Healing the Mind: Rewiring the Brain - Barbara O'Neill

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In this transformative session, Barbara O’Neill delves into the incredible capacity of the brain to ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] so we can go straight to the brain and that's what we're doing today we're going straight to headquarters and our first lecture is called healing the mind some authors claim that all disease begins in the mind I don't quite believe that but I do know with some people the Mind plays a major role and with some people the Mind plays a minor role everything that happens in the body affects the mind and everything that happens in the mind affects the body so what I'd like to do is I'd like to go inside the brain
and look at how the basic functions on the way we think happens so in the front part of the brain it's called the prefrontal cortex pre meaning it's at the front frontal again it's at the front cortex and cortex is a name given to the whole top of the brain so with the prefrontal cortex it's just this front third of the brain and this is where our intellects is this is where our reasoning Powers reside this is where judgment takes place and this is where I call the most wonderful gift that I believe God gave
to mankind it is the will and when you think about it our decisions determine our destiny and when you have a look at the functions of the prefrontal cortex you can see that every decision we make God designed that we make according to intellect reason and judgment Unfortunately today there are many things people are doing that are causing a compromise of the prefrontal cortex so this is where we make our decisions and I used a verse earlier in the week it's found in 2 Timothy 1:7 where God says I've not given you the spirit of
fear but of power we looked at how knowledge is Power of Love And A sound mind what's a sound mind I'd like to suggest that a well functioning prefrontal cortex where our intellect our reasoning powers and our judgment is working well enabling us to make proper decisions isn't that a sound mind and because our decisions determine our destiny we have to be very careful on our decisions we don't choose what happens to us no way do we choose what happens to us but we choose our destiny by the way we respond or React to what
happens to us now it sounds very black and white but it actually isn't something else comes into the equation and that is our lyic system and our lyic system is often called our ebrain or our emotional brain they're our emotions and God designed that our emotions our thoughts our feelings thread through the prefrontal cortex I thank God every day that the devil can't read our mind don't you love that and no one can read our minds only God can read our minds do you know what that means when it comes into your mind you have
the choice are you going to utter it are you going to live it or you going to say no I thank God every day for that and that's why I call the front part of the brain our Board of Senses our Board of senses or our Board of CRI cheeks and our emotions our thoughts our feelings go through and that's where the the final decision is made and it is the prefrontal cortex where God communicates with mankind you see God is not in every man you would never say God was in Hitler maab Stalin no
no no God gave mankind choice and because God man man gave mankind Choice what a gamble because what that would mean is that some choose wrong and when a person chooses wrong innocent people suffer it's the nature of the Beast and I was talking with a couple in our Retreat one day and the man said well if I was the guy up top I'd come with a machine gun and I'd mow them all down and his wife laughed and said what good would that do then the next crop had come up and as an Australia
we know our history very clean of galipoli how in the trenches those young men the trumpet blasted and they jumped up and they were just mowed down and then the trumpet blasted again and the next lot come out I had my grandmother lost three brothers in that world ye and that that that is an illustration of that that's not going to fix the problem you see God gave mankind Choice he made us free moral agents he didn't want robots and when someone loves you you want them to love you because they choose to love you
not because they must there is a name for FSE love and that is rape there's no love at all in that no God gave mankind choice and you can see that he gave mankind choice and the way he made the brain is that we make the choice according to intellect reason and judgment my husband Michael he was an alar boy in the Catholic church and he was going to become a priest and he went to a weekend for all the boys he was 14 that wanted to become priests the priests were drunk Michael had a
lot of questions they laughed at him and what he saw that weekend he came away saying there is no God and he went wild he became a wild biky hair was long he was in a bike club he' just gone through the test to become a member he'd been beaten to a pulp and he drove through a stop Line stop sign at 100 miles an hour they were the through they were the two initiations into the bike club anyway survived them both and then a man a young man came and worked where he was working
and this young man was a Christian hated Christians he was now an atheist so whenever he met a Christian he just threw the book at him how can you say there is a God when he makes people burn forever and this young man said no he doesn't Mar said of course he does I'm a Catholic I know and this young man said well show me well Michel didn't know because he'd never really read the Bible and so everything this young man said he would go to the library that night Michael would go to the library
