The surgeon paid for an elderly woman at the restaurant who was being laughed at by the entire staff

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Stories For The Soul
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the surgeon paid for an elderly woman at a restaurant who was laughed by the entire staff the next morning the restaurant director received a phone call the Rays of the scorching sun shimmered with silver glint across the smooth surface of the sea seagulls cried monotonously Antonio squinted gazing at the sparkling expanse moving to a resort town with its heat and pervasive scent of salty Breeze seemed like a crazy step to many of his acquaintances but Antonio knew knew it was exactly what he needed right now just over 3 months ago the young surgeon had left
the capital fleeing from endless operations and sleepless nights and now lived and worked at a small seaside resort Antonio was tired of the constant strain and the feeling that life was passing him by while he was in the operating room he was tired of returning to a cold lonely house where no one awaited him he was tired of being a tiny grain of sand in a vast Metropolis here on the shore of the Endless Sea Antonio felt different instead of endless skyscrapers and in different Subways he was surrounded by blooming Gardens and the aroma of
freshly baked bread opening the office window he heard the whisper of the waves and the rustle of pebbles in this new place Antonio was not just a highly skilled surgeon but also an ordinary person who had time to stop and take a deep breath to notice the beauty around him in the small bright and very cozy Clinic where he worked it smelled of eucalyptus and the Sea Antonio took his time with each patient for the first time in his life not rushing anywhere he realized he could give people not only Health but also a bit
of warmth from his soul this feeling was new to the doctor people greeted him on the streets which surprised and delighted Antonio in the evenings he sat on the balcony of the room he rented in one of the goo houses and enjoyed the beautiful view of the sunset over the sea gazing at the gradually fading turquoise he felt a sense of peace and happiness for the first time in a long while he felt at home after work he enjoyed going to the same little restaurant nearby the restaurant's Decor featured lemon yellow and turquoise colors and
the walls were adorned with photographs of tan smiling fishermen the windows overlooked a blooming Street and a quiet harbor the restaurant had an excellent Chef who prepared the world's best seafood AA and the weight staff was always polite and friendly with Antonio he would sit at his favorite table by the window and watch the town's Life Through the Glass watching the boys playing by the fountain he would recall his own childhood and even Envy them a little when Antonio saw young couples walking hand in hand he would sigh and quickly avert his gaze the feeling
of loneliness though slightly eased by his move to the Sea still occasionally made itself known he wished to meet a kindred spirit with whom he could Converse on various topics or simply remain silent feeling a sense of unity and trust but such a person had not yet appeared in his life one Friday Antonio decided to visit his favorite restaurant to relax after a long work week as usual he was warmly greeted shown to his table and given a menu Antonio decided to treat himself to something special and completely new so he began to peruse the
dishes with interest he was so engrossed that he did not immediately hear the laughter and whispered comments of the weight staff who were observing someone intently the person they were observing was an elderly woman who awkwardly stumbled into the restaurant and without waiting for an invitation went to one of the tables a young waiter tried to stop her but she stubbornly made her way to the far wall choosing the best spot for herself Madam but this table is reserved the young man exclaimed of course the woman confidently nodded I reserved it this morning laughter erupted
other restaurant staff found it amusing for some reason the waiter tried to protest but the woman refused to listen she asked for the menu and another girl barely suppressing her laughter handed it to her please bring me lobsters and a glass of champagne the woman said another burst of laughter followed sorry but we don't have lobsters today said the waitress who had given the woman the menu can I offer you something else but how can that be the woman wondered I think they were recently added to the red list the waitress joked the woman looked
at her in such confusion that Antonio who had momentarily looked away from the menu and was now watching the scene with amazement felt sorry for her he scrutinized the woman she looked about 60 and was dressed quite decently Antonio couldn't understand what exactly was causing the young restaurant staff's Amusement finally he decided to call one of the waiters and quietly asked could you tell me why you're laughing at this woman it seems like it upsets her the young man leaned closer to his table and answered you see she's completely crazy she comes here a couple
of times a month and acts like a queen orders the most expensive dishes and champagne and then doesn't pay Antonio gets exactly the waiter nodded she says her father will come soon and pay the bill that can't be Antonio exclaimed but unfortunately that's what happens the waiter complained I'm telling you this woman has lost her mind Antonio glanced again at the elderly woman she seemed perfectly normal but the waiter couldn't be making it up Antonio was about to look away when something made his heart skip a beat at that very moment the woman was almost
