dictionary is only made up of other words and not of things They really take words for things so today there was an idiot who asked how a guy who taught astrology can indicate a minister I say I can know why because a guy who was an astrologer can be a Minister without you complaining Renato Janini ran loves astrology he doesn't do anything without consulting the astrologer His favorite is the morning Vita no one found anything He even thought it was beautiful Look how beautiful Look what an open mind, right now, if it's me, oh no, man, he taught astrology for 35 years. PR astrology, whoever said scientific, even academically respectable scientific, is taking a bath in popcorn. Like Lula Hum means, you realize when you are ridiculously childish and childish, all of you.
people [Music] uh, scientific, it's Lula laying on of hands, right, it's the healing power of the Kings. So, Lula was there , the new Saint Luí This is damn scientific, now he taught astrology 35 years ago, believe me, right? Guys, you are very ridiculous.
Do you understand why today the so-called big media organizations sell fewer copies than in the 50s of the last century, in the 50s, my son? run by Samuel var, it frequently sold 1 million copies a day, not every day, but it often reached that level, um, The Night Diary also the same thing, the minimum it sold was 300,400 daily, that's when the page reaches 300,400, well, it's in The weekend reaches almost 400,000, you are, you are putting an end to the journalistic profession. That's not how you do journalism, people, but there are things a little worse besides calling yourself an astrologer, I call you an ideologue, hello, wait, if I'm an ideologue, I I have to have some ideology, right?
Ideology is a formula for society, right? It's a set of means that must be mobilized to get there. Now, tell me what model of society I'm defending.
I've never defended anything. Huh, I limit myself. analyzing things that are happening I am in the Sphere of Facts and in the political analysis of facts not ideological preaching this is something anyone can understand as long as they read my writings but they don't read they want to guess and they call it Journalism and sell it this for you this is obviously this is fraud they are deceiving the entire reading public Hum And because you see he knows how to imitate the tone of the respectable opinion of the mainstream the Middle way the balance he knows how to imitate parrot that's it you understand But when you see it is just the bunch of semi-literate fanatics are no longer functionally illiterate, that's what's gone, illiteracy itself, right, so if I'm an ideologist, an ideology, every ideology, by definition, is a coherent doctrine that goes from its general principles to guidance in everyday political situations.
coherent an ideology is much more coherent than any philosophy because a philosophy has to satisfy reality and ideology does not have ideology it only does make-up It's ok to bathe people Ideology is a rhetorical speech therefore it is a speech of persuasion, not of analysis, it can sometimes disguise an analysis but it is only for the purposes of persuasion , therefore the ideology has not only doctrinal coherence but it has the coherence of the theory of practice, it gives practical indications of how to get where it wants, right? do this more this more this more ISO Where did I write this? Not once, as a joke, I wrote an article called the formula of my ideological composition, right where I showed there were so many heterogeneous elements there that no ideology could come out [ __ ], right so I he says, look, when it comes to religion, I'm Catholic, but when it comes to morals, I'm an anarchist, how are you going to create an ideology based on that ?
I speak Prof, an ideology is a much more coherent speech than any philosophy they Uh, what are you talking about They don't know any ideology in the ideology they most often mention is fascism, right, some called me fascism but now they're not calling me fascism anymore. They gave up, right? They have no idea what fascism is Hmm, so the other day I mentioned, around 1910, the guy who would become the first fascist theoretician Henrico Corradine, who was a guy with a Marxist background who came from revolutionary syndicalism, tried to convince his colleagues trade unionists that the social class could not be a subject of historical action on an international scale, something in fact that after you read it you realize that it is obvious why the international proletariat does not exist There is only a proletariat within the framework of each nation, that is not the fact that you being a proletariat in this nation does not mean that you are a proletariat in another nation Um, so the proletariat only exists as a function of the national social framework and it does not exist outside of there, there has never been an international proletariat, conversely, an international bourgeoisie exists because Because the bourgeoisie invests in everything in place and as Carl Marques himself said, capital does not have a homeland, so capital does not have a homeland, but the proletariat does, you see, when there was the war of 14 The Communists got quite a scare because they believed that the international proletariat would Whatever it was, it would turn against its bosses and its bourgeois rulers and fight against the war and fight on the pacifist front, right, and what happened exactly the opposite, no social class had as much bellicose enthusiasm in the war as the proletariat.