check it out and the more he checked it out the more he found that this young man what he said was true and the young man said to I can show you more I can come to your house and give you a Bible study Mar said all right this was Friday all weekend Michael thought I don't want him coming to my house so he thought Monday I'm going to find him and said don't you dare come to my house but he couldn't find him and later on he found out that God spoke to the young
man and said hide yourself Monday Night Comes this young man comes into Michael's house which is Painted Black inside and out there are Harley Davidsons all through the landro drugs all over the coffee table came in with his nice pants and shirt with his Bible under his arm and two more Bibles for Michael and his friend and he sat down and he went through Daniel chapter 2 and he showed these two young men Daniel chapter 2 and in Daniel chapter 2 the King has a dream and when he wakes up in the morning King Nebuchadnezzar
he can't remember the dream he's the king of Babylon so he gets all the wise men and he says show me the dream and show me the interpretation and they said ah show us the dream and we we'll give you the interpretation he said show me the dream and the interpretation or you're all dead by morning now Daniel who was a captive from Jerusalem he was considered a wise man so he got the message we're all dying in the morning and he said why because the king's had a dream so that night Daniel Prayed and
said Father in Heaven show me the dream and God showed him the dream and the interpretation so just before they are all about to be killed Daniel goes into the king and says God has shown me the dream he said the dream was you dreamed of a statue head of gold breast of of silver hips of bronze legs of iron feet of iron and clay and the King said that's what I dreamed and Daniel said and God showed me the interpretation you are that head of cold after you will come the mes and Persians they
use a lot of lot of silver after you will become the Greeks they used a lot of brass after that will come the come the Romans they use a lot of iron and then the iron and Clay are how we see Europe today strong countries weaker countries and then a stone hits the feet and that's the second coming of Jesus Mar couldn't believe his ears he said this must have been written after well it really couldn't have been written after cuz we still haven't finished so he went to the library and he discovered that the
the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1946 with perfectly supported it the more Michael tried to disprove this young man the more he proved him right this young man was able to answer all his questions so marus said all right I'm going to give it six months I'm going to become a Christian but I'm only going to give it six months do you know a week later Michael's in bed in the Next Room he friends in the next bed and they're talking unbeknownst to them there's police outside about to raid their house and this is
what the police are hearing Michael and his friend Michael says I'm going to continue my Bible studies what are you going to do I'm going to go to Bible School oh yeah I'm going to go to Bible school and become a pastor this is what the police are listening to police are looking each other anyway they charge in to do the raid Michael and his friend jump up and they say you won't find any drugs and and the police say huh as if they pull the place apart they don't find any drugs so they come
back to Michael they look at him and Michael says not we're clean we've become Christians police looked at each other raised their eyebrows each policeman shook their head hands went out scratching their heads marus says it's the best decision he ever made he was 21 he's now 67 he was going to try it for six months it was the best thing he ever tried you see it's a choice and that's what God gives us choice but he designs our choices to be made according to intellect reason and judgment and the more Michael searched the more
it made sense it made more sense than everything anything he'd ever looked at you see it is here where God communicates with man in Isaiah 118 the Bible says come let us reason together it is right there but what often holds us back is our emotions and the front part of the brain in the right side so I'm looking at your right this is the I won't decision and on the left side of the prefrontal cortex is the I will decision and right in the middle is the I want I want meaning what do you
want out of life what are your goals where are you going so let me give you a quick illustration of what we all experience I think as soon as we wake up as soon as we wake up in the morning our emotions the first emotion is usually oh it's so nice nice in bed I'll just stay a minute longer I won't get up yet I will stay but as our reason intellect and judgment starts to Dawn we start to consider the day the highest function of the prefrontal cortex is foresight looking ahead and assessing the
result of what we're doing right now we start to think about our day we' got a busy day got quite a few appointments today I need to get up I need to exercise I need to drink water I need to have a a good breakfast because of what I want out of this day that's foresight now this prefrontal quartet is not fully developed until the age of 30 looking historically Jesus began his ministry at the age of 30 young men traditionally weren't given of positions of responsibility until the age of 30 and when all my
children one by one reached 30 I shook their hands I said congratulations your prefrontal cortex is now fully developed I said yeah Mom I remember Peter did something silly when he was 25 I said Peter what are you doing he said Mom my prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed I said that's why you need your mother and that's why I say to adults bind your children to your heart when they're young so that they will make you their counselor and guide because they need someone with a fully developed prefrontal cortex oh what an honor it was