in tears convincing the waitress that her father would soon appear at the door I understand everything but I can't do anything the waitress repeated monotonously Antonio couldn't bear it any longer and got up from his table he approached the girl and softly whispered in her ear bring everything that this woman ordered I will pay her bill the waitress raised her eye brows in Surprise all right sir she nodded and went to the kitchen Antonio gave the elderly woman an embarrassed smile and returned to his place he placed his order and occasionally glanced toward the table
where the strange guest was sitting he saw her receive her dishes thank the waitress heartily and then happily begin her meal this woman really doesn't look poor she must have been brought up in a very respectable family Antonio thought to himself she probably does have some issues with her mind the waiter brought his order and the man began to dine leisurely he saw the elderly woman finish her meal carefully wipe her mouth with a napkin thank the waitress and dignified leave the table and head for the door the restaurant staff exchanged meaningful glances and smiles
as they watched her leave Antonio finished his dinner and asked for the check he paid for everything he had eaten as well as for the dishes ordered by the the elderly guest then he got up and deciding to take a walk along the sea headed for the prominade 15 minutes later he had completely forgotten about the strange woman he had observed at the restaurant the next day Antonio slept in and got up only around noon he took a shower brushed his teeth and decided to go out for breakfast to his surprise his feet led him
to the same little restaurant he had visited the day before Antonio walked inside di at this hour the dining room was almost empty he sat at his favorite table and immediately the same waitress who had served the elderly woman the day before came over we're glad to see you again sir what would you like to order today Antonio checked the menu and asked for a croissant with salmon and a cappuccino the waitress nodded and was about to leave when she suddenly slapped her forehead sir I'm so sorry I completely for got to tell you something
the girl exclaimed what is it Antonio asked concerned he wasn't fond of surprises do you remember the woman you paid for yesterday she asked Antonio nodded of course how could I forget he replied well the waitress began this morning the director of our restaurant received an unexpected phone call a young woman called introduced herself as the dog daughter of that lady and wanted to know if she needed to pay her mother's bill because she learned from a friend that the elderly woman had died here yesterday and what did the director say Antonio inquired politely he
didn't know what to say the girl admitted fortunately I was nearby and explained to him that one of our regular customers meaning you had paid her bill how kind of you Antonio smiled the waitress returned his smile and continued the director passed on my words to the elderly woman's daughter and she was so touched that she wanted to meet you and thank you in person are you serious Antonio asked not quite believing it yes of course the waitress nodded she left her number and asked us to give it to you the next time you came
in with that the girl asked for a moment and hurried to the back room a couple of minutes later she returned with a torn piece of paper from a notebook hastily scribbled with a phone number Adriana was written below the numbers Antonio felt a strange sensation he was modest and didn't want to seek out compliments but something inside him urged him to call the stranger summoning his courage Antonio dialed the number a pleasant female voice answered almost immediately good afternoon the man began my name is Antonio and I'm calling you from the restaurant where your
mother had dinner last night I paid her bill oh I'm so glad you called the girl exclaimed my name is Adriana and it's very nice to meet you if you don't mind I would like to meet you in person and thank you for what you did oh it's such a small thing Antonio wanted to say but something stopped him he suddenly felt a strong desire to see the woman he had spoken to on the phone in person all right he replied somewhat embarrassed I've just placed my order and will be here for another hour or
so wonderful Adriana responded my mother and I live nearby I'll come by in 15 minutes they ended the call Antonio felt his heartbeat quickened after this brief conversation he anxiously and eagerly awaited Adriana's arrival mentally picturing her however when the door to the restaurant opened a quarter of an hour later he saw someone who far exceeded all his fantasies before him stood a beautiful young woman with long chestnut hair more lovely than anyone he had ever met the stranger was dressed in a white lace dress cinched with a brown leather belt and matching woven sandals
a small bag on a long golden chain was slung over her left shoulder Antonio stood up feeling both embarrassed and delighted the girl immediately noticed him and approached from this distance the doctor saw that she had gently blew almost transparent eyes you must be Antonio right she asked yes the man nodded and you're Adriana that's right the girl smiled Antonio thought that only angel smiled like that let's sit at my table he suggested Adriana nodded and Antonio pulling out a chair helped her to sit I came not only to thank you Adriana began excitedly but