The Communists were all huh Um, they betrayed us, they abandoned us, they started crying, but Henrique Corradin had already warned us 4 years before, there is no international proletariat, so we have to reform the revolutionary movement, putting the proletariat against the bourgeoisie instead. We have to put proletarian nations against Bourgeois nations , do you know who came to adopt this strategy later, after the war, Stalin Stalin, when he invented the third world doctrine ? it had ended, that's right, but this is the policy of the proletarian nations.
This is fascism, uh, that was it in its origins, it was ISO in its development and that was it at its end, and Stalin very cleverly stole the flag from the fascists and did so with great success because the notion of nations poor against rich nations, in a way, it is obvious, isn't that so, in addition, through the phenomenon called government, a nation in itself has much more unity than a class, a social class has no unity at all, you would need to organize the proletariat. In other words, you have to make the factory committees join back he representative representative here elect Municipal representative then I go to State representative it's a very complicated business You have to create a kind of governmental structure within the class so that it has a unity of action, sometimes this unity the nations they already have it ready How long have they had a government so through the government the attitude of the Nation is either pletarian or bourgeois, it's easy for you to express, isn't that just any international negotiation, the guy from the poor Nation comes out Speak, man, you're exploiting us, it's ruining you takes our raw materials and sells us crap at a very high price, it's a very simple speech, right, whereas the speech of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie can only lead to one thing, the destruction of capitalism and the implementation of the socialist regime, but the socialist regime us we have already seen, it is impossible because he already said F without a market things have no price if there is no price there is no price calculation if there is no price there is no planned economy if there is no planned economy there is no socialism so the only socialism that exists is Half-bomb socialism that combines the power of the state with the power of half-du millionaire groups, what is this, the ist economy, that's what Mussolini proposed, my God in heaven, and that's what all socialist countries do, right ? the guys speak so badly about fascism, right?
To hide that they stole fascism's plan All the shit that international social is doing in the world is fascist, Lula, look, Lula doesn't say he's an ideological heir to Julo Vargas goes, it was the only fascist government we had a corporatist fascist, see, he's the guy who created national capitalism with state money and maintained control over capitalism, so capitalism under state control but at the same time free to make money exactly like it is in China, which is the economic regime Chin fascist economy, right? What the hell are the guys talking about? They use the word fascism, not in the scientific sense that historians know it, and I can quote here dozens of historians who explain things exactly the way I'm saying it, including the greatest One of them is James Gregor and the other two biggest ones are Zev Stel who is from Israel and James Gregor who is an Italian and an Italian immigrant in the United States, right, these are the two greatest historians of fascism, right?
And also Emílio gentille and there are many others, everyone is explaining this, my God in heaven, now what these people use the term fascist Is it in the sense that Soviet propaganda gave the term Hum and what does Soviet propaganda do every time it wants to destroy a comrade or a competitor accuses him of being an agent of imperialism, an agent of capitalism, what did they do to Trotsky, my God, what did Stalin accuse Trotsky of, he is an imperialist agent, right? What did Fidel Castro accuse his comrades in the revolution, whom he ordered to be shot? they are agents of imperialism and so on, so fascism also became the people of imperialism, my God in heaven, fascism was inventing a world revolution against capitalist plutocracy and inventing the revolution much more efficient than what the Soviets had invented, that's what it was asking how he could be an agent of capitalism, you see in Germany, for example, which is no longer the typical case.