last week to have my 20-year-old granddaughter ring me and say Nana can I talk to you about relationships oh what an honor do you know many adults Drive the young people away you shouldn't be doing this you should be doing this you never know cuz it never does any good did it do us any good I know personally that the more I was pushed the more I went the other way when I was 16 I was to be uh bridesmaid for my cousin and her mother and my mother who was sisters were talking about all
these fancy hair does they wanted me to have so I went out and I cut my hair off so it was half an inch all over that was me I remember I remember and so I never I never lowered my standard but I made sure that I spent time with my children time with my my adolescent time with my teenagers and it says in James chapter 1 verse 19 let every let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to WRA my father used to say you got two ears one mouth use them
in that proportion our children went out to work at a young age 15 16 they went into apprenticeships so homeschool so went out a bit earlier they come home every weekend and I go for walks with them and let them talk and sometimes some of the things they said made my hairst on end and God was giving me the strong impression keep your mouth closed and listen cuz if I say what what do they now do they close up and who do you want them to talk to you want them to talk to you in
fact when we had a lot of teenagers we used to every Saturday afternoon we go mountain climbing with all sometimes we' have six carloads of teenagers and Michael and I climbing up the mountains that's why you got to keep fit and we' all back into the house in the late afternoon and they're all worn out that's what we want and we let them all stay the night and we'd get extra blankets and you know where do you want them you want them with you yeah cuz a lot of parents they want the house just nice
they don't want those teenagers in their house these are such important times it's not forever the day comes when they're all gone poopy say said to me what are you going to do when they go barar I say want to see my list love it when they're there love it when they go and this is where you bind them to your heart and time it's just doing things with them that's why we climbed mountains that's why when my son married a lady that had a little three-year-old I bought a scooter and I started scooting everywhere
with him and bind him to my heart and then his mother wanted something from the shop so we'd go into the shop and the little boy would say I want that candy and that candy and that candy and I squatted down eye to eye contact uh this grandma doesn't do that see the smile you know what the smile says I love you let's buy apples and go home and make an apple pie and he'd smile cuz I'm smiling and he'd not and we'd leave and he didn't get anything so we go home and we make
an apple pie together do you know that's what they love and that's what they remember yes it takes time and it's important to do an assessment of your time because time is something that we we can't we can't uh we can't make up for that lost time it says in Ecclesiastes chapter three there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven time to be born and a Time to die a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which was planted it's important to value your time because the prince on
his throne and the PO in the street we all have the same time and it's a Priceless treasure and many people lose that precious time because they go to bed too late and they get up too late and I think it's 9:30 tomorrow morning I'm going to be talking about all the amazing processes that happen in our brain while we sleep and how much sleep we need and so what what compromises that prefrontal cortex and you might be surprised at what I'm going to say and you might not be surprised it sustain me Sunshine the
ultra violet Rays from the Sun go through neurochemical Pathways hit the pineal gland and cause a release of Serotonin that's your mood hormone cause a release of melatonin and that help helps you sleep better at night causes a release of epithalamia that increases learning capacity all because our eyes are getting Sunshine your brain needs sunshine and it gets it through the eyes I don't suggest we look at the Sun but just being outside through a sunny day you're getting those ultraviolet rays going into your eyes use of water this brain is a hydroelectric system no
Hydro no electricity a person can develop negative thought patterns in a dehydrated brain that's a little bit scary start early do you take your water to bed with you as soon as you wake up start drinking little by little by little all through the day our brain needs water and there's no reserved tank on the back the only water that goes in is the water that we drink sleep Dr Matthew walk he shows that 10 nights of 6 hours sleep a night 50% less cognitive performance 50% less physical performance 6 hours most people think 6
hours is pretty good and when he finished writing the book well finished his study before he wrote the book he was very disappointed with the conclusions why was he disappointed he was hoping that the research would show yes 6 hours is pretty good it doesn't eight it must be eight for all the processes that happen in the night to be fulfilled and tomorrow morning I'll show you how you can train your body back into that notice what I said he was disappointed with the results you see 6 hours you feel okay it's a deception it's
actually not okay the next one is trust trust in God anxiety discontent remorse guilt distrust or tends to break down the life forces and invite Decay and death into the body what a guilt distrust remorse what are they they are actually feelings they are emotions and we can accept those emotions or we can reject them and one thing that freees from these is the ability to forgive Peter went up to Jesus and said um should we forgive seven times Peter thought that's pretty generous Jesus said 70 time 7even what's that 400 anyway lot of lot