also because I need to share something with someone I hope you'll forgive me for this weakness Antonio was surprised but didn't ask any questions allowing Adriana to continue yesterday you were so generous to pay for my mother whom everyone laughed at thank you for that I must admit her behavior worries me greatly but what's wrong with her Antonio asked cautiously Adriana nervously clasped and then unclasped her hands the thing is in her youth she went through a very severe tragedy at the time she was pregnant with me I don't know exactly what happened but it
somehow related to my grandfather and Aunt mom gave birth to me on time and immediately bonded with me but she couldn't handle the responsibilities of motherhood So my aunt took on most of the responsibility for little me having said that Adriana absently picked up a napkin and started twisting it in her hands seemingly trying to calm her agitation as far back as I can remember my mother was always absent-minded my aunt said that she could half dress me leave me on the changing table and then go into another room standing there by the window gazing
at the clouds that's why my aunt never left me unattended the older my mother got the stranger her behavior became if in my early childhood she would Retreat into herself for a short period by the time I was in school she began to for get so completely that she could leave the house for 2 or 3 hours and then not remember where she had been Antonio gave Adriana a sympathetic look I can imagine how hard it must be for you he said he wanted to take her hand to comfort her but hesitated now that I'm
grown up my mother has completely forgotten who she is now it's as if she relives every day the period of life that preceded the tragedy she's going back to the past where everything was still fine Antonio guessed yes Adriana confirmed trying to smile but failing oh how sad Antonio said softly Adriana nodded and her shoulders shuddered I've gotten used to it and yet she whispered barely audible I understand how difficult this is Antonio repeated perhaps you'd like something to drink I'd like just plain water Adriana admitted Antonio called the waitress and asked her to bring
a glass of water for his guest when the girl left Adriana took a deep breath and continued when my mother was very young she and her father used to dine at this restaurant often she said and my grandfather always paid for them now it all makes sense Antonio said upon hearing this Adriana nodded quickly it's so painful to realize that people mock my mother or Worse think she's rude and Shameless without understanding understand in that her condition is caused by psychological trauma the waitress brought the water and Adriana took a few sips to calm herself
Antonio didn't know what to say or how to help her don't take it too much to heart Antonio said the only thing that came to mind yes of course Adriana replied I just love my mother so much and want to protect her from such unpleasant moments you can't control everything Antonio wisely said you'll only destabilize your own nerves just let the situation go the important thing is that your mother's life and health are not in danger and what others think of her is unimportant Adriana thoughtfully listened to Antonio's words looking him in the eyes perhaps
you're right she said after a short pause I do worry too much about what others think we can never please everyone Antonio philosophically observed and laughing added and there will always always be those who say there's something wrong with us Adriana joined his laughter yes you're right she nodded but I haven't told you the whole story yet Antonio looked at her in Surprise then perhaps we could take a walk along the Waterfront and talk in the fresh air Adriana cheerfully nodded that's a wonderful idea she agreed the girl finished her water and Antonio in the
meantime paid for his breakfast they headed to the exit and moments later found themselves on a shaded Street leading down to the Sea the young people strolled slowly along it so what else did you want to tell me Antonio asked turning to the girl a shadow instantly fell over Adriana's face this part of the story also deeply worries me after the restaurant my mother usually goes to the abandoned old theater Antonio was very surprised again in but why he asked Adriana gave him a quick glance the thing is before I was born my mother was
an actress the theater where she performed belonged to my grandfather and he was the main director that's why after the restaurant it's as if my mother is preparing for an evening performance I see Antonio nodded understandingly at that moment the young people reached the Waterfront where well-dressed couples were strolling and a street musician played the flute the day was hot despite the fluffy clouds that occasionally drifted across the Sun fortunately the curly gracefully Bent Pine trees provided Pleasant shade when she does that I'm very afraid that she might get hurt among the old ruins or
that something else might happen to her Adriana complained then why do you let her go by herself Antonio asked surprised Adriana Shrugged my aunt and I try very hard to keep an eye on her but we don't always succeed sometimes she literally escapes from us coming up with various excuses to slip out of the house once she even sneaked out through a window Antonio couldn't help but smile of course your mother thinks she's 20 years old the sea is up to her knees Adriana couldn't help but smile too that's the thing she confirmed shall we