Germany is not exactly Mussolini's fascism, it was something else, the big capitalists only started to support Hitler after he came to power, they knew that before, they didn't give a dime to the Nazi Party, right today, that's more than clear, now the guy came to power, even the capitalists in America started giving money to the guy, everybody Loves a winner, right? guy came into power he's the hottie let's suck up, right Let's invest in him because we make money so fascism as invented by Soviet propaganda was aimed at this, let's say stealing the fascist strategy without giving the name of the inventor and was intended to hide the collaboration that the Soviet Union had with the Nazi government long before the rentrop Molotov pact, since the 1920s they predicted that Germany would become a revolutionary power that invaded all of Europe, so what did they do, Germany was prohibited from having an army, so they provided space within the Soviet Union, weapons and financial aid for Germany to set up its army there, hidden from the world, at the same time, it carried out greater anti-Nazi propaganda in France in England to deceive Muggles and to this day this Soviet propaganda slogan, one of the silliest that has ever been invented, is assimilated and accepted by the entire Brazilian Academy and the entire media Hum and they use fascism as an insult to speak precisely about people who are speaking against all of this What do you think of the theory of proletarian nations against bourgeois nations? I think it's a crime, I think it's madness and a crime so much so that what happened resulted in a world war [ __ ] you, I'm going to find this doctrine beautiful So let it be in the mouth of the bussolini whether in Stalin's mouth this is the most criminal thing anyone has ever had You play Nations against Nations what happens war [ __ ] you don't need to be very smart to understand this So look when there was the massacre in Rwanda, the conversation was the same, right you there are the tribes the tribes are nations you have the rich nation and the poor nation the rich nation is oppressed the poor so the poor have to go there and kill the rich this was the Rwandan genocide so playing nations against nations or tribes against tribes is provoking war, right, so no decent person can be in favor of this, even if a country is in a state of trouble, right, you can't suggest that your country rises up with war speech against the richest country, you can't do that, right ?
That's what you're instigating. real war or civil war or war in the strictest sense, right ? The guys who preach this are genocidal and the guy who uses fascism as a right-wing symbol is facilitating the work of genocide, my God, he just doesn't know, right ?
brazilians are like Johnny English, right Ron Kinson's character, right? He doesn't know what fear is, he doesn't know what danger is, he doesn't know anything, the guys are like that and I challenge any editor in chief to discuss any of these subjects with me, all intellectuals and left-wing teachers who came to argue with me came out on all fours calling mom, right, laor café Leandro Conde Carlos n cotinho, right, those people from the time of collective imbecility are everyone crawling, right? Calling mom, asking for a pacifier [ __ ] why Because they don't know anything, they're not intellectuals they are not teachers they are swindlers they are fakers they have 12 just based on what in the support of the group today I wrote the intellectual vigor of a country It depends on the fact that intellectual leadership is in the hands of the best and most capable not of groups of incapable people who are they support others, right?
And who get together to speak ill of the best, right? And this thing, this tendency has always existed in Brazil, bringing together the mediocre against the best, sometimes they manage to massacre the guy Lima Barreto, the guys managed to massacre him, right? Bring together That bunch of Zé Mané, right?
Ah he's a drunk he only lives in whorehouses and well it was true he was a drunk and he lived in whorehouses But then there weren't any women to do anything Right, João do Rio was an excellent writer, right Ah, he's [ __ ] me I saw him entering the hotel with H It's true, he did that but he's not asking me to eat, he's asking me to read his book [ __ ] so it was like that, the Met's masses came together to damage the reputation of the best, that always happened, didn't it happen? with Zé Guilherme merquior, the guys criticized Zé Guilherme merquior for citing too many Sources, but that's not the number one obligation of the scholar's student to cite all his sources But the guys don't know, they used the expression terrorism, what they use is terrorism of erudition terrorism because it terrifies you, but no European student has ever thought that citing Sources is terrorism, citing Sources is an obligation, it's research, oh my God, now you see that they are not people used to academic life and they are professors, they once asked ot Maria carpu right, do you register the books? ot Maria carpu looked at him with a contemptuous face and said, you don't know that European [Music] education, book registration is a USP thing, people, you don't do that the whole book and keep it in your memory, right, because I'm there, episode of Vl that exposed the student because she hadn't read the preface to the book Ah, I thought it wasn't necessary So you go and start reading everything again from the preface, then one of the most erudite men I knew, who was Inácio da Silva has never kept a book, he has a huge library, which means why am I going to register it, everything is already registered in the book's pages, this here is my archive [ __ ] is the obvious So you have to have a personal library, do you have it I need to know how to consult the library I hate libraries public libraries I can't smoke there I hate studying without smoking so I do it I made a gigantic library that what I have here I already got rid of about four libraries that size I couldn't carry everything I had less than 10,000 volumes left So I have my own research material at home, not to mention the documents that I found, I have on file from Monte, right?
And that's what I study now . When you read a book with real interest you don't keep it in your memory, right? There are books that you read and forget immediately, isn't that Leonardo bof's book, I challenge everyone, right?