of times lot of times in other words we should never stop forgiving most people don't realize that forgiveness is a prefrontal cortex decision it's not an emotion it's not a feeling because our feelings will tell us they don't deserve it and that may be true but it's got nothing to do with it use of forgiveness is the only prescription in the entire universe that has the power to break the chemical bonds of hostility anger and hate so in the book the ministry of healing in the chapter mind C cure where the author says grief anxiety
discontent remorse guilt distrust all tend to break down the life forces and invite Decay and death into the body what does that mean well Dr Carolyn Leaf who's a Christian psychoanalysts she's written some recent books called who Switched Off My Brain she says the same thing and she says it because research is proving today that when we entertain or cherish negativity Thorns grow physical Thorns grow between the dendrites and these physical Thorns have the ability to damage the tissues there's your psychosomatic diseases so when a negative thought comes into the brain she says it's like
a breeze wafting through the branches of the trees and at that point we have a choice we can hold on to that negative thought and we can let it go you see things come and go all through our life life and we only become a victim to the negative experiences when we continue to dwell on them that's when we hold on to them and that's when the Thorns grow God's government is a government of freedom freedom is based on free choice and we have a choice we can hold on to it or we can let
it go and in Philippians 39 3:15 the Bible says this one thing I can do forgetting the things which are behind I reach forth to the things which are before I press towards the mark for the prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus what's the high calling of God you'll find it in John 10:10 Jesus said I have come that they might have life and that they might have life more abundantly life should be good and if it is not good we have to put the detective had on and find out why
isn't it good well I was abused 20 years ago well leave it [Music] there leave it there but the person that did that to me forgive them but they don't deserve to be forgiven that's right I agree but it's got nothing to do with it because whether you forgive or not they will never know the only person that is affected by your forgiveness is yourself forgiveness cuts the chains that bind you to that painful past forgiveness gives you wings gives you freedom and it allows you to forget the things which are behind and reach forward
Dr Carolyn Leaf shows that when we make the decision to forgive because it's a prefrontal CeX decision easy to make when that prefrontal cortex is well hydrated well sunned well slept well nourished when we make that decision something happens but this will only happen if we go to bed early because it's the hours before midnight where the vacuum cleaner system of the brain it's called the glymphatic system and the glymphatic system is made up of Gile cells and the glymphatic system is the vacuum cleaner of the brain two things have to be present we make
the decision the mental decision I will forgive then we go to to bed before midnight and when those things are present when those two things are present while we sleep the glymphatic system comes along and vacuum cleans up all the Thorns what an amazing process look what science shows us today sh science shows us today that this decision to forgive doesn't want to rub them out and we want them rubbed out that decision I'll keep my finger there there we go that decision to forgive has a physiological effect in the brain to vacuum clean up
all the Thorns science is now showing us that forgiveness has a physiological effect in the brain but two things must be present the decision to forgive and going to bed early where the gimatic system is the most active I've seen it again and again and again a young girl who used to attend our program regularly visit us every year so much so she called me Mom and Michael Dad she was slightly disabled and she used to constantly tell the story about how her stepfather had abused her her stepfather had abused her the story was being
told again and again and again so one day I sat with her and I said Jazzy I want you to tell me the story she looked down I said tell me what happened she said well my little stepbrother was on the floor convulsing with a fever and her stepfather was over him and she walked in at the age of 15 and said I'll handle this I've done a first aid course so we actually probably know the reaction of that man he said get out of here and she got highly offended and left that was the
abuse that she talked about I said aha I said Jesse can you understand that that man was very upset he was very upset his little one was convulsing and yes you've done a first aid kiss but he he knows what to do too and he want to handle this by himself I said have you forgiven him oh dear she did not like that she looked away she got up and she left the room the next day when I saw her she went she didn't want to come near me didn't want to talk to me so
the next day I said hi Jazzy when ABA said Jazzy have you forgiven I said you know it'll only take a minute and it's going to help you it's going to free you I could see her still resisting body language tells a lot I said do you pray every day she said just Mom I do I said do you pray forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us oh she said yes yes I said you know what you're doing you're saying God forgive me the way I'm forgiving my stepfather she looked
at me with shock and she left the next day when she came in she had a big smile on her face I knew straight away what what you done I said hi Jesse she said hi Mom I said Jesse have you done it she said I have she was totally freed she never related that story again and yet for 10 years she'd been relating it every day every day every day and that's why I sat with her and said Jazzy what's this about we're going to do something about this because the fact is that every