we walk to the abandoned theater Antonio suggested we could inspect the building and assess its potential danger to your mother and then address the issue with the appropriate Services Adriana's face brightened oh that's a good idea she exclaimed let's go it's not far from here with that the enthusiastic girl started walking a little faster Antonio walked beside her feeling something special he hadn't felt so interested in someone's company in a long time he felt ready to follow Adriana to the ends of the Earth after 10 minutes they reached the far end of the Waterfront and
emerged onto a small round Square surrounded by trees in the center was a non-functioning fountain the paving tiles here were old in many places they were covered with deep cracks from which grass was growing Antonio had never been here before why was this place abandoned it's right in the center of the city he wondered this building still belongs to our family Adriana shivered and confessed my grandfather died a long time ago and after him no one wanted to deal with the theater as you've probably guessed my mother is not herself and my aunt somehow fears
continuing my father's work was your aunt also an actress Antonio asked yes she used to shine on stage but as far as I know she always got only supporting roles with that Adriana lightly kicked a small Stone your mother was the leading actress wasn't she Antonio guessed that's right the girl nodded and there was bitterness in her voice I think my aunt was a little envious of her sister why do you think so Antonio asked I can feel it Adriana answered sadly the young people fell silent for a while Antonio looked at the theater building
with which had once been Majestic and even Monumental now the columns were cracked covered with Ivy and the once bright Stone had darkened with time the building looked sadly at the young people with the empty eye sockets of its windows I think we should get inside and carefully inspect the premises Adriana hesitantly nodded she wasn't very eager to enter the long abandoned theater but she felt protected with Antonio by her side the doctor climbed the partially destroyed stairs and pulled open the old heavy door with a creek it gave way he entered first holding the
door for Adriana in the room that had once been the lobby there was a damp Twilight and silence only broken by the rustling of the wind coming through the window openings Adriana shivered and Antonio wanted to put his arm around her shoulders to comfort her but he restrained himself instead he gently took her hand and led her up the old staircase they reached the second floor and through a large opening enter a spacious Auditorium with a huge stage dust lay thickly on the Crimson velvet seats the stage once illuminated by bright spotlights now was engulfed
in darkness scattered everywhere were remnants of scenery and posters Echoes of long forgotten performances the remains of gilded moldings that once adorned the ceiling evoked sad thoughts of past Grandin now gone cracks in the walls like wrinkles on a face face seen to scream reflect on how you live for time relentlessly Marches On Antonio felt it hard to breathe and Adriana's hand was tense as if it were made of stone the smell of mustiness and dust faintly tinged with the scent of perfume a remnant of long evaporated emotions created a unique but heavy atmosphere I
feel like I might hear the voices of ghostly actors Adriana admitted shuttering for a moment Antonio felt the same way the does your mother come here often Adriana voiced her unspoken question but what does she do here perhaps she goes on stage and recites her roles Antonio suggested Adriana shook her head thoughtfully I don't think she remembers them the girl said then was struck by an idea or maybe she goes to the small room that used to be her dressing room encouraged by her guess Adriana grabbed Antonio's hand and pulled him toward the stage the
steps Creak beneath them but seemed sturdy and safe I don't think there's any danger for her here Adriana said leading Antonio behind the stage let's find her dressing room it should be somewhere around here the young people stepped into the corridor and walked along it peeking into every door finally they noticed a plaque with a name beatric Antonio read aloud that's my mother's name Adriana said and pushed open the door which was not locked inside they found a small table with a large mirror and a heavy frame and a chair whose legs were long covered
with cobwebs through a small window which still had glass slanted sunbeams filtered in it's surprising that the interior items are still here Antonio remarked Adriana silently nodded in response she gently touched the lacquered surface of the table then carefully sat in the chair apparently imagining her young mother sitting here exhaling she grasped the handle of the lawn drawer with both hands and pulled it open inside were Dusty bottles of long evaporated perfume empty powder jars and yellowed posters Adriana examined the draw contents without touching the items when Antonio noticed that something in the far Corner