Leonardo bof, a highly successful author, I challenge all these guys, name me the title from a book by Leonardo bof um no one knows no one has ever read this guy well it's all fame made by media ged who didn't read it either but the guy he's a comrade in the fight, right? So we have to honor him, right, le B today said that I I'm what, the guy, what's the word he used, like, crazy , unbalanced, etc. , etc.
I'm going to give you an example of what Leonardo is, bof, so you can see what this guy's head is like, right? I say that this man It's not good in the head, I affirm and prove one of the most detestable things in intellectual life or in pseudo intellectual life is the subject who uses scientific terms, whether from psychiatry, political science or economics, as insults and not as designations of objective, describable and recognizable when I consider it fascist, it's because I studied his politics and saw that it coincides exactly with what historically was fascism, right ? around Du half of national and foreign economic groups This is fascist economics, right, so in the same way if I say that he is functionally illiterate, I can prove it And if I say that he is strictly illiterate, I can also prove it, right, so, for example, I have having said that for years I haven't seen a Master's or PhD thesis that wasn't written by some semi-literate person because you start to see errors in Portuguese in the first part and end in the last one Hum and in Brazil any illiterate person is successful, isn't that the mastiff cow Mastiff cow wrote a book messing with the entirety of Brazilian literature but he doesn't know how to write rub he took an exam on the book The book is full of crude Portuguese spellings on the first last page because he won't learn to write before criticizing others, that type of person is promoted by M because it matters n so Mastin is not a leftist but he is Ant olavete why Because I spoke badly about there, it's not like I said it at the beginning I shut up I didn't say anything about his book it was enough to he suspected that I was against it because now I'm going to say your book Martim is rubbish, it's one of the worst books I've read The idea is presumptuous there's no proof of anything and it's poorly written for [ __ ] Bruno Tolentino has already warned you I think Years Before you published this book Martin you don't know how to write you instead of going home to learn fal no now I'm going to write a book going down the [ __ ] all Brazilian literature Machado de Assis near you is rubbish n what what hn so the Brazilian media promotes these types of people [ __ ] H so based on this we have to ask where this started, um it went very well, it started in the following way, when the Communist Party began to adopt Antonio Gramp's Strategy, which is the occupation of space and cultural revolution, he directed all the efforts of the intelligentsia to form what the collective intellectual the collective intellectual is the party itself, no one there thinks only about party thinks, right?
So intellectual activity consists of you being the voice of the party and the voice of the party is obviously one for everyone, so it standardized everything, so those who could rise in intellectual life were only the most mediocre who repeated the collective discourse because there was no no personal speeches then they start to throw away men with real talent and that puts an end to intellectual life in the country, people are finished, if you see like this the writers that were in Brazil in the years until the 50s 60s Ours was a greatness within itself left, right, then it ended, why did it end? Because of this, and in journalism, people with the greatest talent were always being thrown in the trash to favor the rise of guys like this petrified André, who is there to serve the party, now with this mentality, what happened 20 years ago, I wrote that the PT and the National Left of the world in general were not prepared for the democratic rotation of parties in power that they wanted to conquer power to keep it forever and that this was not normal, not any country where If that happened, it would immediately be called a dictatorship, not a democracy, but what an ideal ideal of democracy the Brazilian left had, that was We took power, we never left there twice, Lula celebrated the fact that of the presidential candidates They were all leftists, he said, look how wonderful of democracy, so it was natural for them to think like this, now today I see that this State of Mind is not just for the Brazilian left, it is for the entire media, right? Look, the entire media was shocked, traumatized by the election of a right-wing government, so the point of asking cannot be a right-wing government no longer exists democratic rotations democracy changed before Democracy it was the rotation as it is here in the United States there is the Republican there is the Democrat in England you have Labor there is the Conservative everywhere it is like that and sometimes one goes up sometimes the other rises, that's not democracy h I fought for this democracy to exist in Brazil I didn't fight to eliminate the left but on the contrary to create Rod the moment the first guy from the right came and was elected they were absolutely dissatisfied and swearing destroy him and remove him from Power we are the resistance Look use the word resistance that's why it's the French resistance against the Nazi invader so that means that Bolsonaro wasn't put there by popular vote it's a Nazi invasion from abroad from what outside it can only be from the United States, right, so it's the FBI that invaded here, see, so ISO means the mentality of the entire Brazilian media, it's the mentality not of the communist, of the communist fanatic who doesn't accept anything outside the party, this is communist fanaticism, people of the most serious H now the consequences of this were just the liquidation of Brazilian Democracy, no people, see when in 1990 Lula Frei Beto and Fidel Castro formed the São Paulo forum to be the strategic coordination of the Communist movement on the continent, the forum soon had more than a hundred of member organizations, almost two hundred Um, which were political parties and at the same time blatantly criminal organizations such as the FARC, which had a virtual monopoly on the sale of drugs, the sale of cocaine in Brazil, the Chilean Mir, who was a specialist in kidnappings and other organizations of this type, partnership between left-wing organizations in Brazil, left-wing parties and the FARC, is an obvious and obvious deal because the PT presided over the forum's assemblies together with the FARC, it was Lula, alongside Manuel Morando Maranda, who was the commander of the FARC, right, so there is some advantage The only thing that existed was that Meanwhile, Fark was buying weapons from Fernandinho Beamar, who was bringing them from Lebanon to exchange for 200 tons of cocaine per year for the Brazilian market, right?