day when she told the story what's happening to the story it's actually getting bigger and bigger the pathways getting bigger these are Pathways in our brain they're like Pathways in the bush I think you have snow Seasons where they're skiing I'm sure believe there's ski Pathways and it's so easy to go down those Pathways where creatures that love going down the path of least resistance isn't that true and she would just slip into that pathway every day and every day the Thorns would grow and so I knew out of my love for this young woman
that we had to get to the bottom of this we had to talk about some uncomfortable issues to be able to fre it you know when you weeding the garden you know it's not a pleasant thing to do getting down fingers in the dirt weeding the garden but I love weed in the garden because I love a weed-free garden it's a process but what happened with Jasmine is she made another pathway it was her forgiveness pathway and every day she confirmed the fact that she had forgiven and so every day she went down the new
pathway and didn't go down the old pathway and so the new pathway got bigger and bigger and bigger and it is now 10 years later and I've never heard a relate the story she was freed how long does it take before the new pathway is stronger than the old 21 days that's what the research to says 21 days of going down the new pathway and 21 days of not going down the old pathway you got a bigger pathway 60 days it says before it's in cement now we heard some incredible music tonight violin piano there
was another instrument I was out the back I'm not sure quite what what it was I'm sure that that violinist didn't start playing that violin yesterday is that right and it's the same process even musicians when they learn a new a new piece they got to go over it and over it maybe after 21 days they've got it fairly good but after 60 days they can do what I saw my my husband's daughter at the age of 14 she is clever pianist she's playing Fair release while she's chatting to her girlfriends not even looking at
her fingers not making a mistake it's in cement it's the same process of learning anything new and the research is showing today that there are three things that are the most potent in actually causing new dendrites every time you learn something new you grow another dendrite another dendrite another dendrite and this one nerve cell and we have one trillion in our brain it has the potential to develop 70,000 dendroides that's one dendroid and we have one trillion oh the capacity of our brain oh the tragedy that most people go through their whole lives never fully
accessing the full potential of our brain you know the old saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks they've proved it to be wrong you can it's as simple as this if you say you can you will and if you say you can't you're right you won't we should be learning new things till the day we die what the research is showing today is that we can rewire our brain right up until the day we die and that's what Jasmine did she rewired her brain so our brain can change if that brain cells dead
it cannot regrow but the research is showing since 1998 that given the right conditions new brain cells can develop and there are three Shockers that shock the release of brain derived neurotrophic factor which which is the protein that causes a release of new brain cells what are the three Shockers uh ending every hot shower with a quick cold have you tried it tomorrow afternoon we're going to look at our immune system and you'll see that that's the biggest booster so maybe by the after tomorrow you'll be doing it but it causes a release of brain
derived neurotrophic factor which stimulates neurogen is that's new brain cells number two the second thing that causes a release of brain Drive neurotrophic Factor new brain cells is fasting so maybe have a day fast a week or maybe two days fast a for fortnite or I don't know if you say fortnite two weeks um or maybe two days a month or time restricted eating eating breakfast like a king lunch like a queen and supper like a a POA yesterday I had breakfast like a lunch sorry breakfast like a king I had lunch like a queen
and I didn't eat again till breakfast the next day so I had an 18h hour fast that causes a release of brain Drive neurotrophic Factor so second one is fasting the third one is the high intensity interval training when you're running for your life that's a shocker and that shocker causes a release of brand Drive neurot Factor that's new brain cells but I want to come back to the three things that are the most effective at causing new nerve cells yes learning a musical instrument can you play a musical instrument it's time to learn learning
a new language the house I had lunch in today they always speak to their children in romanium so their children speak fluent Romania and fluent fluent English what a gift to give an extra language my son married a Finnish girl and she speaks to her children only in Finnish so his children speak fluent Finnish he doesn't quite always know what they're saying but what a gift to have another language what's the third one the third one is memorizing Bible there's a little book called steps to Christ and I think it's out there and I read
this on page 90 there is there is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than than the study of the scriptures there is no other book so potent to elevate the thoughts vitalize the faculties than the broad and nobling truths of the Bible if God's word was studied as it should be men would have a breadth of the Mind a nobility of character a stability of purpose rarely seen today you can see why I had to memorize those three do you know I didn't read them and know them I had to go over and over