had caught her attention Adriana leaned slightly and pulled out a bundle of envelopes tied with a faded satin ribbon what's this Antonio asked moving a bit closer apparently old letters Adriana replied carefully brushing dust off the top envelope she scrutinized the yellowed paper trying to make out the letters it says my mother's name she said after a few moments these letters belonged to her Antonio looked at the girl with skepticism do you want to read them he asked I think so Adriana nodded giving him a confident look I understand that it might not be entirely
ethical but I want to uncover my mother's secret I want to understand what happened and why she went mad Antonio nodded in understanding if it's that important you should read them Adriana looked at him with gratitude I don't think we should take them home the girl said after some hesitation I'll open the top one and read it right here if you don't mind I'll wait for you Antonio replied Adriana nodded and carefully untying the ribbon pulled out the top envelope from the stack it was open and she easily retrieved a folded yellowed piece of paper
from it beloved and dearly loved beatric Adriana read aloud and swallowing nervously delved into the reading here's what was written in the letter beloved and dearly loved beatric I know that your father does not want to see us together but I love you more than life it's s and want to be with you yesterday when you played Isabella in the Lilac night I nearly lost my mind from tenderness for you and admiration for your talent I applauded louder than anyone in the hall I noticed that your father turned to me and studied me with a
piercing scrutinizing gaze yes he definitely does not like me and I don't even know why he chose me to play Romeo your stage lover it was after that performance where we played together that I developed the most elevated and at the same time passionate feelings for you yes I honestly admit even then I began to dream that one day you would become my lawful wife and we would build our own home and have two children however all my dreams turned to dust when I told your father everything of course you heard how he yelled at
me yes he was Furious and disgracefully expelled me from his Theater now I write you this letter under the cover of night beloved I swear that I still want to be with you and will never leave you do you want the same if so we can run far far away from here to a place where no one will ever find us there we will start a new life we will join another theater and you will again play leading roles for you are such a brilliant actress if you agree send me a message you're faithful and
devoted Bernardo after reading the letter Adriana quickly relayed its contents to ant IO it seems we've found the key to your mother's mystery the man said a tragic love and separation Adriana nodded thoughtfully but Bernardo didn't give up when my grandfather expelled him from the theater perhaps my mother was simply scared and refused to run away with him Antonio stroked his chin yes that might be the case and then she could have regretted it and gone mad with remorse Adrian said skeptically I find it hard to believe such a thing happens yes you're right it's
more likely she suffered from prolonged depression but not Madness Antonio said Adriana stood up from the chair so there was something more Antonio nodded toward the envelopes in her hand maybe you'll find the answer in the other letters he asked but Adriana shook her head no I already checked and the dates on the other envelopes are older the letter I read was the last one meaning Antonio asked still not fully grasping Adriana's thought she shook her head decisively meaning I need to have a serious talk with my aunt she's my mother's older sister and surely
knows something about this whole situation yes that makes sense Antonio agreed with Adriana she returned the yellowed letters to the drawer and slid it back into the desk Des then she and Antonio left the old dressing room and retraced their steps to the theater exit shall I Walk You Home Antonio offered when they finally reached the street and squinting in the bright sunlight breathed in the fresh Sea Air you've already done so much for me the girl replied gratefully I feel uncomfortable taking up so much of your precious time Antonio smiled at her words not
at all I'm happy to help you he said and I have the day off anyway Adriana looked into his eyes I'm sorry I've been thinking only about myself and my mother's story and didn't even ask what you do I'm such a selfish person Adriana lamented don't be hard on yourself Antonio said in your situation anyone would act the same way they slowly walked back to the restaurant where they had met a couple of hours earlier so what do you do Adrian asked with a sweet smile and how long have you been living in our town
I almost immediately realized you weren't local oh now you're bombarding me with questions Antonio laughed slightly embarrassed but I'm happy to answer them yes I've been living in your lovely town for just 3 months I moved here from the capital I work at a surgical clinic nearby really Adriana exclaimed so you're a doctor yes Antonio confirmed and I really love my job that's wonderful the girl simply responded they continued chatting about various topics and soon arrived at Adriana's home it was a small cottage with an old Garden full of fruit trees this is where we
live Adriana said what a Charming Place Antonio remarked he felt he was reluctant to say goodbye to the girl may I ask for your phone number he asked shilly I'd like to know how your mother's love story with the mysterious Bernardo who adored her so turns out Adriana smiled and nodded of course she said simply they exchanged phone numbers and Adriana went through the gate waving goodbye to Antonio he joyfully waved back feeling very happy the man eagerly awaited the evening to call Adriana he not only wanted to learn the continuation of the story but