So a party that associates itself with this, is it a criminal organization or not? that it was only the PT that committed this ugly crime 200 Tonne of cocaine there are many deaths people many lives destroyed it is an absolutely thing inhumane Cruel, there are things about murderers and genocides, you see that in Colombia, farcas are hated, right? They managed to get there.
The FARC is there in a little corner of the territory. of support from the electorate 3% was the maximum, right, so I was there several times, I felt the popular hatred in the FARC, meanwhile, here the PT is patting the FARC's head, right, giving jobs to people from the FARC who ended up here, right? And the media did what do you see Lula on the 15th anniversary of the FUR in São Paulo he gave a speech saying that for that entity to progress it was necessary for him Hugo Chaves and people from Cuba and Guerreiro people from Nicaragua to be able to talk without anyone knowing what we were talking about, so there was to that was progressing, there was a need for now the entire media provided this secret, covered and denied the existence, covered up and denied the existence of the São Paulo forum for 16 years, this was the biggest journalistic fraud in National history, one of the biggest in the history of the world, covering up entities that, while that they were plotting the rise to power together with criminal organizations that were killing Brazilians in bulk through cocaine who did this the media you people h you Turminha do Globo You Turminha da Folha you did this so you are accomplices in the death of thousands or millions of Brazilians with Coca, accomplices in drug trafficking, accomplices in the biggest criminal plot that has ever occurred in Brazil, close to which the petrolão menses are a joke and children, um, you never stopped to think about it, no, you don't because you don't have a conscience, my God in heaven, you are all childish people, dust placed in positions of big people with power in their hands, now the people have already felt this, they have already stopped paying attention to you, right ?
say, I have more readers than you, I have more readers than any organization in the so-called mainstream media, right? And why are they paying attention to me ? Because I'm not lying to them, right?
I'm not showering myself with money based on the support I I give it to communist drug trafficking parties, I don't do that, you do it without counting all those organizations that, not being able to have readers, invent a way to sell their production to the government, to the government, to distribute it to others, right? And force propaganda, for example, the Sala de Aula magazine in New School from the vid ív foundation that introduced in Brazil Emília Ferreiro vigot everything that principle of wrong education socio-constructivism that stupefied generations of Brazilians they made money selling it to the government the government bought it and distributed it so that the teachers' minds thought it was naturally beautiful, look what it was mentioned in the Nova Escola Magazine in the Vigot classroom magazine that we have to apply this here, right, and the effects on the children, right, how did the children become illiterate like that en masse by these people, right, with the help of the media, right? Vitor Foundation, now there is the education letter which is the same thing this little letter he doesn't know how to get readers he has no credibility so what does he do he makes a shitty magazine to sell to the government the government as he is a PT member and wants their support he buys it and distributes it to teachers so in addition to living like this, let's say the support given to the communist movement, which is traditionally genocidal and murderous, and support given to the organization of drug traffickers who work together with The Communists, journalism still prevails over this embezzlement of money, when you open the BNDS black box in January, crying and gnashing of teeth, including from the media, a lot of people from the media, right?