and over about 21 days and as you can see now I got to 60 and it's in cement so I cannot say it for a month and then say it because it's those pathways are solid in my brain every time we learn something new we learn another dendrite we develop another dendrite my husband 15 years ago went to learn to fly helicopter and his teacher said I'm warning you you're in your 50s it's going to take a while he said I have got two two uh students both in their 50s one's up to 60 hours
one's up to 40 hours I still can't get the hovering marus said hovering is like trying to stay on a slippery rubber ball it's very hard to hover in fact when they start to learn the the teacher constantly grabbing the grabbing the controls MCO Managed IT in 20 hours that's about the same amount of time that a 15-year-old will Master hovering why did Michael Master it well there aren't many 50 rolls that go to bed early that drink eight liters sorry not eight glasses of water a day that don't do coffee that don't do alcohol
that don't smoke cigarettes that don't do any drugs that eat a nourishing diet that exercise every day that have Sunshine every day those sustain me principles will sustain us I found a verse in the Bible for it it's psalm 55:22 cast your burden upon the Lord and He Shall sustain thee he will never suffer the righteous to be moved so marel mastered in 20 hours he's got the same brain as us all he was a biky for a while he partook of many drugs but I'd like to suggest that he's been getting the brain derived
neurotrophic Factor cuz he mastered hovering in 2018 M the uh teacher couldn't believe it I don't think the teacher will be flying helicopters much longer because he's such an alcoholic and unfortunately alcohol kills those brain cells you know it's such a gift that God has given us this incredible brain and it's really our responsibility to keep it and when we keep it when we look after it it looks after us but I'm going to give you a funny story to show you how what happened with my husband in 2020 it was against the law to
hold a protest in Australia so Michael held a protest every two weeks is it our right it is our right the Bible says we ought to obey God rather than man and michco was protesting against the law lockdowns prot protesting about the mandates do you know whenever a government comes with a mandate that's not from God because God's government is a government of Freedom so Michael went to uh speak in the protest there were about 600 people about 300 police and the police saw that he was about to stand up and speak so they came
up and said sir if you speak we'll arrest you and marker looked at them and said hm that'll be interesting and he stood up and he began to speak and they came up and they said sir stop Marcus said I haven't finished yet do you know the Bible says in Colossians 4:6 let your speech be always with Grace seasoned with salt that you may know how you ought to answer every man I'd like to suggest at the age of 21 when Michael surrendered his prefrontal cortex to God he allowed God to work in his life
and he was a man that was not prone to anger and so they jumped on him and they started walking away with him but he noticed that they weren't holding him very tightly he told me that he decided to have a bit of fun and he jumped ahead of them and went and ran he ran and he didn't run out of the stadium he ran in and out the crowd and the police couldn't catch him Michael has white hair he looks like an elderly gentleman but what they don't realize is Michael and I run out
of run up and down Hills every day we do the high-intensity interval training they could not catch him you know they got all this stuff on their belts and Mark was just running in and out of the crowd the crowd are cheering whistling taking video clips and Marco thought oh better let him catch me so he slowed down and they jumped on him and one young policeman was pulling his hand back and Michael said stop pulling my hand back you're hurting me don't be so disrespectful for to an elderly gentleman and the policeman said said
you shouldn't have run marus said it's my right and isn't that true it's our right anyway they let him walk over being very tight they decided not to arrest him they probably thought we don't want this block in our jails and they took him to a table where there was a policeman who was taking his particulars and as he's standing there giving the policeman his name ex his address etc etc a guy came up beside him and this guy was big tattoos all over him big beard and he said to Michael are they hurting you
Michael said I'm okay and then he said to the policeman you heard him you answer to us and he looked at Michael and said we're just over there Mel looked over there and they were all these bikers big lot of them some MO God's angels maybe that night was on the Nightly News that the police could not catch this grayhair gentleman I think it turned out to be an embarrassment for the police because two weeks later Michael dutifully held his next protest in Sydney there were hardly any police and they all stood back no one
stopped them speaking do you know sometimes it's not hard to stand out but when we have a look at times past and I love the poem of radad Kipling he said all we have are Freedom all we use and know this our fathers bought for us long and long ago long forgotten bondage dwarfing hearts and Minds this our fathers died to loose shall be bound again and so whenever we see these wrongs done to society we are very thankful for men like my husband who makees stands evil prospers when good men do nothing I like
to think that they couldn't shut the world down again I hope not I hope not I hope that if they try to do that again that we will stand but my illustration was more to show that no matter what our age we can be fit we can be strong and we can be enjoying life Michael is the head of a political party in Australia it's called heart health environment accountability rights and transparency and isn't that what God wants us to stand for but it's very important that we keep our prefrontal cortex strong by getting Sunshine