also to hear her voice when Adriana finally answered the phone Antonio thought she sounded a bit sleepy sorry if I'm disturbing you he said it's okay the girl quickly replied I just dozed off a bit after all the emotions I went through today sorry again for bothering you Antonio repeated there's no need to apologize Adriana responded and he could hear her smile I needed to wake up anyway and now I want to take a walk along the Waterfront may I join you Antonio offered I'd be very happy to see you again Adriana admitted and to
tell you everything I learned about my mother from my aunt great then I'll come by your house in half an hour the man asked yes that's just enough time for me to get ready Adriana replied exactly half an hour later the young people met again and set off on their second walk to the sea that long day so what did you find out Antonio asked he was delighted to see the girl again and was burning with curiosity eager for her story when I got home Adriana began adjusting her bangs my aunt was there I invited
her for coffee on the veranda and she agreed once we settled in the wicker chairs I started carefully asking her about the past she told me about the place she was in and how much she enjoyed them I learned a lot about my grandfather and his work as a director but my aunt consistently avoided topics related to her sister she didn't want to tell you about your mother Antonio asked no Adriana shook her head then I directly asked my aunt if she knew an actor named Bernardo who once performed in my grandfather's theater and what
did she say Antonio asked with interest Adriana paused for a moment as if catching her breath then continued at first my aunt hesitated it was clear she didn't want to talk about it but then I pressed on and told her I had read his letter addressed to my mother Adriana paused again and Antonio felt she needed his support he took her hand and she looked at him gratefully when my aunt heard this she started crying Adriana said bitterly and she told me the whole truth at that moment they reached a beautiful statue of Two Lovers
surrounded by benches and Antonio suggested sitting on one Adriana nodded with excitement maybe I should get some water the man asked with concern no I'm fine Adriana replied and continued her story my aunt said that when Bernardo wrote that letter she accidentally entered my mother's dressing room and read it fearing that her sister would make a mistake and run away and also feeling in she told everything to my father he was Furious but realized he couldn't Force his younger daughter to stay so he decided to be cunning and made a deal with my aunt to
deceive her sister but how Antonio was astonished oh this is the worst part Adriana exclaimed my aunt told my mother that she had been secretly meeting Bernardo good Heavens Antonio gasped a couple pass by cast curious glances at him and giggled but he paid them no mind he was completely focused on Adriana's words did beatric believe her he asked Adriana nodded sadly yes she believed it and it broke her heart my aunt still can't forgive herself for this and that's when she lost her sanity Antonio asked cautiously Adriana shook her head no that happened later
when my mother found out that Bernardo had died Antonio couldn't believe what he was hearing he couldn't bear that my mother no longer wanted to see him he drank a lot and then he was hit by a car how awful Antonio said they were silent for a moment then the man went over to a street vendor and bought a bottle of mineral water for Adriana she accepted it gratefully and unscrewing the cap took a few sips thank you Antonio you really understand me you're going through a tough time and I can see that the man
replied Adriana gathered her strength and continued at first my mother was angry with her lover but when she learned he had died she was devastated that was when she realized she was pregnant my mother knew she had to live for me but the shock she experienced had already left an indelible mark on her mind my aunt told me that my mother constantly talked to Bernardo as if he were still with her that's how the slow decline of her sanity began what a sad story Antonio said softly Adriana just sighed in response grandfather couldn't forgive himself
for his treachery either she said looking at the distant Horizon he died very early because he was constantly tormented by guilt I'm so sorry the man whispered I'm thinking of visiting his grave and laying white flowers there as a sign that no one holds anything against him may his soul rest in peace Antonio covered Adriana's hand with his if you don't mind I could go with you he said Adriana looked into his eyes thoughtfully then shook her head no I don't mind I would appreciate your company you're such a sensitive listener it's a rarity thank
you Adriana the young people sat silently for a while watching the sun slowly hide behind the edge of the sea painting it in the sky in shades of pink after visiting the cemetery together they continued to meet almost every day they found new topics to talk about but the old story that brought them together forever bonded them creating a strong trusting connection talking with Adriana Antonio no longer felt lonely he felt that the girl was getting the support she needed from him which made him happy each day they grew closer to to each other one