And you, you're digging your own grave, people, you're demoralizing yourselves to a level that makes it sad, sometimes I wonder why they do this to themselves, see my interview at Estadão today, right? And you'll see that I spit on Estadão on the side of Estadão, exactly as I did with my editor-in-chief at Globo Luís Garcia, who came up with a big talk that São Paulo didn't exist or didn't exist It was important and I, on the Globo pages itself, reduced it to due silence because he didn't know anything, just favoring the Communist Party to which he belonged, um guys, I don't have any ideas, I don't defend opinions to get a job or keep it, I lost all my jobs at Mia, you know what, it was a big deal for me because then I I had more time to do the course the way I wanted, earning more money than I earned any of it is very well, thank God, right? So now you have the phrase that I heard the most during the time I worked in newsrooms because I always thought I was a journalist, but I left the newsrooms and went to be a freelancer.
Here's what journalists are [ __ ] Hmm, I always thought that until I remember the [ __ ] in my youth, they were wonderful at that time, none of them robbed me, right? None of them fought with me, right? None of them stabbed me in my sleep.
It didn't do any harm, right? I thought it was a tremendous injustice, right? Because the professor provides some real service and you do what you only sell poison, you only sell lies, all of you, ha, so think carefully about what you have done, think carefully about these 16 years of hiding the is from São Paulo and you only agreed to disclose it after the PT itself, in the introductory video of its Third Congress, confessed that the São Paulo scoop was the strategic coordination of the Communist movement on the continent, things that when the news began to leak, everyone denied on the sides from Globo Luiz Garcia then the guy who was director of international relations at PT Jean Carl summed up writing, it's not São Paulo, it's nothing like that, it's just a debate club like that, people, he said, look, have you ever seen the debate club broadcast at the end of the broadcast?
resolutions that have to be signed by all members um then the PT himself came and confessed No it's not a debate club it's the strategic coordination of the mainland communist movement All that was left to say as olav said olav is right All that was left to say is H do you think that someone was ashamed of this tremendous shame, not because they don't have shame on their face, the journalistic class today has no shame on their face, of course there must still be honest people within newsrooms, so to these people I say don't accept this anymore, don't accept this imposition anymore of crooked bosses, right, work?
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Um Olhar Sobre o Mundo | Olavo de Carvalho
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TV Brasil
Leda Nagle
Justiça Eleitoral cassa mandato de Carla Zambelli e oposição reage: "Perseguição política"
Justiça Eleitoral cassa mandato de Carla Z...
AuriVerde Brasil
SYMBOLS AND KEYS OF SYNCHRONICITY - Is there a coincidence? Lúcia Helena Galvão, New Acropolis
17 perguntas para Olavo de Carvalho
17 perguntas para Olavo de Carvalho
BREAKING NEWS: Trump Takes Questions From Reporters At Briefing After Plane-Helicopter Crash
BREAKING NEWS: Trump Takes Questions From ...
Forbes Breaking News
Exclusivo: O que filha disse à PF sobre seita criada por Olavo de Carvalho, guru bolsonarista
Exclusivo: O que filha disse à PF sobre se...
TV 247
LiderCast 098 - Olavo de Carvalho
LiderCast 098 - Olavo de Carvalho
Luciano Pires
Nicholas Burns: In the Room With Xi Jinping | Foreign Affairs Interview
Nicholas Burns: In the Room With Xi Jinpin...
Foreign Affairs
Esquerda x Direita: o MÍNIMO que você precisa saber para não falar bobagem
Esquerda x Direita: o MÍNIMO que você prec...
A Filosofia Explica
Trump Blames D.C. Plane Crash on DEI and Dwarfism | The Daily Show
Trump Blames D.C. Plane Crash on DEI and D...
The Daily Show
Brasil Paralelo
Assista à íntegra da entrevista com Olavo de Carvalho
Assista à íntegra da entrevista com Olavo ...
Morning Show
Nvidia CEO Huang New Chips, AI, Musk, Meeting Trump
Nvidia CEO Huang New Chips, AI, Musk, Meet...
Bloomberg Technology
Fé em Jesus, doutrinas cristãs e gnosticismo - Olavo de Carvalho
Fé em Jesus, doutrinas cristãs e gnosticis...
Educação & Cultura - Φιλοσοφία
A manipulação das massas em Ortega Y Gasset, Freud e Olavo de Carvalho
A manipulação das massas em Ortega Y Gasse...
Psicanalista Dr. Juan A. Brandt
Luciano Subirá
Full Speech | Trump criticizes past administrations, DEI hiring in remarks about deadly plane crash
Full Speech | Trump criticizes past admini...
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