every day by drinking adequate Water by going to bed early by trusting in God because the Bible says that he is able in Ephesians 3:20 it says now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in US abstain from anything that would interfere with prefrontal cortex function they all the stimulants that's the caffeine that's the alcohol that's the refined sugar that's even as we've looked at this year this week a high wheat diet stop anything that would interfere with the proper functioning
of the prefrontal cortex overexposure to technology that is interfering with prefrontal cortex activity inhale through the nose you see every single one of those one trillion nerve cells has the energy cycle in it and we looked at this week that when there's oxygen in the energy cycle you're getting 18 times more energy I noticed that when my children who are homeschooled if they're struggling with long division sentence patterning you know what I'd do call a break they'd go and jump on the trampoline ride their bikes run up and down the hill come back 10 minutes
later woo what's gone into their brain oxygen and then they'd often get it and if you are studying we should all be studying make sure you have lots of brakes make sure you go on the trampoline the rebound or on the exercise bike fresh air lots of water inhale through the nose are you practicing you will get more oxygen at the cellular level more oxygen in the brain cell means that intellect reason and judgment increase which means that our ability to make decisions proper decisions increases nutrition our brain needs Peak nutrition high fiber all those
minerals and vitamins those minerals are all necessary for the flash of the of the neurotransmitters from cell to cell you see our our brain is an electrical system system and it needs nutrients for the proper functioning of this good amounts of fat remember that M and sheath it's a fatty sheath make sure you're having fat every meal have a look you're having nut seeds avocados little bit of olive oil open your baked potato put olive oil on and Celtic itself makes it very very nice and protein the neurotransmitters that flash from cell to cell are
made out of amino acids so our brain needs Peak nutrition moderation in all the good things don't overdo the fats no I don't suggest a cup of olive oil a day don't have your largest mail at the end of the day all the good things should be done in moderation exercise when you exercise you increase the circulation of the blood to the brain when you exercise you increase oxygen availability in each brain cell Dr Neil nedley in his book depression a way out when he gets a very depressed patient bipolar schizophrenia he puts them on
S hours of exercise a day that's a bit extreme it's cheap medicine he said after one week they are so improved they can go to a 1hour day maintenance dose or 15 minutes high-intensity interval training a day cheap Medicine Dr Neil nedley I went to a um a conference that he was holding in Sydney 15 years ago he said that he noticed a lot of his patients were on anti-depressants it it shocked him it surprised him so he decided to try Lifestyle Changes what are the lifestyle changes Sunshine drinking more water getting off the stimulants
going to bed early nutritious diet exercise every day he deci he decided to try lifestyle changes with them and he looked at their lifestyle and he showed them how they could adjust drink more water start going to bed a bit early try and do any technology they've got to do in the middle of the day not in the [Music] evening have soft lamps lamps at night to get the brain ready for sleep he said if that could even equal the effect of medication he'd be happy and I'll never forget his next statement he said it
far exceeded Lifestyle Changes far exceeded the effect of medication on mental illness on depression I have to tell you that I used to worked as a psychiatric nurse in my late teens 20s I didn't see people cured I saw people managed Sometimes good sometimes not good I saw the same people come back again and again and again and what's the definition of insanity to do what you've always done and expect different results they used to drink a lot of sodas they used to drink a lot of coffee they used to smoke a lot so when
I'm sitting there and this is probably 20 years later after I'd done Psych nursing and I'm hearing Neil nedley say that changing lifestyle and dietry far exceeded the effect of medication that statement set me on a pathway set me on a pathway where I knew and the more I investigated the more I saw it that mental illness can be managed controlled and even turned around with Lifestyle Changes I've met five people in my travels who've been diagnosed with schizophrenia bipolar and they're medication free and managing being bipolar being on heavy medication is hard conquering it
with Lifestyle Changes is hard choose your heart so I have a friend in Pap in N Fiji and her son developed this after um recreational drugs and unfortunately that's giving it to a lot of young people he's managing it today and he's managing it very well he goes to bed very early every night he plays the guitar every evening he gets up early drinks a lot of water he reads his Bible every day and he works physically hard on their Farm every day I don't think he will ever marry he will never be what he
was going to be he was one of the gifted boys in the class of doing engineering he got a fellowship scholarship to go over to Australia recreational drugs just they to this day don't quite know what he took but it damaged his brain but he's managing very well considering the damage that was done what will it take I do not know it depends how damaged the brain is it depends how willing the person is to do what you got to do CU remember the old saying a man convinced against his will will be of the