day Antonio suggested going somewhere with Adriana and her mother and the girl gladly agreed of course beatric was a bit distant and quiet but Antonio felt she enjoyed their company he decided to make their outings together a nice tradition gradually the young people became almost like families to each other and Antonio began to think about proposing to Adriana he wanted the moment to be special he spent a long time time visiting jewelry stores in search of a unique ring that would suit his beloved finally in one of the tiny shops he accidentally noticed a ring
with a blue stone resembling a Forget Me Not flower without hesitation he bought it the old Jeweler carefully placed a delicate item in a beautiful velvet box and Antonio thanked him sincerely Antonio decided to propose to Adriana by the Sea at Sunset the next day he invited her for a walk and she had happily agreed they strolled leisurely along the Waterfront when Adriana suddenly noticed a pod of dolphins swimming on the horizon they're so free and happy the girl side how I wish I could go on a Carefree Journey like a dolphin forgetting everything in
the world with me Antonio asked with a smile of course dear Adriano replied without hesitation Antonio hugged her tightly and spun her around then he stopped set Adriana down on the ground knelt and pulled the box with the ring from his pocket my beloved will you be my wife Antonio asked with a pounding heart I promise to take you wherever you want and will gladly fulfill all your heart's desires Adriana couldn't believe her eyes oh Antonio she said feeling tears of happiness streaming down her cheeks of course I will be your wife Antonio placed the
ring on on her finger and rising to his feet hugged and kissed her tightly passers by smiled as they watched and some even took photos a little boy brought Adriana a bouquet of forget me kns and the girl thanked him warmly I will never forget this happy moment she whispered to Antonio you are the best in the world the wedding day was sunny but not hot the sea delighted the eye with all shades of azure and turquoise on the deck of the rented boat stood an arch decorated with white roses and forget me kns Antonio
in an elegant suit waited anxiously for his beloved Adriana who appeared before him in a flowing white wedding dress like a seawave looked stunning family and friends of Antonio and Adriana came to share this happy day with them among them were Antonio's patients and former colleagues from the capital when Adriana approached the altar her eyes Shone with happiness Antonio could not hold back his tears as he looked at his beloved she had become a ray of light that illuminated his life after long years of loneliness the ceremony was simple but touching the priest's words about
love and Fidelity sounded like a gentle Melody of the wind after Antonio and Adriano were declared husband and wife the guests gathered at the festive table which was also decorated with flowers laughter and jokes filled the air Antonio and Adriana gazing into each other's eyes danced the first dance as newly WTS when the man returned to the table one of his friends who was a doctor from the capital quietly approached him I think your wife's mother might have some issues he said Antonio just nodded in response beatric was sitting next to Adriana with a confused
but happy smile on her face I can try to help her Antonio's friend offered Antonio looked at him gratefully thank you my friend I would be very grateful the friend just nodded in reply I still remember how you saved my daughter when she had appendicitis that was the case Antonio said seriously the friends patted each other on the back and raised their glasses of champagne in a toast to the health of everyone present then Antonio looked tenderly at Adriana and whispered softly in her ear you are my happiness Adriana smiled radiantly at in response and
you are mine she whispered I'm so glad we met on this vast Planet Antonio said I'm also happy that you decided to move to my Tiny Town one day Adriana replied affectionately they kissed and the guests began throwing rose petals at them and singing loudly a year later Antonio and Adriana had a son whom they named Mario he was a strong and healthy baby beatric started receiving careful treatment from Antonio's friend and it began to show results Adriana's mother could now recognize her daughter and her son-in-law and understand what was happening around her reality had
returned to her coloring her life with new Hues beatric now found joy in seeing her dearest loved ones around her she Adriana and Mario often walked along the shore and these moments always left them with a quiet sense of Peace the young wife was was very happy with Antonio who always understood her with half a word and doed on their child
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The millionaire decided to test the new ma...
Stories For The Soul
Life Tells
The Perfect Catch 2024 | Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 | Best Hallmark Movies 2024 | New Holiday
The Perfect Catch 2024 | Hallmark Romance ...
AA music Sangeet
KID BULLIED For Being Dumb, Ends Up BEING GENIUS | Dhar Mann Studios
KID BULLIED For Being Dumb, Ends Up BEING ...
Dhar Mann Studios
My ex-husband left me for his mistress. Watch his reaction seeing my current husband 10 years later!
My ex-husband left me for his mistress. Wa...
Revenge Diaries
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