same opinion still that's why if someone says to me my son's got schizophrenia his 26 can he come to your retreat you know what my next question is is he willing because if he is not willing we can't work with that again it's choose your hard yes it is hard work but all the results how nice to be medication free and to be managing well but it is hard work so you choose your heart and with a lot of medication it's by now pay later isn't that true yes medication can play a role in a
crisis absolutely I was so glad for the pain killing medication when the orthopedic surgeon pulled my broken out ofpl radio just back into place but there was one day one day but unfortunately because it works in a crisis it sort of slipped over into everyday life I knew that lifestyle changes and simple natural treatments can help conquer many things but I didn't realize in the mental area but I have seen it again and again and one area and I touched on it last night with depression is a hormonal imbalance so I have seen many young
women conquer depression by forgiveness of their abuser of times past of implementing the lifestyle changes I talked about this evening by starting to apply the yam cream and I have found in some cas when 6 months they're off their medication sometimes it takes a year it depends how long they've been on the medication and depends how diligent they are of what you got to do to conquer it but if a young woman at the age of 28 is on anti-depressant medication what's the future like it didn't look good does it it's pretty hard and I
mentioned last night the the article I read called the depressing of effect of anti-depressants they're not a cure there's only one thing that has the ability to heal us and that is the human body and it makes the most sense to heal a human body whether it be mental emotional or physical but to work with the healing powers that God put in this body when we work with those basic body functions that God put put in there I see again and again people begin to heal people begin to manage and even begin to heal much
depends on the age how diligent the person is to do what you got to do and also how damaged the body is how serious is the condition but no matter what it is I found that there's always response I read a book called read this one about a year ago the school that escaped the Nazis very interesting book about this teacher in the early 1930s who had quite an unusual school she taught the children a lot of music gardening so there's a lot of extracurricular activities but she saw the writing on the law and so
she took her school to England and after that she was instrumental in arranging train loads of Jewish children out of Poland and out of Germany and she also was instrumental with a whole team of people in arranging Foster parenting for these children because the parents saw what was about to happen and she kept these children busy these children have just lost their parents they knew they might never see them again she just kept them busy gardening flower gardens isn't it wonderful that the Creator God gave us the ability to create music musical instruments they also
built this beautiful Amphitheater in the garden and planted rose bushes and got the neighbors to come and they would put on musical performance they grow their vegetables and sell them to the neighbors she kept them very busy then they had to move to North London because the war came and the bombing was happening in South London and when they moved to This Old House the children helped to renovate the house kept them busy busy busy then the war was over and they were able to go back to their original house that the Army had been
in and the Army didn't look after it very well so once again the children made teams and they fixed the house and revived their Gardens kept up their music then she started getting children from oswit and a 12-year-old boy came and she could see that this little boy had been through terrible times and the little boy was told not to talk about it and the little boy said I don't want to talk about it because I relive the horrors and what does Psychiatry say to do today you got to talk about it but what does
the Bible say Philippians 3:13 this one thing I can do forgetting those things which are behind I reach forth to the good things I'm not interested in digging up Graves what's in them dead rotten things let them lie every now and then the little boy say something like when they were lined up for lunch the last time I lined up every tenth person was shot I was number nine they just kept him busy kept him busy they got a few more children same thing do you know those children healed they healed and they became prominent
members of society and they healed through creation by creating music by creating Gardens by creating vegetables by creating renovating the house she just kept them busy one of the men went back to Germany and he be became a speaker and a guide in the museum and he had healed to the point where he could talk about what he'd been through because he'd been able to forgive when you forgive you cut the chains that bind you to that painful past but if you continually relate the pain you actually bind it to you and it's a heavy
load it's a heavy load when we continue drag that painful past with us forgiveness cuts the chains that bind you to that painful past and remember when you forgive you don't have to feel like it how could you the pain goes too deep but every day as you confirm your forgiveness the pain gets less and less and that's what they found in the school that escaped the Nazis beauti story and you know as those children grew and started to take prominent roles in society every holidays they come back to the school they come back because
it had such warm memories for them things to think about but again I love the way these stories they illustrate the Bible principles and remember God said I have come that they might have life and then they might have life more abundantly John 10:10 life should be good we're going to have a break now and when we come back we're going to look at how you can prevent Alzheimer's
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